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12. H.A. Majid, M.K.A. Rahim, M.R. Hamid, and M.F.

Ismail, A com- multiband antenna has been the focus of research. In addition,
pact frequency-reconfigurable narrowband microstrip slot antenna, these antennas applied for multiband systems are nearly required
IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag Lett 11 (2012), 616–619. to quasiomnidirectional features to ensure the stability of
13. A.F. Sheta, and S.F. Mahmoud, A widely tunable compact patch communication.
antenna, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag Lett 7 (2008), 40–42.
Recently, the concept of loading conventional antennas with
14. H.F. Abutarboush, R. Nilavalan, S.W. Cheung, K.M. Nasr, T. Peter,
D. Budimir, and H. Al-Raweshidy, A reconfigurable wideband and
dispersion engineered materials (referred to as metamaterials)
multiband antenna using dual-patch elements for compact wireless drew great attention to researchers. Such metamaterials loading
devices, IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 60 (2012), 36–43. can be used to reduce the operating frequency significantly and
15. H.F. Abutarboush, R. Nilavalan, S.W. Cheung, and K.M. Nasr, Com- provide multifrequency operation, thus showing potential for
pact printed multiband antenna with independent setting suitable for mobile handset applications. Metamaterials can provide negative
fixed and reconfigurable wireless communication systems, IEEE electric permittivity and negative magnetic permeability simulta-
Trans Antennas Propag 60 (2012), 3867–3874. neously. They are artificially structured materials typically con-
16. Y. Li, Z.J. Zhang, J.F. Zheng, and Z.H. Feng, Compact heptaband structed from periodic arrangements of available materials and
reconfigurable loop antenna for mobile handset, IEEE Antennas exhibit electromagnetic properties not found in any of their bulk
Wireless Propag Lett 10 (2011), 1162–1165.
individual constituents [1,2]. As a class of metamaterials, left-
17. Y.J. Sung, Frequency and polarization reconfigurability from an
open-loop square ring antenna, IET Microwave Antennas Propag, 6
handed transmission line (LH-TL) was presented by three
(2012), 505–509. research group in 2003 [3–5]. It has been proved that the sim-
18. T. Aboufoul, A. Alomainy, and C. Parini, Reconfiguring UWB plex LH-TL can not exist, all the LH-TLs have parasitic right-
monopole antenna for cognitive radio applications using GaAs FET handed effect, thus there is only composite right/left-handed TL
switches, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag Lett 11 (2012), 392–394. (CRLH-TL) in practice. There are two types of CRLH-TL struc-
19. H. Boudaghi, M. Azarmanesh, and M. Mehranpour, A frequency- ture, nonresonant and resonant. The former contains split ring
reconfigurable monopole antenna using switchable slotted ground resonators and complemented split ring resonators (CSSRs) [3–
structure, IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag Lett 11 (2012), 655–658. 7]. The CSSRs are composed of distributed series capacitors and
20. L. Liu, Y.F. Weng, S.W. Cheung, T.I. Yuk, and L.J. Foged, Model- shunt inductors [8,9]. The nonresonant CRLH-TL has more
ing of cable for measurements of small monopole antennas, In:
wide left-hand band and low insertion loss than the resonant.
Loughborough Antennas & Propagation Conference (LAPC 2011),
14–15 November 2011, Loughborough, U.K.
As one of typical applications, conventional resonant type
21. X.L. Sun, L.Liu, S.W. Cheung, and T.I. Yuk, Dual-band antenna antennas are loaded with CRLH unit cells (usually more than
with compact radiator for 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz WLAN applications, one cell), which allow the antennas to operate at the zeroth
IEEE Trans Antennas Propag 60 (2012), 5924–5931. order mode or negative order modes to realized multiband or
miniaturization. Such technique was demonstrated for slot
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
V antenna, dipole antenna, and patch antenna [10–12]. An analyti-
cal method to characterize the frequency behavior of CRLH
loaded printed dipole antenna is presented in [13]. In [14], the
TRIPLE-BAND COMPACT MONOPOLE phase-shifting characteristic of a novel CRLH-TL for two fre-
ANTENNA WITH MODIFIED SS-CML quency points is analyzed and one antenna prototype with dual-
UNITS LOADING band dual-mode dual-polarization is designed by using the pro-
posed CRLH-TL.
Sheng-Liang Deng, Rui Li, Jiao-Jiao Xie, and Ying-Zeng Yin
National Laboratory of Science and Technology on Antennas and
In [1], one structure which occupies on the interdigital capac-
Microwaves, Xidian University, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710071, China; itor to provide the series capacitance and on the shunt short-
Corresponding author: circuited stub to provide the parallel inductance is presented, but
it just has a number of narrow bands. In [2], both distributed
Received 15 May 2013 and lumped realizations of the CRLH unit cell are provided.
Also, the potential of using more than one CRLH unit cell to
load the monopole is discussed and a two CRLH unit cell
ABSTRACT: Triple-band compact monopole antenna with SS-CML design is presented. The resultant monopole has five operating,
units loading is proposed in this article. On the basis of mathematical
four narrow and one wide band. Thus the number of bands is
analysis to equal electrical length SS-CML unit, extended analysis to the
twice the number of unit cells and one wide band that is cen-
unequal case is done. The design method is presented by CRLH-TL
theory. The multifrequency performance of the antenna by changing the tered around the monopole original frequency. An improved
current phase through the monopole is achieved. Simulated results show designable CRLH-TL is presented in [15], whose operating
that the antenna can operate at three separate frequency bands of 1.36– frequency-band and transmission characteristic impedances can
1.69 GHz 2.17–2.59 GHz, and 3.38–3.83 GHz, with return loss less than be tuned, respectively, and then a novel hybrid ring is proposed
210 dB. Measurements and EM simulations are in good agreement with by using 70-X CRLH-TL. In [16], a dual-band wilkinson power
the theoretical analysis. V
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Microwave Opt
divider using coupled lines and mathematical analysis by a
Technol Lett 56:152–158, 2014; View this article online at wileyonline- method of even-odd decomposition is presented. But only analy- DOI 10.1002/mop.28034 sis of equal electrical length is done in [16], so we can take the
unequal case into consideration to obtain other features of modi-
Key words: SS-CML unit; CRLH-TL; even-odd decomposition method; fied SS-CML unit.
triple-band antenna
In this article, the theory of CRLH-TL loaded with
microstrip-fed monopole is presented first. Then, extended anal-
1. INTRODUCTION ysis to the unequal electrical length SS-CML unit is done.
For the past few years, modern mobile communication is being According to the mathematical analysis, we proposed a new
developing rapidly all over the world, meanwhile mobile hand- class of antenna based on theory of CRLH-TL by loading modi-
sets or systems are demanded for supporting multistandards and fied SS-CML (shorted stub loaded coupled microstrip lines)
multifunctions operating at different frequency bands. So the units combined [1] with [2]. The resultant monopole antenna

