Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering BE-104: Practical Work Book

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Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering


Enrollment No:

Department of Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


1 Measurement of active and reactive power in single
phase A.C. Circuit.
2 Separation of Resistance and Inductance of Choke Coil
3 Measurement of Impedance of R-L, R-C,R-L-C & study of
resonance phenomena
4 Measurement of power & power factor in a single phase
AC circuit using three Ammeter Method
5 Perform load test on a single phase transformer
6 Study of transformer name plate Rating &
Determination of ratio
7 Open circuit & Short circuit test on 1- Φ Transformer
8 Study of constructional feature s of a D.C. M/C
9 Measurement of various line and phase quantities for a
three phase ac circuit.
10 Verification of KCL and KVL
11. Verification of Superposition Theorem

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Measurement of active and reactive power in single phase A.C. Circuit.

Apparatus Required:-

S.No. Name of equipments Quantity Specification range Type

1. Wattmeter 01 2.5A,125V Dynamo
2. Ammeter 01 0-0.5 Amp. A.C.
3. Voltmeter 01 0-300V A.C.
4. Rheostat 01 500 ohms -
5. Inductance(choke) 01 - -
6. Auto-transformer 01 0-270V A.C.
7. Connecting wires 10-12 - -


Wattmeter has two coils, one is called “current coil” and other is “pressure coil”. The current coil
carries the load current and pressure coil carries a current proportional to and in phase with supply
voltage. The deflection of wattmeter depends upon the currents in the two coil and upon the P.F. of
the circuit.

In the wattmeter the current coil are arranged for different ratings i.e. 2.5,5 Amp.etc. and similarly
voltage coils are rated for 125 V, 250V, 500Vetc. While doing the experiment the proper range should
be selected according to the load voltage and current.

The reading should be multiplied by a factor called the “Multiplying Factor”.

Multiplying factor of wattmeter = Current range * Voltage range

Full scale reading of wattmeter

Active power:-

It is the power, which is actually dissipated in the circuit Resistance.

P = I2 R = VI Cos ф watts
Reactive Power:-

It is the power developed in the inductive reactance of the circuit.

Q = I2XL

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Circuit Diagram:-

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

+ W

230V A.C.

Vari able Suppl y V 0-230V

Active and Reactive Power Ckt.diagram

From diagram:-

It is clear

Sinф = XL/Z


ZSinф =XL

Q = I2XL = I*I*XL

Q = I*I*Z Sinф

Q = V*I* Sinф

Q= V*I* Sinф Volt Ampere Reactive (VAR)

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Power Triangle:-

VI Cos φ

VI Sin φ

Impedance Triangle:- R


Z = √ (R2) + (X L2)

(1) Connect the circuit according to the circuit diagram.
(2) For different value of supply voltage takes the various observations.
(3) Take at least 3 sets or reading.

Observation Table:-

Multiplying factor of wattmeter = ……............

S. V I Wattmeter Actual power P.F.=Power/(V*I) Active Power Reactive
reading Wattmeter P= V*I*Cosф Power(Q)=
Reading*M.F. V*I*Sinф




Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Calculation: -

Report: -

Precautions: -
Following precautions should be taken care of while performing this experiment.

1. All connections should be tight.

2. The zero setting of all the meters should be checked before connecting them in the circuit.
3. The current through ammeter should never be allowed to exceed the current rating of
rheostat and load used.
4. Do not increase the current beyond the rated value of wattmeter.
5. The wattmeter should be connected properly in the circuit.

Q.1 Define power factor in A.C. Ckt. & its importance?
Q.2 What power is consumed in D.C. Ckt.?
Q.3 What are the two components of power exist in A.C. Ckt.?
Q.4 How many coils are there in wattmeter? Write down their names.
Q.5 How dual current range is obtained in wattmeter?
Q.6 Name such a Ckt. In which apparent& active power is equal?
Q.7 Which coil in wattmeter, is moving & which type is stationary one?
Q.8 Which type of wattmeter is generally used for measuring power in A.C.Ckt’s?
Q.9 What do you mean by purely inductive &purely capacitive load?
Q.10 What power is consumed by purely inductive load?

1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Object :- Separation of resistance and inductance of choke coil.

Apparatus Required :-

S.No. Name of equipments Quantity Range Type

1. Voltmeter 01 0-300v Ac

2. Ammeter 01 0-1amp. Ac

3. Wattmeter 01 2.5amp,125v Dynamometer

4. Choke coil 01 --- ------

5. Auto transformer 01 0-270v Ac

6. Connecting leads ----- -------- -------

Theory :-
1. Choke coil :- A coil of thick wire wound on a laminated iron core as negligible
resistance is known as choke coil.

2. Resistance:- Resistance may be defined as that property of a substance oppose(or

resists) the flow of an electric current (or electrons) through it. It is denoted by ‘R’.

3. Inductance:- The property of a coil due to which it oppose the change of current
flowing through itself is called inductance of the coil. It is denoted by ‘L’.

4. Impedance:- The impedance of the circuit may be defined as the total opposition
offered to the flow of alternating current. It is measured in ohms and denoted by “Z”.

5. Power Factor:- Cosine of angle between angle voltage and current is known as power
factor. It is denoted by “Cos Φ”.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Procedure :-
1. Connect the circuit according to circuit diagram
2. For different values of supply voltages take the various observations.
3. Take at least three sets of readings.
4. After the observation switch off the supply and disconnect all the equipments.

Circuit Diagram :-

Observation table:-
S. Voltage Current Power Power Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit
No. V I P factor Impedance Resistance Reactance Inductance
CosΦ Z = V/I R =Z*CosΦ XL =√Z²-R² L = XL / 2πf
= P/ VI


Calculation :-

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Result :-
1. Resistance of choke coil = …………………………

2. Inductance of choke coil = …………………………

Precautions :-
1. Make the connections as shown in figure.
2. Connections should be tight.
3. Ensure that auto transformer should be at zero position before switching on the main supply.
4. Please get the circuit checked before switching on the main supply.
5. Do not touch any live wire.
6. Supply should be off after the completion of experiment


1. What do you understand by the term power factor in reference to a.c. circuits?
2. What is the importance of power factor?
3. What do you mean by a lagging power factor?
4. What do you mean by an Instantaneous and RMS value of a.c. current?
5. Draw the phasor diagram of RL circuit.

1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Object :-

Measurement of impedance of R-L, R-C & R-L-C series circuit. Study of Resonance

Apparatus Required :- Name of Equipment Quantity Range Type

1 Voltmeter 2 0-15-30-75V A.C.
2 Voltmeter 2 0-150-300V A.C.
3 Ammeter 1 0-0.5-1A A.C.
4 Resistance 1 --
5 Inductance 1 --
6 Capacitance 1 --
7 Auto-Transformer 1 0-270V A.C.
8 Connecting Wires 12-15 --

Theory :-

(A) R-L Series Circuit :-

It consists of a resistance of R -ohms & inductance of L- henry connected in series.

Vs = R.M.S. Value of supply voltage

Vr = R.M.S. Value of resistance voltage drop = I R

VL = R.M.S. Value of Inductance voltage drop = I XL

I = R.M.S. Value of current

In R-L Series circuit

Vr = I R and VL = I XL

2 2 2 2
VS = √ (Vr + VL ) = √ (I R)2 + (I XL) = I √ (R)2 + (XL)

I = V / √R2 + XL = V/ Z

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Z = √R2 + XL 2 is the impedance of the circuit

XL = 2 π f L is the inductive reactance of the circuit

L = XL/ (2 π f)

XL = VL / I

(B) Series R – C Circuit :-

It consist of R – Ohm and C – Farads connected in series with source.

Vs = R.M.S. Value of supply voltage

Vr = R.M.S. Value of resistance voltage drop = I R

VC = R.M.S. Value of capacitance voltage drop = I XC

I = R.M.S. Value of current

In R-C Series circuit

Vr = I R and VC = I XC

2 2 2 2
VS = √ (Vr + VC ) = √ (I R)2 + (I XC) = I √ (R)2 + (XC)

I = V / √R2 + XC = V/Z


Z = √R2 + XC 2 is the impedance of the circuit

XC = 1 / 2 π f C is the capacitance reactance of the circuit

C = 1 / 2 π f XC

XC = VC / I

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(C) R-L-C Series circuit :-

It consists Resistance of R –ohms, Inductance of L- henry and Capacitance of C - Farads connected in

Vs = R.M.S. Value of supply voltage

Vr = R.M.S. Value of resistance voltage drop = I R

VC = R.M.S. Value of capacitance voltage drop = I XC

VL = R.M.S. Value of Inductance voltage drop = I XL

I = R.M.S. Value of current

In R - L - C Series circuit

Vr = I R VC = I XC VL = I XL

2 2 2
VS = √ Vr + (VL - VC) = √ (I R)2 + (I XL - I XC)

= I √ R2 + (XL - XC)


Z = √ R2 + (XL - XC) 2 is the impedance of the circuit

XL = 2 π f L is the inductive reactance of the circuit

L = XL/ (2 π f)

XL = VL / I

XC = 1 / 2 π f C is the capacitance reactance of the circuit

C = 1 / 2 π f XC

XC = VC / I

Vr = I R

R = Vr /I

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


V + V V +
0-75V 0-150V 0-300V


230V A.C.
Variable Supply V 0-230V

R-L-C Seri es Ckt.diagram


V + V
0-75V 0-150V

230V A.C.
Variable Supply V


R-L Series Ckt.diagram

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


+ +
0-75V 0-300V

230V A.C.
Variable Supply V 0-230V

R-C Series Ckt.diagram

Resonance: -

Resonance in R-L-C series circuit:

When capacitive reactance XC is equal to the inductive reactance XL then the circuit is said to be in resonance.
The current will maximum, power factor is unity and lie in to phase with the supply voltage.

