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C. K.


Semester - l, Accounting For Managers - 2810001

Q- 1 (A) Selectthe correct answer {One Mark each}.

1. The information provi-led in the annualfinancial statements pertains to:
(A) individual business sntity
(B) business industries
(c)the economy as awhole
{D) none ofthe above

2. Revenue is generally re€ognized atthe point ofsale Which principle is applied?

{A)consistencv (B) Matching
{C) Revenue recognition (D} none ofthe above.

3. The assumption that a business enterprise will not be sold or liquidated in the near
future is known as the:
(A) economicentity (B) Monetary Unit
(C) conservatism (D) none ofthe above

4 Which ofthe following is correct?

(A) Profit / Loss = Closrng capital + additional capital - drawing ' opening capital
(B) Profit / Loss = Closing capital - additional capital - drawing - opening capital
(C) Profit / Loss = Opening capital - additional €apital + drawing - closing capital
(D) Profit / Loss = Closing capital - additional capital + drawing - opening capital

5. L.F. in the journal is filled at the time of:

(A) journalizing (B) balan€ing (C) Posting (D) casting

6. The words "to balance bf" or "by balance b/f" is recorded at the time of:
(A) All compound entry (B) opening entry
(C) Closing entry {D)transter entry

7. On purchase of a machine, Rs. 100 was paid to a worker as waBes for installation of
machine will be re€orded as:
(A) Machine A/c debit (B) Installation charges l,/c debit
(C) wages A/c debit {D) no entry.

Q- 1 (B) Answer the following questions in briel (Two marks each).

1. Accounting adjustment for goods sold on approval
2 contingent Liabilitv
4. Reasons tor change in depreciation policy

Q- 2 (A) Journalize the following 'ra nsaction.
1. Re€eived a first and fi[nldividend of60 Daise in a rupee from off]cial receiver of Mt
Rajan who owed us Rs. 1,000.
2. Goods costing Rs 1,000 distributed as lree samples {seiling price Rs. 1,200)
3. Purchased machine from Rajiv for Rs 5,000 and paid him by bank draft of Rs. 5,005
4. Goods used in makingof lurniture (SellinB price Rs 2000 and cost Rs. 1500)

Q- 2 (B) List the accounting concepts and conventions. Explain any three in brief.

Q- 3 {A) Explain A5-2 in briet

a-3(B) x ltd. purchased a second hand machine on l lanuary 2001 for Rs. 37,000 and 8
immediately spent Rs. 2,000 on its repairs and Rs 1,000 on erection. On l July 2002, it
purchased another machine for R5. 1O,OO0 an on l July 2003 sold ofi the first machine
purchased on l lanuary 2001 for Rs. 28,000 On the same day, it purchased a machine
for Rs 25,000. On 1 luly 2004 the se€ond machine purchased for Rs. 10,000 was also
sold off at Rs 2,OOO. D€freciation was provided onthe nachine atthe rate of 10%on
the original cost annually on 31 December The company follows the year end at

q-3(A) Elaboratethe accounting aspects ofRevaluation ofFixed Assets underA5 -10. 7

Q- 3 {B) Ganesh quit his job and started a new business "Woodcraft d6cor". The transactions for 8
the month of September are as follows:
1. Begun business by investing cash Rs. 10000 in share capital.
2. Paid two months'rent in advance Rs. 2000.
3. Bought equipment for cash Rs. 1200.
4. Eought supplies on credit Rs. 700
5. Received payment for remodeling kitchen Rs. 8600
6. Paid for advertisement Rs. 1400
7. Received payment for office furnishing Rs. 11200
8. Billed customers for work done otherthan €ash term Rs.13100
9. Paid wages to assistant Rs- 1500
10. Paid electricity charges Rs.240
11 Beceived part payment from customer billed on 8th September Rs.4800
12. Paid dividend Rs. 2500

Prepare Trial Balance ofthe €ompany.

Q-4 Prepa.e Trading and Prollt & Loss account and Balance Sheet from the following 15
particulars as at 31,032012

Particulars Dr, {Rs.} cr. {Rs.}

Capital/ Drawing 1,400 10,000
Cash in hand 1,500

Bank overdraft @ 5% 2,000
Purchase and sales 72,OO0 15.000
Returns 1,000 2,O00
Establishment charses 2,500
Taxes and insurance 500
Provision fordoubtful debt 1,000
Bad debt 500
Debtors and crediirrs 5.000
Commission s00
lnvestment 4,000
Stock on 0l,O{,2011 3.000
Furniture 600
Bills receivable and payable 3,000 2,s00
Collected sales tax 150
TOTAL 35,000 35.000

Please consider the following information.

1. 5alary Rs. 100 and Taxes Rs. 400 are outstanding and insurance Rs. 50 prepaid.
2. Commission amounting to Rs. 100 has been received in advance tor the work to
be done next year
3. Interest accrued on investment Rs 210.
4 Provision fordoubtfuldebtto be maintained at 20%.
5 Depreciation on furniture is to be charged at 10'l".
6. Stock on 310y12 was valued at Rs.4,500
7. A fire occurred on 25 March 2012 inthe godown and stock worth Rs. 1,000 was
destroyed. lt was fully insured and insurance company admitted the full claim.


q-4 ThefollowingTrialBalanceofMrRamat3lMarch2012anditisdesiredtopreparelinal 15
accounts showing the results of the transactions of the yea r.