152 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 DOI 10.1002/mop
Mathematically, when being resonance state, the total phase
shift of current across the monopole will satisfy the following

Ut 5Umonopole 1m3UCRLH 5n3908 ðn50; 61; 63; :::Þ (1)

where Amonopole means phase shift corresponding to the mono-

pole length without the CRLH unit cells; ACRLH means phase
shift caused by one CRLH unit cell; m means number of CRLH
units; n means mode order and the previous equation is valid
only within the passband of the CRLH units. As these CRLH
units are able to provide a leading phase shift in oppose to the
lagging phase shift provided by the monopole (1) can be satis-
fied with n 5 0 or even for n < 0. Thus, more operating bands
can be obtained by loading more units using the periodicity of
phase shift [2]. Microstip-fed monopole antenna loaded with
only one unit is proposed in this article.
Figure 1 (a) Conventional microstrip-fed monopole; (b) Conceptual
microstrip-fed monopole loaded with CRLH units. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at] 2.2. Analysis of SS-CML Unit
The structure of SS-CML unit is shown in Figure 2(a). It can be
has three operating bands whose resonance frequency is located analyzed by the even-odd decomposition method because of
at 1.59, 2.41, 3.57 GHz, respectively, quasiomnidirectional radi- symmetry in structure to decouple. The equivalent circuits of
ation characteristics and good suppression on crosspolarization the odd mode and the even mode are shown in Figures 2(b) and
level can be achieved. The designed antenna covers the GPS 2(c), respectively. When excited by odd mode, the symmetric
(1575 MHz), Wi-Fi (2400–2480 MHz), WiMAX (3400–3690 plane is equal to PEC wall in opposite to PMC wall. Obviously,
MHz) bands. At last, the values of characteristic impedances are the even-mode input impedance Zino and odd-mode input imped-
verified by applying the presented mathematical analysis. ance Zine can be expressed approximately by following
Zino 5 jZ0o tan h1 (2)
In this section, the theories of loading CRLH TL and SS-CML
unit are presented. To validate the theories, two comprehen- 2Zr tan h2 1Z0e tan h1
Zine 5jZ0e 3 (3)
sions, which rely on plots and mathematical analysis, of the SS- Z0e 22Zr tan h1 tan h2
CML structure are investigated.
where Z0o and Z0e are the even- and odd-mode characteristic
2.1. Theory of CRLH Loading impedance of the coupled lines, respectively. Zr is the character-
The idea of loading the monopole antenna with CRLH units is istic impedance of the shorted stub. h1 and h2 are the electrical
conceptually depicted in Figure 1. Conventional microstrip-fed lengths of the coupled lines and the shorted stub, respectively
monopole is made up of ground plane, matching microstrip and [16].
radiator. The size of the ground plane plays an important role in Based on the previous analysis, the equivalent phase delay
shaping the radiation pattern and also the matching between cos A and characteristic impedance Zequal of the coupled-line
feed port and radiator. section can be derived as:
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 2Zr tan h2 1Z0e tan h1
Zequal 5 Zine 3 Zino 5 Z0o Z0e tan h1 3 (4)
2Zr tan h1 tan h2 2Z0e

