Effect of Drying Temperature and Final Grain Moisture Content On The Hulling and Head Rice Yield Efficiency of Some Common Rough Rice Varieties

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International Journal of Agriculture and Crop Sciences.

Available online at www.ijagcs.com

ISSN 2227-670X ©2013 IJACS Journal

Effect of drying temperature and final grain moisture

content on the hulling and head rice yield efficiency
of some common rough rice varieties
Nassim Salehi Babamiri*; Ezzatolah Askari Asli-Ardeh
Mechanics of agricultural machinery

Corresponding author email: nasim_salehi2007@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT: In drying process, drying temperature and final moisture content of grain are important
factors that affect grain strength and consequently the waste of rice milling. In this research, effects of
drying temperature in five levels (33, 38, 43, 48 and 53˚c) and ultimate moisture content of in five levels
(8, 10, 12, 14 and 16% w.b.) on the milling waste of three common rice varieties in Gillan province
includingand Ali Kazemi, Hashemi and Hasani. Laboratory oven were used for drying samples have been
studyed.Initial seed moisture comtent was 24% w.b. Digital moisture content (model GMK-303) is used
for determing grain moisture content.In this study were analyzed using completely randomized design
with factorial experiment and to compare the means of main effects and interaction effects was used the
duncans multiple range test was used. Milling of samples was performed by rubber roller huller and
laboratory abrasive whiteing. Results of the data analysis showed that variety of Hasani (with average of
14.25%) had the minimum skinning waste among three mentioned varieties. Increasing of drying
temperature (from 33 to 53˚c) increased average hulling waste significantly from 14.100 to 20.926%. On
the other hand, increasing of moisture content of grain (from 8 to 16% w.b.) decreased significantly mean
hulling waste from 22.016 to 14.605%. Moreover, in this study was determined that variety of Ali Kazemi
had the minimum whiteing waste among three mentioned varieties. Increasing the ultimate moisture
content of kernel and drying temperature affected significantly whiteing waste.With increasing drying
temperature and reducing the final moisture content of grain amount of waste resulting from the mill in
whiteing at significantly increased.
Keywords: whiteing, moisture content, rice kernel, hulling, temperature, waste.


Drying is one of the rice milling steps. Increasing per capita consumption of rice in Iran and importance of the
rice milling waste in the other hand, shows the necessity of optimization of rice processing and production systems.
Paddy is harvested in moisture range between 16 to 28% w.b. dependent on harvest method, variety and location.
In general situation, higher moisture content increases efficiency of paddy milling to rice. Whereas lower moisture
content reduces drying required energy. In view point of researchers, paddy moisture content for storage should be
about 13% w.b. and for milling operations is better to be in range of 10 to 13% w.b. (dependent on variety of
paddy). Most of the industrial dryers use the hot air flow for drying. Drying of the agricultural crops is considered as
high energy consumed process. Fast drying cause internal cracks that provide background of grain fissuring in
milling operations during. To minimize the waste of rice milling, drying process should be controlled. (Henderson
and Perry, 1976) investigated manner of paddy drying in laboratory thin layer dryers and predicted rice moisture by
measurement of relative moisture, temperature and velocity of dryer input air and also primary and equilibrium
moisture of rice in drying process during. (Taharazako et al, 1988) studied drying energy consumption, cost of
drying and percent of fissured grains. They reported that drying rate of grains was approximately 19% an hour in
relative moisture of 62%. (Tri ball, 1980) reported that to prevent the non-uniformity of moisture distribution in dried
crop, high volume of air should be implemented in high velocity of 3 to 4 m/s. (Esmit and Hakil, 1956) performed
several experiments to investigate the effect of used air condition on the percent of fissured paddy. They concluded
that paddy primary moisture had little impact on the percent of fissured paddy and by increasing the velocity of
Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 6 (9), 529-533, 2013

drying air in temperature range of 32 to 61˚c decreased the percent of fissured paddy. (Prasad et al, 1994)
investigated drying process of the sodden rice under semi- liquid bed condition that was dried without any fissured
waste. The aim of this study is the investigation of effects of drying temperature and grain moisture content on the
milling waste of several rice varieties.


Experiments were performed with three common varieties of rice paddy include Ali Kazemi, Hashemi and
Hasani. Paddy samples were dried by laboratory oven. Each experiment was replicated three times. Mentioned
varieties were investigated in five temperature levels (33, 38, 43, 48 and 53˚c) and five moisture content levels (8,
10, 12, 14 and 16% w.b.). Moreover, optimum value of the temperature and ultimate moisture of grain in milling
operations are determined by 43˚c and 14% w.b., respectively (Wimberly, 1983). First, primary moisture of kernel
was determined with digital Psychrometer (model GMK-303) and then samples with different moisture content were
provided by adding distilled water. Required distilled water was obtained from following equation:
G M f  M i 
G  (1)
100  M f
Where G = the mass of added distilled water (g), G = the mass of sample, M f = the percent of ultimate
moisture content (w.b.) and M i = the percent of primary moisture content (w.b.).
After drying the samples, hulling and whiteing operations were carried out. After finishing these two steps on each
sample, fissured kernels were separated from intact kernels by laboratory separator. After hulling the samples and
after whiteing the kernels, the percent of fissured kernels were measured to calculate the hulling waste and
whiteing waste, respectively.
According to drying temperature levels (five levels), ultimate moisture levels (five levels) and number of varieties
(three levels), the number of experimental treatment was specified by 75. Three replications were considered for
each treatment. The experiment was conducted as completely randomized blocks (CRBD) with factorial
arrangement and three replications and Duncan Multiple Range test was used to compare the mean of main
factors and interactions.


