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ACE ats Engineering Academy sso: Hyderabad | New Delhi | Bengaluru | Bhubaneswar | Vijayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati | Pune | Chennai Control Systems (Theory with worked out Examples) PSUs - Electrical Engineering ACE is the leading institute for coaching in IES, GATE & PSU's HO: 204, Ii Floor, Rahman Plaza, Opp. Methodist School, Abids, Hyderabad-500001, Ph: 040-24750242, 24750263, 24750437, 24752469, CONSISTENTLY TOP RANKS IN IES AIL INDIA 15° RANK 26 TIMES IN GATE Copyright © ACE Engineering Academy 2014 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, digital, recording or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers. Published at: ACE Engineering Academy 2nd Floor, Rahman Plaza, Opp. Methodist School, Near Taj Mahal Hotel, Abids, Hyderabad - 500 001 Phones : 040-24750242 / 24750263 email : Authors : Subject experts of ACE Engineering Academy, Hyderabad I | 08 ) | State Variable Analysis Chapter Name | o1 “oi Basics of Control systems 02 | Signal Flow Graph & Block «Diagram 03 | Time Response Analysis _ 04 | Stability 05 | Re Root Locus Diagram | compensators &C ntrollers System: A system is an arrangement or combination of different physical components sich that it gives the proper output to given input. A kite is an example of a physical system, because it is made up of paper and sticks. A classroom is an example of a physical system. Control: The meaning of control is to regulate, direct or command a system so that a desired objective is obtained. Plant: It is defined as the portion of a system which is to be controlled or regulated. It is also called a process Controller: Jt is the element of the system itself, or may be external to the system. It controls the plant or the process, Input: The applied signal or excitation signal that is applied to a control system to get a specified output is called input, Output: The actual response that is obtained from a control system due to the application of the input is termed as output. Disturbances: The signal that has some adverse effect on the value of the output of a system is called disturbance. If a disturbance is produced within the system, it is termed as an intemal disturbance: otherwise, it is known as an extemal disturbance Control Systems: It is an arrangement of different physical components such that it gives the desired output for the given input by means of regulate or control either direct or indirect method. A control system must have (1) input, (2) output, (3) ways to achieve input and output objectives and (4) control action. Fig. shows the cause-and-effect relationship between the input and the output. Reference input | Control |__ Controlled output 10) system (t) Any system can be characterized mathematically by EGR rata | New Dati | engar | Bhubaneovar | Wieyaada | VisaKbapamam | Tivpai | Pune | Chennai Basics of Control Systems (1) Transfer function (2) State model Laplace santo ups Taplseeasirmof apt He] _ LE) RG) Transfer function is also called as the Impulse Response (IR) of the system. IR=L"[TF} TE=L{R] ‘Transfer funtion =! inital conditions =0 initial conditions = 0 Ol. The IR ofa system is (e*- e)u(t), then find the TF of the system . = 1 oa! Sol: T= LTR] G+) 6+2) 1 (s°+38+2) 02. The transfer function of the system described 2 by oy. Saou ‘With u as input and yas output is (s+2) Owes) Oss) 2 2s (d) eS) ORs) Ans: (a) so: 22,9 soy dt? dt dt Taking the Laplace transform S°Y(s) + s¥(8) = sU(s) + 2U() YO _ 342 UG) s?+s 03. What is the unit impulse response of the system shown in figure for t 2 0? RS) 1 Ji Le (+1) $ (@1+et (b) 1-e" ()e* @ Ans: (b) Sol: Transfer function of the system is, cs) RG) CO) RG) =u(t)—ult) e* = (1-0) fort 0 04. The impulse response’of an initially relaxed.. linear system is e@7u(t). To produce a! ¢ input must-be equal . response of te“u(i), t to (a) 2e"ug) (eu 20) Sol: IR=e* u(t) Output = c(t) =t eu (t) Input = 1(t) : Relaxed => initial condition = 0 _w Feu @eud wf eF ay oft) =k a ) = = £9) Ris) C@)=t@) u(y =Lft boo] | 1 (+2Ns+2) uy PERG ta | Now Daas [Bega | banca | Visas | Vinay |Tipa | Pe [Oh Control Systems. Classification of Control Systems: ———_, Open-loop Closed-loop (or) feedback C.S ~ Control system 4 Positive feedback 4 Control system 12. Negative feedback Control system Open-leop Control System: ‘The Open-loop control system can be described by a block diagram as shown in the figure. References! Tnput Output Controller|—»| Process "The ‘teference input controls the output through a control action. process. In the block diagram, shown, it is observed the output has no effect on “the control action:.Such a system is termed as ope-loop conta system. i"@penloop control system, the output is “neither measured nor fed-back for comparison with the input. Faithfulness of an open-loop control system depends on the accuracy of input calibration. Examples for open - loop control systems are traffic lights, fans, any system which is not having ‘the sensor. Advantages and disadvantages of open — loop system: Advantages ‘© These systems are simple in construction and design. @ sb Fininy ‘© These systems are economic. ‘© These systems are easy from maintenance point of view. © Usually these systems are not much troubled with probiems of instability. ‘© These systems are convenient to use when output is difficult to measure. Disadvantages © These systems are not accurate and reliable because their accuracy is dependent on the accuracy of calibration, * In these systems, inaccurate results are: obtained with parameter variations, ie., internal disturbances. E + Recalibration ofthe controler is veguired foi time to time for maintaining quality and accuracy, Closed-loop Control System: ' Ina closed-loop control system, the output has’ah’ effect on control action through a feedback as shown and hence closed-loop control systems are | also termed as feedback ‘control systems. The control action is actuated by an error signal ‘e(t)’ | which is the difference between the input signal '| ‘r(f)’ and the output signal ‘e(t)’. This process of comparison between the output and input maintains the output at a desired" level through control action process. Reference Be hh * (t) ay input et) ae ) Output |e nctwork Bas of Control Systems The control systems without involving human intervention for normal operation are called automatic control systems. A closed-loop (feedback) control system using a power amplifying device prior to controller and the output of such a system being mechanical ic., position, velocity, acceleration is called servomechanism. Advantages and disadvantages of closed - loop system ‘Advantages «In these-systems accuracy is very high due to ~‘ebrrection of any arising error. Since’ these! systems sense environmental changes aswell as internal disturbances, the errors are modified, + There is reduced effect of non — linearity in these systems. These systems: have high bandwidth, ic., ‘high operating frequency zone. © There. are facilities ‘of automation in these systems.: : Disadvantages | © These systems are complicated in design and, hence, costlier. * _ Tendency towards oscillations if feedback is not properly utilized. ERR ted Nee Dai | enor | Brana | Vinyavoda | Vista (Tropa | Pane [Choma @ net Finrs Control systems Comparison of Open-loop and Closed-loop Control systems: Open — loop C.S. ‘Closed — loop C.S. T. The accuracy of an open-loop system depends on the calibration of the input. Any departure from pre ~ determined cafibration affects the output, construct and cheap 3. The open — loop systems are generally stable. 4, The operation of open ~ loop system is affected due to presence of non linearity’s in its elements. Open-loop CS. : RG) Gis) Os) oo) _, =6 ROO) & C= GER) Closed-Loop CS. : e(t) ° a, +{ Ge] os) HG) If error signal e(t) is zero, output is controlled, IE error signal is not zero, output is not controlled. For Positive feedback, error signal = r(1) + e(t) For Negative feedback, error signal = 1(t)- o(t) The purpose of feedback is to reduce the error between the reference input and the system output, 2. The open - loop system is simple to | ‘As the ex7or between the reference input and the output is continuously measured through feedback, the closed — loop system works more accurately. 2. The closed — loop system is complicated to construct and costly 3. The ‘closed — joop. systems can” become ‘unstable under certain conditions. 4, In terms of the performance, the closed loop systems adjusts to the effects of non — linearity’s present in its elements. #Ve feedback Cates ~ Unity F/B (HO =1) ‘Non unity F/B Hs) #1) CO) Gs) RG) 1-G@HE), -Ve feedback BS | Unity F/B Non unity F/B 8) _ 98 Ce) GW): RG) 1466) Ris) 1+G(S)H(s) Where G(s) = T.F of the forward path H(s) = TF of the feedback path 05. The unit impulse response of a unity feedback control system is given by C()=-te* +2e%,(t20), open loop transfer function is equal to SEGRE) ested New Dati | Bengstra | Bbanesvar | Visyorada | Veaapatam | Teupa | Pine [Chena s © BaF . 2841 Omp oF ‘Ans: (D) Sol: Impulse Response[IR] = ~te*+ 2c -< ume 2 2 CUR = LIK] @n ep _w342842 ery { at) J ise I : |e ee (+i a) The feedback has effects on system performance characteristics such as stability, bandwidth, overall’ gain, impedance and sensitivity. Effects of feedback (i) Gain is reduced by a factor (Gi) There is reduction of parameter variation by a factor 1 + G(s)H(). (iii) There is improvement in sensitivity. (iv)There may be reduction of stability The disadvantages of reduction of gain and reduction of stability can be overcome by gain amplification and good design, respectively. (v) Feedback reduces the effect of noise and disturbance on system performance. (vi)Bandwidth increases by the factor of 1+ GH). (vii)The system becomes more accurate. Effect of feedback on Stability: Stability is a notion that describes whether the system will be able to follow the input command. A system is said to be unstable, if its output is out of contvol. The closed loop system stability Basics of Control Systems depends on loop gain. If loop Gain GH = —1 the output of a system becomes infinity for any finite input, and the system is said to be unstable. If the loop gain > 0, then system stability is improved, The feedback can improve stability or be harmful to stability if itis not properly applied. Effect of feedback on Overall gain: Feedback affects the gain G of a non-feedback system by a factor of 1 + GH. The general effect of feedback is that it may increase or decrease the gain. In a practical control system, G and H are functions of frequency, so the magnitude of 1 + GH may be >1 in one frequency range but < 1 in another. Therefore, feedback could increase the gain of the system. in one frequency range but decrease it in another. Effect of feedback on Noise: Let us consider the non feedback control system as shown in fig below ‘NoiselN) The output due to noise = G;N ----—-- (1) Now let us consider the feedback control system as shown below Noise) eo The output due to noise = G,N 1+G,G,H Comparing equations (1) and (2), it is clear that the feedback control system reduces the noise, Further the noise can be reduced by increasing the value of Gy -@ Effect of feedback on Sensitivity: In general a good control system should insensitive to parameter variations but sensitive to input command. Consider G as a parameter that Fiyleratad | New Deki | Bengaluru | Bhubaneswar | Viayawada | Viakhapatnam | Tiupal| Rne [Chennal _ ACE, Hier Engineering Academy Control Systems may vary. The sensitivity of the gain of the overall _ 142K system M to the variation in G is defined as Transfer Function T 354K Sensitivity of ‘T’ wat changes in‘K’ is Sx gt _ Yochanges in'T_ OT/T _ OTK as Where & M denotes the incremental change in M due to the incremental change in G; @M/ Mand G/G denote the percentage chiahge in Mand G, respectively. Mae This relation shows that the? sensitivity function can be made arbitrarily small by increasing GH, provided that the system® remains stable, In_an | open-loop system, the gai of the system ‘Will respond int a one-to-one fashion to the variation in | G. In general, the sensitivity of the:system gain of | a feedback system to pars on where the