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Second Quarter Test

SY 2019 – 2020

Learning Competencies of %
K U Ap An E C
Easy Average Difficult
70% 30% 20%

1. Restate or retell information

from a text listened tp. 1 3 2 5
2. Identify the meanings of
unfamiliar words through
structural analysis (compound 13 1 2.5
words and their components.
3. Identify the important story
elements such as setting,
2, 20 2 5
character and plot.
4. Arrange 8-10 words with
different beginning letters in
4, 11 2 5
alphabetical order.
5. Identify and used personal
pronouns in sentences. 5 1 2.5
6. Identify meanings of unfamiliar
words through structural
8,9 2 5
analysis (words with affixes).
7. Classify related words, ideas and
concepts according to certain
22 1 2.5
characteristics and similarities.
8. Use the pronoun that agrees in
gender, number with the
21, 27 2 5
9. Infer the moods or feelings of the
character based on what he/she
14-16 3 7.5
says or do.
10. Read words that end with –s
correctly. 24, 38 2 5
11. Identify the s form of verbs.
6, 24 2 5
12. Write a friendly letter using
correct format. 32 33 2 5
13. Use the present form of verbs
that agree with the subject. 17, 23 2 5
14. Use prefixes and root words as
clues to get the meaning of
25 1 2.5
15. Use possessive pronouns that
agrees in gender with
7, 34 2 5
16. Predict outcomes of events in
the story. 40 1 2.5
17. Used correct time expressions to
tell an action in the present. 26, 36 2 5
18. Identify and use simile and
10, 31,
metaphor read in the poem. 3 7.5
19. Use dictionary in getting the
meaning of words. 29 1 2.5
20. Use the past form of regular and
irregular verbs. 18, 28 37 3 7.5
21. Identify and use personification.
30 1 2.5
22. Give possible ending to stories.
12 1 2.5
23. Follow a set of three-to-five step
directions. 19 1 2.5
Total 28 8 4 40 100

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher I

Approved and Noted by:

S.Y 2019-2020

NAME: __________________________________________GRADE & SEC____________ SCORE: _____________

I. Read and understand the questions and statements carefully. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided before each number.
A. Listen as the teacher reads the story then answer the questions that follow.
1. What happened to the leaves of the gumamela plant?
A. It grew some flowers. C. It was rolled by the caterpillar.
B. It was eaten by the caterpillar. D. It turned yellow.
2. What is the setting of the story?
A. In the house C. In the flower garden
B. In the school D. In the city
3. Mary did not like the caterpillar. Why?
A. She was happy to see the caterpillar. C. She took pitied the caterpillar.
B. She was angry at the caterpillar. D. She loved the caterpillar.
4. Which of the following list of words are arranged in correct alphabetical order?
A. Gumamela, caterpillar, flower, garden, leaf, sleep, butterfly, harmless
B. Caterpillar, gumamela, garden, flower, leaf, butterfly, sleep, harmless
C. Butterfly, caterpillar, flower, garden, gumamela, harmless, leaf, sleep
D. Flower, harmless, garden, sleep, leaf, caterpillar, gumamela, butterfly
5. Mary had a flower garden. She visits it every day after school. What personal pronoun is used to
replace the name of Mary?
A. She B. It C. Is D. Of
6. She brings her yellow umbrella with her. What s form of verb is used in the sentence?
A. She B. Umbrella C. Brings D. Her
7. I planted the mango tree. This is ________ mango tree.
A. mine B. your C. my D. our
8. The bridge is flooded. It is impossible to cross now. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. Possible to flood C. Not possible to cross
B. Possible to cross D. Not possible to flood
9. Kiko is a good cat. He is harmless with children. What does the word harmless means?
A. Can cause harm C. Full of harm
B. Cannot cause harm D. Little harm
10. Which of the following is an example of simile?
A. The clouds cried. C. My life is an open book.
B. She is the apple of his eyes. D. Father works like an ant.
11. Which letters are found between R and U?
12. Rica and Rita were walking from the school, when they noticed a wallet near the trash can. They
picked it up. They opened it and saw five hundred pesos. They looked at each other. Both were
hungry. They stood for a while thinking. What must Rica and Rita do?
A. Use the money to buy food.
B. Throw the wallet in the trash can.
C. Get the money and give it to mother.
D. Keep the wallet and report it to the Police Station with mother.
13. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?
A. Walking C. Trash can
B. Wallet D. Picked it up
14. Roberta felt like hiding her face. She was wearing her new eyeglasses to school for the first time.
She felt that everyone on the street was laughing at her. “I look like an owl,” she thought to
herself. What do you think did the character feel?
A. Happy B. Angry C. Jealous D. Shy
Leonardo’s mother prepares the cake. She fills the table with delicious food and sweets.
She looks out the window and sees Leonardo arriving from school. Mother tells everyone to
get ready. As soon as Leonardo opens the door, everyone starts to sing.
15. What is the mood of the selection?
A. Sad B. Festive C. Happy D. Gloomy
16. What feeling will Leonardo have when he gets in the house?
A. Calm B. Surprise C. Afraid D. Funny
17. Alyssa _______ the front yard every morning.
A. sweeps B. sweep C. swept D. sweeped
18. Last week, Vicky and I _____ to Manila Zoo.
A. go B. goes C. went D. gone
19. What is the correct sequence of the direction given below?
1. Measure rice with a cup and put in the cooking pot.
2. Cook rice for about 25 minutes.
3. Follow the 1:1 ratio. One cup of rice to one cup of water.
4. Wash rice.
A. 2-1-3-4 B. 1-4-3-2 C. 3-2-1-4 D. 4-1-3-2
20. It is an element of a story which talks about the people or animals in the story.
A. Character B. Setting C. Plot D. Events
21. Johnny Bee flew away from the tree. _______ wanted to escape from work.
A. She B. He C. It D. They
22. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Bread B. Car C. Candy D. Soup
23. Which pair of words will best complete the idea of the sentence:
Luis ____________ milk for breakfast. She ________ it is a good way to start the day.
A. drinks-think B. drink-thinks C. drinks-thinks D. drink-think
24. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
A. Helps B. Rains C. Talks D. Uses
25. Jason’s score in the English test was almost perfect. He has one incorrect answer. What is the
meaning of the underlined word?
A. Rude B. Timeless C. Indirect D. Wrong
26. Camilla walks to school ____________.
A. Today B. Last week C. Everyday D. Tomorrow
27. Aling Gloria prayed silently. _______ had nothing left but a bottle of water and five slices of bread.
A. He B. She C. It D. They
28. Maria _____________ her vacation in the city last year.
A. Spend B. Spent C. Spends D. Spended
29. It is a reference book that contains alphabetically arranged words with their meanings, often with
information about grammar and pronunciation.
A. Dictionary B. English book C. Guide words D. Workbook
30. My computer throws a fit every time I use it. Which object is being personified?
A. My B. Time C. Computer D. Throws
31. Which of the following is an example of metaphor?
A. The sun glared down at me from the sky. C. He is the black sheep in the family.
B. The wind sang through the meadow. D. She looks like the brightest star.
32. It is a part of the letter which contains the message of the letter.
A. Heading B. Greetings C. Body of the Letter D. Signature
33. When do we write a thank you letter?
A. When we did something wrong to someone. C. When you receive a favor or gift.
B. To invite a friend on your party. D. Whenever you are in a mood to write a letter.
34. An ant passed by with its burden of a kernel corn. What is the antecedent used in the sentence?
A. Ant B. Burden C. Passed by D. Kernel corn
35. It is a figure of speech used to compare two different ideas or objects using “as” or “like”.
A. Simile B. Metaphor C. Personification D. Pronoun
36. Which of the following is not a time expression in the present tense.
A. Today B. Every morning C. Yesterday D. Every day
37. She _____ my Aunt to thank her for the surprise.
A. Call B. Calls C. Called D. Calling
38. The words wishes, touches, kisses, brushes and quizzes produce a ____ final sound
A. /s/ B. /z/ C. /iz/ D. /is/
39. Which of the following verbs is a misspelled past tense form?
A. Pushed B. Remembered C. Roasted D. Passt
40. It rained so hard the night before. The road on her way to school was slippery. Lana hurriedly ran
to school. What do you think happened?
A. She safely arrived at school. C. She played on the slippery road.
B. Nothing happened. D. She slipped on the road and hurt herself.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Teacher I

Approved and Noted by:

Name and Signature of Parent

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