Particulars Dr. (Rs.l Cr. (Rs.l

Capital/ Drawing 6,000 41,000
Plant and machine 51,000
Office furniture 2,600
Stock on April 1,2011 48,000
Motor van 12,000
Debtors and credita rs 45.000 s2,000
Cash in hand 400
Balan€e at bank 5,500
Wages -factory 1,50,000
untce 14,000
Purchase / sales 2.13.500 4,80,000
Bills receivables 7,200
Bills payable 5,500
Retulns 9,300 5,500

Provision for doubtful debt 2,s00
Rent 5,000
Liehtins 800
Telephone 1,350
Insurance 300
Advertisement 5,350
Generalexpense 1,000
Bad debt 2,500
Discount 5,500 3,700
TOTAL 5,90,300 s,90,300

The followinB adjustments are to be made:

1. Stock on 31 March 2012 Rs. 52,000.
2 Rent due but not paid Rs. 2,000, Lighting due but not paid Rs. 300
3. Insurance paid in rdvance Rs. 100.
4 Depreciation: Plant & Machine @ 33-13%, office furniture @ 10%, motor van @
5. The provision lor doubt debt hasto be increased to Rs.3000.
6. Discount at 2.5% on debtors and creditor are to be Drovided.


Enrolment No.

!t ni,5!t


Subject Code: 281005 Dite:2atfi12015
Subject Name: Principles of Management (PoM)

Time: 10:30 am to 12:30 pm Total Marks: 60

1. Attempt all questions.
2, Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (A) ftiple Choice Questions (7)

1 An automobile manufacturer that increased the total number of cars produced at the same
cost. but with many defects uld be
a. efficient and e ctive b. increasing efficiency
c. increasino etfectiveness d. concerned with inputs

2. Oroanizational culture is similar to an individual's

a. Skills b. Personality
c Motivation d ility
J. tne lve management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordjnating, and
controlling were proposed by
a. Frederick W Taylor b. Henry Ford
c. Chester Barnard d. Henry Fayol

a. Leading b. Coordinating
c Planning d Organizing

5 Mentoring is primarily associated with the management function of

a. Leading b. Coordinating
c. Planning d. Organizing

Page 1of 4
6. According to Mintzberg's management roles, the roles are those thatinvolve
oeoole and other duties that are ceremonial and svmbolic in nature.
a informational b. interpersonal
c. technical d decisional

7. Value chain partners are part of which of the following component of Value Chain
a Technic€l investment b Leadership
c. Coordination and Collaboration d. Planning

Q.l (B) Write ShotT Answers forfollowing questions (8)

'1. Which are the skills required by Managers?

2. What is SWOT metrics?
3. Define'Mission' & 'Vision'.
4. Write a note on "t'' & "Y'theory.

Q. 2 (A) 'Management is an art, science or both'explain with illustration. (8)

Q.2 (B) Which are the social issues in India where the businesses and the management are
pected to get involved? (7)

Q. 3 (A) n/hat is Management process? Explain the idea of Management process on the basis of
the catch word POSDCORB in present scenario. (8)

Q. 3 (B)'Management is an art of getting things done through others.' Explain the statement with
tho help of suitable examples tl)

o 3 (A) Differentiate between standing plans and single-use plans. (8t

o 3 (B) What are elements of MBO process? (7)

Q. 4 (Al Read the Case-study catefully and answer the questions given at the end. (15)

Bharat Engineering Works Limited is a major industrial machineries besides other engineering
products. lt has enjoyed market preference for its machineries because of limited competition in
the field. Usually there have been mote orders than what the company c€uld supply However, the
scenario changed quickly because of the antry of two new competitors in the field with foreign
technological collaboration. For the first time, the company faced problem in marketing its products
with usual profif margin. Sensing the likely problem, the chief executive appointed Mr Arvind
Kumar as general manager to direct the operations of industrial machinery division. Mr Kumar had
similar assignmant abroad before mming back to India.

Page 2 of4
' Mr Kumar had a discussion with the chief executive about the nature of the problem being faced
by the company so that he could fix up his priority. The chief executive advised him to_.consult
various heads of department to have first hand information. H ever, he emphasised that the
company lacked an integrated planning system while members of the Board of Directors insisted
on introducing thjs in several meetings both fo ally and informally

asked all heads to identify major problems and issues concerning them. The ma*eting manager
indicated that in order to achieve higher sales, he needed more sales support. Sales pe le had
no central organisation to provide sales support nor s there a generous budget for
demonstration teams which could be sent to customers to win business.

The production manager complained about lhe old machines and equipment used in
manufacturing. Therefore, cost of production was high but without corresponding quality. While
competitors had better equipments and machinery, Bharat Engineering had neither replaced its
age-old plant nor reconditioned it. Therefore to reduced the cost, it was essential to automate
' production lines by installing new equipment.

Director of research and development did not have specific problem and lher re, did not indicate
for any change. However, a principal sciontist in R&D indicated on one day that the director of
R&D, though very nice in his approach, did not emphasize on short-term research projects, which
could easily increase production efficiency by at least 20 per c€nt within a very short period without
any major capital outlay.

(a) Discuss the nature and characteristics of the problems in this case.
(b) at steps should be taken by Mr Kumar to overcome these problems?
(C) In which way Bharat Engineering Works Limited can increase its sales?


The president of Simplex Mills sat at his desk in the hushed atmosphere, so typical of business
offic€s, after the close of working hours. He was thinking about Rehman, the manager in-charge of
purchasing, and his ability to work with George, the production manager, and Vipulabh, the
marketing and sales manager in the fi

When the purchasing department s esiablished two years ago, both George and Vipulabh
agreed with the need to centralise this function and place a specialist in charge- George s of the
view that this uld free his supervisors from detailed ordering activities. Mpulabh opined that the
flow of materials into the firm s important enough to warrant a specialised management

managers who havo had a number of con ntations with the new purchase manager, and
occasionally with one another, in regard to the way the purchasing function in being carried out.