parameter is located, 06. The sensitivity Sx of transfer function. oom with respect to the: atameter Kis given by K 3K (a by) —2K __ One © Tae 2K 4K ) ———— () a © Sorex? © 24+5K+7K © Given that, eter variations depends | changes in"K OKIK 6K T _k aes 344K parae2K 2K Al+2K)G+4K) 3+10K +8K? 5 2K So 34 10K +8K? 07. An amplifier'with open loop voltage gain Ao = 1000 £ 100:is available. It is required to have an amplifier whose voltage gain varies Samby not more thait 40.1 percent. Find the "Value of the feedback factor required Sol: Given fat % change in'G 2 100 =10% 1% change in M=0.1% ‘%ofchange in G 1+GH i 10% 1+10H 1410°H=100 =99x10° EGR) aa Ne Dai | Bengt | habancovar | Vinyard | Vipin | Tip | Pe [henna Block Diagram For a complicated system, it is easy to find the transfer function of each and every element, and output of a certain block may act as an input to other block or blocks. ‘Therefore, the knowledge of transfer function of each block is not sufficient in this case. The interrelation between the elements is required to find the overall transfer function of the system. There are two methods: (1) Block diagram and (2) signal flow graph, to find the overall transfer function of system. Block diagram reduction techniques: [ Signal Flow Graph & Operation SING [ Benglura | Bhubaneswar | Vijayawada | VisaKiapatam | Tirupati | Pune | Chennai Equivalence summing point Signal flow graphs Basic properties of signal flow graphs: L.A signal flow graphs applies only to linear A signal flow graph may be defined as a graphical ft ane a systems. means of portraying the input-output relationships . a : between the variables of a set of linear algebraic | 2 ee eee eae of cause and effect. ESR ee rata | New Det | Benin | Bhibancovar | Vievavad | Viakapatnam | Tiopat| Pane [Chennai @ gb Fosten 3. Nodes are used to represent variable, Normally, the nodes are arranged from left to right, following a succession of cause and effet relations through the system. 4, Signals travel along branches only in the direction described by the arrows of the branches. 5. The branch directing from node y, to y, represents the dependence of the variable y; upon yi, but not the reverse. 6. A signal y, traveling along a branch between nodes y, and y, is multiplied by the gain_ of the branch, ay, $0 that a signal a yis delivered at node y; Definitions for Signal Flow Graphs: Input Node (Source): An input node is @ node that has only outgoing branches.. Output Node (Sink): An output node i anode which has only incoming branches. Path: ‘A path is any collection of a continuous succession of branches “traversed in the same direction, 2 Forward Path: A forward path is a path that starts at an input node and ends at an output node and” along. which no node is traversed more than once. Loop: A loop is a path that originates and terminates on the same node and along which no other node is encountered more than once. Path gain: ‘The product of the branch gains encountered in traversing a path is called the path gain. Forward path . Forward path gain is defined as the path gain of a forward path. Loop gain: Loop gain is defined as the path gain of a loop. ESSER cet | NG Dati | Beast | Bhubancowar | Viswewada | Viskbapamam | Tivpai | Pune [Chennal Signal Flow Graph & Block Diagram Non-touching loops: Two parts of a signal flow graphs are non- touching if they do not share a common node. Masons Gain formula: ‘The general gain formula is gain between Yig and You output node variable ‘npot node variable total nuinber of forward paths between ‘Yin ad Yous Mx= gain of the k” forward path between Yin and Your A = 1~(sum ofall individual loop gains) + (sum of gain produets of all possible combinations of two non-touching “Joops) ~ (sum of the gain products of all possible combinations of three non- touching loops) +: A is also-called as the determinant of the signal flow graph Ag=" the A for the part of the signal flow graph which is non-touching with the k" forward path. QL.An electrical system and its signal-flow graph representation are shown in figure(a) and (b) respectively. The values of Gz and H, respectively, are 23 “ Zs) Vols) Lo Vio) 248) Zs) G Le & ke) « a vi UC 246) © FLO L0 TO+L9 __-26) 246) © F-20700) TO+Z8 20 26) LOLOL LO+Z0 220) 20) Z,(8)-Z3(8) + Z,(8)' Z,(8) + Z5(8) Ans: (€) Sol: From the electrical network Apply KVL in 1* loop Vas) = 1i(8)[Zi(s)+Za(8)-12(6)Z5(6) pox, LOB) LHBO) ZOHO) Apply KVL in 2" Loop [a(s)-H(s)]Z3(9)+h(s)Zalsy+a@)Za(s)= 0 TAs)[Za(s}+Za(s)+Za(s)] = Ls) Za(8) 1,()---@) 0 From signal flow graph 1,8) = Vj G,@) +h HO). T,(8)=G28),() Comparing equation (1) and (3) H@= 2 Z,(8)+Z,(9) ‘Comparing equation (2) and (4) 4) OFZ LO 02. The block diagram of a feedback control system is shown in Fig. (@) Derive the following transfer functions: Control systems th. (b) The controller with the transfer function G(s) is for the reduction of the effect of the noise N(s). Find Ga(s) so that the output y(s) is totally independent of N(s). XQ) YO) lua NG) Ys} RG NG) ROO PG . ser tt Sol: Number of loops =3, (i) Number of forward paths R to Y= By applying Mason’s gain formula 0008+ Ye), (6+ 2S +20) RO 1,104 ToOs+1) , To0gS+7) B6#2)6+29 542" +2\6420) 1000 (6+) (42) (#20 10 (+1) +1005 (6+146+20 +1000 6+) _ 1000s+1) © s(6-+2)(6+20) +10108-+1) +1008(8-+1)(6 +20) 1000 1) 101s? +2122s? + 3050s +1010 Gi) Number of forward paths N to Y =2 By applying Mason’s gain formula 6 10+ Yo) _ a(e+2(6+20), NO 1, _1U+D 100+) | 1000 +1) TENG” G52) *H+216+29 Os? + 21295? + (2040-4106 (9) +1066) 101s? +21223* +3050s-+1010 (iii) Number of forward paths R to E=1 By applying Mason’s gain formula ESRD tnd | Now Dat | Heap | Btanowar| Vipovnda | Vian | Tropa | Pe [Gh pil: Signal. Flow Graph & Block Diagram, {ute} 59) 98629 RO G9) Gi) G45) GAs) 1 G48) 0) oe — ae O : 9 9 RE) 5, 1G) 10+) 1000+) SDH” #2) "54296425 foment 2255 a1 WOts’ +2122s? +3050s+1010 2122s + (2040 +106 (3) +106,(9) NG TOs? 2122s" +3050s+1010 lols’ 21223" + s(2040+106,(9)+10G ,() = 0 101s? +2128? je Sol: Number of forward paths = 4 ‘Number of loops = 6, \-Number of two non touching loops =1 _ By.applijing the Mason's gain formula ( G4 (Gy +G5XG, +65) PER eas Tew Daas | Bera | Banca | Vigo | Visayas | ia | Pane [Chea ‘The time response has utmost importance for the design and analysis of control systems because these are inherently time domain systems where time is the independent variable. During the analysis of response, the variation of output with respect to time can be studied by applying the standard test signals, and it is known as time response, To obtain satisfactory performance of the system, the output behaviour of the system with respect to time must be within the specified limits. From time response analysis" and corresponding results, the stability of system, accuracy of system and complete evaluation’ can be studied very easily. There are two parts of response of any system: (i Transient response and i) Steady- state response. Transient (or) Natural (or) Zero Input. (or) Initial (or) Complimentary (or) Free response: ‘The part of the time response which’ goes to zero after certain interval of time is known as transient response. In this case ‘LimC,(t)=0. From transient response, we get the following information: Time Response Analysis (@) The time interval after which the system responds taking the instant of application of excitation as reference. (b) The total time that it takes to achieve the ‘output for the first time. (c) whether or not the output shoots beyond the desired value and how much. (d) whether or not the output oscillates about its final value. (©) The time that it takes to settle to the final value. ‘Steady State (or) Zero state (or) Foreed (or) Fixed (or) Final (or) Particular response: The part of response that remains even after the transients.shave. died out is said to be steady- state response. From steady ~ state response, we get the following information: (@) The time that output takes to reach the steady — state’ (b) Whether or not-any error exists between the desired and the actual value. (©) Whether this error is constant, zero, or infinite The total response of a system is the sum of transient response and steady — state response: C) = Cel) + Gs Figure shows, the transient and steady state responses along with steady ~ state error. Response State ‘Time Response Analysis Time domain | “Laplace transform _r) U 4 50) eA. ‘Unit Step (Position). “> (0) Unit Ramp, as (velocity) Unit Parabolic © (Aeceleration). S=Differentiator, : Tnfegrator TO) [am R@] Time Response c(t) =L"[C(s)] 4.1.3 Initial value of the response [C()]: C(0)= Lt e(t)= Lt sCis) (908 S50 Initial Value Theorem is applied, only when the number of poles of C(s) is more than the number of zeros i.e, function C(s) must be strictly proper. Time response of a First order Control System: 4.1.4 Final value of the response [C C(B}= Lt o(t)= Lt sC(s) Final Value theorem is applied when all the pales of sC(s) lie in the left half of the S- Plane. A first order control systern is one wherein highest power of *s’ in the denominator of its transfer function equals 1. Thus a first order control system is expressed by a transfer function given below : ACE Engineering Academy ® id: Control Systems ‘The block diagram representation of the above expression is shown in the below figure. ce) 26) g EG) Time response of a first order control system subjected to unit step input function: ‘The output for the system is expressed as 1 ls) =R6 8)=R0) As the input is a uni step function 1(9 =1u( and RG) = 2 ‘Therefore, substituting in Eq. (1)! —() L“[C@)] sul s Ue ene c= 1- The error is given by e (t = 1-(1-e Seen = ig =0 shown in the figure. oft) o.3}- i =a ee Time response of a first order control system subjected to step input. The graphical representation of the time response shown in figure indicates that the response is exponential type and the steady state value is unity. (0) =0; — oe)=1 Steady state error (e,): It is the deviation from the desired output it eft) Lt [r(t)-(0)] toe Response for different time constants is shown in fig.below:. System with ‘1,”is faster Time response of a first order control system subjected to unit ramp input function: The output for the stem is expressed as CS) = RO) (= RO As the input is unit ramp function is Uederabad | New Delhi | Bengalura | Bhubaneswar | Viayameda | Viakhapatnam | Tirupati | Pune [Cheam ® ‘Engineering. ACF eeny 215: ‘Time Response Analysis r(t)=t and R(s)=1/s? Therefore C(s)= + —!_ s* st#l Breaking R.HS. into partial fractions eta c= ESE 4 = st+l? Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides, L1C(s) afl oft)= (-r+ re") ee The error is given by e (t) =t-(t-tre VT): ‘The steady state error is ey = Lim (t-te uw The time response in relation to the above equation is shown in the figure. co 0 T QT 3T The time response shown in figure indigates that during state, the output veloéity matches with the input velocity but lags behind the input by time t and a positional error of + units exists in the system. It is also observed that lower the time constant lesser is the positional error and also lesser time lag. Time response of a first order control system subjected to unit impulse input function The output for the system is expressed as As the input to the system is a unit impulse function, its Laplace transform is 1, ie. 1 , therefore, C(s) 7 st+ ce), i t 0 Taking inverse Laplace transform on both sides Lo) = Ltt or st+l Lee) =La/t). i stl/t 0) = Alen !t The time response to the above equation is shown in figure. \ 1. The’ unit impulse: response of a system having transfer function sis shown a below. The value of ais (a) ty byt Ob @ Ve Ans: (d) kK Sol: Ga IR= L" [TF c(t) =Ke* 37K =Ke) PEGE) cern | New Det | Bergaara | Bhubaneswar | Vinyavada | VisaKbapainam | Tirupati | Pane [Chennai Ans: Ans: Sol: 116: Control Systems A TE G(S) has a pole zero plot as shown in fig. below. Given that the steady state gain is ‘2°, The TF G(S) will be given by 2s+1) S(s+D_ Seas e4 (@ G+) (+2)? @- si+4s+5 to(s +1) © sr +4s45 ©) Poles are s =—2 + j and zero is at s= DC (or) Steady state gain = 2 eoTR G(s) = KE*D_ @+2) 41 DC gain from the TF = (KI) (K/5)=2, K=10 10(6+1) G(s) = 206+) aad The output of a linear time invariant control system is c(t) for a certain input x(t). If r(t) is modified by passing it through a block whose transfer function is ¢* and then applied to the system, the modified output of the system would be c(t) c(t) One © I+e* (ctl) u(t-1) (@) ot) u(t-1) © Input s(t) gives e(t) u(t) 0 el tet) Lf stem Input is delayed by one second Output is also delayed by one second ie. e(t-1)u(t-1). The transient response of a system is mainly due to (a) intemal forces (©) Friction (b) Stored energy (@ inertia forces Ans: (b) Sol: The transient response depends on the system (storage elements) 5. A thermecouple can be considered as a single capacity system with a time constant of 100 ms and unity gain, It is immersed in a heat bath whose temperature is varying at 1°C/s from 0°C. When the actual temperature of the heat bath is 70° C, the reading of the thermocouple will be (a) 70.1°C (71°C (©) 69.9°C (@) 69°C Ans: (c) Sol: TF of Thermocouple: C8) Ko, += 100ms =0.1 see RQ) lets ieee Oks 1401s s+10 Rtu@) , R=1°Cisec tut) aoe e 0.1 s°(s+10) 8s s+10 oft) =tu(t)—0.1 u(t) + 0.1 ut) When r(t) = 70°C, t= 70 sec (70) =70 — 0.4 + 0.1 7 = 69.9° C C(s)= 6. A thermometer possessing a thermal time constant of 0.5 min is introduced in a bath where the temperature is increasing at a constant rate of 5° C/min, The steady state error in the thermometer reading is (a) 10°C ()2.5°C (@04°C : Refer to the Thermometer system shown as unity feedback control system in Fig. c@ _ 1 l+ts 1=Mt ut), M=S°C/min otr = Gg) = + 1s »7=05 min, EGR eat eat | Bane | Von | Veal | Tipe |e [Oma i ee 17: Time Response Analysis G6) R(s) eO fT Cs) Ts Lt s GG) = K, = Me sx0s-25°C K 7. ATF has a pole at s = —5 and zero at s = —2 the unit step response of the systems (@ltee™ were © 2ade* @ a es Ans: (¢) Sol: Poles = -5, zero s=-2 () _ (+2) Ra)” Gad) ROMS unit step input (G42) ES 0 e45) 2,03 cs) is 5845). oft) = +e 3 8 The rise time for e(t) = 1-€" is (@)2.198 Sec (0) 1 igge. 2.198 (@ 245 Sec (0) 2.302 See @ (t=, (0.9) a= 90% time --—~ 9. The unit impulse response of a linear time invariant system is the unit step function u(). For t > 0, the response of the system to an excitation e u(t), a> 0 will be (a) act ()a(l-e*) Ans: (b) Sol: Impulse response = u(t) 1 (b) (Ia) (I-e*) @ ie TF-L[u(o} s Input or excitation= e“u(t) Le*u(]= (s+a) 1 (+a)s 1 ]14q_-« aes Fe Time Response of the Second Order control System: A second order control, system is one wherein the highest power of ‘s’ in the denominator of its ‘transfer function equals 2. The block diagram representation of the transfer ‘| function given above is shown in the figure. Response or output = Response = Ro) + of COs) E s6+60,) called natural Onis oscillations. ‘Cis called damping ratio. The characteristic equation s?+26a,8+ 0.7 = 0 Roots are Sj,2 frequency of =-g0,4jo,JI-G? =-a+jo, ‘or = @, y(1-$7) is called damped frequency of oscillations. “os is called damping factor or actual damping or damping coefficient (1/ a) = Time constant PERT New Dati | Bensalne | Bhubaneswar | Vityavada | Vinay | Trupat | Pane [Chennah Oratiien 218: =a) +(to,) =o, or OS¢st = cos ~ ca from the pole to origin gives the natural frequency of the system. $= Sin Control Systems System Bangs af Roots of the Roots in the ‘S ¢ plane amping | Characteristic equation. the S-Plane ratio t=0 Undamped g=0 Imaginary Lt Sete. Eo, +jo,41-0 Underdamped | O@, =11 Which of the following characteristics does 2&w, =13.2 ithave? ea . 280)=13.2 (@) Overdamped and settling time 1.15. (b) Underdamped and settling time 0.6 s. §=0.6, &<1=> under damped abad | New Deli | Bengalura | Bhubaneswar | Viayawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati | Pune [Chennai Ee) Settling time = 06x11 T.= 0.60see 11. Consider the feedback control system shown in fig. The controller parameters to obtain a second order response with a damping ratio of 0.5 and an undamped natural frequency of 1 rad/s are Ys) (@) Kp= 10, Kj= 10 Ans: (¢) so: XO - (0.01XK, +K,s) “ RG) s+1)+0.01K, +Kjs) CE is s*+s+0.01K;+0.01Kps = 0 s? + 8(0.01Kp+1)+0.01K; = 0 6=055_o,=Iradsee = Y00IK, O01Kp+1 = 2x0.55x1°=14 K\= 100 Kp=10 12. For the feedback control ‘system shown in fig, below, the steady state gain is ‘1’ and damping ratio is 0.5 & natural frequency is 4 radisec. The values of Ki, Ki & ‘a respectively are RS) vay |) S(8+2) K& (@)2,1,0.8 — (b)2,01,8 (21,8 — (0.2,1,08 Ans: (0) Sol: Given data: 0,4 ,C=0.5 Steady state or DC gain: Fiderabed | Nov Dei | Benga | Bhabanesnar 122: Control systems K,(+a) OLTF = s(8+2) and H(s)=K,, Ce) Kyra) RG) s($+2)+K,K,6+a) Given steady state gain = 1 DC gain from the TF, K=1 CE~ s(s#2) + KiKa(sta)=0 s?+ 2s +Kikos + s(KiKz) = 0 s? + 5(2+K,Ko) +aKiKo=0 o~ faK,K, 16=aKiK, = 16=aKj 2G = 2+ Kiko axdxge2tK, 2 Ki=2 16=aK;, a=8 13, In the derivation of expression for peak percent overshoot, ; me =n Jeon Which one of i= the following conditions is NOT required? (a) System is linear and time invariant (b) The system transfer function has a pair of complex conjugate poles and no zeros. (©) There is no ‘transportation delay in the system. (@ The system has zero initial conditions Ans: (0) 14. The OLTF of an unity feedback control K S(G+2) increased to ‘co’ then the damping ratio of the ‘system becomes (@o (b) (c) 100 (qd) None of the above system is given by G(S)= TE is Ans: (a) Sol: OLTF = G(s)= wry Om! paved | Vithapamar| iat | Pune [Chennai 15 223: Time Response Analysis s'+2s+K =0-—(1) | -4,S-2 a _ | -4,8-1 Standard form of 2™ order Characteristic | Lee, Equation iss? +20, s+@? =0—-(2) -18-2 Compare eq(1) and (2)then ,we get 2to, =2 and o, = VK l e 5 PG) b= Jpg (K=eGiven), ¢=0 Qo Roi $2 Group I lists a set of four transfer functions. Group Il gives a list of possible step responses y(t), Match the step responses with the corresponding transfer functions. 16. For the system shown in Fig. set the proportional gain K and tacho feedback factor F such that the closed loop system has a damping ratio of = 0,7 and a = 4 rad/see. Fs Give data: @=4, (-0.7 From the given BD the TF can be written CG) kK RO) s(6+2)+K(+Fs) CE = 84(2+KF)s+K = 0-----(1) Standard form of 2" order characteristic equation 2+ 2Géons'+ 2 = (= (2) T K=0; = 16 2Xon=2+KF 2x0.7x4=2+ 16F 1 F=0.225 @) @ Consider the following: 1. Rise time 0) 2. Settling time 4 3. Delay time 4. Peak time What is the correct sequence of the time domain specifications of a second order “ Hyderabad | New Dehi| Bengaluru | Bhubaneswar | Vigor ACE 124: Control Systems system in the ascending order of the values? @ 2 4 13 ® 3 4 1 2 @2 1 4° 3 @3 1 4 2 . Ans: (4) Sol: Delay, rise, peak and settling times. 18, Assertion (A): The largest undershoot corresponding to a unit step input to an underdamped second order system with damping ratio & and undamped natural (2b ye? frequency of oscillation oy is © *' i Reason (R) : The® overshoots and undershoots of a second order underdamped $4 systems, € | n=1,2,.. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A nga (b) Both A and R ate true but R is‘NOT the | correct explanation of A (c) Ais true but R is false (d) Ais false but R is true # (a) A two-loop position control system is shown below. 19. The gain k of the Tacho-generator influences mainly the (a) peak overshoot (b) natural frequency of oscillation (©) phase shift of the closed loop transfer function at very low frequencies (-»0) (@) phase shift of the closed loop transfer function at very high frequencies (@->-0) ‘Ans: (a) 20, Step responses of a set of three second order ‘underdamped systems all have the same percentage overshoot. Which of the following diagrams represents the poles of 3 systems? © , tie cia wl @ Ans; (c) Sol: The poles make constant angle with respect to negative real axis’, hence zeta is constant, therefore overshoot is same . Type of the system: ___KS+2) 9 OS siseyE+B) In the above system if N=Osystem is Type ‘0” system N=I system is. Type ‘1’ system N=2system is Type ‘2’ system etc, Thetefore type of the system is equal to number of poles present in the OLTF G(S) ie. number of integral terms in OLTF. Steady state analysis: >Q BS) | Gis) E(s) = Error signal R(s) = Reference IP (or) Desired O/P C{s) = Actual O/P Ris): PGR dia New Det | Benga | Bhabncsvar | Vibyawada | Vining | Tira | Pane [Chena 125: Time Response Analysis BO) 1 RS) 1+G(S) 1 all & 2S) Taw Steady state error (e,,): It is the deviation from the desired O/P. © gy where) =L'[E] ls f=.) SES)= toe *"s0 gei)-ci=, 5-5 SRO-CON= tt) -e(0) T=L"R)] & e(t)=L"[CG)] For step input where K,= Lt G(s) = Static position error constant For ramp input =Lts. RG) _ ‘Als* Ho Teab) “H 1s06) A _&. s[l+G)] Ky where Ky= Lt G(s) = Static velocity error +Lt +50 constant For parabolic input wn 86) 50"'14+6() -us2 eu a4 as 0°°14G(6) 9° s*1+G(s)] K, Where K,= Lt s'G6) = Static acceleration error constant Note: If the type of the system increases the error decreases, accuracy increases but the stability decreases 21,. The open Joop transfer functions of a unity feedback’ systems, which will have more steady state error for unit step input is Owe (+1) 642)@+3) (b) 120 s(s+1) (+15) : 60. © Rayeayees3) @ 120 ? (+1) (6+4)(@+15) Ans: () Sol: Option (a) For step input e, K, =1.G6) meee arene oO $50(S 41S + 2X43) 2x3 Kp=13.33, => @35 = 0.069 Option (b): Ky = Lt G(s) = 20 s50S(S+1\S+15) 1x15 es 0.11 Option (0): K, = 166) ~ 496) ES rae | New Det | Bengaluru |B abanesvar | VGayanada | Viethapatam | Trupat | Pane [Cheanal Qed Eine 226: Control Systems =u——_ © _ $50 (S+0.5)S +3\S+5.5) © 797 0.5%3%5.5 55 = 0.12 Option (a) : Ky = Lt G(s) = 120 120 800 (S+1(S+ 4YS415) 1x4x15 65 = 0.33 22. When the gain ‘k’ of a system is increased, the steady-state error of the system (a) increases. (b) remains unchanged (©) may increase or decrease, (d) decreases. @ Let the OLTF G(s) = Ans: k s(l+st) Let, input = unit ramp input 1 = ky =LtsG Oa Ark = LsG0s) Sol: 23. A system is. represented by s +2y=4t u(t). The ‘ramp. component in the forced response will be (a) tu (b) 2tu() (©) 3tu) @4tu® + (b) Sol: Given &. 2y =4tu(t) it Apply Laplace Transform Apply ILT y(t)=t-1+e*) Ramp component is 2t | | 1 | | | 24. Which one of the following is the steady state error of a unity feedback system with 10 TF ——"—_ applied to a unit ramy s’ +10s +10 ae e input (@es=0 83 (©) es=1 Ans: (c) Sol: OLTF G(s) 10 s(s+10) s? +108 +10. Ky= Lt sG@)=1 Brror= KY 25. The Laplace transformation of ft) is F(s). Given F()=——, the final value of ft) @ is (@ infinity (b) zero (©) one (@) none of these Ans:(@) Sol: sF(s) poles are at s=2jo i.e. on the imaginary axis. . System/ function oscillates with a fixed amplitude of frequency @ rad/sec, hence final value can’t be determined. 26. The unit impulse response of a second order under damped system starting from rest is given by c(t) = 12.5e ™ sin8t, t 20. The steady state value of the unit step response of the system is equal to @0 (0.25 ‘Ans:(d) Sol: IR. e(t) = 12.5e sin8t u(t) TF=1pR]=—0298)__ Co) +6 +8 RE) Final value or steady state value to a step input = LtSC(s)= Lt (05s @10 (12.5)(8) (+6)? +8? ETA esta | New Dati | Beneaare | Bhhancswar | Vinyowada | Viahapatamn | Tirupati | Pune [Chennat ACE sa :27t Time Response Analysis 27. Consider a unity feedback control system whose forward path transfer function G(s) = K/s*. The steady state error; for a step input is (@) 1.0 (b) & (©) 00 (@) does not exist Ans: (a) Sol: Marginally stable therefore steady state error can’t be determined. 28. Consider the feedback system shown belaw which is subjected to a unit step input. The system is stable and has following parameters ky = 4, ki = 10, @ = 500-and & = 0.7. The steady siate value of 2 is » [Kl 2 s+ 2tas +o @1 025 (01 (ao Ans: (a) Sol: Let the Input is x(, ZG) R(s) 29. The transfer function of a linear time invariant system is_—given as. c@-=—+ +5. The steady state value of s43s+2 the output of the system for a unit impulse input applied at time instant t = 1 will be (ao ‘Ans: (a) Sol: TF 05 ©1 @2 s? +3542 Impulse input is applied at t = Isee + input = 6(t-1) L{Se-1)] = e* Steady state/ Final value Lt dada 30. Unity feedback OLTF are given in LIST - 1 match the steady state error produced by these system to a ramp input to the LIST ~ Il List-1[ uST- A 30 1 | Zero | st eésa B) 2 [02 o 3 [03 s+ 2f0s+@) Zs)_ (8° +20 + R(s) ss? + 2s +a") +k,a Steady state value to a step input Z(ec)= Lt SLs) 2 Ky(s? 4208407) I eso? )+kyar s+Kyo" I 0 Na Dengan | Dhabas | Vipera | Veep | Tira | Poe [henna Concept of stability: Any system is called as a stable system if the output of the system is bounded for any bounded input. Any signal is called bounded if the max. and min, values are finite BI BO ——>} System} > Ee: ett ‘él y Bounded Untounded ramp sinupoidal Unbounded Bounded © Stability of any system depends only on the location of poles but not-on the location of zeros. 