Edtech 2

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How important is technology in education?

According to VIJAY K SHARMA

Using technology in the classroom enables teachers and students are finding the new
conclusion of daily life problems. Technology helps in education to create a better educational
syllabus, learning material, and future products and services. It’s really important to integrate
technology into classrooms?

Technology is very important in education to create a new and innovative practical syllabus,
improve the security of students, student’s data management and analysis and performance
reporting and teachers training programs.

Technology is inspiring kids to become creative and innovative. Creativity and innovation will
make students successful in their career and life. Classroom Technologies help students &
teachers in the process of receiving and giving education systematically. Technology helps in
facilitating syllabus, acquisition of knowledge and skills. Educators & learners around the world
can connect with each other on various Internet platforms. For such benefits, it’s important to
use technology in education. Technological tools preparing students for future career
challenges. Teachers are learning and executing the latest technologies in the classrooms.

This is all because of technologies enhancing students interest in learning. That’s why it’s really
important for colleges and university to execute innovative ideas and learning materials in
classrooms and research.

Use of technology in education increased the level of accuracy in educational materials to a

higher standard. Uses of new technologies are expanding. New computer programs and mobile
apps are all playing their role to solve daily life problems.

For example, if students or teachers are writing notes on Microsoft Word program then the
spelling and grammatical mistakes (red & green underlines) can be found easily. So, the level of
accuracy is very high when we learn on computers or when we teach students by presentation
or animations and data visualization.

As you know education play a very important role in our life no matter what are the purposes.
Commonly the purpose of education today is to get a job. Is it possible to get a job or live
happily without using the Internet and computers? The answer is NO!

That’s why computer education is really important in schools. Computer and Internet is a new
tool for many teachers and provides creative methods to teach young people.

According to Thomas Friedman (2007). Computer technology is almost ubiquitous and a major
contributor to the “flat world”). In a recent poll of registered voters conducted by Public Opinion
Strategies and Peter D. Hart Research Associates, 71% of those polled ranked computer and
technology skills as important (Partnership for 21st Century Skills, 2007a). However, only 25%
believed that schools are doing a good job of teaching those skills. For over a decade, leaders
and researchers in technology use have been criticizing teacher education programs for
inadequately preparing preservice teachers to integrate technology into instruction with their

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