Page 3 of4
From George's point of view, instead of simpli{ying his job as production manager by taking c€re of
purchasing for him, the purchasing department has developed a formal set of procedures that has
resulted in as much time commitment on his part as he had previously spent in placing his orders
directly with vendors. Further, he is specially irritated by the fact that his need for particular items
or particular specification is constantly being questioned by the purchasing department. \Mten the
department was established, George assumed that the purchasing manager was there to fill his
needs, not to question them

As Vipulabh sees it, the purchasing function is an integral part of marketing function, and the two
therefore need to be jointly managed as a unified process. Purchasing function cannot be
separated from a firm's overall marketing strategy. H evsr, Rehman has attempted to carry out
the purchasing function without regard for thjs obvious relationship between his responsibilities
and those of Vipulabh, thus making a unified marketing strategy impossible.

In his previous position, Rehman had worked in the purchasing department of a flrm considerably
larger ihan Simpiex. Before being hired, he was interviewed by all the top managers, including
Georgs and Vipulabh, but it was the president himself who negotiated the details of the job offer.
As Rehman sees it, he was hiied as a professional to do a professional job. Both George and
Vipulabh have been distracting him flom this goal by presuming that he is somehow subordinate to
them, which he believes is not the case. The people in the production department, who use the
purchasing function most, have complained about the detail that he requires on their requisitions.
But he has documented proof that materials are now being purchased much more economic€lly
than they were under the former decentralised system. He finds Vipulabh's interests more difficult
to understand, since he sees no particular relationship belween his responsibilities for efficient
procurement, and Vipulabh's responsibilities to market the firm's products.

The president has been aware of the continuing conflict among three managers for some time, but
on the theory that a little rivalry is healthy and siimulating, he has felt that it was nothing to be
unduly concerned about. But now that much of his time is being taken up by much of what he
considers to be petty bickering, the time has come to take some positive action

1 ls George's view ofthe situation realistic?
2. How do you evaluate Vipulabh's position?
3. How the President of SimDlex Mills do now to solve this conflict?

Page 4 of4
€. K. shah Vijapurwala Inditut€ of llanagem€nt
Sh. Mahavih.rarna Vrdyalnya €duQtion Foundatior
, lndia s C;lobal Busin.:s Sci..l L:1.

oid !'dor.1a 3!0oor (Gu) NorA

MBA Batch Vll (Sem I - Div A & B) Mid S

Subiect Name: Organizational Behaviour

Subiect Code:2810004

All Questions Are Compulsorv

Q.1.(a) Answer all the following multiple choice questions: (1-s=s)

1 Which ofthe following role is not played by a manager in an organization?

(a) Leader (b)Team Performer
(c) Spokesperson (d) Figurehead

Q2 Which one of the following is not an Independent va able?

a) Personality b) Perception
c) Attitude d) Job Satisfactron

03 The tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance , require

excessrve admiration , and have a sense of entitlement in known as _ personalrty?
a) Narcissism
b) Self-monitoring
c) Proactive

Q4. Clear and difficult goals lead to higher levels of employee productivity refers to which

(a) Equity iheoryiofganizational justice (b) Reinforcement theory

(c )Goal- setting theory (d) Expectancy iheory

Q5 Refers to the vertical expansion ofjobs, which Increases the degree to which the worker
conlrols the planning, execution, and evalualicn cf lhe \,vork ?

(a) Job rotation (b) Job enlargement

(c) Job enrichment (d) None of the above

Q.'1.(b) Explain the following lerminologies (1-s = s)

1 Social Loafing
2 Employee Engagement
3 OrganizationalCitizenshipBehavrouf
4 Halo effect
5 Overconfidence bias

Q'1.(c )Explain briefly the Group development Process (5)

Q2. (a) Explain the dependent and independent variables with the help of OB Model ?

(b) Define motivation and explain its key elements? Explain the Theory X and Y of
motivation (8)

Q3. (a) Explain the JCM lvlodel of Motivation and also explain how MPS is calculated ?

(b) Do personalities differ across generations and cultures? Explain (8)


(a) Explain the Different types of Teams ? (8)

(b) What is Perception and what factors influence our perception (7)

Q4. Case Studv

Evans RV Wholesale Supply and Distribulion company sells parts, equipment, and supplies for
recreational vehrcles-motor homes, travel trailers, campers, and similar vehicles. In addition,
Evans has a service department for the repair and service of RVs The owner, Alex Evans,
bought the company five years ago from its original owner, changed the name ofthe company,
and has finally made it profitable, although it has been rough going The organization Is set up in
thfee divisions: service, retail parts and supplies, and wholesale pads and supplies Alex, the
owner, CEO, and president, has a vice president for each operating division and a vice president
of finance and opefatlons. The organization chart shows these divisions and positions
In the warehouse there are three groups: receiving (checking orders fof completeness, returning
defective merchandise, stocking the shelves, filling orders), service pads, and order filling for
outgoing shipments The warehouse group is responsible for all activities related to parts and
supplies receiving storage, and shipping
The retail sales drvision includes all functions related to selling of parts and supplies at the two
stores and in the mobile sales trailer Personnel in the retail divrsron include salespeople and
cashie|s The retail salespeoole also work in the warehouse because the warehouse also serues
as ihe showroom for walk-in customers
In the seNice depa(ment the servrce manager supervises the service writers, one scheduler,
and lead mechanics and technrcrans The service department includes the collision repair group
at the main store and the service departmenl at the satellite store The collision repair group has
two seruice writers who have special expettise in collision repair and insurance regulations Two
drivers who move RVs around the "yard" also work in the service divisron
The accounting and finance groups do eveMhing related to the money srde of the business,
including accounts payable and receivable, cash management, and payroll Also in this group is
the one person who handles all of the traditional personnel functions
Alex has fun other small businesses and is known as a benevolent owner, always taking care of
the loyal employees who work hard and are the backbone of any small business He is also
known as being real tough on anyone who loafs on the job or tries to take unfair advantage of
Alex or the company [,4ost of the employees are either veterans of the RV industry at Evans or
elsewhere, or are very young and sill learning the business Alex is working hard to develop a
good woft ethic among the younger employees and to keep the old{imers fully involved Since