2 2 2 2
VS = √ Vr + (VL - VC) =√ (I R)2 + (I XL - I XC) = I √ R2 + (XL - XC)

At resonance , XL = XC Then I = V / R (Max)

Now, XL = WC XC= 1 / WC

WL= 1 / WC , 2 π f L= 1/2 π f C

Fr = 1/2 π √L C

Fr = Resonance Frequency

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Procedure :-

(1) Connect the circuit diagram connecting R-L, R-C & R-L-C Series as shown in the circuit diagram.
(2) The Auto-Transformer to zero position and switch on supply.
(3) Adjust the Auto-Transformer till a suitable voltage is applied.
(4) Take the reading from the voltage for VR ,VL , VC & VS respectively.
(5) Note the reading of ammeter.
(6) Repeat step (3) Varying the supply voltage and record the reading in observation table.

Observation Table :-

(A) For R-L Series Circuit :-

S. Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit
No. Vr in VL in VS in Reading (A) Impedance Resistance Reactance Inductance
Volt Volt Volt in Amp I Z=V/I R = Vr / I XL = VL/I L = XL/2πf
(B) For Series R – C Circuit :-
S. Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit
No. Vr in VC in VS in Reading (A) in Impedance Resistance Reactance Inductance
Volt Volt Volt Amp I Z=V/I R = Vr / I XC= VC/I C = 1/2πfXC
(C)For R-L-C Series circuit:-
S. Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Circuit Circuit Circuit Circuit
No. Vr in VC in VL in VS in Reading (A) Impedance Resistanc Reactanc Reactance
Volt Volt Volt Volt in Amp I Z=V/I e e XL = VL/I
R = Vr / I XC= VC/I

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Calculation :- Calculation the various quantities as follows :

(1) R = Vr / I
(2) XL = VL/I & L = XL/ (2 π f)
(3) XC= VC/I & C = 1/ 2 π f XC


(1)Resistance (R) = ------------------ Ώ

(2)Capacitance Reactance = ------------------- Ώ

(3)Inductive Reactance = -------------------- Ώ

(4)Inductor (L) = -------------------- Henry

(5)Capacitor (C) = -------------------- μF

Precaution :-

(1) Do not touch any live wire.

(2) Remove parallax error while taking reading from various instruments
(3) All connections should be tight.
(4) The zero setting of all the meters should be checked before connecting them in
the circuit.
(5) The current through ammeter should never be allowed to exceed the current
rating of rheostat and load used.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


1. What do you understand by the term power factor in reference to a.c. circuits?
2. What is the importance of power factor?
3. What do you mean by a lagging power factor?
4. What do you mean by a leading power factor?
5. Define phase difference.


(1) Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
(2) A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
(3) Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

To measure power factor in a single –phase A.C. circuit using Three Ammeters.

Voltmeter 0 -300V, MI; ammeters 10A, 5A, 5A, MI; single –phase inductive variable load,
rheostat 100Ω ,5A; variac 230V, 10A.

The circuit to be used for measurement of power in an A.C. circuit using three ammeter is
shown in circuit diagram. We know in a D.C. circuit

the power is given by the product of voltage and current, whereas ,in A.C. circuit it is given
by the product of voltage, current and power factor. For this reason, it is not possible to find
power in an A.C. circuit simply from the readings of a voltmeter and ammeter. In A.C.
circuits power is normally measured by wattmeter. However, this method demonstrates
that the power in a single –phase A.C. circuits can be measured by using three ammeters.
From the circuits shown in fig 1.we can write.

Power consumed by load =P =VI3 Cos Φ………………… (1.1)

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Where I3 is current through load and V is the voltage across load. The phasor diagram of this
circuit can be drawn by taking the supply voltage V as the reference phasor diagram is
shown in fig. 01

I2 v

Φ I1

From the
phasor diagram we can write

I12 =I22+I32+2I2I3CosΦ ………………….. (1.2)

Power factor,

CosΦ = I12-I22-I32/2I2I3 ……………………. (1.3)

I2 = V/R [R is a known resistance]……………………. (1.4)

Now from eq. 1.1

I3CosΦ = P/V

Put this value in eq. 1.2

I12= I22+I32+2I2I3CosΦ

I12= I22+I32+2I2P/V

2I2 P/V= I12-I22-I32

or P= (I12-I22-I32)V/2I2

From eq. (1.4) we put the value of I2

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

So P = (I12-I22-I32) (V.R)/(2V)

P = (I12-I22-I32) (R/2)………………….

Eqs. 1.3 and 1.5 show that we can find the power and power factor in an a.c. circuits by using 3-
single phase ammeters, instead of a wattmeter.

The stepwise procedure for conducting this experiment is given below:

1. Make the connections as per the fig.

2. Keep the rheostat at its maximum value.
3. keep the variac at its mini9mum position
4. Switch on the supply.
5. Increase the voltage applied using variac slowly, so that the reading of voltmeter and ammeter,
A1 are appreciable.
6. Decrease the resistance R (rheostat) so that ammeter A2 gives suitable reading.
7. Take down the readings of voltmeter and three ammeters.
8. Change the position of rheostat and repeat step 7 a number of times.

OBSERVATION:- Record your observation as shown in table

Table: Observation and calculations for 3-Ammeters method.

S. No. Observations Calculation

V Volts I1 Amp I2 Amp I3 Amp P Cos Φ

For each set of observation calculate the power consumed (Eq 1.5) and the power factor (Eq 1.3).
Next take the average of all the set of calculation for Cos Φ i.e., power factor; and P i.e., power
consumed in the load.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

The power factor of the circuit and the power consumed in circuit should be recorded here.

Following precautions should be taken care of while performing this experiment.

1. All connections should be tight.

2. The zero setting of all the meters should be checked before connecting them in the circuit.
3. The current through ammeter should never be allowed to exceed the current rating of rheostat
and load used.


1. What is the impact of low power factor in power system?

2. Define phase and phase difference.
3. Define term: Alteration, Frequency, Time period and cycle.


(1) Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
(2) A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
(3) Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Object: -
To perform load test on a single-phase transformer & to determine the following:
(a)- Efficiency at different loads & to plot graph between efficiency Vs load currents.
(b)- Regulation of the transformer & to plot graph between regulation Vs load currents.

Apparatus Required:-

S.No. Name of equipments Range Quantity Type

1. voltmeter 0-150V 1 A.C.
2. Ammeter 0-10 A 1 A.C.
3. Wattmeter 250V,2.5A 1 A.C.
4. Lamp bank load 250V,1Kw 1 -
5. 1-ф Transformer 230\115V 1 -
6. 1-ф Variac 0-260V 1 -

Theory: -

Wattmeter has two coils, one is called “current coil” & other is called as “pressure coil”. The
current coil carries the load current & the pressure coil carries a current proportional to and in
phase with supply voltage. The deflection of wattmeter depends upon the currents in the two
coils and upon the P.F. of circuit.

In the wattmeter the current coils are arranged for different ratings i.e. 2.5,5 Amp etc. and
similarly voltage coils are rated for 125V, 250V, and 500V etc. While doing the experiment the
proper range should be selected according to the load voltage & current.

The reading should be multiplied by a factor called the “Multiplying factor”.

Multiplying factor of wattmeter = Current range * Voltage range

Full scale reading of wattmeter

Performance of the transformer can be determined as follows from the observation of load
test- “Efficiency of the transformer can be determined as ratio of the power output to the
power input”.
Let power input to the transformer = W1
Power output to the transformer = VI Cos φ
Thus the efficiency of particular load ή = (VI Cos φ / W1 )*100 %

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Note: For resistive load Cos φ is Unity.

Efficiency of transformer will be maximum if Iron losses = Copper losses.

Regulation of transformer determined as “ The change in secondary terminal voltage from no load
to full load with respect to no load voltage is called voltage regulation of the transformer”.

Let E2 = Secondary terminal voltage at no load (Bulb off)

V2 = Secondary terminal voltage at full load

Then Voltage regulation = ((E2-V2) / E2 )* 100




C 115



Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Circuit Diagram:-

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Circuit Diagram:-

+ 0- 5A
+ W
SW1 200W

SW2 200W
R2 e
TR1 s
SW3 200W

230 V A.C. +
VG1 230 V 115 V t
N1 N2
L .V. V VM1
S upply

SW4 200W
R4 e
SW5 200W
R5 a

Load test on a Single PhaseTransformer


1. Connect the diagram as shown in fig.

2. Ensure that there is no load on the secondary winding of the transformer.
3. Switch on the A.C. supply & record no load voltage across the secondary winding.
4. Adjust approximately 10% of full load current in the secondary by switching on certain
lamp bank load. Record the reading of the entire meter.
5. Reduce the load on the transformer by switching off the bulbs in the lamp bank load.
6. Switch off the A.C. supply.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Observation table:-

Multiplying factor: - _______________

S.No. Input V2 E2 I2 V2I2 %ή %Regulation Load




Calculate the efficiency using the formula

ή = (Output power / Input power) *100 = (V2I2/W1)*100 %

The Voltage Regulation

%Voltage Regulation = ((E2-V2)/E2 )*100 %


The efficiency of the transformer on full load =

The regulation of the transformer =


1)-Connection should be tight.

2)-Load on the transformer should nit increase beyond its capacity.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

By calculating the voltage regulation the figure of merit which determines the voltage characteristics of
a transformer can be determined. Also the transformer efficiency can’t be determined with high
precision since the losses are of order of only 1 to 4%. The best and accurate method of determining
the efficiency of a transformer would be to compute losses from open circuit and short circuit test and
then determine the efficiency.

