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Harrtl on Volume4,

John Cohen. theCelestialMonochord,

and tlte wholesomeness

John Cohen:l You oncetold me of

your manynewplansf.or Volume4 of.
the Anthology.
r Flarry Smith: The rcal reasonthat
I first met Harry
/ Smith around1960in it didni comeout nasthatI didni have
the f ront entratrceof the Folftlorc sufficicntintcresrin it. I wantedto
Center, lzzy Young'sstore on Mac- makc more of a contentanalysis.I
DougalStreetwhichwasthehubof folk- madephonctictranscriptions of all the
music activity in NYC's Greenwich words in the songs, but those
Vllagc. Thestoreandthesccoecmerging notcbooks got lost. The conrent
aroundit attractedall kindsof inspired analysis rraslike how manytimesthc
word "railroad"was uscdduring thc
charactersf rom across the USA,
Deprcssionand how many times
includinga recentlyarrivedBobDylan.
during thc war. Thc proportionsof
diffcrentwordsthat might havcsomc
I knew Harry's Anthology from 1952, significaat mcaning bcyond thcir
and had purchased eachalbumas it was extcrior. Certain idcas bccamc
I hadworkedwith Moe Asch,the popular,the word "food" was used
headof-Folkwaysfor whom I rccorded incrcasinglyin thc rccord catalogs
with Thc New Lost City Ramblers. during the Deprcssion.I f inally
Harry's collectionhad influencedus analyzcdthe catalogsrathcr than the
greatly.Moe first told me aboutHarry rccords,becausc you cani do anything
with sucha smallsampleasthcrearcin
Smith, the man:that Smith wasa little
Cohen. 33

oddball guy-something o{ a that set.

hunchback-who had amasscd his
JC To mc thc Aniltology rsasmore a
collectionof 78 rpm rccordson the west
than a
statemeotof intcrrclationships
coast, and paid for it with his iob
workingin the tight partsof World War
2 bornbcrs.The man I met at lzzy' HS Well, the problems that wcrc
this description:puzzledby the folk involvedin thoscintcrrelationships
becnsolfcd sincethen, so therc is no
sccneat the storc,annoycd, inaccessible,
particularrcasonto bring thoserecords
fully in chargeof himself,fascinating,
out. They areni as relevant-thereisni
neitherfriendly nor evetrsociable. as great a possibility of them doing
I had loancdmy scratchedcopiesof the
Anthology to the photographerRobert
Frank,who wasmy neighboron Third
Ave. ApparentlyRobertlistenedto it a
Iot. Another neighbortold me that
Robertplayedthe son6"He'sGot Better JC Sfhataboutthe celcstialmonochord
ThingsFor You"inccssantly. image used on the cover of the
In 1962I bumpedinto Harry on Eighth HS Therewereto bc four of them,and
street and introducedhim to Penny four volumesin the series.Red,BIue,
Sceger,who waswith me.Harry askedif Crecnwereissued,so that the element
I hada drink otr me,andwhenI said"no" that wasleft out wasearth.The type of
he excusedhimselfandrolledoveron the thinkingthat I appliedto records,I still
sidewalkand into the gutter. He \tras apply to other things like Seminole
patchwork,or to Ukrainian Easte r
writhing with his legsin the air, and a
34 Cohen.

crowd gatheredaroundhim. Then a

bowery derelict carnealong,pulled a
flask from his belt, and gaveHarry a
drink.Harry thengot up,the fellow left
and the crowddispcrsed. Harry saidhe
JC What was your intendcduse for
had wanteda drink and had scen the (making) correiationsbetweensong
bowcryguy comin6in our direction. titlesandquilt designs?

Then the threeof us wcnt to Harlemto HS Oh, some kind of compulsivc

activitl I doni knowwhatthc sourceof
view Twist Dancingat a club called
it would be. If you interpretthingsby
Small's Paradise.The taxi and club some kind of neo-Freudian
entrancefee had usedup most of my interpretation, it can be said to bc a
money,so we startedlooking for a compulsive act,lilce a devclopmentout
subwaylate at night.Walkiogalongthe of making mud pies, they're a
sidewalk, we werethe only whitepeople developmentof somethingworse, or
around.Harry dived headfirstinto a bettcr, whateverit is. But collecting
rvastebasketandcameout with a stackof records-l reallydoni know.
discardedstudio portrait photographs. ...thcproblemsthat I'd set myself on
He startedto sort theseout on the haveto do with correlatingmusicinto
sidewalkaccordingto size.A small somekind of visual thing, into somc
crowd of peoplegatheredaroundhim, kind of diagram.It wasmuchsimplerto
and he gaveeachof thcm a photograph skip the music entirely and study
from the sidewalk.They walkedoff, diagramsthat had alrcadybeenmade.
satisfied,and we took the subwayback Bcingas my essential interestin music
was the patterningthat occurredin it
downto the Vllage.
(intuitionor tastconly beinga guidcto
dircctionswherethis patterningmight
Cohen. 35

