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Maharishi University of Information Technology
First Sessional Examination Sept.2019
Session -2019-2020

Max.Marks : 20 Time : 1 hrs

Course;- M.Tech Semester : I
Subject / Paper’s Name : Computer Intrigated Manufacturing & Automation
Paper code:- MPE 102 Regular/ Part time ::- Regular

Note : Attempt all questions

Section A (Multiple Choice Question)
Q.1- Attempt All the parts (10x1 =10) Marks
A. What does WCS stands for
1. Western CAD system 2. World Cordinate system 3. Whoole Cordinate system 4. Wrong CAD setting
B. Computer will perform the data processing functions in
1. NC 2.CNC 3.DNC 4.None of the mentioned
C. Control loop unit of M.C.U is always
1. a hardware unit 2.a software unit 3.a control unit 4. none of the mentioned
D. The repeatability of NC machine depends on
1. Control loop errors 2. Mechanical errors 3.electrical errors 4. none of the mentioned
E. Rotation about Z-axis is called
1. A-axis 2. B-axis 3.c-axis 4. none of the mentioned
F. The process of copying data from a memory location is called
1. Reading 2. Writing 3.controlling 4.hand shaking
G. The linking of computer with a communication system is called
1. Networking 2. Pairing 3.interlocking 4. assembling
H. NC contouring is an example of
1. continuous path positioning 2.point-to-point positioning
3. absolute positioning 4. incremental positioning
I. Key board is a ----------------- input device
1. Graphical 2 Text 3. Numericals 4. All of the above
J. Color raster display uses three electron gun,s Namely
1. Red, green & blue 2. Red, green & Yellow 3. White, Blue & blace 4.Red, black & white

Section B (Short Answer)

Q.2 Attempt any Five of the following (5x1=5) Marks
A. What is the role of GT in CAD/CAM?
B. What is part family?
C. What is hierarchical structure in coding system?.
D. What are the objective of FMS.
E. Deine Automation
F. Why industrial robots are important.

Section C (Long Answer)

Q.3- Attempt any Two of the following (2x2.5= 5) Marks
A. Explain basic element of automated system.
B. What are all the nature and roll of elements of CIM system
C. What is the generative CAPP system
D. What is MRP explain its advantage and disadvantage

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