1. What does the reading of wattmeter indicate in case of short- circuit test on transformer?

2. How do the copper losses vary with load on the transformer?

3. What is the magnitude of no load current as compared to full load current?

4. What is the power factor of a transformer under no load test situation?

1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta.
4. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals by Del Toro.


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


1. The transformer are rated in

(a) KVA (b) KW (c) KV (d) none of these

2. Which part of transformer is subjected to maximum heating

(a) Frame (b) Core
(c) Winding (d) Oil

3. In a transformer the losses at full load are i) Copper losses =800 W ii) Iron losses =600 W. Copper losses and iron
losses respectively at ¼ full load will be
(a) 200W, 600W (b) 200W,150W
(c) 50 W, 150W (d) 50 W,600W

4. The maximum efficiency in a transformer occurs when

(a) Copper losses = Iron losses
(b) Eddy current loss = Hyteresis loss
(c) Copper losses in the primary =Iron losses
(d) Copper losses in the secondary =Iron losses

5. A transformer transforms
(a) Current (b) Voltage (c) Power (d) Voltage and current

6. For an ideal transformer the winding should have

(a) Max. resistance on primary side and least resistance in secondary side
(b) Least resistance on primary side and max. resistance on secondary side
(c) Equal resistance on primary and secondary side
(d) No ohmic resistance

7. Full load copper losses in a transformer are 400W. Copper losses at half load
(a) 400W (b) 200W
(c) 50W (d) 100W

1. Transformer core is laminated to

(a) Improve cooling (c) Reduce eddy current loss
(b) Reduce weight of steel (d) Reduce hysteresis loss

9. Hysteresis losses is proportional to-

(a) f (b) f½
(c) f² (d) f³

10 While carrying out OC test for a 10 kVA, 110 / 220 V, 50 Hz, single phase transformer from LV side at rated
voltage, the watt meter reading is found to be 100 W. If the same test is carried out from the HV side at rated
voltage, the watt meter reading will be

(a) 100 W (b) 50 W (c) 200 W (d) 25 W

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

1. Study & construction of single phase transformer.
2. Name plate rating of single phase transformer
3. Determination of transformation ration.


S.NO. Name of equipment Quantity Range Type

1. 1-ΦTransformer 1 230/115V,1KVA Shell type
2. Auto Transformer 1 0-270,10A Variac type
3. Voltmeter 1 0-300 V Moving iron
4. Voltmeter 1 0-150 V Moving iron


Study & construction of single phase transformer: The main elements of a transformer are
two copper coils & laminated silicon steel core. A transformer is a static device or a
machine that transforms electrical energy from one circuit to another electrical circuit
through the medium magnetic flux. And without a change in frequency. The electrical
circuit which receive energy from the supply mains is called primary winding and the
other circuit which ,which delivers electrical energy to the load ,is called secondary
winding .Theoretically it may seem that transformers may be built to handle any voltage
or current. But in reality there are limits to both the voltage & current.
The name plate rating of a power transformer : The name plate rating of a power
transformer usually contains
Volt –ampere rating of transformer in KVA ……….
Voltage ratio or turn ratio in V1/V2 ……....
Frequency of 1-Φ or 3-Φ ……….
Equivalent impedance of a transformers in % ……….

A typical name plate of a 1-Φ transformer is as follows:

230 Volts/115Volts, 50 Hz, 1KVA, Shell type, 10 Amp.
Here 1 KVA is the rated output at output terminals.230/115means when 230V. is the
applied to the primary ,the secondary voltage on full load at specified power factor is
115volts.The ratio of V1& V2 is not exactly equal to N1/N2,because of voltage drop in
primary & secondary. Rated primary & secondary current can be calculated from the
rated KVA and corresponding rated voltage thus
Rated (Full load) primary current = KVA /V1 = 1000/230 = 4.35 Amps
Rated (Full load) secondary current = KVA /V2 = 1000/115 = 4.35 Amps

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Rated frequency is the frequency for which the transformer is designed to operate.

The turn ratio of the single phase transformer can be found by measuring the primary
& secondary voltage. Let V 1 &V2 is the primary and secondary voltage at on load.
1/K = V1/ V2 = N1/N2 = I2/I1 = Turn Ratio
Induced E.M.F. in primary winding, E1 = 4.44f N1Φ Volts
Induced E.M.F. in secondary winding, E2 = 4.44f N2Φ Volts
For ideal transformer E1 = V1 and E2 = V 2
Hence, Transformation Ratio K = V2/ V1 = N2/ N1 = I1/ I2


1. Connect the circuit as per figure & set up auto transformer to zero position.
2. Switch on A .C. supply and adjust the Auto transformer till a suitable voltage.
3. Record voltage, V1 across the primary and V2 across the secondary winding.
4. Vary the Auto transformer and repeat above step, take at least 3 readings.
5. Switch off the supply.


S.NO. Primary Voltage V1 Secondary Voltage V2 K = V2/ V1




Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

230 V A.C. 230 V 115 V


+ +
Variable Primary Se condary
S upply
V H.V.
N1 N2

Ckt Diagram of Turn Ratio on Single PhaseTransformer


The transformation ratio of given transformer is ……..


1. Connection should be tight.

2. Do not touch on live wire.
3. Load on the transfer should not increase beyond its capacity.

Q.1 What materials are used for the construction of different parts of transformer?
Q.2 What are the types of transformer on the basis of output voltage?
Q.3 Draw & explain core type & shell type transformer?
Q.4 What will happen if a D.C. supply is supplied to a transformer
Q.5 What information is obtained by determining the turn ratio of transformer?
Q.6 Define transformation ratio?
Q.7 Define all day efficiency of transformer.
Q.8 Why transformer’s rating is given in KVA?

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


1. To calculate the complete parameter of the equipment of 1- Φ transformer.

2. To determine iron & copper losses.
3. To calculate efficiency & voltage regulation at 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, 3/4 full load and
1.25times full load at 0.8 P.F. lagging.
4. To plot the efficiency curve vs load.


S.NO. Name of equipment Quantity Range Type

1. 1-ΦTransformer 1 230/115V,1KVA Shell type
2. Auto Transformer 1 0-270,10A Variac type
3. Voltmeter 1 0-150 V Moving iron
4. Ammeter 1 0-0.5A Moving iron
5. Ammeter 1 0-0.10A Moving iron
6. Wattmeter 1 2.5/0.5A,125/250/500V Dynamometer
7. Connecting leads 10-12 ……. …….


These two test on transformer help to determine-

4. The parameters of equipments circuit of 1- Φ transformer.

5. The voltage regulation of 1- Φ transformer.
6. The efficiency of 1- Φ transformer.


In this test voltmeter, Ammeter & Wattmeter are connected on low voltage side of transformer. The
high voltage is left open circuited. The rated voltage applied to the primary. The ammeter reads no
load current, or the exciting I0.Since I0 is quite small (2 to 6% of rated current) the primary leakage
impedance drop is almost negligible and for all practical purpose the applied voltage V1,is equal to
induced E.M.F V1.The input power (iron loss) is given by wattmeter reading, consist of core loss and
ohmic loss.Since the exciting current is very small, the ohmic losses during open circuit test is
negligible as compared to normal core loss.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


+ W
A +


230 V A.C. +
115 V 230 V N
Variable V L .V.
N1 N2
H.V. C
S upply


Open Ckt test on a Singl e PhaseTransformer

+ 0- 5A
+ W
A +


230 V A.C . + R
230 V 115 V
Variable V H.V.
N1 N2
L .V.
S upply


Short Ckt test on a Singl e PhaseTransformer

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Applied rated voltage on low voltage side = V1

Exciting Current or no load current = I0

Wattmeter reading, Wo/ Iron loss, PC = VOIOCosΦo

No load power factor, CosΦo = PC/ VOIO

Working component , IW = IO CosΦo

Magnetizing component, IΦ = IO SinΦo

Core loss Resistance, R C = PcI2W = V1 /IW =V1/I0 CosΦ0

Magnetising reactance, XΦ = V 1 /IΦ = V1 /Io Sin Φo

Thus open circuit test gives the following information:

1. Core loss at rated voltage & frequency.

2. The shunt branch parameter of equivalent circuit i.e., XΦ & RC.


The low voltage side of the transformer of the transformer is short circuited & instrument are
placed on H.V. side. Apply the low voltage on H.V. side & with the help of autotransformer go
on increasing the applied voltage till the rated current starts flowing in the short circuited
winding(L.V. side).The primary voltage 10% to 12% of its rated value is sufficient to circulate
the rated current in short circuited winding. Since the core flux induces the voltage, which is 1%
to 6% of its rated value hence core loss can be neglected. The wattmeter records only the
ohmic loss is both, the primary & secondary winding.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Vsc, Isc & Psc are the voltmeter ammeter & wattmeter reading



XSC = √ Z2SC – R2SC

Thus the short circuit test gives the following information

1. Ohmic loss at rated current and frequency.

2. Equivalent resistance and leakage reactance and leakage impedance.

Load x P.F.
The efficiency at any load, η = X 100 %
Load x P.F.+ Wo+ Io2Ro


1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure and set up the autotransformer at zero
2. Adjust the supply voltage with the help of autotransformer to 230 volts with secondary
winding terminal open.
3. Record the ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter reading.
4. Vary the supply voltage with the help of the auto transformer and enter the reading in
observation table.


S.NO. Primary Voltage Input Current Input power in watts

Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Reading Wattmeter reading

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


1. Connect the circuit diagram as shown in figure and set up the autotransformer at zero
2. Adjust the supply voltage with the help of autotransformer (keep in mind that 10-12% of
rated voltage is sufficiency) with secondary winding terminal short circuited and circulate
full rated current in short circuited winding.
3. Record the ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter reading.
4. Vary the supply voltage with the help of the auto transformer and enter the reading in
observation table.
5. Three readings adjust at 50%, 86.6% & 100% rated full load current.


