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 HTRI Xchanger Suite® combines in a single graphical
user environment the design, rating, and simulation of
 air-cooled heat exchangers/economizer bundles

 fired heaters

 hairpin heat exchangers

 jacketed pipe heat exchangers

 plate heat exchangers

 shell-and-tube heat exchangers

 spiral heat exchangers

 Other components provide tube layout (Xtlo®) and

rigorous vibration analysis (Xvib®).

 Starting a New Case

 To create an empty case, select File > New Air
Cooler. The case opens to the Input Summary
panel; note that the default Case Mode is Rating.
 You’ll first set the unit system you want to use

 Setting Units
 Click
 In the Select Data Units dialog box, select US and
click OK
 Geometry Panel
 Now you’ll enter the required data, beginning with the
Unit sub-panel under Geometry.
 In the navigation pane, click the to the left of Geometry to
expand the Geometry sub-panel list.
 Click Unit in the list.
 The following steps refer to information from the data

 Unit type
 The specification sheet title indicates the type of air
cooler to model.
 Select Air-cooled heat exchanger in the Unit type drop-down
list box.
 Fan arrangement
 Refer to line 12 of page 1 of the specification sheet.
 Select Forced in the Fan arrangement group
 Tube orientation
 Refer to line 11 of page 1 of the specification sheet.
 Select Horizontal for the Tube orientation
 Bays, bundles, and tubepasses
 The following steps refer to lines 45 – 47 on page 1 of
the specification sheet. Because this air cooler
includes only one tubepass, you do not need to
specify the flow type.
 Select 1 for the Number of bays in parallel drop-down list
 Select 1 in the Number of services drop-down list box.
 Enter 1 for the Number of tubepasse
 Tubeside Nozzle Data
 Refer to lines 13 – 14 on page 2 of the specification
sheet. For both inlet and outlet nozzles:
 Enter 15 for the Tubeside nozzle inside diameters.
 Enter 2 for the Number of nozzles per bundle.
 You’ll now enter information on the Fans sub-panel
 Fans Sub-Panel
 Click Fans in the Geometry sub-panel list.
 Number of fans per bay
 Refer to line 27 on page 2 of the specification sheet.
 Enter 2 in the Number of fans per bay input field
 Fan diameter
 Refer to line 29 on page 2 of the specification sheet.
 Enter 13 in the Fan diameter input field.
 Bundle Sub-Panel
 Click Bundle in the Geometry sub-panel list
 Note: Because this case includes only one tubepass, you do not
need to specify the bundle type
 Number of tuberows/tubepasses
 Refer to line 44 on page 1 of the specification sheet. You have
already specified the number of tubepasses as 1.
 Enter 6 for the Number of tuberows
 Number of tubes in each odd/even numbered row
 Refer to line 22 on page 2 of the specification sheet. To obtain
the number of tubes in each odd/even numbered row, divide the
total number of tubes by the number of tuberows (in this case,
480/6 = 80).
 Enter 80 in the Number of tubes in each odd/even numbered row
 Bundle width and Tube length
 Refer to line 42 on page 1 of the specification
 Enter 16 in the Bundle width field.
 Enter 30 in the Tube length field in the Length group.
 You’ll next complete the Tube Types panel
 Tube Types Sub-Panel
 Click Tube Types in the Geometry sub-panel list.
 Refer to lines 13 – 18 on page 2 of the specification
 Select High-finned in the Tube Type drop-down list box.
 You’ll next enter information on the Tubes sub-
 Tubes
 Refer to lines 9 – 10 and 19 – 21 on page 2 of the
specification sheet.
 Click the to the left of TubeType1 in the navigation
pane, and then click Tubes in the list.
 Select 304 Stainless steel in the Tube material code drop-
down list box.
 Enter 1 in the Tube OD field.
 Enter 0.0830 in the Wall thickness field. Tip: If your values
are in BWG, click for a converter.
 Enter 2.5 in the Longitudinal pitch field.
 Enter 2.5 in the Traverse pitch field. Tip: The diagram on
the Tubes sub-panel illustrates the pitches you enter.
 FJ Curves
