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u m MI vu. vu bx xl TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS MEASURING METHODS... CONTROL LOCATIONS DISMANTLING OF TAPE TRANSPORT UNIT & AMPLIFIERS TRANSPORT MECHANISM MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT AMPLIFIER, ADJUSTMENT MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES COMPOSITE VIEWS OF COMPONENTS TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM When placing order for parts, please use Separate ARTS LIST of PRICE LIST FOR PARTS, |. SPECIFICATIONS wracit 295 Ths (U8 gh MoTOR Treospeed induction rotor DIMENSIONS Ma 82 9 9.6" (DD Revoir E1760 « W355 x D240 mm) 2.906 14S rpm at SO POWER SUPPLY = 10040 244 ¥ AC, $060 ths 3. 1740p a 6H RECORDINE HeaDs SYSTEM: dmvine 4-4ack sees, monaural recording REC/PLAY PLAYUACK HEAD © Uline tack stereo) oman SYSTEM + frsine Huck stereo, sonra play Gap -.-.-§)1040 bck Impedance. 600 linet 1.000 a POWER, eas HEAD Iimline dtrack stereo Gap... 04 mw is Impedance... 2.600 ots at 90 KIL2 1S" adupror kine RECORD LEVEL Parr Sere INDICATOR Vertical eulcsting model "A" WU meter DEVIATION Within 43% at all weeds TRANSISTORS © SC893 (1) x4 WOW AND: 2SCSTH Ea Di x2 FLUTTER + Lew thamGJaee RMS. at 3-1/2 SSCT11 (Eo Dy x2 es than 28° RAMLS, at 23) SEIU, Dred Less than 4,385° RAMS. af 7/8 28097] (2.3952 FREQUENCY reves LODE tet 5 RESPONSE © 4040 13.0001 #4 am at 7-1 10DC-1 a 40 48 109000 He 24 dat 3-8 INA x2 40. SMO He at at TH BELLS 75" reekoeam be used NAL TO NOISE RATION. = More than 48 a8 pastor TION (Foal Harmonica) Within 3 at 1AM YU recording Los than 43.48 Stew0) ERASE RATIO: Les tan 45 48 INSULATION RESISTANCE Mare than 50 Sf afin, INSULATION DURABILITY | LQ00V AC dow more than one minute torte LINE OUTPUF SHUN a2 UN <1.228¥, at OU ina satan, OY reste tape Required load iepedance rage than 50 K cms POWER OUTRET More than 2 6 Impedance : ohne DIN OUTPUT 2.8-V at asim eure Ronse load impedance move than S50 oss LINE INPUT Above on DK tins MC. INPUT Impedance ; 30K bons iN INPUT: Abou hn napedance 543 obmns PAST FORWARD AND REWIND TIME LSssconds for 1.2007, tape at 1th sesannds for 1,200 MONITOR SYSTEM 5 Program can be monitored during recording by using stereo headphones Il. MEASURING METHODS TAPE SPEED DEVIATION 1. Presecorded tape measuring method Playback on the tape recorder being tested. a tape ppreseconded at 1,000 I 40.1% Connect the appropriate output to a freqpieney count ncter im order ti measire any deviation from: the preevonded tape 2. Timing. tape measuring method {afesigned for tape speed measurement) This methex! utilizes a timing. tope marked at intervals-of 7Ay2". Playing time over 60 marked sections teasired in ofder to calculate tape speed deviation, [n using this method, however, it sltould be kept in mind that timing tape stretch or contract et is necessary to measure the total length of the tape int advance, oc is inevitable so that WOW AND FLUTTER Playback a 3,000 He pre-secorded tape, of which the wow and flutter level is guaranteed to be smallee than (07%, and measure with s wow metcr, Iti also possible for 4 3,000 Hz sine wave to be reconded andl played hack for measurement with rte this ease however, the wow meter will indicate a value as mci as twice that given in the spevifications, SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO Set the Equalizer Switch to the "7.1/2 ps” position and playhack a tape containing 2 250 Hi sine wave recorded HO" WU fevel on any standard recorder. Connect 4 VIEVM, tw the line outprt jack of the reconer and measure its aulpul, Next, remove thy tape and measure the moise level under the same conditions, Conv ‘of the meusured values ints decibels TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION FACTOR, KH ‘Autio Oscillator Dissortion meter = BowL ‘Connect the measuring instruments as shown above, and reoord a 1,000 HE sing wave at “O" VU. Playback sh resultant signal und measure the overall distortion fac Measure the noise level af the tape recorder with the