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1. Introduction of Computers

2. Identification of the peripherals of a


3. Assembling and Disassemble the

components of a Personal Computer

4. Installation of windows on a Personal


5. Hardware Trouble Shooting

6. Software Trouble Shooting


TASK 1 : Introduction of Computers

AIM : To identify the computer in detail

Computer :
Computer is an electronic device that has the ability to store, retrieve, and process
data, and can be programmed with instructions. A computer is a machine that process data
according to a set of instructions that are stored either temporarily or permanently.

Applications Of Computers :

The applications of Computers are :

 Education
 Banking
 Multimedia
 Transport
 Industries
 Communications
 Space Technology
 Medical &Research
 Science & Engineering

Block Diagram Of A Computer :


Control Unit

Input Unit ALU Output Unit

Primary Memory

Secondary Memory

A Computer is mainly divided into three major components namely

1. Input Device/ Unit
2. CPU
3. Output Device/ Unit
1. Input Device/ Unit:
An input device is used to interact with, or provide data to the computer. The input
device plays a major role in giving the data and process to the CPU. The input devices converts
the general data into machine understandable format.
Examples : Mouse, Keyboard, Joysticks, Touch screens, Web cams, Microphones,
Scanner etc…

2. CPU :
CPU stands for “Central Processing Unit”. It is also called as Processor or
Microprocessor. It is the most important component of the computer. It is the brain of the
computer, where the entire process is carried on. In this unit the data is transferred into three
main units. They are

a .Control Unit (CU)

b. Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU)
c. Memory Unit (MU)

a. Control Unit :
The control unit controls the operations of all parts of the computer by sending
electronic signals. It receives the instructions one by one from the program which is stored
in the memory. The control unit controls the flow of data in other parts of the computer
such as input device, output device and secondary memory device.

b. Arithmetic Logical Unit :

The Arithmetical Logical Unit is called as ALU. The function of this unit is to
help in processing data by performing arithmetic and logical operations. The arithmetic
and logical operations are +, -, >, <, /, etc.

c. Memory Unit :
The memory unit stores the program instructions as well as input device, output
device, intermediate data temporarily. This is also referred as primary storage, main
memory or internal memory. The internal memory is divided into two types.

1. Primary Storage Memory :

Memory is a temporary storage where the processor can access program code
or instructions. Before switching off the computer data should be saved to permanent
storage device for future use. The primary storage memory is divided into two types.

i. RAM:
RAM stands for “ Random Access Memory “ . It usually refers to
temporary memory. Once the system is switched off the total information
in the RAM is lost. Hence RAM is known as volatile memory. RAM is divided
into two types.

 DRAM :
DRAM stands for “Dynamic Random Access Memory”. It is also
refereed to as RAM. DRAM is called dynamic because it must be constantly
refreshed for every two minutes or it will lose the data. DRAM’s are cheap
and consume less power. Large capacity of memory is needed.
 SRAM :
SRAM stands for “Static Random Access Memory”. It is four times
faster than DRAM. SRAM retains data bits in its memory as long as power is
being supplied. SRAM does not have to be periodically refreshed. SRAM
provides faster access to data and is more expensive than DRAM.

ii. ROM:
ROM stands for “Read Only Memory”. ROM is a non-volatile
memory. The information stored in ROM will not be lost even when the
power is turned off. We cannot modify or erase information in ROM.
The user cannot write into ROM, its contents are written into at the time of
manufacturing. It has less storage capacity. ROM is classified into three types.

 P-ROM :
P-ROM stands for “Programmable Read-Only Memory”. It is a non-
volatile memory. In this we can record new information. But it cannot erase
the data, which is already recorded.

 EP-ROM :
EP-ROM stands for “Erasable Programmable Read-Only
Memory”. In this memory it is useful in writing new contents as well as
erasing the previous contents, erasing of data is done

EEP-ROM stands for “Electrically Erasable Programmable
Read-Only Memory”. This memory works similar to EP-ROM. Here the
data is erased with the help of electric pulses or signals.

3. Output Device/ Unit :

An Output device receive information from the CPU and present it to the user in
the desired form. The input device is communication between the user and the Computer, Output
device is communication between the computer and user.

Examples : Monitor, Compact Disk, Printer, Speakers, Floppy Disk, Headphones,



According to continuous development in electronic technology, computers were

subjected to different modifications in various phases of its development from the beginning to
modern times. The different computers in each phase is termed in a separate generation. There are
five generations in the development of computers.

a) FIRST GENERATION (1946 – 1954) :

First generation computers were based on vacuum tubes, which are bulky in size and
generated a certain amount of heat.