7 Ifthe poles are located in left side of s — plane, then the system is stable, (or) The IR ofa causal and stable: system must be absolutely integrable between the limits.0.and o [mace © If the roots are located on imaginary axis which are repeated then the system is unstable, fRltre ‘© Ifany one pole is located in right half of s ~ plane, then the system is unstable. is dt IR i neither approaches to ‘0’ nor goes to ‘co’ and will have fixed IR. ‘The systems are classified as 1. Absolutely stable systems 2. Unstable systems 3. Conditionally stable systems When gain parameter ‘k’ is varied from 0 to co, if the poles are located on left side of ‘s’ plane it is always stable or absolutely stable. If the system is stable only for limited values ‘of parameter ‘k’ then it is called as conditionally stable, Techniques used (o calculate stability are 1, Routh-Hurwitz criterion 2. Root locus 3. Bode plot 4, Nyquist plot 5. Nicholas chart Routh-Hurwitz (RH) Stability criteria RS, ? a ag) cute S®),__GS)_ RG) 1 GSH) 1 + G(S)H(S) = 0 is called as characteristic equation (CE) and the roots of the dward John Routh FRS, was an English mathematician, noted as the outstanding coach of students preparing for the Mathematical Tripos examination of the University of Cambridge in its heyday in the middle of the nineteenth century ACE Or neering Academy 329: Stabil ity characteristic equation is equal to the closed | Sol: loop system poles. For stability all the roots! sli 2 5 poles should be in the left hand side of S-plane lis 4 10 ie. they should have negative real parts “ (causal and stable), Sign change From RH criteria without solving the CE, the 0.66 -1.66 0 number of right half of $-plane roots can be Sign change calculated. }0.227 10 0 1 74 0 0 Let us consider the characteristic equation aos* eli stays? + ays! + a+ = 0 elo 0 90 For stability © All the coefficients (av, a: etc..) inthe CE Total no. of CE roots =5 should be of the same sign. [No.of sign changes inthe first column=2 © There should not be any missing coefficient 'in No. of roots in RHP = 2, the CE. No. of roots onjo axis = 0, * If the above two conditions are the necessary No. of roots in LHP =3 conditions and the sufficient condition for System with the above CE is unstable stability is the following RH exiteria, 02... Find the rangé:of ‘K’ for the stability of a RH tabulation ‘system with the CE s| 4 & % StS 45s 445+K Sol: s| 4 a 0 sit 5K ° s 4 s K 1 0. 0 s é 2 ° ° For stability all the 1" column elements in the above tabulation must be of the same sign ie there should not be any sign changes in the 1 column . Number of sign changes in the 1* column is equal to number of right hand roots/ poles. OL. CE ofasystemis s+ 15s'+29+48°+5 s +100, test the stability. For stability all the first column elements must be of the same sign Therefore 4.2X4-SK>0 => K<3.36 AndK>0 Therefore for stability, K should lie in the range 0 0). The characteristic equation of the system under study is then modified by shifting the origin of the s-plane to s =~, ie, by the substitution s = z — 6 EGR cata | New Det | Benes | banevar | Viravada | Visktapamem | Tira | Pane [Gheanal If the new characteristic equation in ‘z’ satisfies the Routh criterion, it implies that all the roots of so 06. For the system shown find the range of value of ‘K’ for which thé ‘closed loop poles are more negative than =I _K(S413) - 5S+5+7, K@+13) s(6+3)8+7). ~ Sol: CE=1+ (8°+38)(s+7)+K(6+13)=0 $410s?+(214K)s+13K205. 132: Control Systems Real Substitute s = (2-1) (21) $10(@- 1) + 21 + K)(@-l) + 13K =0 2P-3eBec] +102 202+ OMe 21-K13K-0 2 1z'+(4+K)z +12K-12=0 | rei K4 217 12K-12 zh, | Uk0—(t2kee32) 2 K-12 (12K-12)>0.=5K>1 And WK +4)02K~12) . 9 (-5K+40) > 0. 5 K<8 _ For.’ 15K8;"the closed loop poles lie left side of s=—1 EAI ead | New Det | Bengals | Binesvar | Wiapavada | Vikhepamam | Tirupati | Pune [Chennai @ Root Locus Diagram Root loci diagram (RLD) is the graphical method of analyzing and designing a system Root Locus Diagram (RLD) is a plot of loci of roots of the characteristic equation while gain ‘K* is varied from 0 to oo. gain ‘K’ is varied from -<0 to 0 the diagram is called as inverse or complimentary RLD. If more than one parameter is varied the corresponding diagram is called as, root contour diagram. K(S¥Z) S(S1 PKS YP.) ‘Where, K = gain of the system * Root Locus(RL) (K-> 0to ) © Complementary RL(K-} 0t0- 2 ) © CompleteRL = (K-9 -w tom ) * Root contour (Multiple parameter variation) 01. Sketch the RLD of the system” shown in figure below. Input Ker) L ? +10) Sol: CE = 1+ G(S) H(S)=0 K(S+)) S+10 S+10+KS+K=0 10+K S= (He) RLDis fom = (K=0) to $= -1(K=m0) Characteristic equation: 14G(S) H(S) = 0 Let G(S) H(S) = KG,(S)Hi(S) G(S) H(S)= KGi(S)Hi(S) =-1 Magnitude of G(S)H(S): IG(S) H(S)|= 1 (or) | KG,(S)Hi(S)|= 1 (or) GER or |G(S)Fy(S)|= VK Phase of GiS) H(S): ZGSHS) = 201+ Dr [E05 255 Any point -which satisfies the above magnitude _ and phase condition will lie on the RLD of the system. Rules to construct the RLD: 1. Every branch of the RLD starts at a pole (K = 0), and terminates at a zero (K=x) of the OLTF G(S)HG). RLD is symmetrical with respect to real axis, . No. of branches of RLD (N) N=PifP2>Z =ZifZ>P } = order of the system, Walter Richard Evans was a noted American control theorist and the inventor of the root locus method in 1948, ‘The instruments used for plotting Root Locus is spirule. ® gn eheadeny 2341 Root Locus Diagram_ Where P & Z are the number of finite poles | 8. Break in/away (saddle) points: and zeros of G(S)H(S) ‘© Break in/away point exists when there are i 5 ks ‘multiple roots on the RLD. 4. Centroid (@): It is the intersection of ‘a root loedanive / depart atthe brea ssymploes and lays let on the real ais; | a ie ang Tan apart, P-2|=No. of asymptotes Beene eee break in point by the angle 360°n apart. ¢ ‘n’ root loci depart at the break away point by the angle 360°/n apart. * At the break in/away points K is either maximum and/or minimum. (Giimof realfpart of poles Sum ot real 0- Rootsare break away/in points. : & dla =.) 6. On the real axis to the right side of any aS dS\G,9)H,)) section, if the sum/of total no. of open loop _4 _ poles and zeros are odd, RLD exists in that = 4g GuSHS))=0 section (Since angld eeifition satisfies) The above equation is a necessary equation. At the valid break point angle of G(s)H() is odd multiples of £180° 9. Angle of departure (8p) at a pole/ Arrival (Ox) at a zero of the RLD at s = 1: 04 = 180° + 4 (07) © 180"+ZG(S)H(6) at 5-3 on the RLD. (or) from the magnitude condition, "K can. also be where § = (poles ~ Zzeros) of G(S)H(S) at calculated as given below s=81 10, Point of intersection of the RLD with respect to the imaginary axis: It can be calculated from the RH criteria, Find ‘K’by equating row of ‘s"” to zero and PEGS) cet | New Dati | Benglars | Bhubaneswar | Vyawada | Vihapatam | Tropa | Pane [Chena] Ace Engineering Academy use this ‘K’ in the AE (ie. row of s” in RH table | Examples (2. Sketch the root locus for the system F K(s+5) having G(s) H(s)= ving SCS) RS) = Er 5420) Sol: Step 1: Number of poles P=2, Z=1, N =P-Z One branch has to terminate at finite zero s = 5 while P-Z = 1, hence 2" branch has to terminate at . Starting points of branches are, Be +} 4(K=0 points - poles). Step 2: Pole-zero plot of the system is shown below. One breakaway Romi Point Step 3: Angle of asymptotes 0 o= Bet DI8O p-Z 1=0 >0=180° Step 4: Centroid. As there is one branch approaching to © and fone asymptote exists, centroid is not | required | Step 5: Break point. _ (6 +4s+20)-(s ds (2545420) | -2s?-10s—4s-20 ~s 10 Root Locus Diagram s(s+10)=0 ,-10 is not a valid break point s = -10 is a valid break point, which lies on the RLD. Step 6 : Intersection with imaginary axis. Characteristic equation, F+45+204+K (+5) = 0 s?+s(K+4)+(20+5K) = 0 Routh’s Array can be formed as below: ela 20+5K 1K 0 | 2045K Knox = —4 makes s! row as row of zeros. But as it is negative, there is no intersection of root locus with imaginary axis. Step 7: Angle of departure. grr = 90°, dz, = tan7!(4/3) = 53.13" § = Lor — Loz = 36.86" da = 180°- = + 143.13" at -2 +54 pole. da = -143.13° at -2-j4 pole. With the above details RLD is drawn below AW Tc Vora | Ven | waa Ge Qn! Root Locus Diagram Step 8: For all ranges of K ie, 0 10, system is unstable. Step9: Product of distance vectors from_ __ various poles of G(S)H(S) to S 2.5 Product of distance vectors from various zeros of G(S) H(S) to S 5 57 25)0-5)(0.5)(0.5) = 0.9375 237: Root Locus Diagram ATE with unity DC gain has three poles at s = -1, -2 & -3 and no finite zeros. A plant with this TF is connected with 2 proportional controller of gain, ‘kin the forward path, in a unity feedback configuration. 04, The TF is Os (s-(s— 26-3) 6 © Gee @ —— (+ 1)6+2)(6+3) _§__ N(s2) (b) Given that poles of system =-1,-2 and -3 ee (s+1)(s+2)(s+3) Substitute s =0 in the TE, to get DC gain es MQ) K=6 TF Grier iors) 05. If the root locus plot of the closed loop system passes through the points + jv11, the maximum value of K for stability of the unity feedback closed loop system is (@ Vil )60 10 @ VIL Ans: (b) Sol: Characteristic equation is1+G(s) = 0 + K____9 (e+1Xs+2)s+3) (stI\(st2)(s+3) + 6K =0 06. Ans: Sol: (8433+2)(s+3)FOK=0 (943s"43s7+9st2s+6)+K = 0 s°+6s"+1 Is+6K+6 = 0 Intersection of root locus with imaginary axis can be find out by using RH criterion. Routh’s Tabulation [si [slo [6K+6 s'| 60-6K srow 2K 9 K=10 AE 6s" + 66=0, s=4jvil. Method-2 Product of distance vectors drawn from vi poles to s = jvil Product of distance vectors drawn OK A unity feedback system bas the transfer fonction’ KD) S(8+20) which the loci of all the three roots of the closed loop characteristic equation meet at a single point is . The value of b for 10 20 o> OF 30 40 © > @ o (b) ‘When all the three roots are equal it must be a break point(note that at the break point, there are multiple roots) @ 07. Engineering Academy 238: Root Locus Diagram. d(_(s+b) ‘The value of K for the damping ratio & to be als@r2) °° 0,5, corresponding to the dominant closed- loop complex conjugate pole pair is (8° +205? (1) (5 + b)(3s" + 408) =0 (a)250 (b) 125 (75d) 50 (s° +20s*)? (6? +20s*){)~ Gs? + 40s? +3bs? + 40bs) =0 Ams: (0) Kk (-2s’ -(20+3b)s* -40bs) = 0 Sok: Gfs)=—— G9) (2s? + (20+ 3b)s —40b) For b=(20/9) roots are -6.67 and -6.67 ‘Therefore for b=(20/9) all the three roots are equal The RLD of the system is shown in. figure below. No of Asymptotes = P-Z=3-1=2 Centroid(a) = LAOS Dees D200: P-Z 2, —2- --8.39 Angle of. Asymptotes= Ot 2 £=0,1 404-2 Centrid (@) = Angle of Asymptotes = + 90° 3rd order system, hence “No. of RLD branches = 3 Img Break point = -6.67, “There ate thes roots at break pont The open-loop transfer function of @ unity negative feedback control system is given bya) = The RLD of a system is given below. For the given damping ratio, poles should lie on the RLD corresponding to the angle cos"(6)=cos(0.5)=60°. Therefore draw a ine which makes an angle 60° with respect to negative real axis, as shown in figure below. Note: From the RLD it is clear that the dominant poles ate -2.5)2.5V3 K=(9190)=125 At the intersection point the value of K is K=(5)(5)(5)=125 Note: If proper zero is added to the OLTF, generally stability of the system increases and if a pole is added, stability will decrease, PR a cn inner gw |Vetnpman Tropa | Pe (Coal) y ® sxesh Frans 139: Root Locus Diagram Root Locus Plots for Typical Transfer Functions: Gs) K ie S141 Root locuy — ts —ih, jo (67, +1)67, #1) sim, | =i, | £ jo T, +1)(ST, +1) (ST, +1) SUT Ty . jo ——_—> oT PEER ota New Dei | Benga | Whbanvar | Vinyaada | Weaapatam | Tirpa | Pie [Chenna @ nati icin 240: Control Systems K “s(6T, +1)(6T, +1) KGT, ay A “AGT +D6T 4) [New Delhi | Beagalurs| Bhubaneswar | Vinyavada | Viakhapatnam | Tiupall | Pune | Cheanat Inverse RLD or complimentary RLD (-o 1 GM(4B) = 20 log ———____ ae * G(ja,.)BGo,,), where Ope = Phase crossover frequency, It is the frequency at which phase angle of G(S) H(S) is -180°. Arg G(S)H(S) = -180° jo=o,, (on) Innate SSD, If Gye does not exist, GM = 20 @ Nrguist Phase Margin (PM): PM = 180° + ZG(ja)H(@)| lo-o, The phase angle is measured clockwise Where @ge ~ Gain crossover frequency, it is the frequency at which magnitude of G(S)H(S) is unity (or) 0dB. kuin =1 ee Wg: does not exist, PM = co, lo If GM= +ve (Eg: 202B) & PM=+ve (Eg: 30°)System is stable (then p< @p.) If GM = -ve (Eg: -20dB) & PM=-ve (Bg: -30°) System is unstable (then «g.