for measitemeat of the distortion factor of the oscillator The resultant distortian factor can be obtained fre results of the above measurement by using the Following Forma the all distortion: dy = Nowse level dz = Distortion fastor of the aseillator (Nate! New tape af particularly good quality should he ued for measurment of the distortion factor). POWER OUTPUT Playback a tape containing a sine wave of 250 He recorded at “0” VU on any standard recorder Connect a V-TVML to the line out recunder and measure the voltage at thie ou recorder heing tested. jack of the of the CROSS TALK (Cross talk between the tracks) ‘Tape direction Tope direction ‘As shown in the figure, first record a 1,000 Hr sine wave #34VU level. Next, remove the 1,000 Hy input signal and record under a nonsinput condition Then, playback the tape on tacks 3 and 1 (reversed condition of tape) thraugh the 1,000 He. B.P.F. ¢Band Pass Filter, Sensitivity... 1: 1) and obtain the ratio between the two by using the following formula on track No, 3a (aby * Desired cross talk ratio tab} {O00 Fiz signal output level {00 Fix crose tal eutput level 1 = Nonnput signal revord level QUENCY RESPONSE dio | Frequency FATE Line Line EVM) Lowa rnpat Ourpur| Connect the mensuring instruments as sown in the above disgram, snd nieasute the frequency response the Followang sequence RECORD 11 Intioduce a sine wave of 1.000 He ta the Line Input fof the recorder being tested through an attenuator from an audio frequency generator. 2) Set the Record/Playback Lever ta “Ree” position and adivst the line inpot volume so that the VU er needle indicates “O" VU. 3) Under the conditions descrited in (2), lower the input level 16 dB with the attenuator. 4) Record the spot frequency from the audio fre- squeney generator in the range of 40 to 15,000 He, PLAYBACK 5} Set the Recond/Playback Lever to “Play” position, 6) Cannect a WTA. ta the Line Outpu 7) Playback the previously recorded tape 8) Adjust the output level to “0 dlim at 1,000 He indicated on range selector of V.T.V.M.) 9} Playbaek the recorded spot frequencies urster the wi (8); make 2 memo of Output Level he value on a graph, CONTROL LOCATIONS Toe Speed Switeh— Supply bel Stat Reel Retainer Taks-Up Reel Shatt ‘eal Retainer Caestan Copstan Shalt cr Wiss Automatic SAut-ol Lever Cycle Corworsian Switch (A Capsten Storage Post oad Cover Tape Gade Molurme Control (right Tone Cantal (ght eset Button Iroex Counter Trach Seiector— Micrnphane Jack ef Microphane Jack “right Tone Cantal lett elu Cantrol let Mute/Normal Conwersion Switch Fuse Post——— Cycle Conversion Sich 8 Voltage Selector — Ac Cord External Speaker Jack right —Aacord Playback Lever ast Forward/Rewend Lever ue Lavon ———Reenrd Satety ution Automatic Shut Sate MU Meter ‘ett WU Meter eign Stereo Haad Proce Jack Power Saitch Fig Line Guiput Jack right ——— ‘oN ack Line Output Jack le ‘Ure Input ck |e Lie tut Jack «i -Extemal Speaker Jock ‘lot Fig. 2 WV. DISMANTLING OF TAPE TRANSPORT UNIT a AMPLIFIERS In case of trouble, ete, necessitating disassembly, please disassemble in the onder shown in photographs. Reassemble in reverse ander. geen ruse Vv. TRANSPORT MECHANISM 1. CAPSTAN DRIVE Figure 1 (A) Motor (I) Drive Bele (Mat belay (€) Capstan (1) Fiywhee! High-speed rotation of Motor (A) is transmitted by Drive Belt (B) to Capstan (CI: which i connected to a flywheel that provides necessary inertia. This fywhecl ‘maintains the rated rotation aad absorbs minor rotation variations of the motor Capstan Rotation (606 RPM. at 7-1/2" (19 em} per se. 303 RPM. at 33/47 (9.5 cm) per sec. 151.5 RPM, at 1-7/8" (4,75 om por sec. Motor Rotation 3,000 to 1,500 RPM. at SO Hz 3,600 to 1,800 R.P.M, at 60 Hz 2. PINCH WHEEL DRIVE The presware of the pinch wheel as it pushes sexinst capstan, transports tape Between rotating eapstann and pinch wheel at the rated speed. The proper pinch wheel pressure is between 1.000 to 1,150 srams at the tape speed af 7.1/2" (15 om} per scond 3. RECORD AND PLAYBACK MECHANISM Turning the RECORD/PLAYBACK LEVER (A) “PLAY” position causes the pinch whes! to press against the eapstan and move the Lape atthe rated speed. AL the sume time, filfer (BE moves between Motor Lushing (CY and the Pake-tip eel Spinal (D) te transmit ele mertor rotation 10 (D) so that the tape is moved and wound on the take-up teel, The Take-up Reel Spindle ase, comipased OF two plastic wheels (dises) (1 and 2) wath a felt clutch between, is rotated from below by the idler. Tape-winding friction is adjusted by the slipping of the felt and maintains rated winding of the tape. Tike Supply Reef Spindfe (HY has a Brake oiler (EY contacting plastic wheel (disc) (4) fram below which provides appropriate back tension by the slipping of the felt clutch to the rotation of the Pulley (3) above, To prevent accidental erasure, the Recond Safety Button (EV rust be depressed before the RECORD/PLAYBACK LEVER can be moved to the “REC” pasition. Safety device {G) is depressed to nperate the seconding, mecha (See Figure 2) 4. FAST-FORWARD MECHANISM Turing the FAST FWELREWIND LEVER (A) to “FAST FWD" position, causes cam (B) under the knob to push up Lever (C). Lier (D) maves into the space between Plastic Roller (F) above the Take-Up Reel Spindle and the upper part of the rotating motor drive bushing to transmit the motor rotation to the take-up reel spindle. At the sume time, Brake Rollers (H} and (I) come off the reel spindle to free Supply eed Spunles 1G) and (FI, thereby allowing fast winding of the tape ‘mca the take-up reel. (ce figure 3) 5, REWIND MECHANISM Tuming the FAST FWD.REWIND knob (A) 10 “REWIND” position, causes com (B) under the knob 10 pralt up Lever (C) Kdler (D) moves into. the space hetween the upper part of the rotating Motor drive aang (E) and the tndermediate Pulley CE) to transteit the high-speed rotation of the motor thraugh the intermediate pulley to Supply Reel Spindle (G). At the same time, frake Rollers (Hand {1} come off the reel spindle to free take-up rel spiuiles (3) and (Gb, thereby rewinding the tape onta the supply reel at a fast speed. (Sce figure 4) 6. STOP CONTROL Turing the stop lever to “STOP” position, causes Brake Rollees (A) anv (B) to depress the reel spindles and stop rotation, As the brake nubbers depress the plastic rollers helow the reel spindles, ne friction is applied to the tape {Sce figure 5) ranges | EES va oem | aoe SS; Remarks indicates “open and suaths “engage RECORD/PLAYBACK CHANGING MECHANISM When the RECORDIPLAYBACK LEVER (§) is turned to phy positios, RECORD/PLAYBACK CHANGING SWIECELISW1) dues ot operate and rermins fied in phy mode. By turing the RECORD/PLAYBACK LEVER (N) co the recording position, CAM (a) pushes ARM (b). as illustrated by the dotted line. ARM (b) then pulls ARMS (a) and (e), which are joined to the RECORD/ PLAYBACK CHANGING SWITCH (SWI), to the reeor- ding position If ARMS (b}, (8) and (e) dor not work properly, (SWI) does noi operaie properly, abnormal oscillation may joecer, and recording cannot take place, The ARMS must be adjusted properly by loasening SCREWS (1) and (x). Vi. MECHANISM ADJUSTMENT 1, PINCH WHEEL ADJUSTMENT, In 4s important shat the pinch wheel shat be kept in perfect alignment with the capstan shaft. Proper pinch whee! pressure is hetween 1,000 and 1,150 grams when the unit is operated at the tape speed of 75 ips. Any deviation will resull i wow and Mutter. Check pinch wheel pressure with a spring. scale, and if necessary. adjust the pinch wheel load spring 2. TAKE-UP IDLER WHEEL ADJUSTMENT The takeaup idler wheel must he kept in perfect ahgnmcnt with the takeqp reel shaft. tn fast forward operation, the idler wheel contacts the wpper knurled wheel of the take-up reel shalt assembly, and conversely contacts the lower knurled wheel during record or play ration, Adjust iler wheel load spring st that the iler wheel pressure is kept between $0 and 40 grams. The idloe whee! wears rapidly i the pressure Isexeessive Slippage oceurs if the pressure i less than specified, 1 era esate Ta Fig. 3. REWIND IDLER WHEEL ADJUSTMENT