ln 19641wroteanoccasional columnfor occur)it wasiust aswcll to collectsome

the Little Sandy Reuieu.and did one other obiect.I'm surethat ,if you could
about Harry (March-April, No. 29) collectsufficicntpatchworkquiltsfrom
rshich discussedhis high ideals for thc samcpcoplewho madethe rccords,
societyandthe folk musicmovement. I like Unclc Dave Macon's or Sara
wrote, "Every movemcnt has its Carter' could figurc out
capitalizers iust aboutanythingyou can from the
music... like certainthingssoundg6od
and Harry Smith arc not amongthem.
to a pcrsonin music,certainthingslook
Their role hasbeenmore as thc source goodto the cyc.And at somelevelthosc
andwellspringfrom whichotherthings two arcinterconnected.
come. If anything,Harry could be
consideredas the rnystic and genius
behind the traditional folk music
movement, but his interestis neitherin
the movementnor the musicper se.'Do
asthy wilt shallbe the wholeof the law' HS At differentpointsof my lifc I'vc
is more like his motto." I learnedlater taken some kind of drug or othcr.
that Harry had shownmy articleto a Naturally I've taken them for matry
years.The first oneof thosethatbecame
iudgein somelegalsituation, andit had
availablewasPeyote.I first took it on
beenimportantin EettingHarry off the a.
the roadiust outsideSaraCartcr'sauto
hook. Thus,he wasthankfulto me for
court.I wasnisureif the top of my head
this unplannedfavor. wasni goin6 to fly off. Someonehad
boughtthe propertypc of cactusin the
In 1965Harry telephonedme collect-he {loral departmcnt of a dcpartment store
wasin jail in Anadarko,Oklahomaand in SanFrancisco, so we ateit. Anything
wantedme to sendhim money,andraisc that changesthe cousciousness to a
36 Cohen.

more for him. Around that timc, his degrecI think is useful....
notebookandthc tapesfor the proiected
Volume4 cameinto my hands.I really
didni know whatto do with thesetapes.
Thcy hadni becnissucdbecause Harry
either hadni writtcn or had lost the
documentation for them. Someoneat HS There\pasno marketfor Hillbillv
Folkwayshadmadea substitute sclcction recordswhereI wasliving (Anacortes,
of old 78s for Moe Asch to issueas Washington).But there wcre several
Volume 4 of. the Antho[ogy, and I Broupsof peoplelike the CarterFamily
in the hills south of Seattlc....Thev
advisedagainstit because it would not
wereimmigrantsthat camein 1890from
reflect Harry's choice or his visiol. the SouthernMountains.
Harry wasniinterestedin workingon the
notes;he wasinto otherthingsby then. I met Griff Borgeson, the onewho later
found SaraCarter ..., he fust casually
Furthermore,a slew of old hillbilly,
mentioned,"Oh yes,weve beenseeing
bluesandiug bandrecordswerebeingre-
Sara Carter late|y." For a whilc I
issuedthen, and most of the country couldn'tbelieveit....So afterI foundout
music and blues was alreadyavailablc. (whereshclived)I wentthereandstayed
The New Lost City Ramblershaddone a fcw days,a coupleof times.
an album called .Songs from the
JC When would that havebeen,and
Depressionwhich duplicatedmany of
what would you do for a daywith Sara
the social,/topical
cutson Harry'stapes.

Faccdwith the dilemmaof what to do HS Wouldit havebeenin 1945?

with this material,I sought assistance making patchwork quilts, aod I
f rom distant folklorist f riends who photographed
themin color.
Cohen. 37

might identify the sourccsof the JC Why?