he bought the business, Alex has hstituted new, modern, employee-centered human resource
policies. However, the company is still a kaditional hierarchically stfuctured organization
The company is located in a major metropolitan area that has a lot of potential customers for the
RV business The region has many ouldoor recreational activities and an active retirement
community that either lives in RVs (motor homes, trailers, or mobile homes) or uses them for
recreation The lormer owner of the business specifically chose not to be in the RV sales
business, figuring that parts and setuice was the better end of the business Two stores are
strategically located on opposite ends of the metropolitan area, and a mobile sales office is
moved around the major camping and recreational areas during the peak months of the yeat
When Alex bought the company, the parts and supplies business was only retail, relying on
customers to walk in the door to buy something. After buying the business, Alex applied good
management, marketing, and cash-management principles to get the company out oflhe red and
into profitability. Although his was not the only such business in town, it was the only one locally
owned, and it had a good localfollowing
About two years ago, Alex recognized that the nature of the business was changing First, he
saw the large nalionwide retailers moving into town. These retailers were using discount picing
in large warehouse-type stores. These large retail stores could use volume purchasing to get
lower pdces faom manufacturers, and they had the large stores necessary to store and shelve
the large inventory Alex, with only two siores, was 'Jnable to get such low prices from
manufacturers He also noted that retired people were notorious for shopping around for the
lowesl prices, but they also appreciated good, friendly customer service. People inlerested in
recrealional items also seemed to be following the national trend to shop via catalogs
So for a variety of reasons Alex began to develop a wholesale business by becoming a
wholesale distributor to the many RV parts and supply businesses in the small towns located in
the recreational areas around that state and in surrounding states. At the same time, he created
the first catalog for RV parts and supplies, fealuring all the brand-name pads and supplies by
category and supplier. The catalog had a very altractive camping scene on the cover, a
combination of attractively displayed items and many pages full of all the possible parts and
supplies that the RV owner could think of Of course, he made placing an order very easy, by
phone, mail, or fax, and accepted many easy payment methods. He filled both distributor orders
and catalog orders from his warehouse in the main store using standard mail and parcel delivery
services, charging the full delivery costs to the customers. He credits the business's survival so
far to his diversification into the warehouse and catalog business through which he could directly
compete with the national charns
Although it is now barely profltable, Alex is concerned about the changes in the industry and the
competition and about makng the monthly payments on the $5 million loan he got from the bank
to buy the business in the first place In addition, he reads aboutthe latesl management
techniques and attends various professional conferences around the country He has been
hearing and reading about this team-based organization idea and thinks it might be just the thing
to energize his cornpany and take it to the nexi ievel of pel{'ormance and profitability. At the
annual strategic planning retreat in August, Alex announced to his top management team that
starting on October '1 (the beginning of the next fiscal year), the company wor-ild be changing to a
team-based arrangement.

Case Questions

1 What mistakes has Alex already made in developing a team-based organzation?

2 lf Alex wefe to call you in as a consultant, what would you tell him to do?

3 Using the organization chart of Evans RV Wholesale Supply and Distribution,

describe how you would put the employees together in teams

More Than a Pavcheck

Lemuel Greene was a trainerfor National Home lvlanufacturcrs, a large builder of prefabricated
homes National Home had hired Greene fresh from graduate school with a maste/s degree in
English. At first, the company put him to work writing and revising company brochures and
helping with the most important correspondence at the senior level. But soon, both Greene and
senior management officials began to notice how well he worked with executives on their writing,
how he made them feel more confident about it, and how, after working with an executive on a
report, the executive often was much more eager to take on the next wriling task
So National Home moved Greene into its prestigious training department. The company's
trainers worked with thousands of supervisors, managers, and executives, helping them learn
eveMhing from new computer languages to time management skills to howto get the most out
ofthe workers on the plant floor, many of whom were unmotivated high schoold.opouts. Soon
Greene was spending all his time giving short seminars on executive writing as well as coaching
his students to perfect their memos and letters
Greene's move into lraining meant a big increase in salary, and when he started working
exclugveiy with the company's lop brass, it seemed as though he gct a bonus every mcnth
Greene's supervisor, Mirela Albert, knew he was making more than many executives who had
been with the company three times as long, and probably twice as much as any of his graduate
school classmates who concentrated in English. Yet in her biweekly meetings with him, she
could tell thal Greene wasn't happy.
When Albert asked him about it, Greene replied that he was in a bit of a mt. He had to keep
saying the same things over and over in his seminars, and business memos weren't as
interesting as the literature he had been trained on Butthen, aftertrailing off for a moment, he
blurted oul, "They don't need mel" Since the memos filtering down through the company were
now flawlessiy polished, and the annuai report was 20 percent shorter but said eveMhing it
needed to, Greene's desire to be needed was not fulfilled
The next week, Greene came to Albert with a proposal: What if he started holding classes for
some of the floor workers, many ofwhom had no future within or outside the company because
many could write nothing but their own names? Albert took the idea to her superiors. They told
her that they wouldn't oppose it, but Greene couldn't possibly keep drawing such a high salary if
he worked with people whose contribution to the company was compensated at minimum wage.
Greene agreed to a reduced salary and began offering English classes on the factory floor, whrch
were billed by management (who hoped to avoid a wage hike that yeaf) as an added benefit of
the job At first only two or three workers showed u and they, Greene believed, only wanted an
excuse to get away from the nailing guns for awhile. But gradually word got around that Greene
was serious about what he was doing and didn't treat the workers hke kids in a remedial class
At the end of the year, Greene got a bonus from a nevr source: the vrce president in charge of
production- Although Greene's course took workers off lhe job for a couple of holrrs a week,
productivity had actually improved since his course began, employee turnover had dropped, and
for the first time in over a year, some of the floor workers had begun to apply for supervisory
positions Greene was pleased with the bonus, but when Albert saw him grinning as he walked
around the building, she knew he wasn't thinking about his bank account
Case Questions

1. What need theories would explain why Lemuel Greene was unhappy despite his high income?
2 Greene seems to have drifted into being a teacher- Given his needs and motivations, do you
think teaching is an appropriate profession for him?