ENIAC (1946) – Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
EDSAC (1949) – Electronic Data Storage Automatic Calculator
UNIVAC ( 1951) – Universal Automatic Computer


1. Use of vacuum tubes

2. Big & Clumsy
3. High Electricity Consumption
4. Programming in Mechanical Language
5. Larger AC were needed
6. Lot of electricity failure occurred

b) SECOND GENERATION (1955 – 1964):

Second generation computers are developed using transistors, which are smaller in
size and more reliable than vacuum tubes. They are faster and require less power and occupies
high memory space.


IBM (1620)


1. Transistors were used

2. Core Memory was developed
3. Faster than First Generation computers
4. First Operating System was developed
5. Programming was in Machine Language & Assembly Language
6. Magnetic tapes & discs were used
7. Computers became smaller in size than the First Generation Computers
8. Computers consumed less heat & consumed less electricity
c) THIRD GENERATION (1965 – 1974):
Third generation computers use integrated circuits. An IC consists of more than 100
transistors. Magnetic disks came into use to store the data and programs.


IBM (320)


1. Integrated circuits was developed

2. Power consumption was low
3. SSI & MSI Technology was used
4. High Level Languages were used


Fourth generation computers are microprocessors based computers, using large scale
integration (LSI) and very large scale integration (VLSI) technologies.


Micro Computers


1. LSI & VLSI Technology was used

2. Development of Portable Computers
3. RAID Technology of data storage
4. Used in virtual reality, multimedia, simulation
5. Computers started in use for Data Communication
6. Different types of memories with very high accessing speed & storage capacity

Fifth generation computers are artificial intelligence(AI) based computers.




1. Used in parallel processing

2. Used in super conductors
3. Used in speech recognition
4. Used in intelligent robots
5. Used in artificial intelligence

Computers are categorized depending on their design, speed and its capabilities.
They are personal computers, work station, mini computers, main frame computers and super
computers and adding the fifth generation computer is Laptop.

1. Personal Computer (PC) :

A personal computer is a small single user computer based on a micro processor. In
addition to micro processor, a personal computer has a keyboard for entering data, a monitor for
displaying information or a data and a storage device for saving the data. Personal computer is
an 8-bit or 16-bit machines.

2. Work Station:
A work station is a single user computer and it looks like a personal computer but it
has more powerful micro processor and high quality monitor. Most work stations contain special
purpose graphics, hardware. These are used for the purpose of animations, software development
and computer-aided design .Work stations has 16-bit machines.

3. Mini Computers:
A Mini computer is a multi user computer capable of supporting from 10 to 100 of
users simultaneously. In 1970’s almost mini computers were 16-bit machines with the
advancement in technology of the speed, memory size and other characteristics developed at the
mini computers. Mini computers are 32-bit machines .These machines are called super mini

4. Main Frame Computers:

Main Frame computers are very large storage capacity and high speed processing
rate. These computers are powerful multi user computers capable of supporting many hundreds or
thousands of users at a time. These computers are used to 32-bit machines. These are used in big
organizations to manage high volume applications. Main Frame computers are also used as central
host computers in distributing systems.

5.Super Computers:
Super Computers are extremely fast computers and it can perform hundred millions
of instructions per second. These are fastest machines in terms of processing speed and using
multi processing techniques, vary number of processors which are used to solve the problem.
These are mainly used for weather forecasting, image processing, bio-medical applications, space
technology. These machines are used for 64-bit machines.

A laptop is a portable computer and it is like a PC, that we can carry easy from one
place to another place. A laptop computer has inbuilt rechargeable battery, which provides enough
power supply for the computer.


TASK 2 : Identify the peripherals of a personal computer.

AIM : To identify the peripherals of a computer.

1. Monitor :
The monitor of a PC works like television screen, it displays text characters and graphics
in colors. The monitor is also known as screen, a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). Images which
produce on PC depends on the screen. An image is made up of tiny dots called as pixels. The
results on the screen are showed only temporarily and are not permanent unless they are saved
permanently on some storage device.

2. Keyboard :

The keyboard is an input device or type-writer device which contains keys to feed
information into the computer. In general keyboards are of two types.

i. Standard keyboard contains 83-84 keys.

ii. Enhanced keyboard contains 104 or more.

Every keyboard contains following keys are

1. Type Writer keys 8. Tab key

2. Function keys 9. Enter key
3. Space key 10. Caps Lock key
4. Home and end key 11. Shift key
5. Delete and Backspace key 12. Control and Alt keys
6. Page up and Page Down key 13. Escape key
7. Numeric keys 14. Cursor control keys

3. Mouse :

Mouse is an input device and allows us to control the system without typing
instructions from the keyboard. A mouse has a rubber ball embedded on its lower inside. This ball
actually controls the movement of the pointer on computer screen. Every mouse has one primary
button and one secondary button. The primary button is used to carry most of the process.
Secondary button is used for special cases.

