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Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS Semester 2/II Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum


Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS

Semester 2/II Mapel Bahasa Inggris Kelas
11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum 2013


1. Contoh soal beserta jawaban dibuat dengan pendekatan ilmiah dan profesional.
Namun demikian, kami tidak menjamin bahwa contoh soal beserta jawabannya
tersebut akan benar-benar menjadi soal yang diujikan.
2. Contoh soal beserta jawaban dibuat dengan niat membantu belajar para peserta didik.
Jika terdapat kesalahan baik secara redaksional maupun kesalahan substansial, hal
tersebut terjadi karena human error semata dan kerugian atasnya bukan merupakan
tanggung jawab kami.
3. Dengan menggunakan soal beserta jawaban ini sebagai sarana belajar, pengguna
dianggap setuju terhadap poin nomor 1 dan nomor 2 di atas.

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Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS Semester 2/II Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum


Please read the text in the box carefully!

RT 02/III, Kampung Beran, Kota Semarang

Jawa Tengah

February 15, 2017

Dear Mom,

(………1………)? Here is a note from your son. With me everything is okay. I’m really sorry for being late
in giving you the news about me. I have been very busy nowadays due to my campus activities. I hope
that you know my situation. I’d like to tell you that I really want to go home. I miss you very much.
How is Dad? Is he okay? I hope he is doing fine. I really want to meet him too.

The final examination is very fast approaching. Don’t worry about this, Mom. I’m a diligent boy as you
know. I will not let you down. I will prove that I can achieve best in my study here in Semarang. Please
pray the best for me, your lovely son.

The final examination will end by March 15. I will back home after it and hope we will reunite again. I
can’t wait for that moment to be true.

I think I should continue accomplishing my task here, Mom. (………2……. )

Lots of love,


1. A. How are you?

B. I’m fine
C. I’m here in Semarang

D. Please tell me the situation there.


2. A. I’ll see you soon

B. Be good there
C. Don’t panic

D. I’m fine

©2018 –
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS Semester 2/II Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum

3. From that personal letter, the statement which purpose is sharing some information is
A. I really want to meet him too
B. I can’t wait for that moment to be true
C. I will not let you down
D. The final examination is very fast approaching
4. From personal letter above, the statement which purpose is expressing apology is
A. I’m really sorry for being late in giving you the news about me
B. I can’t wait for that moment to be true
C. The final examination is very fast approaching
D. The final examination will end by March 15
5. The closing part of the personal letter above is expressed with
A. Dear Mom
B. Lots of love
C. I think I should continue accomplishing my task here, Mom
D. Mukidi

6. The salutation example for personal letter is expressed with as following

A. Dear
B. Sincerely yours

C. It was so good to hear from you

D. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

7. The closing example for personal letter is expressed with as following

A. Dear

B. Sincerely yours
C. It was so good to hear from you
D. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon.

8. The start or the beginning example for personal letter is expressed with as following

A. Dear

B. Sincerely yours
C. It was so good to hear from you
D. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon

9. The conclusion example for personal letter is expressed with as following

©2018 –
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS Semester 2/II Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum

E. Dear
A. Sincerely yours
B. It was so good to hear from you
C. I’m looking forward to seeing you soon

10. To give advice in a personal letter, you can use one of the following expressions:
A. I am so happy to share it with you
B. I am really sorry
C. I will be waiting for your letter eagerly
D. I think you should reconsider your decision
11. Please choose the correct statement from following sentences
A. Due to the rain, we postpone our departure
B. The departure is postponed because the rain.
C. The departure is postponed due to the rain is very heavy
D. The departure is postponed since the rain.

Please read following dialogue carefully!

Ana: You look unhappy today. May I know why?

Dodi: My examination scores are not satisfying.

Ana: You should study more, Dodi.

Dodi: Thank you for your suggestion. I have tried my best but my health condition was
not good.

12. From the dialogue, which one states cause and effect in the correct sentence

A. Dodi’s scores are not good because health condition

B. Dodi’s scores are not good because Ana
C. Dodi’s scores are not good due to his health condition
D. Dodi’s scores are not good since health condition
. co

13. Please read the following dialogue carefully!

Yeni: You look very happy today, Siti.
Siti: Yes I do. My examination scores are very satisfying
Yeni: Congratulation.

Siti: Thank you. My classmates are kind. They are very helpful when I experience trouble
understanding the lesson.

©2018 –
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS Semester 2/II Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum

From the dialogue, which statement is correct?
A. Owing to the classmates, Siti achieved satisfying examination scores
B. Due to Siti’s classmates are very helpful to him, Siti achieved satisfying examination
C. Siti thanks to her classmates’ support
D. Siti achieved satisfying examination scores because her classmates.

14. Cause: Anton’s laziness

Effect: Anton gets bad examination scores
Please choose the correct sentence as following
A. Due to his laziness, Anton gets bad examination scores
B. Due to Anton is Lazi, he gets bad examination scores
C. Because of Anton is Lazy, he gets bad examination scores
D. Because his laziness, Anton gets bad examination scores
15. Cause: Smoking
Which statement expresses the effect?
A. Cancer
B. Health body
C. Arm injury

D. Cold

16. Effect: Going to jail

Which statement expresses the cause?

A. Study
B. Violating laws
C. Doing exercise
D. Going to traditional market

17. Choose the correct statement using ‘since’ to express cause and result

A. He is handsome since he was born

B. He looks so pale since he lacks of sleep
C. Since his health, he gives up smoking
D. Indonesia has been an independent state since 1945

18. Choose the correct statement using ‘for’ to express cause and result

©2018 –
Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Siap UTS/PTS Semester 2/II Bahasa Inggris Kelas 11/XI SMA/MA-SMK/MAK Kurikulum

A. Thank you for the attention

B. The team is punished by the opposite team for the team is very careless to put more
attention on the defense line
C. Ani buys fruits for her mother
D. He comes to the school for administration matter
19. Choose the correct statement using ‘owing to’ to express cause and result
A. Owing to Ani works very hard, we win the championship
B. Owing to Ani’s hard work, we win the championship
C. Owing to the bank is prohibited if you have bad reputation
D. I think owing to someone’s kindness with the intention to give something in return is
very suggested
20. Choose the correct statement using ‘as’ to express cause and result
A. We don’t need that new computer as we are still using the older one
B. We don’t need the new computer as the older one
C. We don’t need the new computer as a replacement for our old computer
D. The old computer still works, and as a matter of fact, we are still using it.
. co

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