S.NO. Primary Voltage Input Current Input power in

Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Reading watts
Wattmeter reading



1. In open circuit test, the H.V. side should be open circuited (left side).
2. In open circuit test, low voltage should be apply to the H.V. side & it should be increased
gradually to circulate the rated current in H.V. side.
3. Connection should be tight.
4. Do not touch on livewire.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


The open circuit and Short circuit test have been performed and various parameters like R01, X0,
Z01 and X01 are calculated.


1. Why indirect testing of large size transformers is necessary?

2. When a transformer is energized what types of losses occur in the magnetic frame of

3. Why do you understand by all day efficiency of a transformer?

4. What quantity is ignored in the S.C test on a transformer?

4. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
5. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
6. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


1. Full load copper losses in a transformer are 400W. Copper losses at half load
(a) 400W
(b) 200W
(c) 50W
(d) 100W
2. The frequency of the secondary voltage of a transformer wills be____.
(a) Less than the frequency of the primary voltage.
(b) Equal to the primary voltage.
(c) Greater than the frequency of the primary voltage.
(d) Very much greater than the frequency of the primary voltage.
3. For an ideal transformer the winding should have
(a) Maximum Resistance on primary side and least resistance in secondary side
(b) Least resistance on primary side and maximum resistance on secondary side
(c) Equal resistance on primary and secondary side
(d) No Ohmic resistance on primary and secondary side
4. At Full load Iron losses in a transformer are 100W. Iron losses at half load
(a) 400W (b) 200W
(c) 50W (d) 100W
5. The maximum efficiency in a transformer occurs when
(a) Copper losses = Iron losses
(b) Eddy current loss = Hysteresis loss
(c) Copper losses in the primary = Iron losses
(d) Copper losses in the secondary = Iron losses
6. A transformer transforms
(a) Current
(b) Voltage
(c) Power
(d) Voltage and current
7. An ideal transformer has 300 turns in primary and 2000 turns in secondary, the transformer is connected to
220V, 50HZ supply. Determine the secondary voltage. .
(a) 2.50 KV
(b) 1.46 KV
(c) 4.6 KV
(d) 1000V

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Study of constructional features of D.C. machines.

Apparatus Required:-
D.C. Machines model.

A d.c. machine is an Electro-Mechanical energy conversion device . It can convert mechanical
power into d.c. electrical power and is known as a d.c. generator. On the other hand, when it
converts d.c. electrical power into mechanical power it is known as d.c. motor.

Contructional Details:-
There are two main parts of a d.c. machine:-

Field System: -
a. Electromagnetic Poles
b. Yoke
c. Field Winding

Armature: -
a. Armature Core
b. Armature Winding
c. Commutator

Magnetic Frame or Yoke :-

The outer cylindrical frame to which main poles and inter poles are fixed and by means of which the
machine is fixed to the foundation is called the Yoke. It serves two purposes:
a) It provides mechanical protection to the inner parts of the machine.
b) It provides a low reluctance path for the magnetic flux.

The yoke is made of cast iron for smaller machines and larger machines; it is made up of cast steel.

Pole core and Pole shoes:-

The pole core and pole shoes are fixed to the magnetic frame or yoke by bolts. They serve the
following purpose:
a) They support the field or exciting coils.
b) They spread out the magnetic flux over the armature periphery more uniformly.
c) Since pole shoes have large X-section, the reluctance of magnetic path is reduced.

Usually, the pole core and pole shoes are made of thin cast steel.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Field or Exciting coils:-

Anamelled copper wire is used for the construction of field or exciting coils. The coils are wound
on the former and then placed around the pole core. When direct current is passed through the
field winding, it magnetizes the poles which produce the require flux. The field coils of all the
poles are connected in series in such a way that when current flows through them, the adjacent
poles attain opposite polarity.

Armature core:-
It is cylindrical in shape and keyed to the rotating shaft. At the outer periphery slots are cut,
which accommodate the armature winding. The armature core serves the following purpose:
(i) It houses the conductors in the slots.
(ii) It provides an easy path for magnetic flux.
Since armature is a rotating part of the machine, reversal of flux takes place in the core, hence
hysterisis losses are produced . To minimize these losses silicon steel material is used for its
construction. The rotating armature cuts across the magnetic field which induces an e.m.f. in it.
The e.m.f circulates eddy currents which results in eddy current losses in it. To reduce these
losses armature core is laminated , in other word we can say that about 0.3 to 0.5 mm thick
stampings are used for its construction. Each lamination or stamping is insulated from the outer
by varnish layer.

Armature Winding:-
The insulated conductors housed in the armature slots are suitably connected. This is known as
armature winding. The armature winding is the heart of d.c. machine. It is a place where
conversion of power takes place i.e. in case of generator, mechanical power is converted into
electrical power and in case of motor, electrical power is converted into mechanical power. On
the basis of connections, there are two types of armature winding names as:-
(a) Lap Winding (b) Wave Winding.

It is the most important part of d.c. machine and serves the following purposes:-
(i) It connects the rotating armature conductors to the stationary external circuit through
(ii) It convert the alternating current induced in the armature conductor into unidirectional
current in the external load circuit in generator action whereas, it converts the alternating torque
into unidirectional torque produced in the armature motor action.

The commutator is of cylindrical shape and is made up of wedge-shaped hard drawn copper
segments. The segments are insulated from each other by a thin sheet of mice. The segments are

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

held together by means of 2 V-shaped rings that fit into the V-grooves cut into the segments.
Each armature coil is connected to the commutator segment through riser.

The brushes are pressed upon the commutator and from the connecting link between the
armature winding and the external circuit. They are usually made of high grade carbon because
carbon is conducting material and the same time in powdered form provides lubricating effect on
the commutator surface. The brushes are held in particular position around the commutator by
brush holders.

End housings:-
End housings are attached to the ends of the main frame and support bearings. The front housing
supports the bearing and the brush assemblies whereas the rear housing usually supports the
bearing only.

The ball or roller bearings are fitted in the end housings. The function of the bearings is to reduce
friction between the rotating and stationary parts of the machine. Mostly high carbon steel is
used for the construction of bearings as it is very hard material.

Shaft :-
The shaft is made of mild steel with a maximum breaking strength. The shaft is used to transfer
mechanical power from or to the machine. The rotating parts like armature core, commutator,
cooling fan etc. are keyed to the shaft.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Lab Tutorials:
Q.1 What function do the yoke perform in D.C. Motor.?
Q.2 What do you mean by commutation in D.C. Motor.? Write down its advantages.
Q.3 Write down the material used for the construction of different parts of D.C. Machine.?
Q.4 Draw & explain different characteristics of D.C. Generator.
Q.5 What are the two main function performed by brushes?
Q.6 What advantages D.C. Machine have over A.C. Machine.?
Q.7 What are the different type of D.C.Generator?

1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Object :- Measurement of various line and phase quantities for a three phase ac circuit.

Apparatus Required :-

S.No. Name of equipments Quantity Range Type

1. Voltmeter 02 0-300v Ac
2. Ammeter 02 0-1amp. Ac
3. 3-phase Auto transformer 01 0-270v Ac
4. Connecting leads ----- -------- -------
5. Resistive load 01 -------- -----

Three phase supply system:-an A.C. system having three equal voltages of same frequency
arranged to have equal phase difference between adjacent e.m.f. is called a three phase
supply system.

Three phase supply system is divided into two categories.

(1) 3-phase balanced system: - A supply system is said to be balanced when the tree
voltages of the same frequency have equal magnitude and one displaced from another by
equal time angle i.e. 120 electrical degree with respect to each other is called three phase
balanced system.

(2) 3-phase unbalanced system:- A three phase supply system will be unbalanced when
either of the three phase voltages are unequal in magnitude or the phase angle between
them is not equal to 120 electrical degree with respect to each other is called three phase
unbalanced system.

1) Connect the voltmeter and ammeter to the load through three phase auto
transformer as shown in figure and set the autotransformer at zero position.
2) Switch on the three phase supply and adjust the auto transformer till a suitable
voltage. Note down the readings of voltmeter and ammeter.
3) Vary the voltage by the autotransformer and note down the various readings.
4) Now after the observation switch off and disconnect all the equipments.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Circuit Diagram :-

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Observation table:-


S. No. Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Reading

Line Voltage Phase Voltage Line Current Phase Current


S. No. Voltmeter Reading Ammeter Reading

Line Voltage Phase Voltage Line Current Phase Current


(1) In star connected load :-

Line voltages are √3 times of phase voltages

Line currents are equal to phase currents

(2) In delta connected load :-

Line currents are √3 times of phase currents

Line voltages are equal to phase voltages

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(1) Make the connections as shown in figure.
(2) Connections should be tight.
(3) Ensure that auto transformer should be at zero position before switching on the main supply.
(4) Please get the circuit checked before switching on the main supply.
(5) Do not touch any live wire.
(6) Supply should be off after the completion of experiment

1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) and Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)

Appararus Required:

Apparatus has been designed to calculate the value of current flowing through different branches of
the circuit.

The instrument comprises of the following built in parts :

1. DC Regulated power supply of 0-5V.
2. Four type of wire wound resistances, each of 5watt. (5W , 10W , 22W & 33W ) are mounted
on front panel.
3. Circuit for Kirchhoff laws is engraved on front panel.
4. Two meters are provided on the front panel to measure corresponding Voltage &
Current with connections brought out on sockets.

