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lpr sitename >> All neighbor relations (GSM; Utrancell, femto, and if it's 850
or 1900, etc) for a whole site
lpr utrancell=CNU1378A UtranRelation >> All utrancell relations for a cell
lpr utrancell=CNU1378A GsmRelation >> All GSM relations for a cell
lget UtranCell=CNU0820A UtranRelation frequencyRelationType 0 >> >>intra_freq
neighbor list
lget UtranCell=CNU0820A UtranRelation frequencyRelationType 1 >> inter_freq
neighbor list
lpr UtranCell=CNU0820Z GsmRelation >> GSM neighbor list
get utranrelation=CNU3977 loads >> Loadsharing Candidates
get utranrelation=CNU3977 qOffset2sn >> qOffset2sn setting between neighbors
pr externalutrancell >> to get the external utran cell
get externalutrancell cid >> to get the external utran cell plus cell id of the
external utrancell
get iurlink rncid >> to print the Iur link between two RNcs
alt >> Current Alarms
get cell=xxxx maximumTransmissionPower >> xxxx = RBS
lst .xxxx >> xxxx = RBS shows status of channels
lgocm -m 2d | egrep -i vauxxxx >> Change log history with login that did
it w/ date range
lgo -s 20120105 | grep -i "WVU4031" >> Change log history w/ date range
get utrancell=CNU3977 adm >> Admission Parameters
get utrancell=CNU3977 minpwrrl >> minPwrRl
get utrancell=CNU3977 minpwrmax >> minPwrMax
get utrancell=CNU3977 cpich >> primaryCpichPower
get utrancell=CNU3977 usedFreqThresh2dRscp >> usedFreqThresh2dRscp
get utrancell=CNU3977 usedFreqThresh2decno >> usedFreqThresh2decno
get utrancell=CNU2603 srats >> sRatSearch
get utrancell=CNU2603 sint >> sIntersearch & sIntrasearch
get utrancell=CNU2603 qrxlevmin >> qRxLevMin
get utrancell=CNU2603 qqualmin >> qQualMin
get utrancell=CNU2603 maximumTransmissionPower >> maximumtransmissionPower
(compare to site level maxDlPowerCapability)
get utrancell=CNU2603 adminis >> Administrative State
get utrancell=CNU2603 cellreserve >> Cellreserved State
get utrancell=CNU2603 operationalstate >> Operational State
pmr -r 20 | grep -i sitename >> RSSI Levels
get utrancell=CNU2603 hoType >> Handover Type
pmxh utrancell=CNU2603 pmNosysRelSpeech|pmnoofterm -m 2 s -a >> Number of
releases in last hour
pmr -m 2 -r 9 |grep CNU6393 >> Current Accessibility & Retainability Rates
pmr -m 2 -r 8 |grep CNU6393 >> RRC Connection Success/Fail Rates
lh all te log read|grep -i "UEH_*"| grep -i "yourcellId" >> UEH Exceptions
lh mod ter | egrep -i'(cellid = 40844)' >> UEH Exceptions
pmx cell=xxxx pmTotNoRrcC|pmNoSystemRabRe|pmNoRabEstablish|pmNoNormalRabRel >>
Cell carrying traffic
pmx utrancell=xxxx pmCellDowntime -m 4 >> *shows downtime for last 4 hours
pmom . pmCellDowntimeAuto
pmxh cell=(OTT004|OTT005|TOR020) pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech|pmNoSysRel
pmxh cell=OTT004 pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech|pmNoSysRelpmxh cell=OTT004A
pmx CLU5616X pmnosystemrabreleasespeech|pmnotimescellfailaddtoactset|pmtotnorrcclst
VAUxxxxh >> Channels status
get utrancell=VAU2317 eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2 >> Shows the EUL parm
mom utrancell eul >> Shows all commands related to EUL
h mom >> Read the description of commands
pget t1l >> Check T1 errors
get AtmPort=ES5-2-1,VplTp=vp3,VpcTp=1 traff >> RNc to check AAL2