 Click the FJ Curves tab. You can specify the tubeside F & J
curves that Xace uses to determine the heat transfer and
pressure drop. This sample case does not include this data.
 Click High Fins in the navigation pane (or click the High Fins tab)
 High Fins
 Refer to lines 13 – 18 on page 2 of the specification sheet.
 Select Circular fin as the Fin Type because the fins are plain
 Select Aluminum 1060-H14 in the Material drop-down list
 Enter the following in the Circular Fins group box:
 Fin density 10
 Fin base thickness (Thickness) 0.0170
 Over fin diameter (Outside diameter) 2.25
 Bundle Layout Sub-Panel
 Click Bundle Layout in the navigation pane.
 Although you do not need to specify anything on this panel, you
can check to make sure you entered the bundle geometry
correctly. In addition, you can use this panel to change the
tubepass arrangement for multiple tubepass cases.
 Because this case is not a natural draft air cooler, you’ll skip the
Natural Draft sub-panel and continue with the Process panel
 Process Panel
 Click Process in the navigation pane.
 For this case you’ll perform a rating analysis (specifying the duty) in
which Xace calculates the overdesign. To begin, you’ll specify the
duty of the air cooler. Refer to line 7 on page 1 of the specification
 Enter 5.5 in the Exchanger duty field
 Tubeside Fluid
 Refer to lines 7 – 8 on page 1 and lines 18 – 27 on
page 2 of the specification sheet. Based on the
weight fraction vapor information for the tubeside
fluid, this fluid is two phase.
 Select Two phase in the Phase flow rate units drop-down list
 Enter 874.22 in the Flow rate field.
 Enter 130 in the Inlet temperature field.
 Enter 1240 in the Inlet pressure field.
 Enter 0.002 in the Fouling resistance field
 Note
 You do not need to specify the inlet weight fraction vapor.
Xace calculates it from the inlet pressure and temperature
using the heat release data. In addition, Xace calculates the
outlet temperature and weight fraction vapor based on the
specified duty
 Airside Fluid
 Xace has two rating options for the airside fluid.
 If you specify the airside flow rate, Xace calculates an overdesign.
 If you do not specify the airside flow rate, Xace calculates the
minimum flow rate with a positive overdesign.
 In this tutorial, you’ll specify the airside flow rate. Refer to lines
30 – 31 on page 1 of the specification sheet.
 Select Mass flow rate in the Airside flow rate units.
 The airside flow rate on the specification sheet is given in lb/hr.
 Enter 1710.546 in the Flow rate field.
 Enter 100 in the Inlet temperature field.
 Xace calculates the outlet temperature based on the specified duty,
the mass flow rate, and the properties of air.
 Enter 0 in the Altitude of the unit (above sea level) field.
 Enter 1.41 in the Allowable pressure drop field.
 Enter 0.002 in the Fouling resistance field.
 You’ll next enter information on the Hot Fluid Properties panel
 Hot Fluid Properties Panel
 Click Hot Fluid Properties in the navigation pane.
 You’ll first determine how to specify the fluid properties and heat release
data. Although the specification sheet does not provide the make-up of
the tubeside fluid, it does list fluid properties and heat release data at
multiple temperatures and pressures.
 You’ll therefore keep the defaults of Mixture properties via grid (Physical
Property Input Option) and User specified (Heat Release Input Method)
 T & P Sub-Panel
 Click the to the left of Hot Fluid Properties in the navigation pane.
 Click T & P.
 Page 3 of the specification sheet provides information for three pressure
profiles, each with four temperature points.
 Tip
 To enter user-defined heat release or mixture properties via the grid, you
must have at least one reference pressure and at least 3 temperature points.
For two-phase cases it is recommended that at least 2 temperature points
fall in the two-phase region. Additionally, the pressure and temperature
ranges should cover the operating range of the exchanger

