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September 11, 2017


I. Objective/s:
1. Express appreciation for sensory images used by presenting assigned tasks
appealing to the senses.(EN10LT-IIc- 2.2.1)

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Literature- CANTO III (The Vestibule of Hell/ The Opportunists)
B. Materials: Curriculum Guide
Teacher’s Guide pp. 123-4
Learner’s Module pp. 123- 9
III. Learning Strategies:
A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review (Chain Review)
2. Motivation:
Have you ever been to a house of horrors? Or have you seen a horror movie? What
are the things that frightened you?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Unlocking of Difficulties
Your Text, Task 5 THINK THROUGH (LM, p.123)
2. Reading of the Text (Oral Reading)
C. Discussion (DRTA)
Thinking about the Text p. 129
IV. Generalization:
How important is hope in solving conflicts?
V. Application:
The class will be grouped into four and do the following:
Group 1 (Eye Group)- Make a poster of what hell looks like based on the text.
Group 2- (Ear Group) – Record sounds of hell based on the details from the text or
use your voice and other materials available in producing the sounds.
Group 3(Hand Group) - Show an interpretative dance to reflect the movements of
tormented souls.
Group 4 (Lip Group) – Present a rap about doing good to avoid being in hell (based
on the text).

VI. Evaluation:
Describe everything that you can recall from the narration. Use words appealing to
5- The explanation is substantial and has no grammatical errors
3- The explanation is substantial and has a maximum of 5 grammatical errors
1- The explanation is substantial and has a minimum of 5 grammatical errors
VII. Assignment:
In “Canto III” of “Inferno” by Dante, Charon tells the souls to “Bury here and forever
all hope of Paradise.”
Is hope necessary in resolving conflicts?
Explain your answer.

September 11, 2017 (Monday)- The plan was not delivered because the students
have a DTI seminar to attend to.
September 12, 2017 (Tuesday)- Classes were suspended due to typhoon. Plan was
not delivered.
September 13, 2017 (Wednesday)- Holiday (MARINDUQUE DAY)
September 14, 2017 (Thursday) – The plan would be delivered.

Prepared by:

September 15, 2017

I. Objective/s:
Assess the effectiveness of the ideas presented in the material viewed, taking
into account its purpose through writing a reflection on the video watched. (EN10VC-

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Literature- Viewing (Dante’s Inferno Story line)
B. Materials: Curriculum Guide
Storyline Video of Dante’s Inferno

III. Learning Strategies:

A. Preliminary Activities:
1. Review (Chain Review)
2. Motivation:
How do you think the journey of Dante to hell began?
B. Lesson Proper
1. Viewing (Dante’s Inferno)
C. Discussion (DRTA)
1. How did the story begin?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. What was the reason of Beatrice’s death?
4. Why do you think the experience happened to Dante and
not with somebody else?
IV. Generalization:
What insights have you gotten from the video?

V. Evaluation: (Viewing)
Watch Dante’s Inferno Storyline and make a reflection from it.
5-The explanation is substantial and has no grammatical errors
3-The explanation is substantial and has a maximum of 5 grammatical errors
1-The explanation is substantial and has a minimum of 5 grammatical errors

VI. Assignment:
What values have you gotten from Dante’s narration of hell? How are you going to
apply them in your life?

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