alt >> Current Alarms

ala >> Current Alarms with details
lgar -s 20110220 >> Log of alarms since Feb 20, 2011
lge -s 20110220 >> Log of events since Feb 20, 2011
lgsavemo -s 20110701 >> Log of events since Feb 20, 2011
lgo -s 20110220 >> Log of changes since Feb 20, 2011 (Note: only gives what
the current setting is, not the prior setting)
pmr (then Option 1) >> RSSI Levels
pmr (then Option 6) >> HS Throughput
st plug >> Status of all plug in units
get xxx >> xxx = plug in unit proxy number
st t1p >> Current State of T1s (Locked/Enabled)
get t1 >> Current T1s Issues (Es, Ses, Uas)
pmx . pmes -m 24 -aal >> 15 minute T1 errored seconds data over last 24 hours
pmx . pmuas -m 24 -aal >> 15 minute T1 Unavailable seconds data over last 24 hours
st ima >> State of IMA links
st rax >> State of RAX Boards
get radio no >> Number of current active radio links
get RbsLocalCell maxDlPowerCapability >> maxDlPowerCapability (compare to
get . Maxdl >> maxDlPowerCapability
get cable atten >> Cable Attenuation
lh ru fui get vswr >> Get VSWR
get . userplane >> IP or ATM backhaul
lh ru fui get devstat >> Get currrent on TMAs
get .tma >> shows TMA settings broke out per sector
get . tma >> shows TMA settings only if on/off (no parms listed)
get . internalpower >> Shows each sector and if TMA internal power is on
cabx >> Gets port info and shows what is in cabinet
lhsh 001200/port_x_dev_y fui get devstat >> Connects to specific port - Used to
see config stats of a specific port. Ex: TMA current and status
lpr SectorAntenna=x,AuxPlugInUnit=x >> Sector antenna, Auxplugin unit "x' comes
from st plug command list can use plugin values too
lh asc asc vswr >> Loads board groups
bp >> Lists out all board goups
bp xxx >> xxx = board group name - Displays details of each board group
get antennabranch supervision >> Value of 0 implies no Antenna Supervision
get cell maxDlPowerCapability >> Shows max DL power capability
get . license >> *shows the licensed capacity for Channel Elements in the
get nodebfunction ava >> shows the available Channel Elements in the Uplink based
on the available RAX boards
cab >> confirm the RAX boards on the site
get 0 >> Shows equipment type
cvls >> prints configuration version on the node
get antennabranch antennaSupervisionThreshold >> *Shows
lget rax reservedby >> Shows which sector is reserving which RAX slots
RSSI >> Shows RSSI at cell level - displays both branches
get . atten >> Shows both UL and DL atten
get . ulatten >> Shows the UL attenuation values ulAttenuation should be set
to 2dB for a cross connect with cable length = 35f
get nodebfunction available >> Shows # of channel elements available
get . maxnumadch >> Shows # of A-DCH Reservation
get . dlatten >> Shows DL attenuation
get . ulgain >> Shows UL gain value
get RfCable=FU1_._RX_B1 ulattenuation >> Shows filter unit ulAtten
get ant super >> Antenna supervision parms for branches
lget txdevice resources >> Shows BBPool2, BBPool1 HS/EUL resource allocation
(Use with cabx)
stv >> check the aal2 config on the RBS
bo >> Shows BB Pools and all boards. RUIF=12 and OBIF=13 all after 13 are BBP2,
all before 12 are BBP1
lhsh 000800 llog >> Check for RAX board Restart
lhsh 001000 llog >> Check for TX board Restart
ter | grep -i error >> CHECK Error on NODEB
ter | grep -i Fault >> CHECK Fault on NODEB
ter | grep -i Failure >> CHECK Failure on NODEB
lhsh 000800 ter | egrep -i fail >> Fail - fault etcRestart
lhsh 000800 ter | egrep -i error >> 000800 equates to the bo command slot #

