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When I grow up, I want to be an accountant.

Accounting is generally considered the process

of keeping track of business finances (James, 2004). It is concerned with analysing financial
reports. The reason I love accounting is because it offers numerous opportunities for self-
employment. One can simply carry out his or her activities at the comfort of their home.
Hence, accounting can be considered a flexible career as compared to other causes that
require one to be at a particular specific place, for example, teaching. Accounting is also a
demanding career, many companies require the help of an accountant to run their
businesses, hence, creating high chances of being employed. The career is well paying, and
creates an opportunity to progress.
Accounting is can be considered the backbone for any business anywhere, to grow. The
biggest economic contributor in any country is business, hence; there is need to have people
who are good in bookkeeping. Knowledge of accountancy and the skills learnt, enable
individuals who are good in accounting to contribute in the growth of a country’s economy.
To be an accountant, I will have to take an accounting major. Taking an accounting major will
enable me take on the different accounting paths that are there. If I take the accounting
major so many career opportunities will be opened for me, for example, I could study public
accounting and become a public accountant, can also study private industry accounting.
Hence, the importance of accounting cannot be underestimated. It is vital that individuals
have knowledge of accounting for personal benefit. This is because every person needs
accounting in their day to day activities. Hence, being an accounting major gives me an
upper hand, as I already will be equipped, with the accounting skills.

According to the Dictionary of Accounting Terms, Accounting is defined as a one step process of
recording, measuring, interpreting and communicating financial data by preparing financial statements
in order to reflect financial condition and operating performance whereas Double-entry bookkeeping is
the record of transactions that require entries in at least two accounts.

Accounting is a very important term to our modern society. It is the

career for men and women who at the start have their eyes set on top
positions in industry, management, government, and general
business. Accounting is a basic need of every businessman, from the
operator of a filling station to the government of the United States. It's
so important to our society. None of the business organization can
operate without is. They are there-somewhere-in every business. In
small business, people use pen, ink and skill keep the records. In
large business, modern accounting machines are used to operate.
Men and women are directing these machines in the accounting
process. Wise businessmen enter business must have some
accounting knowledge.
Accounting is a vital element of business. It records the way a
business has grown and, after analyzing figures, suggests the way it
should go in the future. Furtunes are gambled on the advice of

If your friend has ever operated a business and you saw him placing
figures in ledgers, then you saw him doing bookkeeping. If you have
worked at a service station or supermarket and have seen books with
large sheets lined in green and red lying on the manager's table or
desk, you saw books of accounting.

Accounting is one of the fastest growing fields in the United States It

expands each time a new store, a factory, a filling station, or a school
goes up, whether in a large city or a small town. In today's society, the
demand for good accountants for exceeds the supply. As our country
has expanded, business and industry have become more and more
complex, so control here is very important. And control depends on a
great deal of the bookkeepers and accountants who can analyze
figues and advise management on what should be done. They are
using more scientific ways changing money, figuring change, and
collecting sales taxes. Moreover, department stores and other
companies now have plants and offices widely scattered throughout
the country. A new set of bookkeepers and accountants, is needed at
each branch. I know there are many managements supervisory, and
junior or senior executive positions are bing filled by people who
started as accountants because accountants have the knowledge of
methods and finance and comprehension of the fundamentals of
business, and acc...
Informative Speech on Accounting
Topics: Accountant, Accountancy, Certified Public
Accountant Pages: 7 (1673 words) Published: October 3,
Informative Speech Outline

Dusti Goertz
COMS 101

Date Due:9/30/2013

Organization:For this speech I will be utilizing the topical


Audience analysis:Provide a description of your

audience (e.g., its demographics like age, gender,
ethnicity, etc. as well as any other information about
them that impacts the way you plan and present the
speech (see the textbook, pp. 618–628).

Topic:In this speech, I am going to describe why

accountants have a bad reputation as being both boring
and dishonest, and also expound on what accountants
actually ‘do’ in our world/why we need them. Finally, I am
going to explain how accounting, as a profession, can be
used for the greater glory of God.

Rhetorical Purpose:To inform my audience about

accounting, as a profession, and how it can be utilized
for the greater glory of God.

Redemptive Purpose:To inform my audience how the

professional vocation of accounting can serve as a
platform for promoting honesty, good stewardship, and
upright actions. something that God values according to
Scripture (Leviticus 19:35-37, Proverbs 24:26,
Deuteronomy 8:17-18, Titus 1:7, Philippians 4:8, Titus 2:7-

I. Attention-getter
A farmer sends his accounting sheepdog, Spot, off to
gather in his 8 sheep.On returning the farmer is
astonished to find he now has 10 animals in his pen and
asks the dog to explain. "Woof! You asked me to round
them up, woof", barks Spot. (The Alternative Accountant,
2013) II. Motive for Listening

Accounting is an extremely misunderstood

profession/vocation which gives an individual a number
of different ways in which to serve both their fellow man,
and God. III. Credibility Statement
The qualifications which give me insight into the world
of accounting and/or accountants is that I am a student
who is actively in school to attain my Bachelor’s degree
in accounting. IV. Purpose or Thesis Statement

The accounting field is often misunderstood by its

critics, the purpose of this speech is to dispel those
misconceptions and illustrate how biblical principles
can be applied to the profession. V. Preview Statement
Through the following speech, I will clarify some of the
misunderstood points of accounting, illustrate what
today’s accountants actually do, and illustrate how
biblical principles can be applied to this profession.

Transition: Now that you know what we are going to be

talking about, let’s take a closer look into the world of

I. Main Point #1. The accounting profession has gained a
bad reputation in several different areas. A. Most of the
adjectives which are used to describe, or mock,
accountants are negative, and insinuate that accounting
is a boring profession. Some of these less than flattering
titles include number cruncher, beancounter, King or
Queen of the Calculator, Double-entry Deviants, and
Penny Processors. B. Contrary to that concept, the
accounting industry is growing. a. According to the
Seattle Times, individuals are flocking to the accounting
profession in considerable numbers. 1. There were more
than 64,000 graduates with bachelor's and master's
degrees in accounting in 2006-07, the largest number of
graduates which has ever been recorded by the
American Instatute of Certified Public Accountants. 2.
This figure is 19% greater than the previously recorded
survey numbers, which covered the 2003-04 school year.
3. The number of future accountants is also blossoming,
more than 203,000 students enrolled in college-level
accounting, which is a 19% increase since 2004. b. What
do actual student have to say?
1. According to a Seattle Times article, “Accounting is
the language of business. A lot of people think it's just
numbers, but it's really a lot more than that. There are a
lot of areas outside of numbers that need to be looked
at, processes and procedures, what the tone of the
company is.” (Burger, 2008) 2. Another student said, “I
always liked math. I always liked taking the...

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