 Pressure and Temperature

 Refer to page 3 of the specification sheet to
enter the hot fluid properties.
 Enter 1240, 1235, and 1230 in the Pressure
fields of the grid.
 In each Profile column:
 For Temperature 1, enter 130.
 For Temperature 2, enter 125.
 For Temperature 3, enter 120.
 For Temperature 4, enter 115
 Heat Release Sub-Panel
 Click Heat Release in the navigation pane.
 This sub-panel includes three tabbed pages, one for each pressure
 For Pressure Profile 1 (1240 psia), enter the enthalpy data from the
specification sheet in the grid:
 For Temperature 1, enter -12.825.
 For Temperature 2, enter -16.08.
 For Temperature 3, enter -19.355.
 For Temperature 4, enter -22.653.
 For Pressure Profile 1 (1240 psia), enter the weight fraction vapor data
from the specification sheet in the grid:
 For Temperature 1, enter 0.9846.
 For Temperature 2, enter 0.9831.
 For Temperature 3, enter 0.9816.
 For Temperature 4, enter 0.98.
 Repeat steps 2 – 3 for Pressure Profile 2 (1235 psia) on the second tab.
 Repeat steps 2 – 3 for Pressure Profile 3 (1230 psia) on the third tab
 Property Grid Sub-Panel
 Click Property Grid in the navigation pane.
 Specify the required fluid properties using data from
the specification sheet.
 In the list at the bottom of the panel, select the property for
which you want to enter data.
 Enter the data in the chart at the top of the panel.
 Design Panel
 Although this tutorial uses a Rating case mode,
click the to the left of Design in the navigation
pane to look over the Design sub-panels. When
you do run a Design case, you use this panel to set
the parameters to be varied and design constraints
 Control Panel
 Click the to the left of Control in the navigation
pane to look over the Control panel. Using options
on this panel, you can select different methods to
be used for boiling and condensing, specify flow or
temperature maldistribution, and set safety factors.
 Click Name to open the Name sub-panel. You can
specify the case description and problem
description that appears in the headers of Xace
reports. You can also specify additional information,
such as the job number, plant location, and
customer, that prints on the specification sheet

 Final Check
 Check the .
 If the light is red, look for red boxes outlining items in the
panel list. Click the items and check the boxes on the
panels themselves. If any box is outlined in red, review the
data sheet for the missing information, enter it on the
panel, and check the button again.
 If the light is green, click to run the case. A dialog box
details Xace’s progress. When Xace has finished running
the case, the software opens the Output Summary report

 Starting a New Case

 To create an empty case, select File > New Shell
and Tube Exchanger. The case opens to the Input
Summary panel; note that the default Case Mode is
 You’ll first set the unit system you want to use for
the entire case.
 Setting Units
 Click
 In the Select Data Units dialog box, select SI and
click OK

 Geometry Panel
 Now you’ll enter the required data, beginning with the Shell
sub-panel under Geometry.
 In the navigation pane, click the to the left of Geometry to
expand the Geometry sub-panel list.
 Click Shell in the list.
 The following steps refer to information from line 9 of the data
 TEMA Type
 Select the TEMA type BEU from the drop-down list boxes in
the TEMA Type group box
 Shell Inside Diameter
 Enter the shell inside diameter of 320 in the Shell Inside
Diameter box.

 Shell Orientation
 Select the Horizontal radio button in the Shell Orientation
group box
 Multiple Shells
 In the Multiple Shells group box:
 Enter 1 for the Number of shells in parallel.
 Enter 1 for the Number of shells in series.
 Flow Direction
 Now refer to the sketch in lines 35 – 42 of the data sheet.
 In the Flow Direction group box, select Countercurrent from
the Flow in 1st tubepass drop-down list box.
 Tip
 You can also set flow direction on the Nozzle Location sub-panel
in the Geometry group. If the exchanger has multiple shells in
series, you must also specify the flow direction in the series.