C. K Shalr Vijapuivraia
Institute of lr'lanagemenl
Ftdrrftl Rt
Sh.l Nla-av f3 Jaina Vruy.r;yr
Lrdia's Global B0slness Scbool Educ6i on Fo!,'dal,oo

Mid- semester Examination October, 2015 MBA Sem I Batch 7

Subject: Man:rgerial communication subiect code: 2810003
Marks:60 Time:2 Hrs

Q1(a). Select appropriate options from the choices given below every question [07]

1. Oral Communication is the interchange of- between the sender and the receiver
a) Writtencommunication
b) Cues and Clues
c) Signs and Gestures
d) Verbal messages

2. Listening and Hearing refers to --

a) The same thing
..-D' Specific act Versus General act
c) Mental and phvsical acts respectively
o) Different things

3. Meta-communication conveys a meaning that is:

a) Graphicallycommunicated
b) lmplied
c) IncompletelyconveYed
d) Directly stated

4. The presenter acts asthe:

a) Medium ot the information
b) Supporter ofthe information
c) Delivererof the information
d) Advocate of the information

5. The application letter and the resume perform:

a) The same task
b) Two opposite tasks
c) Two different tasks
d) Overlapping tasks

5. is not one of the 7 C's ofCommunication

a) Conciseness
b) Cotrectness
c) Clarity
d) Character

7. In an organization, the functionalareas are.

a) Marketing, communication and Finance
o, Production, Marketing and Finance
c) communication, Production and Marketing
o, Finance, Production and Communication

Q1 (bl. Explain following terns: I08l

1. Kinesics Communication
' 2 Grapeune
3. Persuasive writing
4. Rewriting/revising
QZ (a). Explain the essential elements of the process of communication- l08t
Q2 (b). Explain the principles of effective writing. L07l

Q3 (a). Companies and other organizations are usually required by law to present a written noiice ro enlpl,ryecs
informing them of a lay-off. This letter usually cites reasons for the lay-off, and acts as a formal apoloBy.
Employee rights may be included. In this lay-off letter, employer A P Pawar-owner of Pawar Associates-writes
to employee Ms J K Tiwari advising that the company can no longer employ her.
Q3 (b)- Elaborate various fadors that adversely affect listening. l07l


Q3 (a). Explain the elements (parts)offull report, in order oftheir sequence t07l
Q3 (b). Draft an internal memorandum or memo distributed to all staff or possibly posted on a notice board Siung
details ofthe forthcoming rescheduled staff christmas party along withjustification. t08l

q4 Case Study [1s]

A Reply to an Eraing Custome.
Dear 5ir,

Your letter of 23rd, with a cheque of Rs. 25,000 on account, is to hand.

We note that you say as to the difficulty you experience in collecting your outstanding accounts, but we are
compelled to remark that we do not thinkyou are treating us with the consideration we have a right to expect.
It is true that small remittances have been forwarded from time to time, but the debit balance against
you has been steadily in(reasing during the past twelve months until it now stands at the considerable total of Rs
85, 000.
Having regard to the many years during which you have been a customer of this firm and generally
speaking, satisfactory character of your account, we are reluctantto resort to halsh measures.
We must, however, insist that the existing balance should be cleared off by regular instalments of say Rs
1O,OOO per month, the first instalment to reach us bV 7th. ln the meantime you shall pay cash tor all further
goods; we are allowing vou an extra 3% discount in Iieu ofcredit.
We shall be glad to hear from you about this arrangement, as otherwise we shall have no alternative but
definitelyto close your account and place the matter in other hands.

Yours truly,

. Commenton the appropriateness of the sende/stone to a customer.
. Rewrite the matter according to the principles of effective writing in business.


Q4 Case Study [1s]

Mr and lrrs.Basu went to Woodlands Apparelto buy a pullover. Mr Basu did not read the price tag on the
piece selected by him. At the counter, while makingthe payment he asked forthe price. Rs 950 were the answer'
Meanwhile, Mrs Basu, who was still shoppinE came back and joined her husband. She was glad that he
had selected a nice black pullover for himsell She pointed out that there was a 25% discount on that item The
counter person nodded in agreement.
Mr Basu was thrilled to hear that. "lt means the price of this pullover is just Rs 712. That's fantastic", said Mr
Basu, He decided to buv one more oullover in green colour.
In no time, he returned with the second purrover and asked them to be packed. when he .eceived the
cash memo for payment, he was astonished to find that he had to p 1,900 and not Es. 1, 424.
Mr Basu could hardly reconcile himself to the fact that th nter person had quoted the discounted.
price which was Rs. 950. The original price printed on the price tag was Rs. 1,266.

. ldentirythe three sources of Mr Basu's information.
. Discuss the main filter involved in the case.
. What should Mr Basu have done to avoid the misunderstanding?
. Who is to be blamed for this communication Jap? Why?
Vijapurwata tnsiitute ci M.neqement
tin,.i L, _ &rl
striMabavjE ja,c Vrdyataya rauot or roonietion i llt

MBA Mid Semester Examination

Sem lllOctober. 201S

Subject Title: Research Methodotogy

Date; 27th October, 2ols Time: 10:30 am to.l2.3O Dm

Marks: 60
Attempt all questions

Q.l (a) lvluttipte Choice euestions.