> @p:) WK GM=0dB& PM s just stable( ye = ze) Note: Gain & phase margins are the relative stability measures, for the open loop stable systems only, exception is the simple pole at the origin. GS) _ Rg) 14GQH@ MO [M(jo)| 4. “Frequency response o 0 O, k— sw Resonant frequency (@,): It is the frequency at which maximum magnitude of the closed loop system occurs. Resonant Peak (M,): It is the maximum magnitude of the closed loop system, Hendrik Wade Bode was an American engineer, researcher, inventor, author and scientist, of Dutch ancestry, Harry Nyquist was an important contributor to communication theory. 243: Bandwidth (BW): It is the range of frequencies over which the system acts satisfactorily Cutoff rate: It is the rate at which magnitude falls at high frequencies. @,, M, & BW of a standard 2™ order system: = OS) oA M@)~ RS) $42f0,s+o, IMGo)} Frequency response of standard 2™ order system (048) 1 (aR Fivderaad | New Dali | Beagare | Bhabaneswar | Visyavada | Vistapaiaum | Trapai | Pune | Chennai Frequency Response Analysis M, depends only on *¢? Mao lo 1 =BW 2 BW= 0,022) +0261 If G increases. M, decreases, My decreases, @, decreases, 4 decreases, BW decreases, t, increases and stability increases for the under damped system. [zie] 1. Consider the TEs of the following systems 30 "Sa ~) 10 i eC (a) system (1) band width is more than (2) (b) system (2) band width is more than (1) (©) band widths are equal (a) can’t be calculated Ans: (b) Sol: TF pw-=t=1 7 tre 10 s+5 11 BW =z = 5 radsec 7 WS BW of system (2) is more than (1) a 2. The resonant peak of # proto type 2™' order system is 1,042 the damping ratio of the system is (a)04 (b)0.6 (0) 0.8 @09 Ans: (b) 1 Sol: M,= —=—— 26 e 1.042 = —A ait ot By solving above equation, ¢ = 0.632 1 . R= tate OP. 3 Gap Me sendy ofa system to the IP of 10 cos(t +45°) 10 £ 10: (a) 08 t 6) a fl : (©) cos(t~4 6) a c0s(t+45° © 8 s(t 45°) @ a (i ) Ans: (a) Sol: Input = 10cos(t+45°) = 10cos(at+45") @= 1 radisec Output = A10cos(t#45"+6) ae at We trad see ea v2 Phase angle of == =26 jo (2g = "tan \(o) =—tan"(1) =-45° 10 n Steady state output=—~ cos(t+45"-45' ly puts cost ) 4. the steady state O/P of a “Sse system to the VP, of sin(t+45°) is (@) zsint-9) 0) pesos 135) ALcos(t +909) (a) None © B Ans: (d) 44: Control Systems Sol: TF = % 7 Input = sin(t+45°) Steady state output contains sinusoidal term plus a constant due to integral term as shown below. Oniput = Cy, Casin(ot+4) 5. In the system shown in figure input is sin(at), the steady state response will exhibit a resonance peak at a frequency of ? 56+) (a) 4 rad/Sec (b) 22 rad/Sec (c) 2 rad/Seé (@) V2 rad/Sec Ans: (b) Sol: @,= a, ft 26? CEis 2 +4s+16=0 26m = 4, @,= 22 rad/see @, = 4, 1 6. A signal &sin(cot) is the input to a Linear Time Invariant system. Given K. and are constants, the output of the system will be of the form Ke"sin(v+6) where (@) P need not be equal to a. but » equal to o a (by v'need not be equal to © but f equal to a. (©) B equat to a. and v equal too (AB need not be equal to. and » need not be equal to @ Ans:(¢) Sol: Input poles are -ce#jo and in the output, same poles will exist. Input frequency and output frequency both are same, J -atjo=-Baiv 7. The loop transfer function of a system is ae = The phase given by G(s)H(s)= [SR Yo Dae [Bence | Vind | Weipa | Ta | Pe | ea =a ACE Engineering Pubizations 145: Frequency Response Analysis cross-over frequency is 5 rad/s. The value of ‘The angular frequency in radian/s at which the dead time L is the loop phase Jag becomes 180°is = © = (a) 0.408 (b) 0818 pao a 10 eo ee (156 (@) 203 Ans: (b) Ans: (d) 10e§ Ke* _Ke* Sok: Gis)= Sol: G(s) = === Sok: G6) areca ool 10e =@~tan'(o)=-n a To solve this, one can use caleulator’s shift solve option (or) substitute the given options -0,.(L)~2=-n atSrad/see in the above equation. 2 2.03 radi/sec. -5(L)-2=-n =L=% 10 10. . The steady state error for a unity step input : A when the gain Ke = 1 is 8. A unity feedback system has the following 1 1 open loop frequency response: @; ®; @ @2 s Ans:(b) : @ , re ae S (cadisec) | (060) | 2660) Sol: K.=1 2 755 118° 3 [| 481 -130° 4 3.155) 140% | 3__| 225° | --150° 6 | 1705] 157° 8 | 100. | =170° 10 | 0.64 | =180° c Statement for Linked Answer Questions 11 & The gain and phase margin of the System'are ] 12 (a) 0B, -180° (b) 3.88 dB, -170° | Consider a unity feedback system with open loop (©) 04B, 10° (@)3.88 dB, 10° transfer function. aa 146s Ans: (d) s*(1+s)(1+2s) Sol: GM= —- =1.56 or 3.860B. 11. The phase crossover frequency of the system 0.64 in radians per second is PM = 180—170°= 10° (a) 0.125 (b)0.25 (@)0.5 @1 Common Data for Questions 09 & 10 Ans: (6) 9. The following figure represents a | Sol: ZG(jo)=tan (60) proportional control scheme of a first order ~180°tan"*(@)-tan"'(210)--180" system with transportation lag. = tan’ (@) — tan"'(2@) +tan"(60)=0 alice tan''(@) + tan"!(2@) = tan’"(60) RO 4 orto _¢ “er s#l inte? 7 © Fiyderabad | New Deli | Bengaluru | Bhubaneswar | Vieyawada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati | Pane | Chennai +20 = 60(1-20°) ACE Engineering Publications 346: Control Systems a ponaoeuee Sol: To calculate *() use Mason’s gain 120°-30=0 DG) 40° 1=0 formula oye= 4 = 05 radisee ce eee 2 s@D 1 12. The gain margin of the system is Loop gain = -—— (0.125 (b)025 (0S @1 s(s+1) Ans: (a) Ren (4 } so: GM= 1 ( 3G) [GGo nee : yl+(60)" {Glo}, 2s =— +e 4 +M2 A, mes (o* Wo? + 1+ (20) G) = aa ‘Ga = Leo” Selo). Mole gg = X92 86+) De. = A wee 14 Gel : 2 s(s+l) 1 s*4s+Ga(s)=0 OM= 5 = O12 ~ 0 +j0+G, Go) =0 se Gj, Go) =0* —j0| ou 13, A disturbance input d(t) is injected into the * unity feedback control loop shown in the GG) v2 4-4 figure. Take the reference input r(t) 10 be @ commend ag 14. The open-loop transfer function of a unity Gai) negative feck control system is given ‘OO-TH4 1 LS by) = a s(s+1) The value of K for the phase margin of the system to be 45° is If the disturba ble, its eff ous eee the disturbance is measurable, its effect on : 1 the output can be minimized significantly | ae @ Rsv using a feed forward controller Ga(s). To a r eliminate the component ofthe output due to | Sok; G(s) =-—K. d(f) = sint, Gu(o)]_-1 should be (s+5) = 180° ots as PM= 180" + Z6(j0,)HGi2,) a 4 PM=45 - (V2 Zn @ 22-4 ZG(jo)= -awn- (2 Ans: (d) ASSOMRRRIESEIMTEREED) is cstes [New Dei Bengals | Bhbneswar | Vinyowada | Vikhapatam | Tips | Pane | Chena y= Sradisec ACE Enginering Publications 247: Frequency Response Analysis (60, Ge, =1 (0) 04B stability, determine the TF of an unknown = 5 system, draw the frequency response etc... \G(jo) = —*— foe] (0? +25)? Magnitude Plot: |G(S)H(S)| in dB Vs K frequency (0). fol, = (02, + 2s)" Phase Plot: 2G(S)H(S) Vs frequency (w) K Goat Decade and Octave: Change in frequency by (03 +25) a factor of $10” is known as a decade and by a (60)%=K — .K=250y3 factor of *2’ is called as an octave. 16. Find the number of i) decades from 15, The open loop transfer function of unity O:lrad/sec to 100rad/sec ii) octaves. from feedback system is given by G(s) = © 2rad/sec to 8rad/sec. s(8+2) | Sol: No. of decades logi00-log0.. The gain and phase crossover frequencies in No. of octaves= log: 8 loge rad/sec are respectively F (a) 0.632 and 1.26 °(b) 0.632 and 0.485 | Bode plot of common terms of the TF G(S)H(S) (©) 0485 and 0.632 (4) 1.26 and 0.632 * Constant K + Differential/ Integral terms S* Ans: (d) ©» Real zeros/ poles (1 + ST)* Sek TF Gi) = 22% * Complex conjugate zeros! poles s+) > Og :M=1 . 3 [6G0)|=-—=— 4 oy ot 4 Constant K: [Kj indB a! +4079 =O at Oe Magnitude pl n= 1.26 radisec 20 og kf] ae Pt > pe: ZG(s) = 180° ZG4G0) = 20%! 69" gn 180 =—2ex 180" _ 99° tan 2 fa 2 90° = 2eox tan Using calculator ye = 0.63 rad/sec Bode plot: It is also called as asymptotic (or) comer plot. A semilog sheet is used to sketch the Bode plot. It is used to analyze and design the system, design the compensators, study the relative stability (GM, PM. etc), find the range of K for RRA) eset | New Det | Benglura | Bhbancewar | Vinyavada | ViKhopamam | Tropa | Pane] Chemal o Phase of constant K is zero Differential/Integral terms (S*): {s*"|=+(n20log(0)) ato=1 |s*|=0 o=10 |S tn(20)dB @=100 |S**|=4n(40)4B @=1000|S*| = 4n(60)4B at @=1 Isr ise o +£n(6)4B Control Systems o=8 Magnitude changes at the rate of +n(204B/ decade) or +n(6dB/ octave) Therefore slope +n(20dB8/ decade) = +:n(64B/octave) ZS = 4900 Mag dB Slope“n(20yibydecade 14-2068) (4048) Magnitude plot Phase oh for neo) differentiator ee -0(90°) Tor integrator Phase plot Real zeros/ poles (1 + ST)" [¢+81)"|=+nQ0bg i +e) Let oT <«l, frequency asymptotic approximation |a+st)*| = £n(2010g.J = O4B Let @T>>1 which is called as high frequency asymptotic approximation a+st)"|=+n(2010g fo°T) = +n(20logoT) atwT=1 = 0dB @T=10 =#nQ20)dB oT =100 = 4n(40)aB @T = 1000 = 4n(60)aB which is called as’ low . Dashed curve is the Mag dB actual plot (40a) }~ ‘Magnitude plot Corner (or) Break frequency(CF): It is frequency at which both iow and high frequency asymptotes meet each other. crt for teal poles/zeros Magnitude of the error at the comer frequency is Ten(aB) | A Argt+ ST)” =£n(an!(oT)} Arg (1+ ST)? _ for real zero Phase plot Complex conjugate zeros/ poles (28.5) © ; spo =) (2) Let = Sci oO, frequency asymptotic approximation 268 sf & +n[20logq)]-04B which is called as low (ee [New Bats Bence | habancsvar [Viera | Vihpamam [Tip | Pe | Chen _ACE 149% Frequency Response Analysis ee Let >> which is called as high frequency a, asymptotic approximation oa +268, Se so|sove( ©, (on a =0dB a, 2 e10 = n(440dB) Oy 2.0 = n(¢80dB) a, a0 = n(#120dB) o, ‘Magnitude plot CF =o, for complex! poles/zeros Magnitude of the error at the comer frequency is |4n(20log2¢) dui set for zero Phase plot The summary of the above analysis is given in the table which is tised to draw the Bode plot poles (I+ST)?) 7 Term ~ Slope ey ‘Magnitude Constant K fee 0 20l5gK = DifferentiaVinte |---| + n(20dB/decade) ‘En(20logw) | gtalterms (Sj : i Redlaermy | 1 | SHCOGB/ decade) z + from the comer frequeney @ Complex conjugate zeros) poles "| $n(40dB/ decade) © | from the comer frequency @= oy Hyder ACE 0 Saas 250: Control Systems Procedure to sketch the magnitude plot GCS) 1) in AB vs frequency Co) Arrange the TF G(S)H(S) into the standard form. Find the comer frequencies and gain ‘K” Prepare the slope/ magnitude change table of G(S)H(S), in the increasing order of comer frequencies with differential (or) integral terms on top of the table. © Use the the above table to draw the magnitude plot, o | =lk) is! (SMT=14+5"f, es comer feenoxLCH) = 20 log K +n (20 log ) Where n= no. of differential integral terms. * Starting point frequency is chosen in such a way that it is always less than the lowest comer frequency. + Starting point (@ 0) or low frequency(less than the least comer frequency) asymptote slope of the Bode magnitude plot is n(- 20aB/dec)=# n(6ab octave) where n= no, of integral/differential terms, + for differential term and —for integral term. * High frequency(o0) asymptote slope of Bode magnitude plot =(p-2)(-20dB/dec) = (P-2) (-6dB/octave). Phase Plot: K(S+2) Eg: G(S)H(S)= > # OSHS) Fe 7B NSP) Substitute s = jo and write the phase as shown below. ZGS)H(S) = Z tan "B-(one tan? tant 2 [A z P Pr, t different frequencies calculate the phase and draw the phase plot. Minimum phase system: It is a system in which poles and zeros will not lie in the right side of S- plane. For a minimum phase system Lt ZG(S)H(S)=(P -2)(-90°) 0x0 Where P & Z are number of finite poles and zeros of G(S)H(S). eC K(S +10) Fe (suis) S(S ¥1)S? +28 +2) When@ «© ZG(S)H(S) = (4-1) (-90°)=-270° Non minimum phase system: It is a system in which some of the poles and zeros may lie in the right side of S-plane. In