 Hot Fluid Location

 Refer to line 20 of the data sheet.
 Based on the inlet temperature, set the Hot Fluid Location as
Tubeside (Inside tubes).
 Save your case:
 Click . The first time you save your case, you’ll use the Save As
dialog box. Give your case a name, navigate to the location in which
you want to save it, and click Save.
 Note that no items on the Shell sub-panel have a red outline –
you’ve completed all the required shell geometry information.
Because this exchanger isn’t a reboiler, you’ll move to the
Tubes sub-panel next
 Tubes Sub-Panel
 Click Tubes in the Geometry sub-panel list.
 Type
 Refer to line 44 of the data sheet.
 Select Plain in the Type drop-down list box

 Tube OD
 Refer to line 43 of the data sheet.
 Enter 19 in the Tube OD drop-down list box
 Tip
 The Tube OD drop-down list box includes common sizes. Enter other
sizes as needed
 Average wall thickness
 Refer to line 43 of the data sheet.
 Enter 1.6 in the Average wall thickness drop-down list box
 Tip
 The drop-down list box includes standard thicknesses. Enter others as
 Tube Pitch
 Again, refer to line 43 of the data sheet.
 Enter 25.4 in the Pitch box.
 Note that the Ratio box is automatically updated after you enter the

 Bundle Geometry
 To complete the information in the Bundle Geometry group
box, refer to lines 38 and 43 of the data sheet.
 Select 90 in the Tube layout angle drop-down list box.
 Using the tubeside information, select 2 from the Tubepasses
drop-down list box.
 Enter 1.8 in the Length drop-down list box.
 Because line 43 does not record the number of tubes, leave the
Tubecount box blank, and select the Rigorous tubecount check
box so that Xist will calculate the number of tubes
 Tip
 The Length drop-down list box includes standard lengths. Enter
others as needed.
 If you select Rigorous tubecount, Xist identifies tube
arrangement by performing a rigorous tube layout. If you
deselect it, Xist determines the number of tubes based on the
shell inside diameter using a tube estimation algorithm

 Tube Material
 Refer to line 44 of the data sheet.
 Select 304 Stainless Steel (18 CR, 8 NI) from the Material drop-
down list box.
 Click to save the case.
 You’ll skip the Tubepass Arrangement and Tube Layout sub-
panels because the data sheet does not provide detailed
information. In addition, the modeled exchanger doesn’t have
fins or other inserts, so you can move on to the Baffles sub-
 Tip
 If the material you use is not listed, select <Not in data bank>
and enter values for Thermal conductivity, Elastic modulus, and

 Baffles Sub-Panel
 Click Baffles in the Geometry sub-panel list
 Baffle Geometry
 Refer to line 49 of the data sheet.
 Select Single segmental from the Type drop-down list box.
 Enter 25 (percentage of the shell inside diameter) in the Cut box.
 Baffle Spacing
 Enter 200 in the Central box.
 Click to save the case.
 Note that no other items on the Baffles sub-panel have a red
outline – you’ve completed all the required baffle geometry
information. You’ll now move to the Nozzles sub-panel

 Nozzles Sub-Panel
 Click Nozzles in the Geometry sub-panel list.
 In this case, nozzle sizes are not provided on the data sheet;
Xist will calculate the appropriate nozzle size
 Shellside Nozzle Location
 However, the sketch in lines 35 – 42 indicates the position of
the shell inlet nozzle.
 Select Top in the Radial position on shell of inlet nozzle drop-
down list box.
 Click to save the case.
 You’ll complete the Geometry entries using the Optional sub-
 Optional Sub-Panel
 Click Optional in the Geometry sub-panel list