In simple circuits,the resistance and potential difference are calculated with the help of ohms
law. But in actual practice, we come across complicated circuits which contain a large number of
resistances alongwith several sources of e.m.f. In such cases, the effective resistance and the
e.m.f. can not be calculated easily from ohm’s law. In order to solve such networks, Kirchhoff
gave two laws which are known as Kirchhoff’s laws.

First Law – Kirchhoff’s Current Law:

According to Kirchhoff’s first law. “The algebriac sum of the various currents meeting at a
junction in a closed electrical circuit is Zero”.
i1- i2- i3 + i4 + i5 = 0
i1+ i4 + i5 = i2 + i3

Sign Convention :
The currents flowing towards a junction are taken as positive while the currents flowing
away from the junction are taken as negative. Let us consider a junction 0. Where a number of
conductors meet. i1, i2 are the currents flowing through them in the directions shown in Fig. (1).
Applying Kirchhoff first law, we get.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Thus the total amount of current flowing into a junction must be equal to the total current
flowing out of the junction. Clearly, according to this law, electric current cannot accumulate at
any point. Unlike charge, current cannot be stored. It must flow on.

Second law -Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) :

According to second law, in a closed loop (closed circuit or mesh) the algebriac sum of the emfs is
equal to the algebric sum of the products of the resistances and the respective currents flowing
through them.
The distribution of currents in the circuit is shown in the diagram given below according to
Kirchhoff’s first law.

NOTE : Resistance tolrance is in +10%.

1. Connect the circuit as show in Fig. (1a) i.e. connect voltmeter across the positive to
positive and negative to negative Current meter (mA) is connected to positive to positive
and negative to negative.
2. Set output voltage 2.5 volts and connect the input through patch cord.
3. Short the A and B or C and D point through patch cord. E and F or G and H point will be
4. Switch on the instrument and note down the current in (ma).

Applying Kirchhoff’s second law to the closed mesh A B C D, We get

R1 i1+R2i1 = voltage

(R 1+R 2) i1= voltage

i1= V /(R 1+R2) Amp.
i1= ?Amp (convert to miliamp.) (i+ x 1000 = mA)

V 1= R 1 i1
V 2= R 2 i1


Compare this calculated value to observed value at current meter.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Compare this calculated value to observed value at current meter.

Calculation of i 2 current:
1. Connect the circuit as show in fig 1b i.e. connect voltmeter across the positive to positive and
negative to negative Current meter (mA)
2. Set output voltage 2.5 volts and connect the input through patch cord.
3. Short the E and F or G and H point through patch cord. A and B or C and D point will be open.
4. Switch ON the instrument and note down the current in (mA).

Applying Kirchhoff’s second law to the closed mesh E F G H, We get

R 3 i2+R4i2= voltage
(R 3+R 4) i2= voltage
i2= V /(R3+R4) Amp.
i2= ?Amp (convert to miliamp.) (i1 x 1000 = mA).

V 3= R 3 i2
V 4= R 4 i2

Calculation of total current i :
Connect the circuit as shown in Fig. (1c) i.e. connect point A and B or C and D or E and F or G
and H. Also connect current meter (mA) and voltmeter positive to positive and negative to
negative. R

Total Current I =i1 + i2

convert the miliampere (i x1000= mA)

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Observation Table.
Record the observation as per the table given below:

Verification of Kirchhoff’s Current Law

S.No. I1 I2 I (I1+I2) = I amp

amp amp amp




Verification of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law


I1 AMP V Volt V1 Volt V2 Volt V? V3 Volt V4 Volt V?





1. Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL):

Add the readings in column 2 and 3 of table and record it in column 5 of this table.Check
that the entry A3 in column 4 and (A1+A2 ) in column 5 of this table should be equal.

2. Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL):

Add the voltage v1 and v2 recorded in column 3 and 4 of table and record the same in the last
column of this table. Check that the voltage v3 in column 5 agrees with the voltage (v1 + v2)
recorded in the last column of this table.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

1. Kirchhoff’s Current Law is verified.

2. As The Voltage V1 + V2= V And V4 + V3= V Are varified As Shown In Table, The Kirchhoff’s
Voltage Law Is Verified.

Following precautions should be observed while performing this experiment:

(1) All the connection should be tight.

(2) Before connecting the instruments, check their zero reading.
(3) The terminals of the rheostats should be connected properly.
(4) The direction of currents should be identified correctly.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


(1) Is the Kirchhoff’s current law applicable to a.c. circuits too?

(2) how many laws were developed by Kirchhoff related to electrical circuit ?
(3) State Kirchhoff’s current law applicable to electrical circuit.
(4) what do you mean by the term node in reference to electric circuits?
(5) In what respect, Kirchhoff’s laws are better than Ohm’s law.
(6) State kirchhoff’s voltage law as applicable to electrical circuits.
(7) How kirchhoff’s voltage law can be applied to A.C. circuits?
(8) Define the term loop.
(9) What do you mean by algebraic sum?
(10)What is the difference between a mesh and a loop?

1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.
2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


AIM: To verify Superposition Theorem.

OBJECTIVE: To apply the principle of Superposition Theorem for electrical network containing
independent Dc sources.

APPARATUS: Digital Multimeter, Power Supply, Resistance (wire wound), Connecting Wires


Superposition theorem states that in a linear network containing several independent sources, the
overall response at any point in the network equals the sum of responses due to each independent
source considered separately with all other independently sources made inoperative. To make a source
inoperative, it is short circuited leaving behind its internal resistance or impedance, if it is a voltage
source and it is open circuited leaving behind its internal resistance or impedance, if it is a current source.

In most electrical circuit analysis problems, a circuit is energized by a single independent energy source.
In such cases, it is quite easy to find the response (i.e. current, voltage, power) in a particular branch of
the circuit using simple network reduction techniques(i.e. series parallel combination, star delta
transformation etc.).

However, in the presence of more than one independent sources in the circuit, the response cannot be
determined by direct application of network reduction techniques. In such a situation, the principle of
superposition may be applied to a linear network, to find the resultant response due to all the sources
acting simultaneously.

The superposition theorem is based on the principle of superposition. The principle of Superposition
states that the response (a desired current or the voltage) at any point in the linear network having more
than one independent source can be obtained as the sum of responses caused by the separate
independent sources acting alone. The validity of principle of superposition means that the presence of
one excitation does not affect the response due to other excitations.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering



1. Connect the DC power supply to resistance R1.Adjust voltage of supply to 10V.

2. Connect another DC supply to resistance R2. Adjust voltage to 5 V.
3. Connect the DC milli ammeter to resistance R3.
4. Now remove the left hand side of supply and measure and record the current through R3.

5. Remove another supply and measure and record the current through R3.

6. Now apply both the supplies and measure the current in R3 i.e. I3’’.
Now I3’’= I3+ I3’

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Calculated Values

I3 I3 ’ I3’’

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Observed Values

V1=10V V2=5V V1=10V

V2=0V V1=0V V2=5V

I3 I 3’ I3’’




% Error=(Observed Value-Calculated Value)/Calculated Value


The percentage error is found to be__%.


The % error is found to be in the range within 10%.The percentage error is due to

observational errors,tolerance errors,calibration of instruments etc.However ,superposition theorm

cannot applied to non-linear nework and network containing only dependent sources.


The superposition theorem is verified.

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering



1. Fundamentals of Electrical engineering by Ashfaq Husain.

2. A Textbook of Electrical Technology by B.L Thereja.
3. Electrical Science by J. B. Gupta


1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using superposition Theorm?

2. Why superposition theorm not applied to non-linear circuis?

3. Can superposition theorm be applied o circuit having A.C sources?If yes,then what will be the

4. How superposition theorm be applied to network containing both independent and dependent

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering


Multiple Choice Questions

A.C. Fundamentals, Circuits and Circuit Theory -

1. A sine wave has a frequency of 50 Hz. Its angular frequency is _______ radian/second.
(a) 100 n
(b) 50 jt
(c) 25 jt
(d) 5 n
Ans: a

2. The reactance offered by a capacitor to alternating current of frequency 50 Hz is 20 Q. If frequency is

increased to 100 Hz, reactance becomes_____ohms.
(a) 2.5
(b) 5
(c) 10
(d) 15
Ans: c
3. The period of a wave is
(a) the same as frequency
(6) time required to complete one cycle
(c) expressed in amperes
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
4. The form factor is the ratio of
(a) peak value to r.m.s. value
(6) r.m.s. value to average value
(c) average value to r.m.s. value
(d) none of the above
Ans: b
5. The period of a sine wave is _____ seconds.
Its frequency is
(a) 20 Hz
(b) 30 Hz
(c) 40 Hz
(d) 50 Hz
Ans: d
6. A heater is rated as 230 V, 10 kW, A.C. The value 230 V refers to
(a) average voltage
(b) r.m.s. voltage
(c) peak voltage
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

7. If two sinusoids of the same frequency but of different amplitudes and phase angles are subtracted, the
resultant is

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(a) a sinusoid of the same frequency

(b) a sinusoid of half the original frequency
(c) a sinusoid of double the frequency
(d) not a sinusoid
Ans: a

8. The peak value of a sine wave is 200 V. Its average value is

(a) 127.4 V
(b) 141.4 V
(c) 282.8 V
Ans: a

9. If two sine waves of the same frequency have a phase difference of JT radians, then
(a) both will reach their minimum values at the same instant
(b) both will reach their maximum values at the same instant
(c) when one wave reaches its maximum value, the other will reach its minimum value
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

10. The voltage of domestic supply is 220V. This figure represents

(a) mean value
(b) r.m.s. value
(c) peak value
(d) average value
Ans: a

11. Two waves of the same frequency have opposite phase when the phase angle between them is
(a) 360°
(b) 180°
(c) 90°
(d) 0°
Ans: b