'1. The Nielsen Television lnoex ls a set of inFormation of known
value that is provided to muttipte clients on a subscription
basis. The Nielson
lndex is an example of_
1. standardized services 2
analytrcal services

3. customized services 4. syndicated services

2. Some comrnon examples of an odinal scale are which ofthe
1 Weight 2. Preference Ranking
3. Height 4 Temperaiure
3. The _ is a broad statement of the general probtem and identification
the specific components of the marketing research problem.

I problem audit 2 probtem definition

1. management problem 3 none of the above

4. The management decision problem focuses on
_, while the marketing
research problem focuses on
I symptoms; solutions 2 solutions; underlying causes
3 symptomsl underlying causes 4 none of the above
5. Scores assigned to continuous ralng scales by the researcher
are typicall,
treated as _

I nominal 2 ordinal

3. ratio 4 interval
6 _ involves observing behavior as it takes place in the environment

I undisguised observation 2 disguised observation

3 structured observation 4 natural observatton

7 When evaluating secondary data, the asks the question of

"why the data were collected in the first place "

nature --criteria
I error/accuracy
2. objective 1 currcncy
Q.1 {b) Write the meaning of the following terminologies: (4)

1. Hypothesis 2 BibliogGphic Databases

3. Extraneous Variables 4. Causality
Q.1 (c ) Write a note on Cohort Analysis. (4)

4.2 (a) The management of a leading Five-Star Hotel'in Delhi is keen to knowhow (81
its customers view its services so that necessary inpro\tements can be
made. You are required to design a fwe point lkert attitude sc€le for
understanding the customers' opinion.

Q,2 (b) The Indian small car segment is growing rapidly Many companies have (7)
started manufacturing small and economy cars. You are required to conduct
a focus group "to determine the whether people are willing to buy small cars
and for which purpose'. Develop (1) Focus Group Objectives (2) Pre-
screening questionnaire and (3) Moderators Outline.

03 (a) Research.
Explain the differenc€ between Qualitative and Quantitative (8)

4.3 (b) Explain the classmcation of Experimental Research Design. (7)

4.3 (a) Write the sources of secondary data (8)

_ O.3 (b) Explain the difference between Exploratory, Descriptive and Causal (71
Research Desion.
Q.4 Ayushman Healthcare (15)

Ayushman healthcare company was set up in 2013 in Navi l\,4umbal with a

view to provide medical service to the residents at an affordable price
Having completed over two years of iis exlstence, ihe management wants to
have a feedback from those who have avaied iis services The purpose of
seeking such a feedback is to know shoricomings in its various activities so
that necessary corrective steps can be taken lt uld like to have ihe
ooinion of the patients under each of the followlng;

'1. Accessibility
2. Service Orientation
3 Doctors
4 Nurses and Technicians
5. Room-UsageExperience
6 General (Any other)


1 Develop the management problem and research problem for

Ayushman Healthc€re
2 Write Research questions for the research problem being addressed.
3 Develop appropriate hyPothesis


Heavy BPO dropouts (15)

BPO companies are poected as promoters of latest technology, flexibility

and freedom at workplace. In spde of thls, the attrition rate in their call
centres is too high. Almost every second or third studeni passing out from
college seems to be working in a call centre But despite the huge job
potential, BPO employees are jumping jobs faster than they come. lt is not a
healthy trend both from the viewpcint of BPO companies and their

In order to ascertain as to why attrition rate is high, a leading BPO company

has approached you to undertake a detailed survey covering Delhi, NOIDA
and Gurgaon lt is mainly concemed wiih hlgh dropouts and the e
nt ofjob
satisfaction among the employees How v'/ou{d you proceed with this
assignment, including spectfically the following q uestioils:


1. Develop the management problem ano fesearch problem

2 Write Research quesiions for the research problem being addressed.
3. Developappropriate hypothesis.
CK Slrh {lla|trruala ln$llllte tt fflanageffsnl

Sh Malavira Jaina Vidyalaya Educati0n F0undalion

Approved by AlCIt, Min sq oi NrD, Covernm-onl 0l lndra

MBA First Senester Examination (Mid-Senester)

Subject Code : 2810007
Dale 26/lODOl5 Total Marks : 60
Time Duation :20Hows

AttemPt all questions
Make suitable assumptroDs wherever necessary
Figwes lo the right indicate full marks.

Q I (a) Choose the correct optioD forthe following questions:

I Wllen a distribution is slrmetrical and unimodal, the highest Point of th€
curve depicts
a) Mean b) Median
c) Mode d) All ofthese
2 H)p€r-Geometric distdbution is more appropflate
a) ForDiscrete data b) en population slze is

c) For Continuous data None ofthe above d)

3 In which of the fol
ing situanon, BiDomial distribution is not apPlicable?
a) Rati4 ofa moYie b) Gender of a new bom baby
c) Numberofstu tr iII a class d) Result ofa cncket match
4 is one of the meesures of central tendeDcv
a) Ogrve Ratrge b)
c) Perc€ntrl€ d) St,Idard deviation
5 Which ofthe follc vitrg is an e ple ofraDdom sampling?
a) Stratified srmpling b) NoFprobability sampling
c) Convenience samplitrg d) Snowba sanpling
6 Time taken by students in wri aoswer sheet is level data
a) Nomhal b) Or al
c) Inte
d) Fitio
7 Which of the following is aD example of a relative measure of dispeBion?
a) Standard DeYiation b) Coefiicient of Variation
c) Range d) Varianc€

Q1 a) Explain the meaDing of fol ing terms wrth suihble apPlicalioD itr 08
L Skewtress 2. Pie Chart
3 Poissoa Dis tion 4. Cetrtral limit theorem

Page | 1
Q2 A study of pollua showed tbat certam indusmal emissions should not o'7

exceed 2 iPPM You betieve a panicular compary may be exceeding this

average To tesi ihis, you randomly sampled ntne air tests The sample
avefage was found to be 3 4 PPM with a standard deviation of 0 6 PPM
Does tllrs result provide enougl evidence for you to conclude that the
compa-Dy is exceedirg the safe lmit?