 Design Conditions
 Refer to lines 36 – 37 of the data sheet. Remember
that you selected the tube side as the hot side.
 Enter 325 in the Hot Temperature box of the Design
Conditions group box.
 Enter 315 in the Cold Temperature box.
 Enter 680 in the Hot Pressure box.
 Enter 2000 in the Cold Pressure box.
 Click to save the case.
 You’ve finished entering the geometry information
from the data sheet. You’ll continue with the
Process panel
 Process Panel
 Click Process in the panel list
 Hot Fluid
 Complete the Hot Fluid boxes using the tubeside information from
lines 13 – 20, 28, 30, and 31 of the data sheet:
 Enter Oil in the Fluid name field.
 Because line 15 indicates that no vapor is present, select All liquid in the
Phase drop-down list box.
 Click kg/sec next to the Flow rate boxes, select hour in the Time drop-
down list box, and click Set Units.
 Enter 6920 in the Flow rate box.
 Enter 310 in the Inlet temperature box.
 Enter 280 in the Outlet temperature box.
 Enter 500 in the Inlet pressure box.
 Enter 5 in the Allowable pressure drop box.
 Enter 0.00035 in the Fouling resistance box
 Tip
 If you have thermal conductivity information or you want to use a cooling
water fouling model, you can enter additional specifications on the
Fouling sub-panel
 Cold Fluid
 Complete the Cold Fluid boxes using the shellside information
from lines 13 – 20, 28, 30, and 31 of the data sheet:
 Enter Process in the Fluid name box.
 Because line 15 indicates that no vapor is present, select All
liquid in the Phase drop-down list box.
 Enter 1930 in the Flow rate box.
 Enter 25 in the Inlet temperature box.
 Enter 205 in the Outlet temperature box.
 Enter 1600 in the Inlet pressure box.
 Enter 2 in the Allowable pressure drop box.
 Enter 0.00026 in the Fouling resistance box.
 Click to save the case.
 You’ll continue with the Hot Fluid Properties panel.
 Tip
 If you have thermal conductivity information or you want to use a
cooling water fouling model, you can enter additional
specifications on the Fouling sub-panel

 Hot Fluid Properties Panel

 Click Hot Fluid Properties in the panel list.
 Note that the Fluid name box contains the text you entered on the
Process panel.
 Physical Property Input Option
 Refer to lines 22, 25, and 26 for the specified fluid properties.
 Select Component by component in the Physical Property Input
Option group box
 Tip
 The component-by-component option is recommended for liquid-only
fluids for which the variation in fluid properties is not large
 Heat Release Input Method
 Because this case doesn’t include the heat release curve or any
dew/bubble point information, select Program calculated in the Heat
Release Input Method group box.
 Next you’ll move to the Components sub-panel

 Components Sub-Panel
 Click the to the left of the Hot Fluid Properties item to
expand the sub-panel list.
 Click Components in the list.
 Select <USER DEFINED> in the fluid list.
 Click Add.
 Type Oil in the User Name column.
 Click the next to the Components item.
 Click the next to Oil.
 Click Liquid Properties.
 Tip
 Selecting a fluid from the list uses data from the HTRI databank
to populate the boxes

 Liquid Properties
 In lines 20 – 22 and 25 – 26, the data sheet provides physical
property data at inlet and outlet temperatures, so you’ll use
those temperatures as references and enter the property data
in the respective columns.
 Enter 280 and 310 in the Reference temperature boxes.
 Enter 700 and 680 in the Density boxes.
 Enter 0.5 and 0.4 in the Viscosity boxes.
 Enter 0.114 and 0.112 in the Thermal conductivity boxes.
 Enter 3.06 and 3.18 in the Heat capacity boxes.
 Click to save the case.
 You’ll next enter the cold fluid properties using the information
from the Shell Side columns

 Cold Fluid Properties Panel

 Click Cold Fluid Properties in the panel list.
 Note that the Fluid name box contains the text you entered on the
Process panel
 Physical Property Input Option
 Refer to lines 22, 25, and 26 for the specified fluid properties.
 Select Component by component in the Physical Property Input
Option group box
 Tip
 The component-by-component option is recommended for liquid-only
fluids for which the variation in fluid properties is not large
 Heat Release Input Method
 Because this case doesn’t include the heat release curve or any
dew/bubble point information, select Program calculated in the Heat
Release Input Method group box.
 Next you’ll move to the Components sub-panel