12. The power consumed in a circuit element will be least when the phase difference between the current and
voltage is
(a) 180"
(b) 90°
(c) 60°
(d) 0°
Ans: b

13. The r.m.s. value and mean value is the same in the case of
(a) triangular wave
(6) sine wave
(c) square wave
(d) half wave rectified sine wave
Ans: c

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

14. For the same peak value which of the following wave will 'have the highest r.m.s. value ?
(a) square wave
(b) half wave rectified sine wave
(c) triangular wave
(d) sine wave
Ans: a

15. For the same peak value, which of the following wave has the least mean value ?
(a) half wave rectified sine wave
(b) triangular wave
(c) sine wave
(d) square wave
Ans: a

16. For a sine wave with peak value Imax the r.m.s. value is
(a) 0.5 Imax
(b) 0.707
(c) 0.9
(d) 1.414 Lmax
Ans: b

17. Form Factor is the ratio of

(a) average value/r.m.s. value
(b) average value/peak value
(e) r.m.s. value/average value
(d) r.m.s. value/peak value
Ans: c

18. Form factor for a sine wave is

(a) 1.414
(b) 0.707
(c) 1.11
(d) 0.637
Ans: c

19. For a sine wave with peak value Emax______8.30. the average value is
(a) 0.636 Emax
(b) 0.707 Emax
(c) 0.434 EWc
(d) lAUEmax
Ans: a

20. For a frequency of 200 Hz, the time period will be

(a) 0.05 s
(b) 0.005 s
(c) 0.0005 s
(d) 0.5 s
Ans: b

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

21. The phase difference between voltage and current wave through a circuit element is given as 30°. The
essential condition is that
(a) both waves must have same frequency
(b) both waves must have identical peak values
(c) both waves must have zero value at the same time
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

22. The r.m.s. value of a sinusoidal A.C. current is equal to its value at an angle of______degrees.
(a) 90
(b) 60
(c) 45
(d) 30
Ans: c

23. Capacitive reactance is more when

(a) capacitance is less and frequency of supply is less
(b) capacitance is less and frequency of supply is more
(c) capacitance is more and frequency of supply is less
(d) capacitance is more and frequency of supply is more
Ans: a

24. In a series resonant circuit, the impedance of the circuit is

(a) minimum
(b) maximum
(c) zero
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

25. Power factor of an electrical circuit is equal to

(a) R/Z
(b) cosine of phase angle difference between current and voltage
(c) kW/kVA
(d) ratio of useful current to total current Iw/I
(e) all above
Ans: e

26. The best place to install a capacitor is

(a) very near to inductive load
(b) across the terminals of the inductive load
(c) far away from the inductive load
(d) any where
Ans: b

27. Poor power factor

(a) reduces load handling capability of electrical system
(b) results in more power losses in the electrical system
(c) overloads alternators, transformers and distribution lines
(d) results in more voltage drop in the line

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(e) results in all above

Ans: e

28. Capacitors for power factor correction are rated in

(a) kW
(b) kVA
(c) kV
(d) kVAR
Ans: d

29. In series resonant circuit, increasing inductance to its twice value and reducing capacitance to its half value
(a) will change the maximum value of current at resonance
(6) will change the resonance frequency
(c) will change the impedance at resonance frequency
(d) will increase the selectivity of the circuit
Ans: d

30. Pure inductive circuit

(a) consumes some power on average
(b) does not take power at all from a line
(c) takes power from the line during some part of the cycle and then returns back to it during other part of the
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

31. Inductance affects the direct current flow

(a) only at the time of turning off
(b) only at the time of turning on
(c) at the time of turning on and off
(d) at all the time of operation
Ans: c

32. Inductance of a coil Varies

(a) directly as the cross-sectional area of magnetic core
(b) directly as square of number of turns
(c) directly as the permeability of the core
(d) inversely as the length of the iron path
(e) as (a) to (d)
Ans: e

33. All the rules and laws of D.C. circuit also apply to A.C. circuit containing
(a) capacitance only
(b) inductance only
(c) resistance only
(d) all above
Ans: c

34. Time constant of an inductive circuit

(a) increases with increase of inductance and decrease of resistance

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(b) increases with the increase of inductance and the increase of resistance
(c) increases with decrease of inductance and decrease of resistance
(d) increases with decrease of inductance and increase of resistance
Ans: a

35. Power factor of an inductive circuit is usually improved by connecting capacitor to it in

(a) parallel
(b) series
(c) either (a) or (b)
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

36. In a highly capacitive circuit the

(a) apparent power is equal to the actual power
(b) reactive power is more than the apparent power
(c) reactive power is more than the actual powetf
(d) actual power is more than its reactive power
Ans: c

37. Power factor of the following circuit will be zero

(a) resistance
(b) inductance
(c) capacitance
(d) both (b) and (c)
Ans: d

38. Power factor of the following circuit will be unity

(a) inductance
(b) capacitance
(c) resistance
(d) both (a) and (b)
Ans: c

39. Power factor of the system is kept high

(a) to reduce line losses
(b) to maximise the utilization of the capacities of generators, lines and transformers
(c) to reduce voltage regulation of the line
(d) due to all above reasons
Ans: d

40. The time constant of the capacitance circuit is defined as the time during which voltage
(a) falls to 36.8% of its final steady value
(b) rises to 38.6% of its final steady value
(c) rises to 63.2% of its final steady value
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

41. In a loss-free R-L-C circuit the transient current is

(a) oscillating

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(b) square wave

(c) sinusoidal
(d) non-oscillating
Ans: c

42. The r.m.s. value of alternating current is given by steady (D.C.) current which when flowing through a given
circuit for a given time produces
(a) the more heat than produced by A.C. when flowing through the same circuit
(b) the same heat as produced by A.C. when flowing through the same circuit
(c) the less heat than produced by A.C. flowing through the same circuit
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

43. The square waveform of current has following relation between r.m.s. value and average value.
(a) r.m.s. value is equal to average value
(b) r.m.s. value of current is greater than average value
(c) r.m.s. value of current is less than average value
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

44. The double energy transient occur in the

(a) purely inductive circuit
(b) R-L circuit
(c) R-C circuit
(d) R-L-C circuit
Ans: d

45. The transient currents are associated with the

(a) changes in the stored energy in the inductors and capacitors
(b) impedance of the circuit
(c) applied voltage to the circuit
(d) resistance of the circuit
Ans: a

46. The power factor at resonance in R-L- C parallel circuit is

(a) zero
(b) 0.08 lagging
(c) 0.8 leading
(d) unity
Ans: d

47. In the case of an unsymmetrical alternating current the average value must always be taken over
(a) unsymmetrical part of the wave form
(b) the quarter cycle
(c) the half cycle
(d) the whole cycle
Ans: d

48. In a pure resistive circuit

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(a) current lags behind the voltage by 90°

(b) current leads the voltage by 90°
(c) current can lead or lag the voltage by 90°
(d) current is in phase with the voltage
Ans: d

49. In a pure inductive circuit

(a) the current is in phase with the voltage
(b) the current lags behind the voltage by 90°
(c) the current leads the voltage by 90°
(d) the current can lead or lag by 90°
Ans: b

50. In a circuit containing R, L and C, power loss can take place in

(a) C only
(b) L only
(c) R only
(d) all above
Ans: c

51. Inductance of coil

(a) is unaffected by the supply frequency
(b) decreases with the increase in supply frequency
(c) increases with the increase in supply frequency
(d) becomes zero with the increase in supply frequency
Ans: c

52. In any A.C. circuit always

(a) apparent power is more than actual power
(b) reactive power is more than apparent power
(c) actual power is more than reactive power
(d) reactive power is more than actual power
Ans: a

53. Which of the following circuit component opposes the change in the circuit voltage ?
(a) Inductance
(b) Capacitance
(c) Conductance
(d) Resistance

54. In a purely inductive circuit

(a) actual power is zero
(b) reactive power is zero
(c) apparent power is zero
(d) none of above is zero
Ans: a

55. Power factor of electric bulb is

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(a) zero
(b) lagging
(c) leading
(d) unity
Ans: d

56. Pure inductive circuit takes power from the A.C. line when
(a) applied voltage decreases but cur¬rent increases
(b) applied voltage increases but cur¬rent decreases
(c) both applied voltage and current increase
(d) both applied voltage and current decrease
Ans: a

57. Time constant of a circuit is the time in seconds taken after the application of voltage to each
(a) 25% of maximum value
(b) 50% of maximum value
(c) 63% of maximum value
(d) 90% of the maximum value
Ans: c

58. Time constant of an inductive circuit

(a) increases with increase of inductance and decrease of resistance
(b) increases with the increase of inductance and the increase of resistance
(c) increases with the decrease of inductance and decrease of resistance
(d) increases with decrease of inductance and increase of resistance
Ans: a

59. Time constant of a capacitive circuit

(a) increases with the decrease of capacitance and decrease of resistance
(b) increases with the decrease of capacitance and increase of resis¬tance
(c) increases with the increase of capacitance and decrease of resis¬tance
(d) increase with increase of capacitance and increase of resis¬tance
Ans: d

60. Magnitude of current at resonance in R-L-C circuit

(a) depends upon the magnitude of R
(b) depends upon the magnitude of L
(c) depends upon the magnitude of C
(d) depends upon the magnitude of R, LandC
Ans: a

61. In a R-L-C circuit

(a) power is consumed in resistance and is equal to I R
(b) exchange of power takes place between inductor and supply line
(c) exchange of power takes place between capacitor and supply line
(d) exchange of power does not take place between resistance and the supply line
(e) all above are correct
Ans: e