(b) Bri€fly lain P

Fobabllity. 08
A movement of ) ood and Health departnent foud aPProximately 0 27
of ali re to eat food products did not carry nutrilional labelliDg, whereas
83 % of bakery products did not c nutritional labelling. If these two
cat€gories combined, 60% would be ready to eal food and 40% would be
bakery products A researcher k blndly given a Product fiom th€se two
categores and is rold that th€ product does not have nutritional labeliog,
revise the probab ity tha! lhe Foduct js a ready to eai product

Q.3 la-) A teading journal on economics publshes some statistics on the job market 07
40% of aU workers say they would change theu job for higher pay. 88%

higher pay, what is the probability that Dine or more say yest If 13
compades selected, what is the probabilfy lhat all of the comPa.des say
there is a shortage of qualified candidales?

(b) Calculate the arithmetic mean, medEn, mode and standard deviation for the 08
data given below

Class Frequency
02 OE
4, t0 20
t0 15 t0
15-20 16
20 -25 25
25 -30
30 -40 60
40 50 20
50 -60 ll
60- 80 15
80 - 100


Q3 (al Explain the mear' Dg of stfldftd deviation with the help of emPidcal rule 01
and Chebyshev's lheorem. Also discuss t}?e- I ard T}?ell eror in bnef.

Page | 2
(b) Bdefly discuss h pothesis testif,S process
It is requued to l,st whether the test whether the temperature requted to
damage a computer on an average is less than I l0 degees. Because of the

temperature avemged 109 degrees with a sta.'rdard devialion of 3 d€gees

Use a = 0.0 I , to test if the damaging temperature r
less than I I 0 degees?

Case: Colgate-PalnolNe Makes A "Tolal" Efforl

In the mid-1990s, Colgate-Palnolive develoPed n€w toothpa-de for the U S

market, Colgate Total, with an antibacbnal ingedient thai was already
being successfully sold overseas Howev€r, the word antrbacterial was Dot
allowed for such cts by the Food and Drug So
Colgate-Palnoliv w
to cone xp with aDother and
other featur€s of their new toothpate to U.S consumers Mark€t researcherc
rold Colgate-Palmolive that consumers were weary of trying to discem
among the differ ent advantages of various toothpaste brands and wanted
simplificalion h their shopping es. In response, the nane "Total" was
given to the prodlct in theU ted States: The on€ word would convey that
the toothpaste is the ?total? Package of various benefits

Youg & Rubicam dev€lop€d several comme als illus!-ati4 Total's

benefits ard tested th€ commercials with focus oups. One conmercral
touting Total's long-lasting benefits rvas particularly succ€sstul Meanwhile,
in 199?, Colgate-Palnolive received FDA approval for Total, five years
after the comp had applied for it The pfoduct was lauched in the United
States ln January of 1998 using commercial ihat were desrgned ftom the
more successful ideas of the focus gloup tesb A print camPai$ followed

Withh ttuee montbs, Colgate-Palnolive grabbed the number oDe ma*€t

share for toothpaste. Ten months later 2l% of all US households had
puchased total for the first time. Duritg this same time period 43% ofthose
who initially tri€d total purchas€d n again. Colgate Total had been
succ€ssfully introduced into the U S. market.

I What Fobabililies are given in this case? Use these Probabilities and the
probabilities laws to dete what percetrtage of U.S households
chased Tohl at least twice in th€ fiIst l0 montbs of its rel€ase

2. Is age category independent of willingness to try new Products?

According to U.S. Census Bureau, ApFoximalely 20% of all Americans are
in lhe 45-64 age category Suppose 24% of the coDsumers who pDrchased
Total for the fiISt time during the initial 10 month period were h the 45'64
age category. Use this informatiotr to deterdine wh€ther age is iadepetrdent
of the initial purchase tototal the introductory time period. ExPlain
your answer.

3 Using the Fobabilities gven in Question 2, calculate the probability that a

mndomly selected US. consum€r is either in the 45'64 age category or
puchased total during the initial l0-month period. Wtral is the Probability
that a raDdomly selected persotr purchased total in the fint l0 months givetr
that the is in the 45-64

Page | 3
4 Suppose 32% of all toothpasle consumels in the Umted State saw the
Total commercials Of those who saw ihe commercials, 40% puchased tolal
at least once itr the first 10 montl$ of its intoducnon. Of those who did no1
see the commercials. 12.60% Durchased Totat a1 least once in the first l0
montlB of its introduclion Suppose a toothPaste consum€r is randomly
selected and it is leamed thalt purchas€d total during the first l0 months
of its introductro' ise the probability that the peNon did not see the total

Q4 The following data show the number of clams processed per day for a goup
of four insurance company employees obsened for a number of s Test the
hnothesis thar the employees' meatr claims per day are all the same

Emotovee I 15 t'7 14 12
EmDloyee 2 t2 l0 13 t'7
EnDlovee 3 lt l4 15 t2
Enolovee 4 13 t2 t2 14 l0 9

Page | 4
c K stah vijaluruala Institute 0l Managemefil

Shri Mahavira Jaira Vldyalaya Educalio,t Foundali0! Ac lls lI

Approv0d bfAltTt, Minislry 0fflRo, Goleinin.nt!l lndii l.r5r\

MBA Mid Semester Examination - Sem I October 2015

subiect Title: Economics For Managers subiect Code: 2810002
Marks:60 Time:2 Hrs.
Date: 2oth oct,2015

Q1 Answer allthe questions.

