Q13 Q14 Q15

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Papalid, Rich Ryan M.

Pigtain, Rhou Ian A.

Soriano, Earl Jean S.

13. Which of the following is an appropriate role for a device driver?

a) It decides the next task to be executed from tasks waiting for execution.
b) It directly controls hardware according to requests from an application program.
c) It interprets command strings that are entered by the user, and starts the applicable program.
d) It manages the display status on the screen in the multiple windows.

a) It decides the next task to be executed from tasks waiting for execution. - The process scheduling is
the activity of the process manager that handles the removal of the running process from the CPU and
the selection of another process on the basis of a particular strategy. Process scheduling is an essential
part of a Multiprogramming operating systems.

c) It interprets command strings that are entered by the user, and starts the applicable program. - A
command interpreter is the part of a computer operating system that understands and executes
commands that are entered interactively by a human being or from a program. In some operating systems,
the command interpreter is called the shell.

d) It manages the display status on the screen in the multiple windows. - Task Manager is a Windows
feature that provides details about programs and processes running on your computer. It also displays
the most commonly used performance measures for processes. Using the Task Manager can provide you
with details on current programs, and see which programs have stopped responding.

Answer: B

14. Which of the following is an appropriate term to describe the phenomenon when files produced in
the process of saving are scattered to different parts of the whole hard disk rather than in continuous

a. Contiguit
b. Fragmentation
c. Sector
d. Segmentation

A. Contiguity - Contiguous data structure is a method of storing data in contiguous, or adjoining, sectors
of memory. When information is written, if there is enough space, the information is written contiguous.
However, if there is not enough available space, data is written to multiple places which makes it non-

B. Fragmentation - Fragmentation means that this file saved on the hard disk could not secure one
continuous area and thus is saved across multiple blocks. When fragmentation occurs, various parts of
the hard disk must be accessed, reducing the processing efficiency. However, the file size does not
change, as the file is simply saved in a divided manner.
C. Sector - The term sector refers to the way a magnetic medium is partitioned on floppy disks or hard
disks. A sector is an arc of a fan-shaped portion of the disk formed by radial lines drawn from the center
of a track in equal intervals.

D. Segmentation - In Operating Systems, Segmentation is a memory management technique in which,

the memory is divided into the variable size parts. Each part is known as segment which can be allocated
to a process.

Answer: B

15. Which of the following is the most appropriate explanation of grid computing?

A. computing task is distributed to several computers in the network to attain the computational
capacity B. Physical devices such as computers or network devices are emulated to circumvent
compatibility constraints and attain software portability and flexibility
C. Requirements are stated as constraints on response time and/or on the temporal validity of sensory
D. Sensing devices are connected to a network to provide feedback and control through personal mobile

Grid Computing - Grid computing is a processor architecture that combines computer resources from
various domains to reach a main objective. In grid computing, the computers on the network can work
on a task together, thus functioning as a supercomputer.

A. computing task is distributed to several computers in the network to attain the computational
capacity - Grid Computing

B. Physical devices such as computers or network devices are emulated to circumvent compatibility
constraints and attain software portability and flexibility - Virtual Machine/Box

C. Requirements are stated as constraints on response time and/or on the temporal validity of sensory
data - Real-Time Research/Database Systems

D. Sensing devices are connected to a network to provide feedback and control through personal mobile
devices - Wireless Sensor Network/Internet of Things

Answer: A

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