Analysis of variance results from hulling and whiteing waste of experimental samples (Table 1) showed that the
effects of variety, moisture content and drying temperature of kernels and their interactions on hulling and whiteing
wastes were significant in probability level of 1%.

Table 1. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) results for hulling and whiteing wastes
Variation sources Degree of hulling waste whiteing waste
freedom Mean squares F ratio Mean squares F ratio
Variety 2 841.348 880.4872** 1874.315 2930.4756**
Ultimate moisture 4 232.392 410.4797** 619.259 968.2057**
content of grain
Interaction (V×M) 8 26.097 27.3112** 7.313 11.4337**
Drying 4 308.195 322.5321** 861.737 1347.3189**
temperature (T)
Interaction (V×T) 8 15.121 15.8245** 11.557 18.0693**
Interaction (M×T) 16 7.497 7.8461** 2.055 3.2125**
Interaction 32 11.934 12.4888** 2.835 4.4330**
Error 150 0.956 0.540
** significant effect in probability level 1%

Table 2. results of mean comparison of experimental main factors on hulling and whiteing wastes
Factors hulling waste (%) whiteing waste (%)
Variety Hashemi Hasani Ali Kazemi Hashemi Hasani Ali
Mean of effects 18.765b* 14.525c 21.137a 32.817b 36.101a 26.281c
Drying 33 38 43 48 53 33 38 43 48 53

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 6 (9), 529-533, 2013

Mean of effects 14.100e 17.367d 18.593c 19.725b 20.926a 26.207e 28.776d 31.933c 34.659b 37.092a
grain moisture 8 10 12 14 16 8 10 12 14 16
content (%w.b.)
Mean of effects 22.016a 20.003b 17.902c 16.186d 14.605e 36.401a 33.953b 31.855c 29.599d 26.858e
*Dissimilar letters show significant difference among mean of effects.

Results of mean comparison of main effects (Table 2) showed that average of hulling and whiteing wastes
of three varieties had significant difference. Mean of hulling waste was maximum in variety of Ali Kazemi and was
minimum in variety of Hasani. Mean of whiteing waste had maximum value in variety of Hasani (36.101%) and
minimum value of it belonged to variety of Ali Kazemi (26.281%). Results of mean comparison of main effects in
drying temperature showed that by increasing the temperature from 33˚c to 53˚c, hulling and whiteing wastes
increased significantly from 14.100 to 20.926% and from 26.207 to 37.092%, respectively. Also, by increasing the
temperature, whiteing waste increased significantly. Values of hulling and whiteing waste were maximum in
temperature of 53˚c and were minimum in temperature of 33˚c. Results of mean comparison of main effects in
grain moisture content showed that by increasing the moisture content from 8 to16% w.b., hulling and whiteing
wastes decreased significantly.
Results of mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and grain moisture content on hulling waste (Figure
1) showed that experiments with all the three varieties caused significant reduction in hulling waste. It means that
increasing grain moisture content decreases hulling waste. Thus, in term of hulling waste, optimum grain moisture
content is 16% w.b. Results of mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and drying temperature on hulling
waste (Figure 2) showed that experiments with all the three varieties caused significant increase in hulling waste. It
means that drying the kernel increases hulling waste.

Figure 1. mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and grain moisture content on hulling waste

Figure 2. mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and drying temperature on hulling waste

Results of mean comparison of interaction effects of grain moisture content and drying temperature showed that
in experiments with moisture content from 8 to 16% w.b., changing the drying temperature from 33˚c to 53˚c
caused significant increase in hulling waste. Investigation of mean comparison of interaction effects of all three
factors showed that the minimum hulling waste (6.813%) was obtained in experiment by variety of Hasani in
moisture content of 14% w.b. and drying temperature of 33˚c.

Intl J Agri Crop Sci. Vol., 6 (9), 529-533, 2013

Results of mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and grain moisture content on blanching waste
(Figure 3) showed that in experiments with all the three varieties, increasing the moisture content from 8 to16%
w.b. caused significant increase in whiteing waste. Results of mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and
drying temperature on whiteing waste (Figure 4) showed that in experiments with all the three varieties, increasing
the temperature from 33˚c to 53˚c caused significant increase in whiteing waste. the maximum whiteing waste
(41.866%) was obtained in experiment by variety of Hasani in temperature of 53˚c and minimum value of it
(20.769%) was resulted in experiment with variety of Ali Kazemi in temperature of 33˚c.

Figure 3. mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and grain moisture content on whiteing waste

Figure 4. mean comparison of interaction effects of variety and drying temperature on whiteing waste


The waste of all three varieties (Ali Kazemi, Hasani and Hashemi) in term of value were different. So that
Ali Kazemi and Hasani varieties had the highest value of hulling waste and whiteing waste, respectively.
Drying temperature and primary moisture content of kernel had high impact on the waste value.
Experiment with Hasani variety in temperature of 32˚c and moisture content of 14% had the minimum
hulling waste. The maximum whiteing waste was obtained with Hasani variety in temperature of 53˚c and moisture
content of 8%.

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