{A) Multiple-choice Questions (MCQI: choose the most approprlate answer from the optlons
grven. (7 marks)

1. Firms decision to shut-down would depend on if price is less than-:

A. AFC B. AVC C. ATC D. All of the options

2. The 'indivisible hands' as given by Adam smith, has to do with the following:

A. Capitalisteconomies B, Market economies

C. Closed economy D. None ofthe above

3, A reduction in the supply in the world market for oil would lead to the supply curve
moving towards:

A. Right B. Horizontally

C. Left D. Side-ways

4. salt have reduced by about 40%. The demand for salt for individual consumption
can be said to be with the new reduction In Prices'

A. Elastic B. Highly elastic

C. lnelastic D. Unitary elastic

5. The supply of a good is related to the price of the inputs used to make the

A. Positively B. Negatively

C. Neither Positively nor Negatively D. Horizontally

Page 1 of4
is a situation in whiah economic participants interacting with ofle
another each choose their best strategy Siven the strategies the others have chosen:'

A Oligopoly B. Nash Equilibrium

C. Duopoly D. Cartel

7. Which would be an implicit cost {or a firm? The .ost:

A. of worker wages and salaries for the firm. B paid for leasing a building for the firm'
C. paidforproductionsuppliesforthefirm D. ofwagesforegonebytheownerofthefirm

briefly: (4x2=8 marksl

-' (B) Answer

' 1. Why monopolies arise?

2. Define Opportunity Cost.

3. 'Accounting PrcJit is more thdn Economic Ptofit ' Elucidate the statement'

4. 'society foces o short+un trode-oJf between infldtion ond unemployment'Elucidate the


q.2 (A) Show with the help of an example how new equilibrium is established due to changes
in both demand and supply. {8 marks)

q.2 (B) Discuss the features of a monopoly market situation Discuss in detail the various public
policies towards monopolies. (7 marks)


q.2 (B) Draw a Production-functionthat exhibits diminishing marginal product of labour' Draw
the associated Total Cost curve, and explain the shapes of both the curves you have drawn
(7 marks)

Page 2 of4
Q.3 Numerical example:

Suppose that your demand schedule for Music CDs is as follows r

Quantity Demanded Quantity Demtnded
Price {income = Rupees 20000) (income = Rupees 25000)
18 50 60
20 42 55
22 34 40
24 26 30
18 22

Q. 3 (A) Using Mid-point formula calculate your price elasticitv of demand as the price of cDs
increases frorn 18 to 20. Deduce the results of your answer with explanation. (7 marks)

i) Your income is Rs. 20000

It Your tncome t5 Ks, z5uuu

Q.3 (B) Using Mid-point formula calculate your income elasticity of demand as you. income
increases from rupees 20000 to rupees 25000. Deduce the results of your answer with
explanation. l8 marks)
rJ Ine pnce ts lz
|lJ l ne pnce ts zb

Q 3 (A) Show the monopolistic competitive firm in the short-run making profits as well as
rosSes. (8 marks)

Q3 lBl 'Co-operdtion moy be ot the best interest of two competing firms'. Discuss ga me theory
with an imaginary example of two oil-producing countries viz. lran and lraq in their decision to
produce oil. (7 merks)


Read ca.efullythe case below and answer allthe questions that followi

Pricing in the Hotel lndustry

Differential room-rates have existed in the hotel industry for a long time; for example the lower
weekend rates that are standard at business hotels or the higher rates charged during the busy
festive season by resort hotels. These inter-temporal differences appear to be based on
different levels of dernand. Here we are concerned with different rates charged to different
customers at the same time {eg. The same day). lt has to be remembered that for a hotel
industry, a large proportion of the cost of running a hotel is fixed. The variable cost of renting
PaBe 3 of4
an empty room relatively small To paraphrase, one Geneaal Manager of a hotel says , lf i've
got somebody with money standing in front of me and cold vacant sheets upstairs, I woltld
surely want to make a deal! As long as the customer is willing to pay more than my vaniable cost
to clean that room, l'm going to make money!, Each additional rented room represenrs

This situation leads to different types of price discrimination practices in the hotel_industry
Often a hotel will have several different rates, and the actual rate charged to a parlcutar guesr
will depend on the bargaining skill of the customer and the knowledge of the hotel,manager in
estimating the highest price the potential customer is willing to pay, if the manager is really
proficient at estimating the customer,s willingness to pay.

However, the more typical way of discriminating is to segment the market. The sjnrplest
method is to separate leisure travelers from business travelers. The demand of the former ie
certainly more price elastic because the room price is an important part of the total vacatiorr
expense...and for several other reasons as well! Vacation travelers are also more flexible in thetr
arrangements. The business travelers' demand is less price elastic; thev are much more
inflexible in making their arrangements...for various obvious reasons. Their commitments olten
cannot be made far in advance and they also avoid weekend stays...contaary to vacation

As customers have become more sophisticated in manipulating the current pricing system,
through various on-line & e-commerce options, hotels will eventually be forced to modify their
pricang structure. A new approach may be to'fence'or segment customers into djfferent rate
categories which may be tailored to specific needs. Some methods to segment the customer
may be advance reservations & advance bookings, advance purchases, flexibility to make
changes in arrangements, and mdre! With these procedures hotels will be able to penetrate
markets more deeply. However, such a multi-faceted program / arrangements also has its
problems, which needs to be managed efficiently.

Answer the questions in detail:

(a) The demand of hotels for the leisure travelers is more Drice elastic than that for the
business travelers'. Elucidate the statement giving your reasons for both the types of
travelers. (4 marks)
(b) Suggest various innovative ways in which hotels may eventually be forced to modify
their pricing structure. (4 marks)
(c) Suggest various measures how the problems of a multi-faceted program / arrangement
like maintaining various'fences'or segments can be managed efficiently. (3 marks)
(d) Drawthe imaginary price elasticity graphs for: (3 marks)
i. Leisure Travelers ii. Business Travelers
.*,+.. BEST LUCK t!..r**'
PaEe 4 of4

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