 Components Sub-Panel
 Click the to the left of the Cold Fluid Properties item to
expand the sub-panel list.
 Click Components in the list.
 Select <USER DEFINED> in the fluid list.
 Click Add.
 Type Process in the User Name column.
 Click the next to the Components item.
 Click the next to Process.
 8 Click Liquid Properties
 Tip
 Selecting a fluid from the list uses data from the HTRI databank
to populate the boxes

 Liquid Properties
 In lines 20 – 22 and 25 – 26, the data sheet
provides physical property data at inlet and outlet
temperatures, so you’ll use those temperatures as
references and enter the property data in the
respective columns.
 Enter 25 and 205 in the Reference temperature boxes.
 Enter 970.2 and 779.2 in the Density boxes.
 Enter 3.7 and 0.43 in the Viscosity boxes.
 Enter 0.115 and 0.092 in the Thermal conductivity boxes.
 Enter 1.63 and 2.3 in the Heat capacity boxes.
 Click to save the case

 Final Check
 Check the .
 If the light is red, look for red boxes outlining items
in the panel list. Click the items and check the
boxes on the panels themselves. If any box is
outlined in red, review the data sheet for the
missing information, enter it on the panel, and
check the button again.
 If the light is green, click to run the case. A
dialog box details Xist’s progress. When Xist has
finished running the case, the software opens the
Output Summary report.

 Starting a New Case

 To create an empty case, select File > New
Plate and Frame Exchanger. The case
opens to the Input Summary panel; note
that the default Case Mode is Rating
 You’ll first set the unit system you want to
 Click .
 In the Select Data Units dialog box, select US
and click OK

 Geometry Panel
 Now you’ll enter the required data, beginning with the plate
geometry. The Plate Types sub-panel allows you to select the
appropriate plate type from a manufacturer’s databank.
 In the navigation pane, click the to the left of to
expand the Geometry sub-panel list.
 Click the to the left of .
 Click the to the left of .
 Click .
 Note that the tab as well as three input fields are outlined in
red, indicating required information.
 The following steps refer to information from the specification

 Chevron angle
 Refer to Line 33 of the specification sheet.
 Enter 32 for the chevron angle
 Tip
 The chevron angle is measured from the vertical position. To
view a reference diagram, place the cursor in the Chevron angle
input field, and press F1
 Plate thickness
 Refer to Line 34 of the specification sheet.
 Enter 0.02 for the plate thickness
 Area per plate
 The area per plate is normally provided by the manufacturer.
For this case, assume an area per plate of 25.5 ft2.
 Enter 25.5 for the Area per plate

 Surface area enlargement factor

 The manufacturer typically provides the surface enlargement factor.
In this case, you will use the default surface area enlargement factor.
 To use the default value, leave the surface area enlargement factor
input field blank
 Material
 Refer to Line 38 of the specification sheet.
 Select 316 Stainless steel (17 Cr, 12 Ni) in the Material drop-down list
 FJ Curves sub-panel
 Click the FJ Curves tab. You can specify the f- and j-curves for a
given plate type that Xphe will use to determine the heat transfer and
pressure drop. If no f- and j-curve data is specified, HTRI correlations
are used based on the specified geometry.
 Leave this sub-panel blank.
 Now you’ll review additional geometry input panels. Click
in the navigation pane.
 Plate Type 2 sub-panel
 If the geometry of the second plate type differs from
the first, you enter information on this sub-panel. In
this tutorial, the geometry is the same for both plate
 In the navigation pane, click the to the left of
 Common Data sub-panel
 Here you specify geometry and FJ curves common
to both plates. Generally, the plate manufacturer
provides this information.
 To continue entering required information, click
in the sub-panel.
 Vertical distance between ports
 The manufacturer typically provides the vertical distance
between ports. Assume a vertical distance of 82.283 inch.
 Enter 82.283 for the vertical distance between ports
 Horizontal distance between ports
 Again, the horizontal distance between ports is generally
provided by the plate manufacturer. Assume a horizontal
distance of 27.559 inch.
 Enter 27.559 for the horizontal distance between ports
 Port diameter
 Refer to Line 42 and 43 of the specification sheet.
 Enter 18.5 for the port diameter

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