or to see errors on whole RBS

lh all ter | egrep -i error
lhsh 000800 ter | egrep -i fail
or combine egrep -i '(error|fail)'
get tma curr >> TMA current limits
get . Fqband >> freq band hi and low edge
get . Currentsuper >> shows low current supervision
get cable delay >> Shows electrical delay values
get . Currentlo >> Shows current low limt
get . Currenthi >> Shows current hi limt
Ret Counters:
pmx VAU1182 pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech -m 2 -a
pmx VAU1182 pmnosysRelSpeechNeighbr -m 4 -a
pmx VAU1182 pmnosysRelSpeechSoho -m 4 -a
pmx VAU1182 pmnosysRelSpeechULSynch -m 4 -a
pmx VAU1182 pmnoOfTermSpeechCong -m 4 -a
pmxh VAU11598 pmnosysRelSpeechNeighbr|pmnosysRelSpeechSoho|pmnosysRelSpeechULSynch|
pmnoOfTermSpeechCong|pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech -m 2 -a
Picking up Traffic?:
pmxh VAU4709 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech -m 4
pmx cell=xxxx pmTotNoRrcC|pmNoSystemRabRe|pmNoRabEstablish|pmNoNormalRabRel|
pmNoFailedAfterAdm -m 1
Acc Counters:
pmx VAU47097 pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc|
pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech -m 0.25
pmxh VAU0520 pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech -m 4

pmx WVU4077 pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc|

pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech -m 0.25
pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301 pmTotNoRrcConnctReqCs|
pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech -m 0.25
pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest -m 0.25
pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr -m 0.25
pmxh WVU4053|WVU4057|WVU4063|WVU4072|WVU4075|WVU4077|WVU4301 pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo|
pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr -m 0.25
pmxh WVU3923|WVU3924|WVU3925|WVU3926|WVU3938|WVU3939|WVU3940|WVU3941|WVU3942|
WVU3943 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest|
pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr|pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest -m 1
pmx WVU40773 pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm|pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC|pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq|
pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc -m 0.25
pmx WVU40773 pmRefusedRequests -m 0.25
pmx WVU40773 pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode|
pmTotNoUtranRejRrcConnReq|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc -m 0.25
pmx WVU40758 pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm|pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnCs|pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodeCs|
pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc -m 0.25
pmx WVU40773 pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdm|pmNoRrcConnReqBlockTnCs|pmNoRrcConnReqBlockNodeCs|
pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc -m 0.25
pmxh WVU4792 pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCs|pmTotNoRrcConnectReqCsSucc|
pmNoLoadSharingRrcConnCs -m 4
pmxh WVU40632 pmNoDirRetrySuccess|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|
pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -m 0.25
pmxh WVU4053 pmNoDirRetrySuccess|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|
pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -s 20110506.0000 -a
pmxh WVU4077 pmNoDirRetrySuccess|pmNoRabEstablishSuccessSpeech|
pmNoRabEstablishAttemptSpeech -s 20110420.1900 -e 20110420.2000 -a
pmxh WVU40632 pmSumOfTimesMeasOlDl|pmTotalTimeDlCellCong -m 0.25
-s 20110427.1900 -e 20110428.2000 -a
pmxh WVU4063 pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo|pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr -m 0.25
HO Counters:
pmxh VAU11828 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12|
pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsSpeech12 -m 4 -a
pmxh VAU11837 pmAttNonBlindInterFreqHoCsSpeech12|
pmFailNonBlindInterFreqHoFailRevertCsSpeech12 -m 4 | grep UtranCell=VAU1182
pmxh VAU11828 pmAttNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech|pmNoAttOutIratHoSpeech -m 4 -a
pmxh VAU1182 pmNoSysRelSpeechNeighbr|pmNoSysRelSpeechSoHo -m 4 -a
pmxh VAU1182 pmNoTimesCellFailAddToActSet|pmNoTimesRlAddToActSet -m 4 -a
pmxh VAU1182 pmRlAddAttemptsBestCellSpeech|pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech -m 4 -a
pmx -m 0.25 vau3302 pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw|pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqPsHw|


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