Spesifikasi Alat & Gambar ALAT 2019 Alternatif 3 TGL 12.2.19

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No Jenis Peralatan Spesifikasi Merk Jumlah Harga (Rp) Jumlah (Rp) Gambar
1 Top Loading Maximum Capacity 620 g Ohaus 1 13,300,000 13,300,000
Readability 0.01 g STX622
Pan size 120 mm

2 Timbangan Analitik Maximum Capacity 220 g Ohaus 1 35,000,000 35,000,000

Readability 0.1 mg PA 224
Pan size 90 mm

3 Waterbath Spesification Memmert 1 37,520,000 37,520,000

Temperature range in oC : Min 5 oC above ambient WNB 45 with
up to +950C with additional boiling mode (+100oC) ring
Control of standar component temperature : 1
Pt100 sensor class A in 4 wire circuit
Controller : Digital display (LED) of set and actual
temperature (01oC resolution) and of (remaining
programe time)
Volume : 45 Liter
Stainless Interior.
with ring cover
Voltage : 230 V. 50/60 Hz
Electrical Load : approx 2800 W (during heating)

4 pH Meter portable Spesification Hanna 2 12,243,000 24,486,000

pH range : -2.00 to 16.00 pH Instrument
pH resolution : 0.01 pH HI 8424
pH Accuracy : ± 0.01 pH
pH calibration : automatic, at one or two points
with three standard buffers (4.01, 7.01,10.01)
mV Range : ±699.9 mV; ±1999 mV
mV Resolution : 0.1 mV; 1 mV
Temperature Range : 20.0 to 120.0°C
Temperature Accuracy : ±0.4°C
Temperature Resolution : 0.1°C

5 Hotplate Stirer Top Plate : Ceramic Thermo 2 12,320,000 24,640,000

Speed : 50 to 1,500rpm Scientific
Temperature Range : 400°C (Max Temperature) Type
Surface Area (Metric) Heating : 26.0 x 26.0cm SP88850105
Electrical Requirements : 230V 50/60Hz

6 Furnace Kapasitas : 14 L Thermolyne 1 59,405,850 59,405,850

Temperature Range : 100° to 1200°C Type F 6010
Temperature Stability : ±0.3 at 1000°C
Temperature Uniformity : ±2.2 at 1000°C
Electrical Requirements: 240V 50/60Hz

7 Inkubator Set temperature range in °C Memmert 1 31,570,000 31,570,000

min. 5°C above ambient up to +80°C Type IN 55
Setting accuracy temperature 0.1°C
Timer : Digital backwards counter with target time
setting, adjustable from 1 minute to 99 days
Interior : easy-to-clean interior,made of stainless
steel, reinforced by deep drawn ribbing with
integrated and protected large-area heating on four
Volume : 53 liter

Dimensions W x H x D in mm : 400 x 400 x 330 mm

No Jenis Peralatan Spesifikasi Merk Jumlah Harga (Rp) Jumlah (Rp) Gambar
8 Cawan Platina Bersertificate Antam 2 30,160,000 60,320,000
Diameter Atas : 43 mm
Diameter Bawah : 41 mm
Tinggi 30 mm
Bobot +/- 35 gram
Volume 35 ml

9 Bottle top Volume : 1.0 - 10.0 mL WITEG 8 9,420,300 75,362,400

dispenser Div : 0.20
Accuracy : ± 0.060 mL
Full Autoclavable

10 Sound Level Meter Big backlit LCD display Extech 1 7,628,000 7,628,000
Measurement Range : 30 to 130dB Type 407750
Basic Accuracy : ±1.5dB
Complete with 9V battery and carryng case
PC Interface and background sound absorber

11 Probe Secondary Temp range : -200 to 500 oC Fluke 1 24,740,100 24,740,100

PRT Nominal resistance at 0.01 oC : 100 ohm ± 0.5 ohm Type 5608-12-P
Relative accuracy : ±0.008 oC at O0C
Panjang probe : 12 inchi
Diameter probe : 1/8 inchi

12 Water Purification Collection Type : Ion Exchange Yamato 1 106,027,650 106,027,650

Type WL220T
Collection Pure Water : Ion Exchane Water, A3 level
Collection Amount : Approx 1 L/min (continous
Ion Exchane Resin Catridge : 2L Ion excahne resin
with activated Carbon (CPCP)x1pc, 2L Ion exchange
Final filtration Membrane filter (0.1 um)
Pure Water Tank for supply water : 3 L Polyethylen

Total 22 379,334,900 500,000,000

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