particular zeros lie in the right side of S-plane. K(S -10) Eg: G(S)H(S) = PR: GIS) = <5 20) All pass system: I¢ has unity gain at all frequencies, hence all frequencies are transmitted. Egl: bd 7 ats. Egl pLeeish €! GOS) = Was SO real sat) Vat img x ia + 7a real x 5 @ Eg?: 17. Sketch the Bode plots in magnitude and phase Vs frequency on a plain paper for the (aT) esi | Nev Dat [Benet | Bhataneovar | Vievavads | Wiskbpaman | Tia | ine | Chena Sty Frequency Response Analysis 100(s +10) 1 TF G)= = S — = Srad! following TF G(9)= = Ty ga 7 Sree Lt 0; =—=— = 10rad/see Sol: G(s) = L008 +10)_ T, Ol s(s+5)(s+2) Let @=Irad/sec is the initial /starting 4S point frequency(should be less than __ 100(10) 10 LCF=2) (5)(2) fw elu ‘) |G@)HE),_, = WlogK - loge}, (K 5A 2, and one integral term magnitude) G(s) = —_100d+0.15) = 20log100-2010g1=40dB s(1+0.2s)(1+-0.5s) Ge) = jo From the TF K=100 Comer frequencies are Magnitude/slope change table of G(s)H() Factor’ | Frequency Slop othe Slope of GHG Boe magnitude pot ee | ae ee | [oe | ok | ete ae | | T a @=5 | ~20dBidec saps ab 20-0 aig l Tae ce | 20dBidec slope st “40 des Making use of the last column, the magnitude plot is drawn below Phase of G(s)H(s) 0 pan (66a 90" ~Tan'(0.50) + -204B/dec Tan‘'(0.10) -Tan"(0.20) Le —_-AOdBdee 40db -60dBidee @ ¢ 1 122.16 A0dBidee 2 =145.5 FE 6 I x 176.6 =180.7 0 =187.12 ‘Magnitude plot of G(s) Sa raid | New Dat | Benatar | Bhubaneswar | Vinawoda | VisKapatmam | Tira | Pune | Ghernal aging Pabatons i821 Control systems — 20dbidec implies that, at «=2rad/see there ZG(o) is a presence of a real pole, s=~2 Therefore portion of the e K Kk 7 TRG) yee ~140 si(1+sT,) (+3) 160 2 -170 * At @=5 radisec, slope changes from - 60dB/dec to ~ 404B/dec Change in slope = New slope ~ previous slope =-40-(- 60) = 200B/dec -180 logo Phase plot of G(s) 20dB/dec implies that, at «= Srad/sec there is a presence of a real zero , 8 ‘Therefore portion of the 18. From the Asymptotic approximation plot of s ‘dB’ verses ‘@” of minimum: phase system K(L#sT,) x 3) with real poles and zero shown in the below TF G(s Ss) as) figure, Determine the poles & zeros of the . ) (t+ ) system. 7 © At @ = 25 mad/geo slope changes from Mas = 40dB/dec to ~ 604B/dec Change in slope = New slope — previous OMB idee slope =-60 = (40) =- 20dB/dec —60dB/dec — 20dB/dec’ implies that, at @=25rad/sec .- ~AOaBIdece there is a presence of a real pole, s= 25 -60dBidec ‘Therefore portion of the TF 34 : ee oe Kesh) 5 y= RST) __ AS) ea GaN” SLs) 8) 2(-20loga)'+ 20logK = 54dB at ©=0.1 Sol: Comer frequencies are . 2OlogK = 40log0.1 + 54 = 14 1 = 2radlsec, K=5 2 Srad/sec, = 25 rad/sec ns co), T2=Men, T=Veoy Gay= 3) OADANS+S) * Initial slope of plot is -40dB/dec hence (8145 © ()s(6+2)(8-+25) two poles exist at origin Stalls ‘Therefore portion of the TrG(s)-% Therefore TF G(s)=—208*+5)_ s $°(6+2)(8+25) * At @ = 2 rad/sec slope changes from — 40dB/dec to-60dB/dec Change in slope = New slope — previous |19 The Asymptotic log ~ magnitude curve for slope open loop transfer function is sketched in = -60 - (40) = -20dB/deo figure below determine the transfer function. Poles are s=~2,8=~25, zero is at s=-5 Fiyderabed | New Delhi | Benalura | Bhubaneswar | Vinyawada | Viakapatnam | Tirupal | Pane | Chennai ACE Raginering Publications 353: Frequency Response Analysis ae 24Bioe ‘* Initial slope of the plot is -20dB/dec hence one pole exists at origin 36 db} -- K Therefore portion of the TF G(s) =~ * At @ = 05 rad/sec slope changes from 0b logioa —20dBidec to ~404B/dee 21 dbp === $0 dBidee Sol: Comer frequencies are = Brad/sec, os, =Vo,, THe, To Caleulation of a The slope in between two comer frequencies {0 and 4 rad/sec) = ~ 40dB/dec sues 6 gives o=0.Srad/sec 1 logd=logo, The slope in between two comer frequencie’ (4 radisec& 8 rad/see) =~ 40 dB/dec -40dB M-0 Tage ing UNS the magnitude ‘M’ at @=8rad/sec ie -124B as shown in fig. below. From the above magnitude at 8rad/sec, os can be calculated. The slope in between comer frequencies (8 radisec and «srad/sec) = — 20dB/dee =20 _ -21-C12) 1 jogo, —log8 gives ws = 16V2 =22.624rad/see IMjaB -20 dBidec 36 ab} -40 dBidee aD asd | Nera | Benzar [Mhancsvar | Vinyard | Viskdpatara | rw] Pane | Chena Change in slope = New slope ~ previous slope 40 - (-20) =-20dBidee -20dB/dec implies that, at « = 0,5radi/sec there is a presence of a real pole ‘Therefore portion of the K K TEGG)= Kk GO" Siest) 5) sis 05 At @ = 8 tad/sec, slope changes from - 40dB/dec to -20dBidec Change in New slope - ptevious slope 20 — (= 40) = 20dB/dec 20dB/dec implies that, at « = 8rad/see there is s (+8) s sling) At @ = 22,6%rad/sec slope changes from — 20dB/dec to-40dB/dec ‘Change in slope = New slope ~ previous slope =-40 ~ (-20) = -20dB/dee -20dB/dec implies that, at 0=22.62rad/sec there is a presence of a reat pole K(1+sT,) s (1+8,)(1+sT3) (i) s s ee ( oe eB) (-20log) + 20logK = 36dB at o=0.5 2logK = 20l0g0.5 +36 =30 K=25=32 _a presence of a realzero, ‘Therefore portion of the ives TFG) Therefore the TF G(s)= Fale 05 l6V2 _32(0.5)(16V2)(s+8) (8)s(s + 0.5)(5 + 16¥2) Therefore TF ___45(8+8) 8 (8+0.5)(s + 22.62) G6) 20. The asymptotic Bode plot for the gain magnitude of a minimum phase system G(s) is shown in Fig, The transfer function G(s) is 100 @—_10 (4 s/10)(1+ 5/250) 40 ©) e250) 100 ©) ———__ (5 +10){s + 250) @—1%s (s-+10) (s+ 250) Ans: (a) Sol: From the slopes and corner frequencies shown in Fig, a K Go) = ——*__. @ @ 1452) fej 10, 250 G) = . (3) (5) As@— Gors—>0, 20 logK = 40 4B, 2 K=100 SSSR dated | New et | ent | Bbesvar | Vinavada | Vieja | Tia] Pane | Chen 254: Control Systems 21. The asymptotic magnitude Bode plot of an open loop system G(s) with K > 0 and all poles and zeros on the left hand side of the s- plane is shown in the figure, It is completely symmetric about , . The minimum absotute phase angle contribution by G(s) is given by Wail STUBS Cc) 1 @ 100" =a aifidee . ToE0 | (a) 78.6° (b) 90° (© 1014 (@) 180° Ans: (c) Sol: From ihe Bode plot, K| 43) G@ = ‘ {ie a 100 Oo) = ZGGa) 180° + tan (o) — wn = } 100. &o) is absohite’ minimum at @ = 4 (10) = 10 vs i o tan” tan” | —— (o)> tan (2) ¢ Minimum phase angle 180° + 84.3° - 5.7° = -101.4° 2. The Bode magnitude plot of Hie) gteiad (10+ j @) (1004 jo) © des * 40 Ge log (0) D @ wD Enin © [H Ga)aB 4 40. pr log (@) tO TNS 20 -40 @ — |HGayaB. 40 20 og(o) 10 2 20 40 Ans: (a) Sol: HGo) = 10 +0) (0+ je)(100+ jo)? Was 10100)? IHGa) 4 204 i 155; Frequency Response Analysis Comer frequencies are 1, 10 & 100 rad/ sec = 20logk =~20dB lo < (Least comer frequency) |H(jo, GM & PM from the bode plot Consider the bode plot as given in fig below. GM =20log eae eee [eGo jHUo,.) =~ 20log\G(ja,.)HJ@,.)] (-20dB)=20dB see the fig beside PM =180° + 2G(jo,.)H(jO,.) £180" + (-140°) = 40° (SCARIER) 1 acta | New Dewi Beale | Binbaneswar | Viaverada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupali | Pane | Chennal ®@ 56. Control Systems Bode Plots for Typical Transfer Functions : Bode plot Maas ‘O.dBioct 20108 Fo cies Mists ivderabad | New Deli | Benaira | Dsbaneswar | Vinyorads | Viakapaiam | Tpad | Pane | Chena ACE O iA Taaion 872 Frequency Response Analysis K ees - eee [RGR crated | New Det | Bene | Bhobaneovar | Visa | Viskapaimam [Tirupati | Pune | Cheana @red Bua 158: Control systems = | Miva _ =60Bidec « > og 0 re ae Mie we M KGr, #1) | ~6EBiee P logo | e —40dB ides 23. A system has poles at 0.01 Hz, 1Hz and 80 Hz; | zeros at 5 Hz, 100 Hz and 200 Hz. The approximate phase of the system response at 20Hzis (@)-90° (b) 0° Ans: (a) 1 Sol: T=— er gp = ST aMLE STAM + ST.) (1+, i+ ST, + ST, ZTF= L(tan'oT Han wiTa4a0" ota) Aan" oTpy Hae eT Han oT) sap Taso Te a (5) 2x(100) 2n(200) 1 L Te a0" Fay" = 2nf=2n(20) ZIE ~ -90° (© — @-180° Polar plot : From the polar/Nyguist plot GM, PM, range of K for stability ee... can be found. ‘Number of right hand poles can also be found. Itis a plot of magnitude and phase of G(S)H(S) in polar coordinates while ‘a is varied from 0 to <0, The sinusoidal transfer function G(jo) is a complex function and is given by e [Gj@)] + Im [GGja)] G(ja) | Z6Gjo) [RISEN rtd | New De | Benen | Biabanevar | Visywods | Viskapan |Top | Pane | Chama = M 26 Polar form From above equation, itis seen that G(jo) may be represented as a phasor of magnitude M and phase angle 6. As the input frequency o is varied from 0 to «o, the magnitude M and phase angle 6 change and hence the tip, of the phasor G(j@) traces a locus in the complex plane. The locus thus obtained is known as polar plot. Point of intersection of the polat/ Nyquit plot with ect to negative real axis is calculated as given below. Let ‘a’ be the point of intersection and it is the ‘magnitude at the phase cross over frequency a=| G(s)H(s)}_at phase cross over frequency. GM & PM from the Polar Plot: Let us consider the polar plot as shown in figure below. Img of G(S)HS) GMBolog(t/a) \ G(S)H(S) plane aly Real of GSS) Fig: shows a pola plot of a stable system ACE Engincering Publications 159: Frequency Response Analysis Enclosed: A point or region is enclosed, if it lies ee ee 0 to the right side of the path if the polar plot wrarc= N27 <-180 direction is 0 to ©. (calculations are shown below) For the stability of a closed loop system (-1, j0) wee 02-270" should not be enclosed by the polar plot. In the above figure _ (-1, j0) is not enclosed, Img therefore the corresponding closed loop system is stable. ro In the above figure 1, 0) is enclosed, therefore At art, ZO(HI6) =~ 180° the corresponding closed ioap system is unstable. 7 180° = 90° fan" ( -1n°(2) =90° =~ tan“ -a(2) 2 90° = tan ‘o)im"(2) Apply “tan” on beth sides ®) tons ()) tet tans! 2 | Examples 24, Obtain the polar plot’ fora system whose characteristic equation is 43s? +2844 =0 (@= Op), Sol: Given characteristic equation is V2 rad/sec CE=s) +39? +28 +4 = =1+G(s)H(s)=0 4 CE= 1+. s(s+1\s+2) 4 Comparing G(s)H(s — omparing, G(s)A(s) (s+ 1fs+2) 4 in Margin (dB)= G()H)=- — Gain Margin (4B)=~20log1.5 (HG) ovo? +1¥o2 +4 Polar plot is shown below 25. In a polar plot, the curve was found to cross the negative real axis at -1,2, then 160: Control Systems (@) The gain margin is 1.2. Ans: (a) (b) The gain margin is 1.833 ce- 1 © me gain margin is es s(l+sT, +87) (4) The gain margin is 0 : am fo a eee tan''(oT;) =~ 180° Sol: The point of intersection “a” = -1.2 moan an ae a i baa ees tat" (oT) tan! (aT 7 Gain margin = ania =0.83 tan! ( @T) + tan" { oT) 26. For a transfer function with pure transportation lag, the polar plot is (a) a semi circle with centte at (-1, 0) and. radius 1 in the clockwise direction, (b) a semi circle with centre at (~ 1, 0), and radius 1 in the anti-clockwise direction. (©)a circle with origin'as the centre and radius 1. A (4) polar plot does not exist. Aas: (c) Sol: Transportation lag a 1 magnitude = e“**| #204 fh phase =-ot Fey nyt, TD The polar plot: Tat 1 T,+T; om= 1 gu= 1th Ty TT, T+T, 90 27. The open loop tansfer function of a unity |28. The frequency Tesponse of feedback control system is given as G(s)=I/{s(S+1)6+2)] plotted in the complex 6) 1 GG) plane (for 0l (+aTS) 1+ 18 0 acl we KES Sq FST) S(+ST,)(+ST,) [ERED tad Now Deke Bengt | Dhabancsvar | Vinyovada | Viiapatam | Tirpal | Pan | Chena ‘fe te ee 163: Frequency Response Analysis K(s+iy) 3 3 Nyquist plot and Stability Criteria Encircled: a point (or) a region is said to be encircled if it lies inside the closed path. Positive - for counter clock wise (CCW) Negative = farclockwise (CW) N=No. of encirclements Let us consider the encirclements of the following regions. Nyquist path (or) contour: It encloses the entire right side of S-plane and it should not pass through poles of G(S)H(S) which are on the jo axis and at the origin, Therefore small semicircles with radius €(< —> 0) are drawn around the poles on the jo axis and at the origin as shown in fig, below. Examples of some of the Nyquist contours are shown below. | Benglara | Bhubaneswar | Visyavada | Vaskbapatnam | Tirupati | Pane | Chennai Control Systems Poles and zeros of F(S) Let F(S)=1+G(S)H(S) and K(S+3) (8) = "I Gs) SS+2)" H(S)=1 _KG+3) G(S)H(S) = S(S+2) (1) _ _ S(S+2)+K(S+3) F(S) = 1+ G(S)H(S) = 7 ee cS) G(s) RG) 1+G(S)H®) KG+3) =cLTF=—S*9) gy SG+2)+K(S+3) From equations (1), (2) and (3) Poles of F(S) = poles of G(S)H(S) Zeros of F(S) = poles of closed loop system Condition for Stability: All the zeros of F(S) should lie in the left side of $-Plane. Nyquist Plot: It is the mapping of Nyquist contour into G(S)H(S) plane, i.e. corresponding to the entife, Nyquist contour, the Nyquist plot G(S)H(S) is plotted. Nyquist stability riteria (NSC):Nyquist_plot will encicle (1, j0) critical point as many no, of timés as the difference between, the number of right side poles and zeros of F(S) N= P-Z N.