Generally mouse are of three types.

i. Three Button Mouse
ii. Scroll Mouse
iii. Cordless Mouse

4. Scanner :
A Scanner is an input device and it can transfer typed or hand written text, graphs,
diagrams and photographs to the computer. To get required data, instead of making duplicate
copy on the paper we can use scanner. It is mainly used for storing important documents,
photographs in their original format.
5. Printer :
A printer is an output device that prints images(numbers, alphabets, graphs) on the
paper. After creating a document on the computer we can send it to printer for printing its copy,
which is called a printout. We can take the print out either in color or Black & white. Generally
printers are of three types.

i. Dot Matrix Printer :

This type of printer makes use of pins. The pins strike on ink ribbon and a
dot appears on the paper. The combination of dots form a character. It can print 1
to 12 pages in one minute.

ii. Ink Jet Printer :

This type of printer sprays ink on a sheet of paper. This printer produces high
quality text and graphics. An inkjet printers can print 4 to 12 pages in one minute.

iii Laser Printer :

This type of printer uses fine powder ink called toner. This printer use same
technology as photocopy missions. They produce high quality text and graphics.

6. Speaker :
Speakers make the system much more reliable to use and entertain while you are
working on computer. Speakers enable us to take advantage of sound in many sites on the
internet and the multimedia.
System Unit :
The System Unit is the most important part of a PC. It is also called as brain of the
computer. The System Unit controls and executes all the operations performed by the PC. The
System Unit is divided in three ways:

1. Front Side of the System Unit

2. Back Side of the System Unit
3. Inside the System Unit

1. Front Side of the System Unit :

In this unit various components are seen in the front part of a System Unit
and their functions are

• Power switch: The power on/off switch is used to turn on or off the power to the

• Reset button: This button helps to restart your computer without disconnecting
the power supply.

• Lights: The front panel of the system unit may display a variety of coloured
indicator lights. These lights are used to indicate whether the hard disk, the floppy
disk or CD-ROM is being read or written.

• Floppy disk drive: It is used to read the information stored in floppy disks (also
called a diskette). The System Unit contains a slit in which the floppy disk can be
inserted. Floppy disk drive is a component that enables us to read information
on floppy disk, a motor to spin the disk, and a recording/reading device that moves
across the disk to read or write data.

• CD-ROM Drive: CD-ROM drive is a device that reads the information stored on
CD. A CD-ROM is an abbreviated term for Compact Disk-Read Only Memory.
The information stored in a CD-ROM can neither be changed nor new information
Can be added to it. So, it is called Read only Memory. A number followed by the
alphabet 'x' indicates the speed of a CD¬ROM drive. Here x means 150 KB of data
can be transferred from CD to computer's memory. The 56X CD-ROM is currently
the most popular drive specification. The CD¬ROM disk is flat and circular in shape
and can store a lot more information as compared to a floppy disk.

• CD-Writer: A CD-Writer has three actions, they are

i. Recording
ii Rewriting
iii Reading The speed of the drive is 12x2x24.

2. Back Side of the System Unit :

The plugs on the backside of the System Unit are known as connectors.
They are keyboard, monitor, mouse, printer etc are linked to the System Unit through
the cables.

• Keyboard Connector:
The keyboard of our computer has round shape connectors and has 8 pins.
The male Keyboard Connector appears at the edge of the keyboard and the female
connector appears at the backside of the System Unit.

• Mouse Connector:
The mouse of our computer has small round shape connectors and has 9
pins. The male connector appears at the edge of the mouse and the female
connector appears at the backside of the System Unit.

• Monitor Connector:
The monitor of our computer has D-shape connectors and has 15 pins.
The male connector appears at the edge of the monitor and the female connector
appears at the backside of the System Unit.

• Printer:
The printer of our computer has D-shape connectors and has 25 pins.
The male connector appears at the edge of the printer cord and the female connector
appears at the backside of the System Unit.

• Modem Connector:
The modem connectors are quite different from other connectors. The male
modem connector does not have any pins. Instead of male modem connector they
has thick transparent plastic head in a rectangular shape.
• Networking Connector/ Ethernet :
These connectors are used for two or more computers. They need to be
linked with each other over a computer network, like local area network. The shape
of male Ethernet connector is quite similar to male modem connector except flat.

