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The differences between Common English and Business English.

Common English is the course that are focuses on the aspects of language, reading, writing and listening.
It is for general purposes that will improve our communication skill. For example, the aims to study
Common English are to improvise our skills and enhance the knowledge of grammar, general vocabulary,
teaching and learning general content and pronunciation. In short, Common English is a teaching and
learning that the objective is to help us in our daily conversation with other people orally or written
method in English. Next, in the aspects of the teacher of Common English usually is less likely to resort to
a corpus-based approach in introducing general vocabulary. The teacher can act as a coach only with
intermediate and advanced students, the teacher acts as prompter as he or she needs to encourage
students participate in the activities. This is because of the learner has a lower motivation for learning
Common English and usually it addresses to non-native speakers.

As we know that in Malaysia, English is a second language. But, in fact that English are used widely
commonly in business field. Therefore, empowering students with a good knowledge of Business English
and with good communication skills in Business English is a need in the current business environment.
Business English focuses on learning and teaching business. For instance, terminologies in business,
technical, business writing, oral communication, reports, letters, presentations, surveys, proposals, data
analysis, fact sheets and others. It is more like a formal one. It teaches the specialized vocabulary,
especially in speaking and writing skills, teaching specific content and emphasize the importance of the
use of specialized monolingual dictionaries. In addition, business vocabulary is integrated within Business
English contexts and specific settings such as business contracts, negotiations and others. There is no or
less focus on grammar structures. Meanwhile, grammar is contextualized. In another hand, the Business
English teacher can provide orientation and resources. They also do not perform the role of participant,
as business students are readier to get involved in communication activities. So, the Business English
teacher can easily resort to a corpus-based approach in introducing business vocabulary. Nevertheless,
Business English has the advantage of bringing together both native and non-native ones. This is because
of the learner has a higher motivation for learning Business English and wants to better integrate into a
business environment. Business learner acquires and develops a rich vocabulary which is used in real

In summary, in a business-related environment Business English has the advantage of promoting

the shift from general to specific knowledge, from general skills to professional ones, exposing the
learners to genuine material, real language and real situations. Simple example to differentiate Common
English and Business English is for Common English, ‘bond’ means a link. Meanwhile for Business English,
‘bond’ is to mortgage or place a guaranteed bond on. Another example is ‘capital’ in Common English
known as a town or city. But, in Business English it is capital stock.

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