=~ Number of encirclements of (1, j0) “by the Nyquist plot. ‘P= Number of right side poles of FS) (or) right side poles of G(S)H(S) Number of right side zeros of F(S) (or) poles of closed loop TF L= For stability °Z’ must be zero ie. Z~0 NSC states that C1, j0) critical point should be encircled in the CCW direction as many number of times as the number of right side poles of G(S)H(S). (SSR stag New Dea Bergan | Bhaancovar | Viva | Vislapatam | Tirupati | Pune | Cheol 30. Sketch the Nyquist plot on a plain paper for the unity feedback system with the following open loop transfer function G(s) = 10 a 3d from th th Sd+ajds0.5s) Md fom the plot find the ‘number of right half of s-plane poles. Sol: Given that G()=——° __ s(1+8)(1+0.55) © Nyquist plot is the mapping of Nyquist contour(S-plane) into G(s)H(s) plane.” © The Nyquist contour in the s-plane enclosing the entire right half of S-plane and is shown. below. S-plane Cy Nyquist Contour ‘The Nyquist Contour has four sections Ci,-C2, Cs and Cy, These sections are mapped into G(SH(s) plane = Mapping of section C, : It is the positive imaginary axis, therefore substitute s = jo, (sex) in the TF G(s)H(), which gives the polar plot GOH) 10 s(145)(140.58) . A 10 60) joKIFO 50) 10 GG0)HGo) =——— - oy1+o7)(1 + (0.50)") ZG(s)H(s) = Z— (90° + tan""(o) + tan"(0.50)) [CREE Ns Dae Te Frequency Response Analysis 02-90" from rectang-tar form) = Op=V2 3332-180" tersection of the Nyquist plot with respect to negative real axis, whose calculations are given below) =o 02270" point of intersection of the Nyquist plot with respect to negative real axis is calculated below Method-I : 10 ArgGGa)HGe) = are 0 Sj0) = -180° will give the ‘ope’ Magnitude ‘of G(ja)H(o) gives the point of intersection Z-(90° + tan”! (@) + tan (0.50) ==180"| . pe tan“'(o,,) + tan"'(0,50,,) =90° Taking tan both the sides 0.5 One Oe = tan'90° = 00 pe ie (1-0.50},)=0" @,.=V2 rad/see Methoa-tI. Phase crossover frequency may also be calculated by equating the imaginary part of G(ja)KGe) to zero 10 GGo\HGo) = Fajoy10 Say 7 10 © Go-0(140.5j0) . 10 j0-0.507-07-0.5j0° - 10 -1.507+}0(1-0.50") Rationalizing, Viayavada | Visakhapatnam | Tirupati | Pune | Chennai ACE yincerng Publican 166: _____antrat systems M i of ¥ It is the negative Ggw)Hjo)= : ping of section Cu It is the neyative “1.50? + jo(1-0.50") (—1.50? —joi-0.50)) = 1,507 ~ jo(1~6.5e?) ) Now equating the imaginary part of expression to sexo (10.505 0 ,,°V2 radisec ‘Therefore the point of intersection is [Go JHGo Jat ope {voy The mapping of the section C: is shown below E+ O.S5e96)") jogo At 0 the polar plot is eae asympotit he stright line ” : oie Gtje}HGjoo) plane Point of intersect *333 From @=0" Mapping of section Cy:- It is the radius ‘R? semicircle, therefore substitute s=lim Re? (@ is from 90° to 0° to -90°) in the TF G(s)H(s), which ‘merges to the origin in G(s)H(s) plane. 10 G(s)H(s) = -————— (HO = Fay 055) 10 G(Re*)H(Re®) = —______________ «0 Reh HRe") Re®(1+Re*)(1+0.5Re”) ‘The plot is shown in figure below img G(S)H(S) plane real Hyderabad | New Delhi | Bergalura | Bhubaneswar | Visvawada | Viskhapainaan | Tirupat | Pune | ‘Tho plot is shown in figure beiow ime Te oo ip o | GGo)HGa) plane i | Jo=20"s, Real S wg of section Cy IC is the radius , therefore substitute s = Limee”™ TF G()H(), which radius semicircle in . semici clockwise infinite plane. ihe plot is shown below 0=909 22-90 Wis clear that the plot is clockwise ‘vo’ radius semicircle centred at the origin img G()HG) plane ~> Real oa] 167: Frequency Response Analysis Combining all the above four sections, the |ne®25| al : 10 os Nyquist plot of G(=)H(6)=——? _ j yaistpat of GIH)= Fas (Go. |". "202 is shown in figure below. 7 Pear Nyquist plot passes through (-0.5, j0) cae 32. Consider the following Nyquist plot of a oF feedback system having open loop transfer © JH.) plane function. GH(s)=(S+1)/ [ss - 2)} as shown in the diagram given below: Img GH Real of G(s)H(8) P=0 from the TF G()H(s), N= -2 N=P-Z; Z=P-Np Z=0-(-2) Hence the corresponding closed loop 4ystem is) unstable with two right half of s:plane poles. 31. In the GH(S) plane, the Nyquist plot of the Toop transfer function G(s) H(s) = — passes through the 5 negative real axis at the point. (@) (0.25, j0) (0) (0, j0) OCLIDM @,j0 -oint of intersection with negative real axis = |6Go,HGo,.)| tata Jp - (0250, +2 2 0.250,. 5 = 2 What is the number of closed loop poles in the right half of the s-plane? @)o by) 1 ()2 @3 Ans: (€) 3 33, Match’ List I (Nyquist Plot of Loop Transfer Functionof aControl System) with List II in Margin in dB) and select the correct answer using the code given below the Lists List ‘A. Does not intersect the negative real axis B. Intersects the negative real axis between 0 and (-1, j9) Passes through (-1, j0) Encloses (-1, j0) c D. List IT 1.>0 2.0 3.<0 4.0 Hyderabad | New Debi | Bengalura | Bbubaseswar | Vinyamada | Viekapatam | Tirupati | Pane | Chennai 268: Controt Systems Codes: 35. A unity feedback system has the open loop ABCD 1 @24 13 wansfefintion G09) = ae ) 5 i 4 ; ‘The Nyquist plot of G encircle the origin ia a (a)Never (b) Once (a ue (©) Twice (@ Thrice Ansi(e) io 34, Match List 1 (Scientist) with List Tl Gs) = &H()=1 (Contribution in the area of) and select the aT Nene) correct answer: The Nyquist plot of OLT G(s)H(G) will List sews [eeneincle the origin as many no. of times as A. Bode r “the Wifference between the no. of right side B. Evans , poles and zeros of OLTF G(s)B(3) C. Nyquist 0 Nowy s P-Zotre List 11 Noo = No: Beoriienss of the origin 1. Asymptotic plots 2. Polar plots. 4 P=No, of right: fide poles of G(s}Ei(8) 3. Root -locus techni Louse ‘tight side zeros of OLTF Cades: A @ (b) 2 ©3 @1 yfclockwise infinite radius 1the Nyquist plot is equal to q x number of pdtes of G(S)H(S) at the origin(.e Ans:(4) ‘ i type of the system) Perera) GOH) Nyquist plot sT,+1 kK (T, +1)GT, +1) @..2 BY vagneing Publications 269: Frequency Response Analysis_ GOH) Nyquist plot K SE | ana GR ADCT +67 +1) mS K(sT, +1) ore Hiderabed | New Debi | Bengaara | Bhbancovar | Visyawada | Veathapamam | Tra | Puno | Chena ACE sane Pict G(S)HG) a [+sT x_ 6-) | Unstable with one right hand | Stable pole .N=0 « Stable —K__ Sie ST} a | iydcrabad | New Deli | Bengalure | Bhubanesvar | Visyavada | Visikhapainam | Tirwpai | Pune | Chennai —_ ACE Engineering Publications 7h: Frequency Response Analysis Leta=i | Leta>T P=0,N=0 ),N=-2 K Z=Ostable © —(2)=2 | S0+S7)0+ST,) Where Unstable with two | a KTTA(TT) right hand poles a P=0,N=2 NN Z=2 Unstable K . With two right hand poles Fass SU+ST) > KG+K,8) s(S=1) | 222s | K(S+))? Unstable 1 two right ‘poles [Sear Ne ahi | Bencire | Breer | Visprc | Vapman | Tr | Pne | Chen Controllers (or) compensators are used to obtain the desired performance specifications. In control system the controllers are connected in several ways. They are: 1. Series (or) cascade compensators 2. Feedback (or) parallel compensators 3. State feedback compensators 4, Series feedback compensators 5. Forward compensators 6. Feed forward compensators, et. Series (or) cascade compensators. are discussed. here. Input 1, Proportional Controller: Transfer function G. (8) = Kp It is used to vary the system. Proportional amplifier with gain Ke 2. Integral Controller: Transfer function of Integral controler iG. (6) = Gi/s) It is used to decrease thé'sieae increasing the type of the syste Stability decreases 3. Derivative Controller: Transfer fusiction of Derivative controller is Ge 6) = (Kos) It is used to increase the stability of the system. Stability of any system is increased by adding zeros. Steady state error increases, since type of the system decreases 4, Proportional Integral (PI) Controller: Transfer function of proportional Integral controller PEGS ta | New Dew | Bengra | Bhaancswar | Visyavads | Viakhapainam | Tropa | Pane [Chea Compensators & Controllers G, (8) = (Ke + Ki/8) i uerk,{t+z] Where 7, =X? is K, known as integral or reset time, It is used to decrease the steady state error without effecting stability. Since a pole at origin and a zero is added. ‘Effects of Pl controller: J Type'iof the system is increases, hence the ‘steady stale error is decreases. Fe idth decreases and Rise time, increases. sponse becomes slower . Inproves damping and reducing maximum overshoot 4, Filters out high frequency noise It i8 used to increase the stability without effecting steady state error. Since type is not “changed and zero is added. irefcase Bandwidth Reduces Rise time settling time. i.e. transient response is improved. 3. Improves GM, PM and M,. 4, Noise enter at high frequency. 5. Possibly requires a relatively large capacitor in circuit. 6. Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID) Controller : Transfer function of proportional Integral Derivative controller is G(s) = (Ke + Ky /S + Kp 8) 1 okt dons} ACE ‘Engineering Publications 273: __ Compensators & Controllers It adds the advantages of the above two 7 rs comtollss n= spe Maximum phase lead lag It is used to decrease the steady state error and to increase the stability. Since pole at origin frequency) Om i ic mean of the and two zeros are added. One zero compensate es eS eh eee ee the pole and other zero will increase the | comer frequencies dgt stability, 1 1 Tat =1tog t+ tog! ives 7. Proportional Band (PB) {ie at vet] S Some instrument manufactures calibrate the controller gain as proportional band. A 10% PB means that a 10% change in the controller a input causes a full scale (100%) change: | tan” Ont 100 aca controller output Ke = 55° gain Es . Lead and Lag compensators: ERR era | New Dah Benga | Baber | Vingovada | Viagem [Pine [Chennai PEGE ocr | New Det | engl | Bhbaneswar | Vinvavadh | Vislapanamn | Tirwped | Pe (Chennai ACE O wx ABoieien 175: Compensators & Controllers ‘The above controllers/compensators can be realized using the OP-AMP as shown in the table below. ‘Operational Ampiifie Circuits, ER a New Dai [Beni | Bhancavar | Vonrorac | Voakapanam | Tropa | Pane [Chea 176: Control systems | Eead 15 By Caries ak Jes OL. The phase angle versus frequency plot is shown below : logo The network is a (a) PID controller (b) Lag-tead network (©) PDcontroller (d) Pl controller Ans: (b) Sol: In the given diagram the phase angle is lagging at low frequency and leading at high frequency. Hence itis for lag-Lead Network. 02. An ON-OFF controtter is a (a) P controller (b) Integral controller (©) Non-linear controller (@ PID controller Ans: (6) Sok ON - OFF controller is a Non-linear controller. 03. The term ‘reset control’ reefers to (a) proportional control (b) integral contro! (©) derivative control (@) PID controller ‘Ans: (b) Sol: Reset controller is nothing but integral controller. 04. A. system has open-loop transfer given by +9 04059 The performance of this system is made faster with a controller of the form GK), The (HT, s) controller is operated in closed-loop with unity feedback. In order to increase the system — with speed of response (a) T=1 (b) T)=05 and T)=1 (©) T= 1andT,=1 @ Ti =0.5 and T; < 0.5 EG a ee ers | Htaneve | Vga | Vip | Tapa | Pane [eat AE. Eaginerog Publications Compensators & Controllers ‘Ans: () Ans: (@) Sok: Substitute T; and T) Values, which are given | Sol: To improve the dysamics, a PD controller in options and observe root locus, diagram. can be used The branch away from imaginary axis gives quick response because time constant decrease({lead controller) 05. The high cut off frequency function of the is ; a al (a) 106 /2n Hz (b) 120 2n Hz (6) 50 2n Hz (@) 30 2n Hz Ans: (¢) 06. Which of the following is correct expression for the transfer function of an Electrical RC Phase lag compensating network? __GcR, +1) RCs sc, +R,) © Tres) 1 1 _i_ 6) —1_ © TRG) © (+ RCs Ans: (a) Sol: Phase Lag networks, R+I/Cs___(sCR, +1) R,+1/Cs+R, 1+sC(R, +R,) Vi(s) 07. A temperature control system is usually very sluggish. To improve its dynamics (a) a Pl controller can be used (b) an I controller can be used (©) a PID controller with large I and a negligible D action can be used (@ aPD controller can be used 08. Match the characteristics with the system transfer function. (a) All pass @e** (b) Transport delay (f) a= Its 1 Lead m = (©)Lead compensator (8) >> (d) Unstable = 484100 . 