rccordings.Harry had 6ivcn me a
notebookof what he hadwrittcn so far. HS You haveto rcalizethat I'd becn
studying anthropology at thc
On the top of cachpagewasthc namcof
Univcrsity of Washingtonso I had an
a song,andthc restof cachof the pagcs
intcrestin that sort of thing. I didni
wasblank.I sentthc tapesand"notes"to know.vhat I wasgoingto do with.them.
cithcr DK Wilgusin Los Angeles,or to They wcre Iikc vcrlr nice abstract
somcothcr fricnd.Over the ycarsI never pattcrns.I tried to gct hcr to nasre
couldrccallwhcretheywent.It turnsout ccrtain dcsigaswhich she thought
a copyof thcm hadgoneto |on Pankahe rcsembledccrtain songs.Shc didni
of the Little SondyReuiew. andhc sent undcrstand me or what I wastrying to
them on to RaniSingh,the directorof say.It waslike somekind of a Rorschach
the Harry Smith Archives.Shc brought response-likcthing.She'dsay,"Wcll that
oneis callcdField of Diamonds, I gucss
the proiectto Revenant.
that'slikc "Diamonds In Thc Rough"(a
wcll-known Carter Family song). I
Althoughmanyof us who wereinvolved alwaystook 5 by 7 pictures.
in folk music wcrc influenccdby the
Anthology, thcre was Iittlc concern
aboutHarry Smith himself.The carly
word wasthat his namewasa pscudonym
to disguisea discographer or a famous
folklorist. I hadalwaysbeenintrigucdby HS I'vc beenintcrcstedin other things
the visualgraphicsthat accompanied the that give a heightenedcxpcricncein
Anthology,espccially its moderncollage rclation to the cnvironmcnt.Some
quality. Now onc thing must bc said peoplcarc naturelovers,somebecome
cxportbankcrs,howcvcr,I prcsumethat
about the folk music world: there was
38 Cohen.

andis almostno concernor appreciation all theseare methodsto communicate

for modernor abstract art there.It always accordingto the cultural background
has botheredme, becausc personally,I thcy have.So I arnintcrestedin gctting
havcalwaysbecndeeplyinvolvedin those seriesof obfectsof differcntsorts.It's a
ideaso{ art.I alsorealized thatamongthe convenient wayof finding information,
ntal for whateverusc.It docsseemapparent
abstract artists and experime
sinceI startcdcollectingrecords,that
filmmakcrs,thcrewasvcry little interest
thereare definitecorrelations between
in folk music.They seemed to seeit as different artistic cxpressionsin onc
lowcr class.But in Harry,I sawsomeone particular social situation, like a
who bridgedthoseboundaries. So in the consistcocyin using small Iines in
hopc of somc reconciliationwithin Australianaboriginal art,andthe music
myself, in Dec. 1968, on rny own is the samethin6, short words. My
initiative,I interviewed Harry Smith in rcccntinteresthasbeenmuch more in
his roomat the Chelsea Hotel. Iinguisticsthan it has beenin music,
becauseit's somethingthat can be
satisfactorily transcribcd,whereas I
The interviewwasprintedin Sing Out
haveni seensatisfactorytranscriptions
Magozine,and twcnty-five years later
o{ music.
providedthc f actualbasis for Robert
Cantwell'schapteron Harry Smith in The meansof measuring folk musicare
WhenWe WereGood: TheFolk Reuiuol inadequate... by thetimethatphonemics
(1996).Greil Marcusalsoquotedheavily had beendeveloped to the point that it
would be possiblcto transcribcfolk
from thc interviewin his book Inuisible
songs,there was no money-making
Republic(1997). Bill lvey-thenthehead
reasonto do it ....
of thc CountryMusicFoundation (now
the headof the NEA) andthe manwho
Cohen. 39

recommende d Harry for a Iifetime

Grammyaward-toldme that cverything
he knew aboutHarry Smith had come
from this same intcrview.Although JC To my mind the Anthology
there had been various printcd anticipatedthe popularRock n Roll
conversations with Harry, they were which followed.Many rock musicians
largelyabouthis work in experimental arc return-ing
to thosesounds.To mc,
films. The ChelscaHotel intervicwwas
the Anthology.
the only onehe did that focusedon thc
musicof the Anthology. H5 That's what I was trying to do,
because I thoughtthat is whatthis type
Shortly after Harry died,a groupof us of folk musicwouldleadto.l fclt social
changes foutrd resultfrom it. I'd been
cametogetherat the ChelseaHotel to
talk abouta memorialand what to do
on you havcto be
with his collectionsandproiects.There carcful about changingthe music
was emphasison his f ilms, on his bccause it might upset6r destroythe
mysticism,Tibetanculture,but littlc on government. Everybodygctsout of step,
his musicology.RaymondFoyc was you are Dot to arbitrarily changeit
there, so was AIIen Ginsberg,and a because you mayundermine the Empire
womanwho claimedto be Harry'swifc. StatcBuildingwithoutknowingit.
Eachpersonhadtheir orsnagenda about
what wasimportantaboutHarry. I was
the voicethat broughtattentionto his
music and the importanceof Harry's
Anthology of AmericanFolk Music.

The restis history.