• USB (Universal Serial Bus) Port :

A USB port is used for connecting any device with a USB connection. .

3. Inside of the System Unit :

Inside of the System Unit we have many features.

• CPU (or) Processor Unit :

The processor is also known as CPU(Central Processing Unit) is the brain
of a computer. The faster the processor, the faster it will execute instructions and
run the programs. The reason CPU is called a processor because it can work with
data. It has two important jobs. It can do calculations and it can move data.

Intel Core2Extreme processor with 2.88GHZ

The leading Processor manufactures are Intel and AMD. Whichever the
Manufacturer may be , we have to make sure that we purchase a compatible
Motherboard. Now a days Intel & AMD have stopped GHz race and concentrated
on how many cores they can fit in each CPU. So, having a 3 GHz core CPU is not
better than having 2.4GHx Dual core CPU. Now a days CPU is judged on how
many cores it has. The more cores it has the better it is.

• RAM :
RAM stands for ‘Random Access Memory’. The capacity of RAM is
measured in Mega Bytes (MB). The memory is read-write, and volatile. Two main
types of RAM are the Dynamic RAM and the Static RAM. A computer stores
the data in units called bits and bytes. The measured units are

8 bits – 1 byte
1024 bytes – 1 kilo byte
1024 kilo bytes – 1 Mega byte
1024 Mega bytes– 1 Giga Byte
• ROM :
ROM stands for ‘Read Only Memory’. This type of memory is permanent and
cannot be changed. ROM stores instructions to initialize all computer parts while
booting (i.e. each time when you switch on you computer). ROM is non-volatile.
PROM stands for ‘Programmable ROM’. EPROM stands for ‘Eraseable
Programmable ROM’. Its contents are erased by exposing it to ultra- voilet light.
EEPROM stands ‘Electrical Eraseable Programmable ROM’. Its contents can be
erased by applying a specific voltage to one of its input pins while providing the
appropriate timing signals.

• BIOS :
BIOS stands for ‘Basic Input Output System’. It is a built in software, which
keeps track of all devices attached to computer and provide inter communication
channel between the listed devices. BIOS is typically placed in ROM chip that
comes with computer often called as ROM BIOS.

• BUS :
A bus cable is a collection of wire through which the data is transmitted
from one part of a computer to another. All the bus cables consists of two parts.
They are
i Data Bus
ii Address Bus
The data bus transfers actual data where as the address bus transfer the
Information where the data should go and the size of the bus is depending on the
width of the bus cable.
Example : A 16 bit bus can transmit 16 bits of data.

• Hard Disk :
Hard disk drive stores all the data including operating system, applications,
user files and documents. The hard disk memory is permanent so that the programs
and data are not lost when a computer is turned off.

There are three types of HDD, which are IDE/ATA, SCSI, SATA (Serial
ATA). Majority of home PCs are equipped with IDE Hard drives. SCSI hard drives
are mostly included in servers and powerful workstations as they offer better data
transfer rate which results in better performance than IDE drives. Modern SATA
drives are not far behind SCSI drives in terms of performance with the introduction
of SATA 300 drives.

MODEM is technically called as modulator demodulator. It is an electronic
device, which helps to transmit programs and data locally or around the world
through the telephone line. The main function of modem is to transfer digital
signals into analog signals and vice versa. A modem may be a card mounted inside
the PC (an internal modem), or it may be a separate piece of equipment that connects
to the serial port of the PC via a cable (an external modem). Telephone lines then
connect the modem to the telephone service.

• SMPS :
The power supply unit is a metal box found in a corner of the System Unit.
This box is known a SMPS. SMPS stands for ‘Switch Mode Power Supply’. It can
supply power to all components of the computer. The power supply is referred as
switching power supply. Switch technology is used to convert AC current into DC
current. Once the current is converted to DC the power supply unit sends required
voltage or watts to different components of the computer. The measurement unit
of voltage is watts.
• Mother Board:
Motherboard is a Printed Circuit Board(PCB) that connects the processor,
memory and all our expansion cards together to assemble a PC. Most motherboards
made now a days are ATX. ATX means Advanced Technology Extended. An ATX
motherboard has the standard I/O connectors such as PS/2 ports, USB ports, parallel
port, serial port , etc, built onto the motherboard. An ATX motherboard fits into
standard ATX case.
The shape and layout of a motherboard is called the form factor. The form
Factor affects where the individual components go and shape of the computer case.

1. Socket 478 :
The Socket 478 is connected CPU to motherboard. It has CPU heat sink
and fan retention module. In this socket the locking lever is used in locking the
CPU and it contains 478 pins. Socket 478 is used for Intel’s Pentium 4 and
Celeron series CPUs.

