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Grade 6 Growth and Development

Quiz 1
Name_____________________ Period___

Vocabulary Match-Up (5 points)

Please match the following vocabulary words to the correct definition.

1. ____testosterone a. when the penis becomes hard

2. ____erection b. male hormone
3. ____semen c. where eggs and hormones are produced (female)
4. ____estrogen d. male organ that produces sperm and hormones
5. ____testicles e. female hormone
6. _____ovaries f. sperm + fluid =

2. Please put the following steps in order.

7. _____Sperm travels upwards through the vas deferens

8. _____Semen flows out of urethra
9. _____The prostate gland and seminal vesicles add fluid to the sperm
10. _____Sperm is produced in the testicles

Menstrual Cycle (5 points) Please fill in the blanks. (11-15)

Word bank (NOTE: Not all words will be used): 3-7; uterus; fallopian tube; 28;
menstruation; ovulation; ovaries; cervix; vagina; estrogen.

At puberty, the egg cell leaves the ovary and goes into the ______________
tube. This is called _____________________. The lining of the _________
thickens to get ready in case the egg and sperm meet. If the egg is not
fertilized, the lining of the uterus and a small amount of blood comes out
of the vagina. This is called _________________and takes __________ days.
From the time when the one period happens to the time when the next
period happens, it usually takes 28 days.

Short Answer
16. What are some ways in which a boy’s body changes during
puberty? (list at least three)

17. What are some of the ways in which a girl’s body might change
during puberty? (list at least three)
You overhear someone teasing a classmate about being chubby. You
don’t want to be a bystander, so you’re going to become an ally.

19.What do you say to the person who is teasing her?

20.What do you say to the person being teased?

Puberty affects everyone differently. How do you think it will affect



22.Mentally/ Emotionally?

23. Socially?

24. If you had a friend who was feeling down about their acne, what
would you say to him/ her?

25. Changing friends is a common occurrence during puberty. Why

do you think that is? Give at least two reasons why this might

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