The rewind idler wheel must be kept in perfect alignment with the rewind reel shaft, The amount of pressure on the knurled mater bushing shenld be about 50 grams during rewind operation. Adjust both te ier load spring and rewind roller 4. INTERMEDIATE WHEEL ADJUSTMENT ‘The intermediate wheel is located between the rewind idler wheel and the rubber ring which is used on the Upper part of the supply reel shaft assembly mode, it contuets these parts while simultaneously transmitting motor torque. An adequate pressure is 30 grams. Adjust the load spring of the intermediate whee! i the pressure is not sufficient In rewind 5, TAKE-UP REEL SHAFT ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT A felt clutch is attached to the bottom side of the reel fable bse plate so that secoteling tape will not stvetch due to cxoesine (ension during fast forward operation, To check the amount of frietion on this part, installa Ssinch reel with 2 60 mm diameter tape and gently pull the end of the tape upward with a spring scale. Adjust the canical spring so that she amount of tension wn this part is between 380 to 450 grams, Another felt clutch is attached to the take-up drive wheel te provide proper slippage during secord we play mode, The procedure for checking friction of this part 8 same as the forepaing, and between 150 and 200 grams of friction provides the best results, Adjust the star-shaped spring just under the takeup drive wheel, During rewind operation, the amount of fristion of this purt will decrease to 10 (0 15 grams, Check ¢0 see whether this is satisfactory. M not readjust the star-shaped brake spring and the pressure of the spring retainer washer ascordingly 6. SUPPLY REEL SHAFT ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT ‘of the see! A felt clutch is used between the lower table base plate and the rewind rubber the reeoed ding. To check the amount of friction install a Sxinch reel with a 6A men diameter 1 gently pall the end of tape upward with 3 pring seo Adjust the conical spring 0 the tension i between 35M 450 grams, Another felt clutch is attucued co the rewind drive wheel to provide proper slipping operation du record or play mode, The procedure for chet fraction om this purl is the same as the foregoing between 110 and 130 grams of friction pve best results li fast Forward peration, the aniount of Friction will decrense te 10 to 15 grams Check to sce whether this is correct. Hf not, readjust spring and. spring setainer washer (See f lett) oil ye 1 a) at 3, HEAD ADJUSTMENT (A) Adjustinent of Head Height (See Fig. 2 and 3) a. Erase Head Adjust the Frase Head Height by turning head height serews fa) so that the upper edj the tape as it passes the erase head is 0.125 0.18 mm below the top edge of the CHI evase head cote b. Playback Heal Adjust the Playback Hlead Height by turning head light serows (b) (b') in the samme manner 0 that the upper ede of the tape as it passes ly parallel with the top edge af the playback head core (B) Adjustment af Vertical Azimuth of the Head Adjust the vertical aximuth of each head (erase and playback) by turing head height screws (a) and (B) (OF une the tape comes in complete contact with each head. (€) Adjustment of Head Alignment Playback Ftead Playback an Ampex Alignment tape (8,000 Hz) at 3-3/4 ips and turn alignment covet serew (e) until ‘he sautput level of both channels reaches maximum, 0.128 ~ 015mm Vi. AMPLIFIER ADJUSTMENT 1, RECORDING BIAS FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 1 a. Install a resistor af 10 oF $0 Ohms in series with the Bias Head and connect the Vertical Input Terminal of the Oseillosepe to points fa) and (bh b. Feed in a sine wave signal Irom aad Audio Fre quency Oscillator 10 the Horirantal Input of the Oscillowope and tune the Dial of the Audio Frequency Oxellator until the Oscilloscope displays «a sircular or linear patiern, cA reading of 63 KHz * SKHa, indicates that the Recording Biss Frequency ig carrect. 