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Impact of Job Stress on Employee Performance

Name: Syed Muhammad Zain Pirzada

Student ID: Mc130401928

University: Virtual University of Pakistan

Date of Submission: 30th-Nov-2018

Virtual University of Pakistan

Table of Content

Chapter 1

1. Introduction

2. Background

3. Objective

4. Significance

Chapter 2


1. Type of Research

2. Source

3. Instrument

4. Participants

5. Field work

6. Analysis

7. Reference


The mechanisms of productive globalization and restructuring of market economy have

created major changes in the management and organization of labor. For instance, processes in

the banking sector have been altered by factors like mass layoffs, outsourcing, automation, and

business reengineering with a reduction of job insecurity. All these changes have a great impact

on wages, working conditions, employment, and directly affect the workers health. Job stress has

become rampant in our present time. Stress occur either in a negative or positive manner

depending on the perception one has between the forces. Stress at work poses a danger to

physical health. Job stress is caused by circumstances in the place of work that negatively

influence a person’s performance and general well-being of his mind and body (Jex, 1998). Job

stress lowers employee performance, especially if the level of stress, is high. However,

performance is disrupted even by moderately low levels of stress.


In relation to Newton (1995), from the 2nd world war, stress has been an enticing topic

for researchers. Establishments have acknowledged that due to job stress, a lot of human

workforces have disappeared. Employees claim that they are under high stress while at work an

instance that stages job stress a major problem globally. Employees of SAMBA Bank Ltd.

Limited based in Pakistan as well experiences job stress resulting to a decline in their job

performance. The study, therefore, looks at the impact of stress on employee performance in

SAMBA Bank Ltd.


1. To determine various factors that causes job stress at SAMBA Bank Ltd.

2. To establish strategies that can be used to curb job stress at SAMBA Bank Ltd.

3. To explore how job stress factors affect employee performance in SAMBA Bank Ltd.


This study will help to understand the prevalence of job stress in bank employees. It will

explain how factors associated with job stress hinder employee performance. The study will

make an effort to showcase the modern coping approaches pursued by the employer and

employee to withstand pressure in a bid to improve their performance.

Type of Research:

Descriptive cross-section research designs that employ quantitative technique will be

used. The employees of SAMBA Bank Ltd will be the research unit given that they are the ones

affected by stress while working resulting in a deprived performance. This triggers SAMBA

Bank Ltd as an institution to register minimal profit than anticipated.

Data Collection Sources:

Primary data will be obtained from the sampled employees of SAMBA Bank Limited.

Data will also be collected from secondary sources such as books, journals, websites, and


Data Collection Instruments:

The main data collection instruments for this study will include structured questionnaires

that will aid interviewing of the respondents. To ensure comprehensive data collection, questions

to be asked will include be closed ended questions. Open-ended questions will help gather in

depth information and encompass various ideologies from the respondents. On the other hand,

closed questions will focus on structured responses, which will facilitate the ease of tabulation

and analysis once the data is compiled. The questionnaire will be designed using a five-point

Likert scale whereby one will denote “ strongly agreed”, two “agreed”, three “ neutral”, four “

disagreed”, and five “ strongly opposed”. Questionnaires will be distributed randomly to 80

SAMBA Bank Ltd workers. These workers will be drawn equally from different departments in

the bank.


Random sampling technique will be employed whereby SAMBA Bank Ltd employees

will be selected randomly. Where the target population is more than 10000 individuals, 384 of

them are recommended as the desired sample size (Kothari, 2005). Since the target population is

less than 10000, the following formula will be used to determine the sample size.

N = z2pq / d2


n = sample size when population is greater than 10000

z = standard normal derivative which corresponds to 95% confident level (1.96)

p = proportion of the targeted population assumed to have the desired characteristics

Estimated at 50%

i.e. p = 0.5, q = (1-p), = 1 – 0.5, = 0.5

d = level of maximum tolerance error (100-95)

d = degree of accuracy desired set at 0.05 (5%), n = (1.962 × 0.5 × 0.5) / 0.52

= 384

The above formula is used when the population is above 10000. Since the population is less than

10000, the following Yamane formula will be employed to establish the sample size, Nf = n / {1

+ (n/N)}

Where; Nf = the desired sample size of the target population

n = desired sample size when the population is less than 10000

n = the estimated population size, Estimated population = 100

Therefore, Nf = 384 / {1 + (384/100)} Nf= 79.34 = 80 respondents

Data Collection:

The data will be collected by administering questionnaires to employees in SAMBA

Bank Limited. All questions will be consistently asked in the language understood by the

employees. Definition of operational terms and constant supervision will be undertaken by the

researcher to further safeguard the reliability of the data collected. Completed questionnaires will

be checked for completeness and errors will be corrected immediately.

Data Processing and Analysis:

The data obtained from the study will be analyzed by regression analysis using SPSS

software. The results will be presented in tables for easier interpretation.


Alnaqib, M. (2012), Organizational Factors Causing Job Stress and Its Relationship to

Organizational Commitment. Al-Anbar university journal for economic and managerial

sciences, 4(9), 148- 167.

Jex, S. M. (1998). Stress and job performance: Theory, research, and implications for managerial

practice. Thousand Oaks, Calif. [u.a.: Sage Publications.

Kothari, C. R. (2005). Research methodology: Methods & techniques. New Delhi: New Age

International (P) Ltd.

Longoni, A. (2014). Sustainable operations strategies: The impact of human resource

management and organisational practices on the triple bottom line.

Perrewe, P. L., & Ganster, D. C. (2010). New developments in theoretical and conceptual

approaches to job stress. Bingley: Emerald.

Job Stress Scale (JSS)
Name: ___________________ University__________
Job Scale/ Designation_____________ Qualification__________
Please read the following statement and √ mark the relevant column against each according to the
extent of agreement to the statement
Nature of task Strongly Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly
Agree 4 3 2 Disagree
5 1
1 Early Meeting deadlines make me worry to great
2 Excessive paper work looks me a burden to me
3 Often my task demands me to work overtime which
produce tiredness
4 Dealing with crisis situations create high level stress
to me
5 Often the duties which are disagreed by other are
assigned to me which is horrible
6 Due to Excessive leaves of other co employees I
have to work for extra hours which is a big stressor
to me
7 Off an on I have been assigned to an unfamiliar
duty which is very un comfortable and full of stress.
Boss Behavior
8 My boss is very critical for assigned duties
9 Indicate support by the supervisor create stress
10 My boss never recognize / appreciate the work
which demotivate me
11 I feel lack of confident and nervous due to frequent
interruption by my supervisor
12 Irritation is produced due to the humiliations made
by my boss on petty matters
13 In conflict the lack of support by the supervisor
makes me depress.
Organizational Environment
14 Noisy work area makes me irritable
15 Unpleasant co employees attitude create frustration
16 When I see poor motivation of other coworker I
think to withdraw from my responsibility
17 Unfriendly attitude of co employees make me less
enthusiastic for my job
18 I feel emotionally depleted and ill due to the job
19 I feel a sensation of dissatisfaction while working
20 I feel difficult in concentrating on my job due to the

physical environment of working area

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