2. North Bridge :
The North Bridge chip resides near the top of the motherboard, next to CPU
socket and serves as a four-way intersection connecting to CPU, memory, video
card (AGP) bus, and its partner the south bridge chip.

3. South Bridge :
The South Bridge chip resides at the bottom of the motherboard, and
allows plugged-in devices such as network cards or modems to communicate
with the CPU and memory. The south bridge handles most of a motherboards
“value-added” features such as IDE controller, USB controller, Ethernet.

4. CMOS :
The CMOS stands for Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor. This
Technology is used for constructing integrated circuits. CMOS technology is used
in microprocessors, microcontrollers, static RAM, and other digital logic circuits.
CMOS technology is also used for a wide variety of analog circuits such as image
sensors, data converters, and highly integrated transceivers for many types of
communication. It keeps the system running even when the systems power is off.
5. AGP :
AGP stands for Accelerated Graphics Port. It is a high-speed point-to-
point channel for attaching a video card to a computer's motherboard, primarily to
assist in the acceleration of 3D computer graphics. It is used as dedicated port for
video cards.

6. PCI :
PCI stands for Peripheral Component Interconnect. These are used as
connections for video, sound and video capture cards, as well as network cards.

7. CNR :
CNR stands for Communications and Network Riser. It is the interface
on a computer motherboard for interfacing a communication device or peripheral.

8. BIOS :
BIOS stands for Basic Input/Output System. This chip controls the most
basic functions of the computer and performs a self-test every time when we turn
it on..

9. ATX Power Connector :

The ATX Power Connector is the main power supply connector located
along the edge of the motherboard.

10. Floppy Drive Connector :

Floppy Drive Connector is located besides the ATX Power Connector. This
connector is used to connect the data cable from motherboard to Floppy Disk

11. IDE :
IDE stands for Integrated Drive Electronics. It is a standard electronic
ated Drive Electronics)able from motherboard to Floppy Disk Drive interface used
between a computer motherboard’s data paths or bus and the
as hard disk drive, CD-ROM drive.

12. RAM slots : There are two types of RAM slots.

i. SD-RAM slot : SD-RAM stands for Synchronous Dynamic Random
Access Memory. It has two fixing notches.

ii. DDR-RAM slot : DDR-RAM stands for Double Data Rate Random
Access Memory. It has only one fixing notch.

13. Backside of the System Unit port :

These ports are used as an interface between the system and external part
of the system Unit.


TASK 3 : To perform disassemble and assemble the components of a personal computer.

AIM : To disassemble and assemble the computer system.

Steps for Assembling :

 Installing the Motherboard

 Installing the processor

 Installing the heat sink

 Installing the power supply

 Installing the video card

 Installing the hard disk

 Installing optical drive

 Connecting power to motherboard

 Connections of the output channel

Getting the Cabinet ready :

 Check how to open the cabinet and determine where to fix the components.
 Determine if the case has appropriate risers installed.

Steps for Assembling :

 Motherboard
 Heat Sink / Cooler / Fan
 Ribbon cables
 CD-ROM Drive
 Network adapter drive
 Floppy disk drive
 Hard disk
 Screws

Installing the Mother board :

 Open the side doors of the cabinet

 Lay the cabinet on its side
 Put the motherboard in place
 Drive in all the required screws
Installing the Processor :

 Lift the CPU lever on the motherboard

 Place the CPU properly on the motherboard
 Pull down the lever to secure the CPU in place

Warning : Do not try to push the CPU into the motherboard.

The most commonly used interface material in the electronics cooling area is thermal compound, a
sticky paste applied directly on the top surface of the heat sink or CPU. Be careful not to put it on
the neighboring parts of the motherboard. If you do so, clean it
immediately using the cloth.

Opening CPU Socket :

Locate the processor socket on the motherboard and open the processor slot by lifting the
lever on the side of the slot to the open position.
Align the processor :
Locate the keyed portion of processor that is signified by a diagonal corner of the pin layout.
Align the processor so that its corner matches between the processor and socket.

Insert the processor :

With the processor aligned based on the key, make sure the pins are all lined up with the
socket and gently lower the CPU into the socket. So, all the pins are in proper holes.
Lock the processor in the socket :

Lock the processor in place to the motherboard by lowering the lever on the side of the
processor slot until it is in the locked position.