40 Cohen.


I onceaskedHarry abouthis selcctionof

BascomLunsfordandBuellKazeeon the JC You havesaidthat populartrends
Anthology.ln a way,they wcreneither areimmcdiatelysatisfying.
popular singcrsnor dircctly from the
HS Aoy kind of popular trend is
music traditions-Lunsford being d infinitely more wholesome rhan
Iawyer and Kazee a ministcr with a listcningto old recordsand trying to
traincdvoice.Harry saidhe chosethem institute changes.It's more important
for their individualisticaspects.
From that pcoplc know that somc kind of
that I could see he might be more pleasure canbe dcrivedfrom thingsthat
intercstedin individualecccntricities arearoundthem-ratherthantb catalog
thana notionof "authenticitv." morcstuff-you cando that forcvcr:and
if peoplearcni goingto havea rcasonto
changc, they'rcncvcrgoingto change....
In Volume 4 therc was to be a clear
distinctionbetweenthc "goldcnage"of I doni think peopleshouldspcndtoo
recordings, which endcd with the much timc fiddling with old records-
economic crash, whcn thc bottom it's bctterto switchon the radio.
droppedout of thc rccordbusiness, and
the musicthat camcaftcr.'Whereas
in the
1920sthere wcrc many recordingsof
fiddlc stringbands,
theseccascdwith the
crash.Thc'30ssawthegrowthof brother
duets(Monroc Bros.,BIuc Sky Boys,
etc.) and snnall f.amily groups. The
practical cconomics of survival shaped
Cohen. 4r
thc direction of music, and encouraged
thc morc packageablcaspcctsof the
cmcrgingcountry music business.
HS ...The Anthology was not an
Lookingbackat Volume4 f.romtoday's attemptto getall the bcsrrecords(there
vantatcpoint, you canscethe senseof atc othcr collectionswhcrc cverything
prophcsyio it; for instance,
the inclusion is supposed to bc bcautiful).but a lot of
thcseweic sclectcdbccauscthcy wcrc
of Robcrtfohnsonwasmadclong bcfore
odd-an importantversionof thc sotrg,
othcr blues rc-relcases, the Rolling
or onewhichcamcfrom somcparticular
Stoacsor Eric Clapton. placc.For cxamplc,thcrc .*.i. things
from Tcxasincludedthat wercni very
WhcnI visitcdhim at thc Chelsca.Harry good.Thcrc wasa Child ballad,"Henry
usuallytried to gct me stonedandthen Lcc" [Child 68]. It's not a good ,..orj,
lay somepowcrful trip on rne. During but it wasthe lowesr-numbcrcd Child
oncof thosecventsheplayedme a record ballad.Therc \sereother thingsput in
which hc told mc waswhaf my mother simplybecause thcy veregoodp.ifot^-
anccs, Iike "BrilliancyMedley"occursto
hadlistcncdto whenshewasa girl. He
rne. You couldn'tj.r . ,cir.scnt.tiue
wasright, andthoughI can'tthink of the
cross-scction of musicinto sucha small
singcr'sname,I couldhearmy immigrant
numbcrof rccords[six LPs]. Instcad,
mother'svocal aspirations to art rnusic they wcresclccted to beonesthat would
comingthrough.At thc sarnesessionI bepopularamongmusicologists, or pos-
rccall Harryi crowdcd,messyroorn, sibly with pcoplcwho would wanr to
with thc bird cagcopen,thc parakcets singthemandmaybcvould improvethe
shittingoa thc mirror, and micc eating version.They wercbasicallypickedout
thc food in thc bird cagc.Harry playcd from an cpistemological, musicological
soorcdcvastating tapeshe had madeof selectionof reasons.

42 Cohen.

Phil Ochs, very drunk and nearly

ring about his rcsentme
blubbe nt of
It waspainfulto Iistento. HS 2...Boy,whata-a lot of the grcatest
things wcre not issued.See, what
Then we took a taxi uptown,for Harry happened to thc fourth volume,finally,
wassupposed to buy someethnomusical wasthat Mr. Asch-l'd hadanargument
with Miss Distler. She wanted to
recordingfor a wealthy"patron"
of his.I
includea particularsongthat'scalled-
wonderedwhat little obscurestorewe
sinceRoosevelt hadbecnelected-ldoni
wereheadingto. It turnedout to be the know [singing],"Wc'vegot FranklinD.
backof oneof the biggestrecordstores Roosevelt backagain."I think it's by the
in the middleof TimesSquarewhereall DelmoreBrothersor-it wasnot a good
the recordingsfrom UNESCO were performance,as as that set was
availablc. conce rned. Thc f irst criterion was
excellenceof performance, combined
John Cohen with excellenceof words. Now, the
fourth volume,for example,had "No
Depressionin Heaven."by the Carter
Family, which is not only bcautifully
sungbut hasexcellcntwords.I didni
likc [thc DelmoreBrothers]rccord,and
so they dqcidednot to issuethc album,
because it wasthe, you knoq whatever
it's called, thc immovable obiect
meetingthe irrcsistiblcforcc.

I Intcrviewconductedby fohn Cohcnat the

ChclscaHotcl. NYC. 1968.
2 Intcrvicwconductcdby Gary Kcnton at thc
BreslinHotcl, NYC. 1983.

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