Zine 1 Zino Z0e tan h1 ðZ0e 1Z0o Þ12Zr tan h2 ðZ0e 2Z0o tan 2 h1 Þ
cos U5 5
Zine 2 Zino Z0e tan h1 ðZ0e 2Z0o Þ12Zr tan h2 ðZ0e 1Z0o tan 2 h1 Þ

When h1 5 h2 5 h, (4) and (5) can be rewritten as follows:

pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ð2Zr 1Z0e Þ
Zequal 5 Zine 3Zino 5 Z0o Z0e tan 2 h3 (6)
2Zr tan 2 h2Z0e

Zine 1 Zino Z0e ðZ0e 1 Z0o Þ1 2Zr ðZ0e 2 Z0o tan 2 hÞ

cos U5 5 : (7)
Zine 2 Zino Z0e ðZ0e 2 Z0o Þ1 2Zr ðZ0e 1 Z0o tan 2 hÞ

Suppose Z0o 5 40 X, Z0e 5 45 X, Zr 5 20 X, by using the

Matlab software of the Mathworks, we can obtain the curve of
Figure 2 (a) Structure of SS-CML; (b) Equivalent circuit of the odd- |A| and Zequal about electrical length h according to (6) and (7)
mode; (c) Equivalent circuit of the even-mode. [Color figure can be as shown in Figure 3. From the curve, we can make out that
viewed in the online issue, which is available at] both the phase delay |A| and characteristic impedance Zequal are

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 153
Z0e 2Zr 1Z0e 1Z0o
tan 2 h5 3 : (9)
Z0o 2Zr

Subsequently, two SS-CML structures loaded are connected

with the monopole in parallel, thus there is Zequal 5 2Z0, put it
into (6), and then Zr can be expressed as:

Z0e Z0o ðZ0e 1Z0o Þ

Zr 5   : (10)
2 4Z02 2Z0e Z0o

Combining (9) and (10) yields:

Z0 5Z0o jtan ðhÞj=2: (11)

Figure 3 Curve of |A| and Zequal about electrical length h. [Color fig- The structure has a character of dual-band from (11), namely
ure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at there are two different electrical lengths h for a given Z0o, then]
there are two different frequency points f1 and f2 (f1< f2) for the
two different electrical lengths. We can acquire the relationship
symmetrical about h 5 p/2. h is equal to 0.8029 or 2.339(rad) between the electrical length h1 and the ratio of operating fre-
when y-axis is zero, thus it can be figure out that there are two quency in [17]:
different electrical lengths h for a given phase delay |A| or char-
acteristic impedance Zequal, namely the structure has a character h1 5p=½2ð11f2 =f1 Þ: (12)
of dual-band.
When h1 6¼ h2 and Z0o 5 40 X, Z0e 5 45 X, Zr 5 20 X, the When the phase delay we needed is A not p/2, we can
curve of |A| about symmetric axis is shown in Figure 4, h 5 3p/ deduce another relational expression:
9, h 5 3.5p/9, h 5 4p/9, h 5 p/2, are the symmetric axis. Mean-
while, there is h2 5 2h2h1 and the range of h1 is 03p/9, h1 5U=ð11f2 =f1 Þ: (13)
03.5p/9, 04p/9, 0p/2. From this curve, we can make out
that the phase delay |A| is symmetrical about h 5 (h11h2)/2 and According to the theoretical analysis above, we can make a
the structure has a character of dual-band in the range of (0,2h). conclusion of designing and analyzing the proposed antenna:
According to (1), when loaded with one CRLH unit, Eq. (1)
can be rewritten as follows: a. Design a conventional microstrip-fed monopole antenna and
make sure the operating frequency is about f2, then we can
Ut 5Umonopole 1UCRLH 5 n3908ðn 5 0; 61; 63; :::Þ: (8) obtain Amonopole from the simulated results and n 5 1 in f2.
b. Put two different frequency points f1 and f2 we need and
When using SS-CML structure as CRLH unit loading, more phase delay A got from (8) into (13), then h1 is obtained.
operating bands can be obtained on the condition that its phase c. Choose suitable symmetric axis h in Figure 3(b), then we
delay |A| is satisfied the equation (8). will obtain h2 according to the equation h 5 (h11h2)/2.
From another view, we analyze the SS-CML structure mathe- d. Suppose that the characteristic impedance of the conventional
matically again. Suppose the phase delay we needed is p/2, the monopole is Z0, besides two SS-CML structures loaded are
characteristic impedance we needed is Z0 and h1 5 h2 5 h for connected with the monopole in parallel, so there is
simplification of deriving. On the basis of previous analysis, Zequal 5 2Z0.
when A 5 p/2, there is cos A 5 0, because the denominator of
(7) is always greater than zero, so the numerator must be zero,
then we can obtain:

Figure 5 (a) Conventional microstrip-fed monopole; (b) Microstrip-

Figure 4 Curve of |A| about symmetric axis. [Color figure can be fed monopole loaded with SS-CML units. [Color figure can be viewed
viewed in the online issue, which is available at] in the online issue, which is available at]

154 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 6 The picture of the fabricated antenna. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at] Figure 7 Simulated S11 for the conventional monopole and the
monopole antenna loaded with SS-CML units. [Color figure can be
viewed in the online issue, which is available at]
e. Choose a proper even-mode characteristic impedance Z0e,
and then put Z0e and four unknown quantities got from pro- antenna operates at 1.59, 2.41, 3.57 GHz. These three bands can
cedures (a), (b), (c) into the Eqs. (4) and (5), combining (4) be explained based on the phase shift relation expressed in Eq.
and (5) yields Z0o and Zr. (8) as follows: The second resonance frequency is shifted
f. According the value of Z0o and Zr, we can calculate approxi- slightly upward from 2.45 to 2.41 GHz because at 2.41 GHz the
matively the length of shorted stub and coupled microstrip loaded SS-CML units provide zero phase shift and hence the
lines, respectively, by the TXLINE software. loaded antenna actual length at this frequency corresponds to
g. Notice that it needs to add a length of matching line between which is nearly equal to that of the conventional monopole,
the SS-CML and the monopole and it is always correct that namely n 5 1 in Eq. (8). Correspondingly, the first resonance
Zine is greater than Z0o. frequency located at 1.59 GHz lies within the left region of the
symmetric axis is shown in Figure 4. At this frequency, the SS-
CML units provide a phase lead that is exactly equals to the
3. SIMULATION AND MEASUREMENT phase lag provided by the monopole and (8) is satisfied with
The design flow starts with the conventional microstrip-fed n 5 0. At the third resonance frequency satisfied with n 5 3 is
monopole, shown in Figure 5(a). Two SS-CML units are then shifted downward from 2.45 3 3 5 7.35 to 3.57 GHz thanks to
integrated with it to form the loaded antenna shown in Figure the large phase lag provided by the SS-CML units. In Figure 8,
5(b) and the picture of the fabricated antenna is shown in Figure we can see that the measured results of return loss are good
6. In our case, the monopole antenna was designed to operate accordance with the simulated.
around 2.45 GHz on PTFE materials with substrate thickness of The simulated and measured results of gain radiation patterns
1 mm and dielectric constant equals to 2.65. For the two anten- at the center of the three operating bands shown in Figures
nas, the size of the ground plane plays an important role in 9(a)–9(c) are in good agreement. The copolarization gains are
shaping the radiation pattern and also the operating bandwidth. 2.5, 1.59, and 21.76 dB in the three frequency point, respec-
According to [18], there exists an optimum size for the ground tively. Meanwhile, the crosspolarization gains are in good sup-
that maximizes the operating bandwidth. The dimensions of two pression. Because the bandwidth and insertion loss are relatively
ground planes are Lg 3 Wg and (2Lr 1 2Lc 1 Wt 1 2Wb) 3 large at the third band, the quasiomnidirectional radiation char-
(Wr 1 2Wb), respectively, ChipR is a SMD resistor which act as acteristics, gain and suppression of crosspolarization are rela-
an isolated resistor and its value is 100 X. When using micro- tively poor.
strip structure to fabricate the antenna in practice, the odd-mode
electrical length is slightly different with the even-mode electri-
cal length because of the difference of propagation constant
between the even mode and the odd mode. However, we can
know from the previous analysis that, the SS-CML unit has only
affect on the even-mode parameters rather than the odd mode.
So we can avoid the difference by tuning the length of shorted
stub. All dimensions are given in Table 1.
All designs are carried out on the commercial electromag-
netic simulator HFSS version 13.0. The simulated results of
return loss (S11) are shown in Figure 7. The simulated S11 plot
shows that the resonance frequency of the conventional
microstrip-fed monopole located at 2.45 GHz and the loaded