Installing the Heat sink :

 Place the heat sink on the processor

 Put the jacks in place
 Secure the heat sink with the lever
Installing the RAM :

 The RAM must be suitable for motherboard

 Push down the RAM into the slot
 Make sure both the clips hold the RAM properly

Installing the power supply :

 Place the PSU into the cabinet

 Put the screws in place tightly
Installing the video card :

 Remove the back plate on the cabinet corresponding to the graphics card
 Push the card into the slot
 Secure the card with a screw
 Plug in the power connection from PSU (if required)

High-end graphics cards need dedicated power supply and if your graphics card needs one then
connect the appropriate wire from PSU into the graphics card.

Installing the hard disk :

 Place the hard drive into the bay

 Secure the drive with screws
 Connect the power cable from PSU
 Connect the data cable from motherboard into the drive
Installing optical drive :

 Place the optical drive into the bay

 Drive in the screws
 Connect the power cable and data cable

Connecting power to motherboard :

 Close the side doors of the cabinet and get it upright and place it on the computer table.
Get the rest of the PC components like monitor, keyboard, mouse, speakers etc. which we
will connect now.
Connections of the output channel :

 If the mouse/ keyboard are PS/2 then connect them to PS/2 ports or else use the USB port.
 Connect the speaker cable in the audio port
 Plug in the power cable from PSU into the UPS
 Also plug in the power cable of the monitor

Final Check :

 Motherboard jumper configurations are the settings for the processor operator.
 Driver jumper settings, master/ slave correct ?
 Are the processor, RAM modules and plug in cards finally seated in their sockets.
 Did we plug all the cables in/ Do they all fit really ?
 Have you connected the power cables to all drivers ?

Potheing up for the first time :

 Ensure that no wires are touching the CPU heat sink fan.
 Plug in the monitor, mouse and keyboard.
 Plug in the pothe card and switch the pothe supply.
If everything is connected as it should be
 All system fans should start spinning.
 We should hear a single beep sound after about 5-10 sec.
 Amber light on monitor should go green.
 We will see the computer start to boot with a memory check.
 Now check front LED’s to see if u plugged them correctly.
 Check all other buttons.

TASK 4 : Installing Windows XP in the personal computer.

AIM : To install Windows XP on Personal Computer.

Procedure :

Step 1 : Start the PC and place the Windows XP CD in the CD/DVD-ROM drive.The PC should
automatically detect the CD and we will get a message saying “ Press any key to boot from
CD”. If we do not press a key, the PC will attempt to boot to the next device in the boot order,
which is probably the hard drive.

Step 2 : Soon as the computer starts booting from the CD we will get the screen.
Step 3 : At this stage it will ask us to press F6 if we want to install a third party SCSI or RAID
driver. If we are using an IDE Hard Drive the we no need to press F6.If we are using SCSI or
SATA Hard Drive then we must press F6 otherwise Windows will not detect the Hard Drive during

Step 4 : After necessary files and drivers are loaded we will get a Windows XP Professional
Setup screen. We have the options to install new Windows, Repair previous install or quit. Since
we are doing a new install we press Enter to continue.
Step 5 : The next screen that appears is the Windows XP Licensing Agreement. Press F8 to
confirm and agree with the terms.

Step 6 : This step is very important. Here we will create the partition where Windows will be
installed. If we have a new unformatted drive we will get a screen as below. In our case the drive
size is 8190 MB. We can choose to install Windows in this drive without creating a partition,
hence use the entire size of the drive. If we wish to do this we can just press enter and Windows
will automatically partition and format the drive as one large drive.
Step 7 : We have to keep in remember that there are minimum space requirements to install XP.
Set the size of the desired partition and press Enter.

Step 8 : After creating the partition, the screen in the below figure still shows the unallocated
space on the drive. If we want to create another partition, highlight the unallocated space and press
C again to repeat the partition creation process.

Step 9 : Choose format the partition using NTFS file system. This is the recommended file
system. If the hard drive has been formatted before then we can choose quick NTFS format. We
choose NTFS file system because it offers many security features , supports larger drive size, and
bigger size files.
Step 10 : Windows XP Setup will now start formatting the drive C:

Step 11 : Windows XP Setup will now copy the necessary installation files from the Windows XP
installation CD to the newly formatted partition drive C.
Step 12 : After the Setup has completed copying the files the computer will restart. Leave the XP
CD in the drive . But this time DO NOT press any key when the message “Press any key to boot
from CD” is displayed. In few seconds Setup will continue.

Step 13 : Choose the Regional and Language Options.

Step 14 :
Enter your
name and

Organization .

Step 15 : Enter the product key .

Step 16 : Enter the computer name and Administrator Password. Don’t forget to write down the
Administrator Password .

Step 17 : Enter the correct date, time and choose the time zone .
Step 18 : For the Network Settings choose Typical and then press Next .

