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This will be readily Noticed on the very first ride, for its Mechatronic conceptualization of li Through the application of ava Camfort, silent operation and tools and methodol Enabling standards of comfort, noise jes (dynamic < z ° a ° = = ato rey demands unacquelled elements, soundpr security 4 Tothisend, trianial accelerometers tests snd contre procedures, cag .ged te boost the quality cf ue tring and istalion pprocesees in a way that users will! rerowned RAD centres bel bur group, ORONA implemsnting the most innovative lit doubt noje technology, such as MRL solu ‘The ORONA ids™ MRL tectrsiogy has an ORQNA gsated machine installed fe the lit well, wile part ef the controller is tegrated ino the upper been gists tions the a Safety and Environment f Cenincélien) at all levels of our organiz drastic cus in on-site interfosenges ‘our actinbies ‘opefators and the car conto! panel fat ave always oriented to gi fll Sugh an architertonic configuration saiisfaction o our Customer 4 thé Goes not demanc! any unusual dimensions of it well and POR sytem sini ‘optimises the bait area and the information technology. Installation processes, reducing | fterecer andensnons wet A The new generation of ARCHNGmial Lf] sysiems is besed on stite-ofthesai J | | Atmeorona ts” ut aprics oe sect phat has el Comply th he requirements of Ley ‘ proved inthe ear industry. all EES more configuration Nexibififanta greater endurance of the ion, which sensibly improves the glabal perfalmanee of mneuin In this way, our line of pebdlicte now de 2 new generation of ARCA™ controllers, AR fnsmioring sand AACA TM BRnals for ne diagnosis, setting addgervicing 0 f installations JOMMERCIAL NETWORK \LGERIA, ANDORRA, ARGENTINA* (ALDATEC — Buenos Aires), AUSTRIA, BAHRAIN, EANGLADESH? (KF TRADERS), BELGIUM, BOLIVIAY Ty C Ingenieria -La Faz — Cochabamba — Santa Cruz) BRAZIL, BULGARIA, CHILES (Ascensores TRANSVE — Santiago), CHING, COLOMBIA, JOSTA RICA, CUBA, CYPRUS* (CYLIFT & EQUIPMENT lid Nicosis), DENMARK DOMINICAN REFUBLIG* (TRANSVER - Sto, Domingo) 1CURDOR, EGYPT.EL SALVADOR, FINLAND, FRANCE, GERMANY, GREECE, GUATEMALA, HOLLAND* (UTF- Utrecht), HUNGARY INDONESIA PTIHAKA), IRAN, IRELAND, ITALY* (1.C, 1. MAGENTA), JORDAN, KUWAIT ((KUWAIT GLOBAL COFORTRADING - Kuwait ity), LATVIA, -EBANON, LIBVA* (NAIR INDUSTRIAL TRADING GROUP. Tripal), UTUANIA, LUXEMBOURG, MALAYSIA, MALTA* (SSLifo Ltd. STPAU'S \AY SPBOB), MEXICO, MOROCCO (ENNASR ASCENSEURS — Rabat), NICARAGUA, NORWAY, OMAN, FALESTINE* (UNITED ELEVATOR ZOMPANY ~ Ramalah), PANAMA, PERU* (ASCENSORES ANDINOS- lima), POLAND, PORTUGAL, QATAR ROMANIA, SAUD] ARABIA* (AL- UyRECOMPANY Dammam), SINCAFUR, SLOVENIA, SOUTH AFRICA, SWEDEN SWITZERLAND, SYRIA.TUNISIA* (AMELEC - Tuni), TURKEY, IKRAINE, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES* (BONANZA INT ~ Abs-Dhabi) (DHAHER Al-MUHAIRI CO, Dubai), UNITED KINGDOM, URUGUAY, TENEZUELA, VIETNAM" (ASIA ELEVATOR COLTD. HCN CITY), YUGOSLAVIA. ole Agents) @ onowa ron 8.Coop. pte Comoe 312 edustial Last 20.12) HERNANI- pain) ‘Tel: 31 9459358 55, Pow 24 04232 1004 2 ce¢ ‘somor2n0 (SO 14001

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