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Detailed lesson Plan in

Science II


At the end of the lesson the pupils should be able to:

A. Describe the different sense organ.

B. Appreciate the importance of the sense organ of the body.
C. Give the function of the different sense organ of the body.


A. Unit – I Human beings Lesson: Sense organ

B. Materials: real objects, Pictures and chart
C. Reference: Science for Daily Use -3 pp. 2-13
D. Time Allotment: 1 session
E. Science Concept: the five senses the eyes, nose, ears, tongue and the skin
F. Value Focus: love and care


A. Preparatory Activities
✓ Opening prayer
✓ Checking of attendance
✓ Review the pat lesson
B. Motivation
(the teacher will ask some questions about five senses)

Children, what is the condition of our weather for - Cold

What do you observe of our surrounding? - Things around
What have you seen?
Do you hear a sound? - Yes, ma’am
Now, I have here a short story and I want you to listen
carefully and we will answer few questions later’’
(the teacher will show a picture)

Do you know who’s in the picture? - No ma’am

Helen Keller(1880-1968) lived in world of
darkness and silence. She was blind and deaf. She could
neither see nor hear. Yet, she became one of the
America’s most famous author and lecturer.
She had a very good teacher Anne Sullivan.
Anne made Helen feel the objects with one hand. Then
she traced the word for each object onto the palm of
Helen’s hand?

Comprehensive questions

Who was Helen Keller?

- She was blind and
Who was the name of her teacher? - Teacher Anne
How did her teacher make her learned to read and write? - She let Helen feel
the objects with one
hand. Then she
traced the word for
each object onto the
palm of Helen’s
What sense of organ did she use? - Sense of touch.


‘’Okay, children our topic for this day is all about the sense

(the teacher shows the pictures of the five senses)

‘’The eyes is for seeing.
We could see things in our environment with the use of
our beautiful eyes.’’

‘’ we could identify the colors, textures, the height, the

size of different things. The charming faces of our friends
because of the eyes.’’ our eyes is the window our soul.’’

‘’ again what organ do we use for seeing? - The eyes

‘’Nose is our sense of smelling.
We could smell the perfume, the fragrance of the flowers
because of our nose’’

The use of the nose is to be able to smell things

Okay, what is the use of our nose? - Smell

Ear is for hearing.
The ear is the organ that detects sound.
‘’ We can hear the sweet music, bark of dogs etc.’’
‘’What is the function of the ears? - Hearing the sounds

‘’Tongue use for taste. We can identify the taste of foods whether
it is sweet, sour, delicious, and salty’’

Okay, what is the function of our tongue? - Taste the foods


‘’Skin is the sense of touch’’

‘’Sense of touch is important in a number of ways. It can detect
different textures as well as temperatures of different levels. Our
skin enables us to detect is something is cold, soft or spiky.’’

‘’’Okays what is the organ that we use for feeling? - Skin


So now, we can identify already the five important senses

organ in our body the eyes, nose, ears, tongue and the skin.

EYE is our sense of sight.

NOSE is our sense of smelling.
EAR is our sense of hearing.
TONGUE is our sense of taste.
SKIN is our sense of touch.


Group activity

Make two groups for our game show.

Here are the mechanics of the game.

Arrange the puzzle word that I will show you. I will give an clue. - Children cooperate
The first group that gives first three (3) correct answers will
announce as winner and will receive the prize.

Are you ready for the game?

- Yes, ma’am


1. MLELS - the function of the nose

2. OSNE -organ for smell
3. GENOTU - use for taste
4. CHOUT - the function of the skin
5. HIGTS -the function of eyes

End of the game. (Announce the winner)


Identify the sense organ use in the following thing. Put it in the appropriate branch of a chart.

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