Step 19 : Choose Workgroup or Computer Domain name. If we are not a member of a domain
then leave the default settings and press next.
Step 20 : Windows will restart again and adjust the display .

Step 21 : Finally Windows will start with a Welcome Screen. Click next to continue .
Step 21 : Choose ‘ help protect my PC by turning on automatic updates now ‘ and press next .

Step 22 : Will this computer connect to the internet directly, or through a network? If we are
connected to a router or LAN the choose : ‘Yes, this computer will connect through a local area
network or home network ‘. If we have a dial up modem then choose :’No, this computer will
connect directly to the internet’. Then click Next.
Step 23 : Add users that will sign on to this computer and click next .

Step 24 : We will get a Thank you screen to confirm setup is complete .

Step 25 : Log in, to he PC for the first time .

TASK 5: A PC which does not boot due to improper assembly or defective peripherals.
Identify the problems and fix it to get computer back to working condition.

AIM : To perform Hardware Troubleshooting.


No power to the system at all. Power light does not illuminate, fan inside power does not turn on. Indicator
light on keyboard does not turns on.


Power cable is unplugged Visually inspect power Make sure power cable is
supply Securely plugged in.
Defective power supply Visual inspection, try
another cable Replace cable.
Power supply failure Power cable & wall socket
Are ok, but system is still Contact technical support
Faulty wall outlet, circuit Plug in device known to Use different socket, repair
Breaker or fuse blown Work in socket & test outlet, reset circuit breaker or
replace fuse.

System in operational. Keyboard lights are on, power indicator lights are lit, hard drive is spinning.


Expansion card is Turn off computer. Take cover off the Using even pressure on
partially dislodged from system unit. Check all expansion cards both ends of the
expansion slot on the to ensure they are securely seated in expansion card, press
mother board slots. down firmly on
expansion card.
Turn off the system. Disconnect the
Defective floppy disk cables from one of the floppy drives. Contact technical
drive or tape drive Turn on the floppy drives. Turn on the support
system, check to see if the keyboard
operates normally. Repeat until you
have located defective unit.
Make sure expansion
Defective expansion Turn off computer. Remove an card is secure in
card expansion card expansion socket.

System does not boot from hard disk drive, can be booted from floppy disk drive.


Check the cable running from
Connector between hard When attempting to run disk to disk controller board.
drive & system board FDISK utility you get a Make sure both the ends are
unplugged message, INVALID DRIVE securely plugged in; check the
SPECIFICATION. drive type in the standard CMOS
Format hard disk; if unable to
Damaged hard disk or do so the hard disk is Contact technical support
disk controller defective.
Run fdisk program, format Backing up the hard disk drive is
Hard disk directory or the drive. Copy data that was extremely important. All hard disk
FAT is scrambled backed up onto hard drive. are capable of breaking down any


System only boots from floppy disk. Hard disk can be read & applications can be used but booting
from hard disk is impossible.


Backup data & application files.
Hard disk boot program A number of causes could be Reformat the hard drive. Re-install
has been destroyed behind this applications & data using back up


Error message reading “SECTOR NOT FOUND” or other error messages not allowing certain
data to be retrieved.


Backup any salvageable data. The
A number of causes could Use a file by file backup low level format partition & high
be behind this instead of an image backup in level format the hard drive. Re-
order to backup the hard disk. install all the saved data when


Disk formatted on IBM PS/2 will not operate with the system.
Format disk in the AT type
The IBM PS/2 uses a IBM PS/2 disk format will computer, insert disk into the IBM
different format than not work in an AT type PS/2 & copy the files as you
other computer computer wish.


After installing an expansion card(network card, tape drive card etc..) the system will no longer works


All or part of the system Check the interrupt or RAM address on the
may be inoperable. The new expansion card. See the documentation
No power to new card may work but a that came with the new card in order to
monitor mouse or COM port may change settings. Many expansion devices
not work. come with proprietary software that will
assist you in doing this.


Screen message says “Invalid configuration” or “CMOS failure”.


Incorrect information Check the configuration Review systems equipment. Make
entered into the program. Replace any sure correct information is in
configuration(setup) correct information setup.


Screen is blank


Check the power connectors to monitor & to system. Make sure
No power to monitor monitor is connected to display card, change I/O address on
N/W card if applicable.
Monitor is not connected
to computer See instructions above


Greek looking letters on screen


Memory problem Reboot computer. Re-install memory, make sure that all memo
display card jumpers modules are installed in correct sockets. Check jumper 7 switch
are not set properly on display card.
Computer virus Format hard disk


Screen goes blank periodically


Screen saver is enabled Disable screen saver.