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

62. In R-L-C series resonant circuit magnitude of resonance frequency can be changed by changing the value of
(a) R only
(b) L only
(c) C only
(d) L or C
(e) R,L or C
Ans: d

63. In a series L-C circuit at the resonant frequency the

(a) current is maximum
(b) current is minimum
(c) impedance is maximum
(d) voltage across C is minimum
Ans: a

64. The time constant of a series R-C circuit is given by

(a) R/C
(b) RC2
(c) RC
(d) R2C
Ans: c

65. If resistance is 20 Q. and inductance is 27 in a R-L series circuit, then time constant of this circuit will be
(a) 0.001 s
(b) 0.1 s
(c) 10 s
(d) 100 s
Ans: b

66. Which of the following coil will have large resonant frequency ?
(a) A coil with large resistance
(b) A coil with low resistance
(c) A coil with large distributed capacitance
(d) A coil with low distributed capacitance
Ans: c

67. If a sinusoidal wave has frequency of 50 Hz with 30 A r.m.s. current which of the following equation
represents this wave ?
(a) 42.42 sin 3141
(b) 60 sin 25 t
(c) 30 sin 50 t
(d) 84.84 sin 25 t
Ans: a

68. The safest value of current the human body can carry for more than 3 second is
(a) 4 mA
(b) 9 mA
(c) 15 mA
(d) 25 mA

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Ans: b

69. A pure inductance connected across 250 V, 50 Hz supply consumes 100 W.

This consumption can be attributed to
(a) the big size of the inductor
(b) the reactance of the inductor
(c) the current flowing in the inductor
(d) the statement given is false
Ans: d

70. The input of an A.C. circuit having power factor of 0.8 lagging is 40 kVA
The power drawn by the circuit is
(a) 12 kW
(b) 22 kW
(c) 32 kW
(d) 64 kW
Ans: c

71. The effective resistance of an iron-cored choke working on ordinary supply frequency is more than its true
resistance because of
(a) iron loss in core
(b) skin effect
(c) increase in temperature
(d) capacitive effect between adjacent coil turns
Ans: a

72. In an AC. circuit, a low value of kVAR compared with kW indicates

(a) low efficiency
(b) high power factor
(c) unity power factor
(d) maximum load current
Ans: b

73. In AC. circuits, laminated iron is invariably used in order to

(a) reduce eddy current loss
(b) increase heat radiation
(c) make assembly cheap and easier
(d) reduce circuit permeability
Ans: a

74. The ratio of active power to apparent power is known as factor.

(a) demand
(b) load
(c) power
(d) form
Ans: c

75. All definitions of power factor of a series R-L-C circuit are correct except
(a) ratio of net reactance and impedance

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(b) ratio of kW and kVA

(c) ratio of J and Z
(d) ratio of W and VA
Ans: a

76. The apparent power drawn by an A.C. circuit is 10 kVA and active power is 8 kW. The reactive power in the
circuit is
(a) 4 kVAR
(b) 6 kVAR
(c) 8 kVAR
(d) 16 kVAR
Ans: b

77. What will be the phase angle between two alternating waves of equal frequency, when one wave attains
maximum value the other is at zero value ?
(a) 0°
(b) 45°
(c) 90°
(d) 180°
Ans: c

78. The purpose of a parallel circuit resonance is to magnify

(a) current
(b) voltage
(c) power
(d) frequency
Ans: b

79. In an A.C. circuit power is dissipated in

(a) resistance only
(b) inductance only
(c) capacitance only
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

80. In a parallel R-C circuit, the current always______the applied voltage

(a) lags
(b) leads
(c) remains in phase with
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

81. At very low frequencies a series R-C circuit behaves as almost purely
(a) resistive
(b) inductive
(c) capacitive
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

82. Skin effect occurs when a conductor carries current at _____ frequencies.
(a) very low
(b) low
(c) medium
(d) high
Ans: d

83. At ______ frequencies the parallel R-L circuit behaves as purely resistive.
(a) low
(b) very low
(c) high
(d) very high
Ans: d

84. In a sine wave the slope is constant

(a) between 0° and 90°
(b) between 90° and 180°
(c) between 180° and 270°
(d) no where
Ans: d

85. The power is measured in terms of decibles in case of

(a) electronic equipment
(b) transformers
(c) current transformers
(d) auto transformers
Ans: a

86. Capacitive susceptance is a measure of

(a) reactive power in a circuit
(b) the extent of neutralisation of reactive power in a circuit
(c) a purely capacitive circuit's ability to pass current
(d) a purely capacitive circuit's ability to resist the flow of current
Ans: c

87. Which of the following statements pertains to resistors only ?

(a) can dissipate considerable amount of power
(6) can act as energy storage devices
(c) connecting them in parallel in¬creases the total value
(d) oppose sudden changes in voltage
Ans: a

88. Which of the following refers to a parallel circuit ?

(a) The current through each element is same
(b) The voltage across element is in proportion to it's resistance value
(c) The equivalent resistance is greater than any one of the resistors
(d) The current through any one element is less than the source current
Ans: d

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

89. Aphasoris
(a) a line which represents the mag¬nitude and phase of an alternating quantity
(b) a line representing the magnitude and direction of an alternating quantity
(c) a coloured tag or band for distinction between different phases of a 3-phase supply
(d) an instrument used for measuring phases of an unbalanced 3-phase load
Ans: a

89. A parallel AC. circuit in resonance will

(a) have a high voltage developed across each inductive and capacitive section
(b) have a high impedance
(c) act like a resistor of low value
(d) have current in each section equal to the line current
Ans: b

90. Wire-wound resistors are unsuitable for use at high frequencies because they
(a) create more electrical noise
(b) are likely to melt under excessive eddy current heat
(c) consume more power
(d) exhibit unwanted inductive and capacitive effects
Ans: d

91. The inductance of a coil can be increased by

(a) increasing core length
(b) decreasing the number of turns
(c) decreasing the diameter of the former
(d) choosing core material having high relative permeability
Ans: d

92. In a three-phase supply floating neutral is undesirable because it way give rise to
(a) high voltage across the load
(b) low voltage across the load
(c) unequal line voltages across the load
Ans: c

93. Which of the following waves has the highest value of peak factor ?
(a) Square wave
(b) Sine wave
(c) Half wave rectified sine wave
(d) Triangular wave
Ans: c

94. The frequency of domestic power supply in India is

(a) 200 Hz
(b) 100 Hz
(c) 60 Hz
(d) 50 Hz
Ans: d

95. The r.m.s. value of half wave rectified sine wave is 200 V. The r.m.s. value of full wave rectified AC. will be

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(a) 282.8 V
(b) 141.4 V
(c) 111 V
(d) 100 V
Ans: a

96. The r.m.s. value of pure cosine function is

(a) 0.5 of peak value
(b) 0.707 of peak value
(c) same as peak value
(d) zero
Ans: b

97. Ohm is unit of all of the following except

(a) inductive reactance
(b) capacitive reactance
(c) resistance
(d) capacitance
Ans: d

98. The series ;nd parallel resonance on L-C circui' differs in that
(a) series resistance needs a low-resistance ource for sharp rise in current
(b) series resonance needs a high-resistance source for sharp increase in current
(c) parallel resonance needs a low-resistance source for a sharp in¬crease in impedance
(d) parallel resonance needs a low-resistance source for a sharp rise in line current
Ans: a

99. The phasors for which of the following pair are 180° out of phase for VL, VC and VR?
(a) Vc and VR
(b) VL and VR
(c) Vc and VL
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

100. The frequency of an alternating current is

(a) the speed with which the alternator runs
(b) the number of cycles generated in one minute
(c) the number of waves passing through a point in one second
(d) the number of electrons passing through a point in one second
Ans: c

101. A pure capacitor connected across an A.C. voltage consumed 50 W. This is due to
(a) the capacitive reactance in ohms
(b) the current flowing in capacitor
(c) the size of the capacitor being quite big
(d) the statement is incorrect
Ans: d

102. The power factor of a D.C. circuit is always

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(a) less than unity

(b) unity
(c) greater than unity
(d) zero
Ans: b

103. The product of apparent power and cosine of the phase angle between circuit voltage and current is
(a) true power
(b) reactive power
(c) volt-amperes
(d) instantaneous power
Ans: a

104. The equation of 50 Hz current sine wave having r.m.s. value of 60 A is

(a) 60 sin 25 t
(b) 60 sin 50 t
(c) 84.84 sin 3141
(d) 42.42 sin 314 t
Ans: c

105. An A.C. voltage is impressed across a pure resistance of 3.5 ohms in parallel with a pure inductance of
impedance of 3.5 ohms,
(a) the current through the resistance is more
(b) the current through the resistance is less
(c) both resistance and inductance carry equal currents
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

106. In a pure inductive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will
(a) be reduced by half
(b) be doubled
(c) be four times as high
(d) be reduced to one fourth
Ans: b

107. In a pure capacitive circuit if the supply frequency is reduced to 1/2, the current will
(a) be reduced by half
(b) be doubled
(c) be four times at high
(d) be reduced to one fourth
Ans: a

108. When an alternating current passes through an ohmic resistance the electrical power converted into heat
(a) apparent power
(b) true power
(c) reactive power
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

109. In each of the three coils of a three phase generator, an alternating voltage having an r.m.s. value of 220
V is induced. Which of the following values is indicated by the voltmeters ?
(a) 220 V
(b) 220V3V
(c) 220/V3 V
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

Network Theorems.. etc -

1. Kirchhoff s current law states that

(a) net current flow at the junction is positive
(b) Hebraic sum of the currents meeting at the junction is zero
(c) no curreht can leave the junction without some current entering it.
(d) total sum of currents meeting at the junction is zero
Ans: b