4, Hf incorrect, it can be adjusted by inserting another -condenser (C216) value SS00PF, Reese.8 HEAD OSCILLATOR CIRCE o ie @ 7 RECORDING BIAS VOLTAGE (Fig. 2) Connect the V-T-V-M. to points (A) aad (Bp, then read the value on the WoT.¥.M. b. A veading of AC3SV = 2¥. indicates that the Recording Bias Voltage is correct 3. ERASING BIAS VOLTAGE (Fig. 2) a. Connect the V-TLV.M. to points (A) and (8), then read the value on the V.T.V.AL B.A reading of AC 22 to 30¥, indicates that the Erasing Bias 13 lubricate the following parts CAUTION MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES PLYWHE LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS ie and optimum performance reach $00 hours of ation, Use only light machine ofl of good quality Motos Flywheel Assembly Rewind [dler Wheel and Wind Take-Up bdler 1 drop. ermediate Idle | drop Binch Wheel | deop Also apply a liberal filay of ight machine grease to of all levers and cars each roller surf DO NOT OVER-LUBRICATE, WIPE OFF EXCESS OIL WITH A COTTON SWAK SOAKE IN ALCOHOL. OTHERWISE EXCESS LUBRE CANT MAY BE SCATTERED DURING OPE- RATION AND THE RUBBER COMPONENTS WILL DETERIORATE MOTOR 2. CLEANING TA PARTS Wi ve of tape heads, w bushing and pinch wheel period soaked in alcohol PE HEADS AND OTHER ally with a sift eloth IX. COMPOSITE VIEWS OF COMPONENTS PRE-AMPLIFIER P.C, BOARD (LS-5014) 013) 5 MAIN AMPLIFIER F.C. BOARD (LS. lis X, TROUBLE SHOOTING CHART SECTION "A" TROUBLES WITH AMPLIFIER 1. Playback problems. (Unit set te play positian.) son ym Linc omt Jack, we), i), voltage supply ns vn anda it plastech head prone Load tom ole Ne-shange even when ‘playhacis heal area feage cop phy—$—— ccm shot 11201,2) a (219) (C1) Fetch Replace check Speaker Sich ESB Cheek londe coneetinn: Adin Cheek al transtors (pen Circuit ia Payback heed ell oF mgs ead ie Ra © B15, R208 Sefectve Keplace Check. Record May back Chang sie Sei (SMU) und wire has cum Lone Ades 4, 2100g) (C212. 100nA 1a 7e) Selecting tac in the regarder taybac cn asd anche les comnestlon——Ad st Letiesu detectne sistors ETEETO, 2.204, 39 2801013, | neptace Pity head surface Lotape it eptice is magneticed ————— Replace sa ucts spel Hand wit Replace Sound isto ity head siege — on the Defective tama Heptace 2 Recanding problems, (Unit plays back pre-recorded tape satisfactorily, but eccondi unsatisfactory.) Dae at even No WU Meter Indica VU meter lsat or Bea wire deceive — Replace Head defective ——————— eplice Defective lapat jack Replace RECIPLAY slide switch does, ft fnctien propery VU meter indication Resistor (218) defect Replace Rec MB, Sie Smith does wet Tunction property = saint Loic connection oa the ASC ‘eet —— Adinne Hi otectve Reptice spon at ose ‘lta ‘aetentive ‘VU-meter rancor Soned distorted securing mse fo eternal eat eae. Rea defective epic ‘hoes (L201) ana (214 Faulty recotdiag egualzatins si ry E: fected asec en Os eteig svat and ‘Vs t faction normally Jur recording mi Dor eecurding input level —— hugh beadpeaes absorm wee the voeme done ite i] LV mater tat sensitiy Replace elective input eauipment eiceuplins, ts) ay eresing Dies at erase a rave ead detective Replace Ficonmected wie af erase head 7 Deca nec ot dont aden tomerfore of erase head evemplote erasure —————rasing Bian vata lr Trams TR205, 6p traps sane) Replace fcire recording te Heed magnetized mag Jans voltage 18 Recon seasitivity lor ‘Sued fades or drops ont Position af Vahime ‘Cottle differ geay Seca VU mer Tadication VU meter fanctions newly —Darty head sarfaee—————-cieaa Has vole ont of aljast anes Re-nust Tape self etext Repace VU meter dows wa, Loose cuanectine af the Inpat jack —Adiust tadicate Hoge Ci Rope a VU meter senuiiaty tow Reptace REC/PLAY slide ewiteh agi Bes a Fume propel ity head surface Clem ape ite detective eeplace reconding tape Hack: testa tweak — Ada the eon of sept spindle Feoeording bins valtage at of edlustment| He asin Nolume Coote Note Contral_______eplace Varah Mester 19 SECTION “B" TROUBLES WITH TAPE TRANSPORT MECHANISM pce easton! — Repaie rok Heh

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