Keyboard failure


Key board is disconnected Reconnect keyboard. Check keys again. If there is no

improvement replace keyboard


No color on screen


If possible, connect monitor to another system. If there is no
Faulty monitor color replace monitor.

CMOS incorrectly
setup Contact technical support


Floppy drive lights stays on.


Floppy drive cable is not Reconnect floppy cable making sure PIN1 on the floppy drive
connected properly corresponds with PIN1 on floppy cable connector.


Error reading in drive A.


Bad floppy disk Try new floppy disk.

Floppy disk formatted Format floppy disk (Type FORMAT A: type ENTER)


TASK 6 : A malfunctioning CPU due to system software problems. Identify the problems and
fix it to get computer back to working condition.

AIM : To fix problems on given system.


Issue :

Basic software troubleshooting.

Solutions :

Unable to install a software program

1. Verify the disks or CD which are readable by reading the files on the drive. For, example,
Microsoft Windows users can explore the drive in Windows Explorer. If the CD attempts
to AutoPlay , we may need to right-click the drive and click Explore to browse the drive.

2. If the CD reads fine with no errors verify the computer meets the minimum requirements
of the software program. If the computer does not have enough disk drive space or does
not meet the requirements, the program will not install.

3. Make sure the program or utility we are installing is compatible with the version of
operating system we have on the computer. For example, many older utilities
Such as a virus protection programs may only work with a specific version of Microsoft

4. If we are getting stopped at the CD-KEY or Serial Number verification, verify that we
Are entering the correct number. If we lost the number or key or it does not work, we will
need to contact the developer of the program.

Error during installation :

1. Verify the computer meets the requirements of the program or utility. For
Example, if the computer runs out of disk space during the installation, this would cause
an error during the installation.

2. If we are running Microsoft Windows 95 or higher try installing the program from safe

3. Verify the CD is clean and contains no significant scratches.

Issue :

Why do Windows programs stop responding?

Solutions :

Unable to install a software program

1. To recover from a program that has stopped responding, a user can generally press CTRL
+ ALT + DEL keys on keyboards to open the “Close Program” window or open the “Task
Manager” window and click the “End Task” button to terminate the program. If another
window opens , click the “End Task” button again to confirm stopping that program.

2. It is important to realize that when a program stops responding any work that has not been
saved will more than likely be lost when end tasking a program. Unfortunately, there is no
other alternative.

Issue :

Basic Microsoft DOS troubleshooting.

Solutions :

Error messages encountered during boot :

Before following the below steps, please make sure that the error we are encountering is not
already documented on computer.
1. Ensure that the computer BIOS settings are correctly configured to the hardware
that is installed in the computer. Improper settings in the BIOS may cause
various types of errors when first booting an IBM compatible co0mputer. These
errors often occur as the computer is first booting and may stop the load process
of the computer.

2. Errors that are encountered during boot are commonly due to misconfiguration with
autoexec.bat or config.sys. We recommend that we edit autoexec.bat and/or config.sys
and look for any abnormalities.

Issue :

Basic Microsoft Internet Explorer troubleshooting.

1. Close all but one Internet Explorer window.
2. Clear the Internet browser history.
3. Clear any “Unknown” or “Damaged” downloaded programs by clicking the Tools
menu, Internet Options, click the Settings button, click the View Objects button,
and selecting each of the programs that are damaged or unknown and pressing
the delete key. If we are unable to delete an object it may be a part of an add-on,
step 6 gives additional information about disabling and deleting add-ons.

4. Verify that the Security settings under Tools menu, Internet Options are set to
medium at the most. Some web pages may not function properly if the security
settings are set too high.

5. Restore defaults for advanced Internet options by opening the Tools menu,
Internet Options, click the Advanced tab, clicking the Restore Defaults button.

6. Disable and/ or uninstall all Internet Explorer Add-ons. To do this click Tools,
Internet Options , clicking the Programs tab, and then click the Mange add-ons
button. In the Mange add-ons window highlight each of the add-ons and then
select Disable or if this is something we wish to delete click the delete button.
All programs will not have the option to delete, if this add-on is a toolbar, toolbars
and many other add-ons are usually deleted through the Add/Remove programs.

7. Close Internet Explorer.

8. Open one Internet Explorer window and try again.

9. If we have any popup blockers installed on the computer try disabling the popup
Blocker and/or uninstalling the popup blocker. Some popup blocker programs can cause
additional issues with the browser.

If all the above recommendations do not resolve the issue, this issue has recently started
occurring, and we are running Microsoft Windows XP, we can also do system recover back to an
earlier date.

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