2. According to Kirchhoffs voltage law, the algebraic sum of all IR drops and e.m.fs. in any closed loop
of a network is always
(a) negative
(b) positive
(c) determined by battery e.m.fs.
(d) zero
Ans: d

3. Kirchhoffs current law is applicable to only

(a) junction in a network
(b) closed loops in a network
(c) electric circuits
(d) electronic circuits
Ans: a

4. Kirchhoffs voltage law is related to

(a) junction currents
(b) battery e.m.fs.
(c) IR drops
(d) both (b) and (c)
(e) none of the above
Ans: d

5. Superposition theorem can be applied only to circuits having

(a) resistive elements
(b) passive elements

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(c) non-linear elements

(d) linear bilateral elements
Ans: d

6. The concept on which Superposition theorem is based is

(a) reciprocity
(b) duality
(c) non-linearity
(d) linearity
Ans: d

7. Thevenin resistance Rth is found

(a) by removing voltage sources along with their internal resistances
(6) by short-circuiting the given two terminals
(c) between any two 'open' terminals
(d) between same open terminals as for Etk
Ans: d

8. An ideal voltage source should have

(a) large value of e.m.f.
(b) small value of e.m.f.
(c) zero source resistance
(d) infinite source resistance
Ans: c

9. For a voltage source

(a) terminal voltage is always lower than source e.m.f.
(b) terminal voltage cannot be higher than source e.m.f.
(c) the source e.m.f. and terminal voltage are equal
Ans: b

10. To determine the polarity of the voltage drop across a resistor, it is necessary to know
(a) value of current through the resistor
(b) direction of current through the resistor
(c) value of resistor
(d) e.m.fs. in the circuit
Ans: b

11. "Maximum power output is obtained from a network when the load resistance is equal to the
output resistance of the network as seen from the terminals of the load". The above statement is
associated with
(a) Millman's theorem
(b) Thevenin's theorem
(c) Superposition theorem
(d) Maximum power transfer theorem

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Ans: d

12. "Any number of current sources in parallel may be replaced by a single current source whose
current is the algebraic sum of individual source currents and source resistance is the parallel
combination of individual
source resistances".
The above statement is associated with
(a) Thevenin's theorem
(b) Millman's theorem
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) None of the above
Ans: b

13. "In any linear bilateral network, if a source of e.m.f. E in any branch produces a current I in any
branch, then same e.m.f. acting in the second branch would produce the same current / in the first
The above statement is associated with
(a) compensation theorem
(b) superposition theorem
(c) reciprocity theorem
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

14. Which of the following is non-linear circuit parameter ?

(a) Inductance
(b) Condenser
(c) Wire wound resistor
(d) Transistor
Ans: a

15. A capacitor is generally a

(a) bilateral and active component
(b) active, passive, linear and nonlinear component
(c) linear and bilateral component
(d) non-linear and active component
Ans: c

16. "In any network containing more than one sources of e.m.f. the current in any branch is the
algebraic sum of a number of individual fictitious currents (the number being equal to the number of
sources of e.m.f.), each of which is due to separate action of each source of e.m.f., taken in order,
when the remaining sources of e.m.f. are replaced by conductors, the resistances of which are equal
to the internal resistances of the respective sources".
The above statement is associated with
(a) Thevenin's theorem

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(b) Norton's theorem

(c) Superposition theorem
(d) None of the above
Ans: c

17. Kirchhoff s law is applicable to

(a) passive networks only
(b) a.c. circuits only
(c) d.c. circuits only
(d) both a.c. as well d.c. circuits
Ans: d

18. Kirchhoff s law is not applicable to circuits with

(a) lumped parameters
(b) passive elements
(c) distributed parameters
(d) non-linear resistances
Ans: c

19. Kirchhoff s voltage law applies to circuits with

(a) nonlinear elements only
(b) linear elements only
(c) linear, non-linear, active and passive elements
(d) linear, non-linear, active, passive, time varying as wells as time-in-variant elements
Ans: d

20. The resistance LM will be

(a) 6.66 Q
(b) 12 Q
(c) 18Q
(d) 20Q
Ans: a

21. For high efficiency of transfer of power, internal resistance of the source should be
(a) equal to the load resistance
(b) less than the load resistance
(c) more than the load resistance
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

22. Efficiency of power transfer when maximum transfer of power c xurs is

(a) 100%
(b) 80%
(c) 75%
(d) 50%

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

Ans: d

23. If resistance across LM in Fig. 2.30 is 15 ohms, the value of R is

(a) 10 Q
(6) 20 Q
(c) 30 Q
(d) 40 Q
Ans: c

24. For maximum transfer of power, internal resistance of the source should be
(a) equal to load resistance
(b) less than the load resistance
(c) greater than the load resistance
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

25. If the energy is supplied from a source, whose resistance is 1 ohm, to a load of 100 ohms the
source will be
(a) a voltage source
(b) a current source
(c) both of above
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

26. The circuit whose properties are same in either direction is known as
(a) unilateral circuit
(b) bilateral circuit
(c) irreversible circuit
(d) reversible circuit
Ans: b

27. In a series parallel circuit, any two resistances in the same current path must be in
(a) series with each other
(b) parallel with each other
(c) series with the voltage source.'
(d) parallel with the voltage source
Ans: a

28. The circuit has resistors, capacitors and semi-conductor diodes. The circuit will be known as
(a) non-linear circuit
(b) linear circuit
(c) bilateral circuit
(d) none of the above
Ans: a

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

29. A non-linear network does not satisfy

(a) superposition condition
(b) homogeneity condition
(c) both homogeneity as well as superposition condition
(d) homogeneity, superposition and associative condition
Ans: c

30. An ideal voltage source has

(a) zero internal resistance
(b) open circuit voltage equal to the voltage on full load
(c) terminal voltage in proportion to current
(d) terminal voltage in proportion to load
Ans: a

31. A network which contains one or more than one source of e.m.f. is known as
(a) linear network
(b) non-linear network
(c) passive network
(d) active network
Ans: c

32. The superposition theorem is applicable to

(a) linear, non-linear and time variant responses
(b) linear and non-linear resistors only
(c) linear responses only
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

33. Which of the following is not a nonlinear element ?

(a) Gas diode
(b) Heater coil
(c) Tunnel diode
(d) Electric arc

34. Application of Norton's theorem to a circuit yields

(a) equivalent current source and impedance in series
(6) equivalent current source and impedance in parallel
(c) equivalent impedance
(d) equivalent current source
Ans: a

35. Millman's theorem yields

(a) equivalent resistance
(6) equivalent impedance

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

(c) equivalent voltage source

(d) equivalent voltage or current source
Ans: d

36. The superposition theorem is applicable to

(a) voltage only
(b) current "only
(c) both current and voltage
(d) current voltage and power
Ans: d

37. Between the branch voltages of a loop the Kirchhoff s voltage law imposes
(a) non-linear constraints
(b) linear constraints
(c) no constraints
(d) none of the above
Ans: b

38. A passive network is one which contains

(a) only variable resistances
(b) only some sources of e.m.f. in it
(c) only two sources of e.m.f. in it
(d) no source of e.m.f. in it
Ans: d

39. A terminal where three on more branches meet is known as

(a) node
(b) terminus
(c) combination
(d) anode
Ans: a

40. Which of the following is the passive element ?

(a) Capacitance
(b) Ideal current source
(c) Ideal voltage source
(d) All of the above
Ans: a

41. Which of the following is a bilateral element ?

(a) Constant current source
(b) Constant voltage source
(c) Capacitance
(d) None of the above
Ans: c

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

42. A closed path made by several branches of the network is known as

(a) branch
(b) loop
(c) circuit
(d) junction
Ans: b

43. A linear resistor having 0 < R < °o is a

(a) current controlled resistor
(6) voltage controlled resistor
(c) both current controlled and voltage controlled resistor
(d) none of the above
Ans: c

44. A star circuit has element of resistance R/2. The equivalent delta elements will be
(a) R/6
(b) fi?
(c) 2R
(d) 4R
Ans: b

45. A delta circuit has each element of value R/2. The equivalent elements of star circuit with be
(a) RIG
(b) R/3
(c) 2R
(d) 3R
Ans: a

46. In Thevenin's theorem, to find Z

(a) all independent current sources are short circuited and independent voltage sources are open
(b) all independent voltage sources are open circuited and all independent current sources are short
(c) all independent voltage and current sources are short circuited
(d) all independent voltage sources are short circuited and all independent current sources are open
Ans: d

47. While calculating Rth in Thevenin's theorem and Norton equivalent

(a) all independent sources are made dead
(b) only current sources are made dead
(c) only voltage sources are made dead
(d) all voltage and current sources are made dead
Ans: a

Name of Laboratory : Basic Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Lab Subject Code : BE 104
Name of Department : Electrical Engineering

48. The number of independent equations to solve a network is equal to

(a) the number of chords
(b) the number of branches
(c) sum of the number of branches and chords
(d) sum of number of branches, chords and nodes
Ans: a

49. The superposition theorem requires as many circuits to be solved as there are
(a) sources, nodes and meshes
(b) sources and nodes
(c) sources
(d) nodes
Ans: c

50. Choose the incorrect statement.

(a) A branch formed by the parallel connection of any resistor R and open circuit has the
characteristic of an open circuit.
(b) A branch formed by the parallel connection of any resistor R and a short circuit has the
characteristic of a short circuit.
(c) A branch formed by the series connection of any resistor R and an open circuit has the
characteristic of an open circuit.
(d) A branch formed by the series connection of any resistor R and a short circuit has the
characteristic of resistor R.
Ans: a


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