TABLE 1 Dimensions of the Presented Antennas (IN mm)

Figure 8 Simulated and measured S11 for the antenna presented. (a)
Parameter g gap La Lc Lg Lm Lout Lr Lt f1 5 1.59 GHz h 5 90 (xoy plane) f1 5 1.59 GHz / 5 90 (yoz plane). (b)
f2 5 2.41 GHz h 5 90 (xoy plane) f2 5 2.41 GHz / 5 90 (yoz plane). (c)
Value 0.58 6 3 2 55 12 10 9 40
f3 5 3.57 GHz h 5 90 (xoy plane) f3 5 3.57 GHz / 5 90 (yoz plane).
Parameter Lpole Wa Wb Wc Wg Wm Wm1 Wt Wr
[Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at
Value 27 5.5 0.5 1 56 3 3 17 10]

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 155
Figure 9 The simulated and measured results of gain radiation patterns. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

156 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 DOI 10.1002/mop
Figure 10 Current density plots on the strip monopole calculated by HFSS for (a) the conventional monopole at 2.45 GHz; (b) f1 5 1.59 GHz; (c)
f2 5 2.41 GHz and (d) f3 5 3.57 GHz. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at]

From another view, we can figure out the reason for produc- ðh1 5U=ð11f2 =f1 Þ  45:18ðf1 51:59 GHz ; f2 52:41 GHz Þ
tion of the three bands in the current density plots shown in Fig-
ure 10 again. There are some sites where the current flow C. Symmetric axis h is 4p/9.
direction in the strip is opposite, according to the distance (L1,
Lr p 9 p 4p
L2, L3, L4) between two neighboring sites in the strip and the ðh  3 5 3  Þ
relationship between wavelength and frequency, we can know the Wt =21Lc 2 17=212 2 9
resonance frequency. For example, in plot (b), L2 is larger than
L1, so the resonance frequency in (b) is lower than (a). Similarly,
L3 is nearly equal to L1, in plot (d), L is smaller obviously L1.
Finally, the value of Z0o, Zr (Z0o 5 40 X, Zr 5 20 X) can be
verified by using the dimensions shown in Table 1 and the
TXLINE software. The second site where the current flow direc-
tion in the strip is opposite is about 37.7 mm apart from the
feed port in Figure 10(a). The phase shift corresponding to the
conventional monopole length is shown in Figure 11. The verifi-
cation test starts with the previous conclusion, namely (a) to (g).

A. Amonopole is equal to 223.7 (157.3 –180 ) from Figure 11

and phase delay A is 113.7 from (8).
ðU5UCRLH 5n3908123:78 ) U 5113:78Þ Figure 11 Phase shift corresponding to the conventional monopole
length. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is avail-
B. h1 is about 45.1 according to (13). able at]

DOI 10.1002/mop MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 157
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4. CONCLUSION IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium
A novel triple-band monopole antenna loaded with SS-CML (APSURSI), Toronto, CA, July 1–4, 2010.
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analysis. The designed antenna covers the GPS (1575 MHz),
C 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Wi-Fi (2400–2480 MHz), WiMAX (3400–3690 MHz) bands V
with quasiomnidirectional radiation pattern at all bands. Meas-
ured and simulated results are in good agreement. BROADBAND RADAR ABSORBING
This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foun- ARTIFICIAL MAGNETIC CONDUCTOR
dation of China (No. 61201020).
Yi Zhao, Xiang-yu Cao, Jun Gao, and Wen-qiang Li
School of Information and Navigation, Air Force Engineering Univer-
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158 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 56, No. 1, January 2014 DOI 10.1002/mop

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