10(1+0.35) © G01 Sol: a-f, bee, e-,d-g 09. the TR=2+7S is a jag controller the 1+aTS value of o & dn respectively are @acl 6, =sint 2 y 4 atl al-a @a>t, 6, =sin Ans: (d) 10. Match List ~ 1 with List I and select correct answer using the codes given below the lists: ea compensation (B) Lead 2. compensator | 3. (©) Stability (©) Instability | S-plane L 5. PI-control Hyderabad | New De ‘engi | Bhibancvar | Vinyavada | Viana Tim O ssc CBrteay 178: Control Systems A BCD Sol: @ 2 5 13 600 6) 3 1 2 5 15) =-180" @ 1 2 3 4 S(S+D6+9) Jono, ea eet eres A =sradisee ‘Ans: (d) he Statement for Linked Answer Questions 11 & 12 = The transfer function of a compensator is given as s(s-+1)(s-+9) KIT, (GATE-INEE/EC-12) us Tah 11. Ge(s) is Iead compensator if @)a=1,b=2 (b)a=3, @aa3b= Aas: (a) Sol: phase ofg -(8)= $1 postive pa 4 ’ =20log——— + 12. The phase of the above lead compensélor is qu “16(0,.)Hio,.] maximum at : é wa (@) V2 rad/s (b) V3 rad/s GM = Dot) 20dB (©) Vo ras @ WV rad System is unstable @ 5 Ne @y, should become Og gain cross over Maximum phase lead occurs atthe geometric ‘equency, <:og = 3 radon, the magnitade mean of the two CFs land 2 ie ¥2 should be 0 dB. ° y = “0° dB at @g=3 13, The system 900/s(s + 1)(8 + 9) is to be such. ea oe a aestia that its gain crossavet.fiequency. becomes attenuation of 204B(before compensation the same as its uncompensated phase crossover raggitude is 204B) is used. frequency ‘ai Provides a 45° phase MaNBIM. } 29 obtain 45° phase margin at o,.~Brad/sec a To achieve this, one may use Fi ee 0 5 (@) lag. compensator that provides an lead compensator with phase ead of 45 i ion of f ray Bare lag of ©. A lag-lead compensator that provides an (b) a lead compensator that provides an oe of ae and Se of 45° at amplification of 20dB and a phase lead pneu nOy On mec : at th 3 . @ eae ee thane vides an | M4 Tachometer or derivative error compensation aie eee is employed in feedback control systems to amplification of 20dB and a phase alg o seers ate 45° atthe frequency of V3 rad/s een (@ a lag lead compensator that provides an ; . attenuation of 204B and phase lead of 45° Oe at the frequency of 3 rad/s ys Ans: (d) EGR aa | Nee Dei Hemet | Bhaneoar | Vinyard | Viapamam | Tupal | Pe [Chena Ans: Sok: Ans: 16. Ans: V7 Ans: 18. Ans: oo Ans: ACE ia ets Foil (c) improve the steady state response of the system (@ none of the above (@) In the CE s*+2a,s+w.=0 , ‘s’ coefficient that is 2m, —imereases hence damping Increases, Once the value of Kp of a PD controller is fixed, increasing the value of Kp will increase the PM monotonically (T/F) FALSE If a PD controller is so'designed-that ‘the’ characteristic equation: roots” have better damping than the ‘original system, the maximum overshoot of the system is always reduced (I/F) FALSE tee f i A system compensated with @ PD’ controller is usually more robust than a system - compensated with Pl-controller (T/F) TRUE The phase lead controller is generally less effective if the uncompensated system is very unstable to begin with (T/F) TRUE The maximum phase that is available from a single stage phase lead controller is 90° (T/F) TRUE 2792 20. 21. 22, Ans: 2A 25, Ans: Compensators & Controllers ‘The design objective of the phase lead controller is to place the maximum phase lead at new gain cross over frequency (I/F) TRUE The design objective of the phase lead controller is to place the maximum phase lead at the frequency where the magnitude of the uncompensated process is -10 logioa, where ‘a’ is the gain of the phase lead controller (T/E) ss TRUE Phase lead controller may not be effective if the negative slope of the uncompensated process TF is too.steep near the gain cross over frequency (T/F) TRUE a phase lag controller, if the value of “T is large.and the value of ‘a’ is small, it is equivalent to adding a pure attenuation of ‘a’ to the original uncompensated system at the low frequencies (1/F) : TRUE ‘The. principle of design of the phase lag controller is » utilize the zero frequency erty of the controller (T/F) The comer frequencies of the phase lag controller should not be too low or the band width of the system will be too low (T/F) Ans: TRUE EGR aie [New Dc [Benatar | Bhubaneswar | Vinyaweda | Visthapatoam | Tira | Pane [Cheon Advantages: ‘© Classical methods of @ system analysis so far discussed are valid for LTIS, where as SSA is valid for nonlinear and time variant systems in addition to LTIS, © The starting point for the system analysis by classical methods is the transfer function, where initial condition are assumed to be zero. In SSA TF is not the starting point for the system analysis * Frequency response is valid for sinusoidal inputs only, where as SSA is valid for class of inputs. * SSA is basically time domain’ in approach, digital computers are also-being time domain in approach could be made use of SSA for obtaining solution © Optimal design for a given performance index is possible by SSA. © In SSA a given system is represented’by a group of first order differential equation: hence it is easy to solve. For example 2" onder system is written into two 1* order differential equations, Disadvantag 1. Techniques are complex 2. Many computations are required. State : The state of a dynamic system is the smallest set of variables and the- knowledge of these variables at t=ty together with inputs-for t ty completely determines the behavior of the system at t 2 t. A compact and concise representation of the past history of the system can be termed as the state of the system. State variables: The smallest set of variables that determine the state of the system are known as state variables. The knowledge of capacitor, voltage at 1 = 0, ie, the initial voltage of the capacitor is a history dependent terms and it forms a state variable, Similarly, initial current in an inductor is treated as a state variable, State vector: The n state variables that completely describe the behavior of a given system are said to ben components of a vector. State space: Then n-dimensional space whose coordinate axes consist of the x1 axis, x2 axis ete. is known as a state space, Inputs Number of state variables = order of the system(n) = number of independent energy storage elements in the system = number of poles of the system ‘State Space Representation (SSR): Consider multi input multi output system as shown in figure. u(t) MiMo -}—~ vil) System (0 Diseases 20) x(t) x(t) For the above system state and output equations are written as State equations are Sn(= x(t) = a Mell) + a AO + by WH) + By UCD) x0) xalt) = 4c XO + dea HAG + bai U0) + De ACE) Hyderabad | New Dei | Hengaura | Bhubaneswar | Vijayawada | Viaklupatnam | Tirupal | Pune [Chennai ‘Outputs sage By representing these in matrix form, G}-e IED C8 X= AX@) + BUG a=(e =) p(t =] eae “(bn ba Output equations are (1) yi) ye 11 Xa(t) + C12 Xa(t) + dy w(t) + die u(t) as Bt) +m mt) * dH) + dew) By representing these in matrix form, Gi- 2)GaeG S)Ch Y() = CX() + DUH a {tn ce) » (du da o-(: 2) Gir) (2) ‘The above equation (1) is: called the dynamic equation or state equation and equation (2) represents the output equation. Equations (1) & (2) represents state model. In general state model or SSR for the n™ order system is given below ao [A]. X()+B).,,U@—State equation Y() = [CleoX(t) + [D]qxpU(t) ---Output equation where Y(t) = Output U(t) = Input n= order of the system 1p = number of inputs = number of outputs A,B, C & D are the matrices [A] is a system matrix X(1) =is a state vector X() = [xi x20. Where x;(t) X2(t) are the state variable Nate: SSR is not unique, a system may have more than one SSR. Few of the SSR’s are Controllable Canonical Form (CCF), xa)" Xa(t) Hyderabad | New Delhi | Bengaluns | Bhubanesrar | Viayavada | Viahapatam | Tips State Variable Analysis Observable Canonical Form (OCF), Normal form ete, In normal for there are “iagonal Canonical Form- DCF for distinct eigen values and Jordon Canonical form for repeated or multiple eigen values. Relation between these canonical forms and TF bes’ +¢,8° +e8+e,) s'ta,s) +a,8" asta) OCF forms are given below TF then the CCF and ‘SSRin CCF: SSR in OCF: 0.0 0 -2, a X=! 1080" ~ap xa +|° uw 0-10 -al "le, oo -a,| «| y(t)=[0 0 0 bk) TF-DCF Tr=. (css He Sty) ___b(c,8" +6,8+ 69) 8 +a,8'+asta, (S+p,\($+P,\(S+P,) by b, b, a es +P.) +p.) (S+P,) The) =o 4 X@=| 0 =p, 0 [X(+}m, [UH 0 0 =p, a YO=lé. m; 0,)KQ) Where ,¢; =b,;m,m, =by; m,n, =b, Westteste) bh, Be yb “Grp eep.) apy GP)” Grp r ACE Engineering Academy 182: Control Systems en) 0 and Y(t)=[0 i X(=| 0 =p, 0 |X(@H+}1 [UH (0) 0 0 -p, 1 DCF YE)=[, by bs}xC PO Sx ibe fai 6 (+, iw ‘TF from the SSR and yo=h “Kw X(t) AO = ax(yy+ BU) at 02. Obtain the SSR of a system described by the Y(t) =CX()+DUO following TF in JCF Taking LT of the above equations _ 2st 65+7) X= AX(s)+BU(s)_..... (I) ee en avae Y=CX()+DUGQ) .....2) © ES agen)” Gale eb ms s X(s)=A X (s) + BU(s) sX(s)—A X()=BU (s) , fees, ° X(s)[sl-A] = BUG) X=] 0-10 [x4] 1 UM X(6)= [SFAJ" BUG) (8) i ee Substitution of eq(3) in 2) Y= <1 3)xk() Y(s) = CISL-A}" BU(s) + DUG) 0 en 5 E OB XH=|0 0 1 bp+oluw |-2, 34) 3 a y@=[6 5 1] X(). The Tp ¥) is ISI - Al = 0 is called as characteristic equation. j us) Roots of the characteristic equation are called as S' 43846 the eigen values of the mattix ‘A’. On sas 0) ee Pg Tige +2 ( 282158 +18 01. Obtain the SSR of a systéiti‘deseribed by the S* dSiot 38 +2 following differential ~ equation (@)None** dy | 3dy += + 2y=u(t) by CCE, OCF and |Ans: (c) a at Sol: SSR is in CCF ‘Normal forms Sol: CCF 04. Match List — I (Matrix) with List ~ if afro. Ir A le ah eo (Dimension) for the SSR_X = AX +BU dtixxO} [-2 -3]ba(0. Y = CX + DU and select the correct answer xO) using the codes given below the fists. and y(t) =[1 a °) List-1 List - II 2 a) A Lnxp ocr b) B Laxe 4fn0]/° 210), jc 3inxn dt{x.t)| [1 x(t) || 4d) D 4.qxp ER ee ratad | Nor Det | Benger | Bhubancowar | Vieyanada | Veaapamam | Tiropa| Pune [Chena ® sngib Paton 283: State Variable Analysis_ Codes: fio} (‘: 3 a booed @® 1 3 42 -— le (b) 1 302 4 (s+) (8-3) (©) 3 1 4 2 @ 3 1.2 4 Y@)___&-3) __ X(s)_ (s+1) (6-3) Ans: (@) 05. A state variable formation of a system is Ye). 1 given by the equations X(s) (s+) mi |_(-1 9) (x, pay og |06e-The Eigen values of the — matrix fa} 60 3) We es “t a(t) The transfer function of the’System is 1 (b) 0,-3,-4 @ None roots are called as a Roi ate.0-1 Sol: SSR is in DCF hence % ae eee i OT. the is Tr= (D0), OO) = | a) ot ae + ee 00 =20)" (3 (s+1) (8 #3) (s+) i Ya Or Method 2 1 0 geeeix+}1 Transfer function od 9 o). XG) _ feo" y= (0.0 Tx XG) | The characteristic ‘equation of the system is (a) Given a= |“! [p= 03 yy" (c) 8° +2487+9s +2 (@) None of the answers is correct, oral, ‘Lf gos ® | os} lo 3fLo @-3 Ans: (b) (stay" 1 [ ° ] Sol: SSR is in OCF-.Characteristie equation is GHDE 0 wel), s°+95? + 24s 420 =0 ( Y 08. For the system X i ee li g*,? 0 Ic . 0 4f hy vs) _ o Gell y=[4 0}X , with was unit impulse and x(s) (6-3)6+1) with zero initial state, the output, y, becomes (a) 20% (b) 4c" (©) 2e* (d) 4c PG Tad | New Det [Beng | Bianca | Vwarads | Vitapatam | Tropa | Pane [Obes @ ing AFiainy 184: Control Systems Ans: (b) B KR Sol: SSR is in DOF hence ce Matrix P's | Lp re =0)4) , (0) __ 4 1 0 (5-2) (8-4) (s~2) 10. The transfer function of the system described IR=L"[TF] = 4e by the state — space equations 4] [-4 -1 i 09. The following equation defines a separately [; [ 3 1 al + (i 4, -3 -I) Le exited de motor in the form of a differential equation do, Bdo KE a? oid Uo Ly" The above equation may be organized. inthe’ state space form as follows eed State Space representation is EP TSE i Fs rt of] w =78 8 +5841 aoe eg Nay l an) (LOLGIpAy"> = = s+5s+1 [. The state equation for the state diagram shown in Fig, below is ESSA ea | Nee Dati | Benes Bhansvar | Wynd | Viapamam | Tipe | Pine [Cheah 185: State Variable Analysis w|® [e i: elif Oe nl Lo 0 2 60 = «0 eT res 3. (tat) li — to) = (te ~ to) for any to, © ile 2 4 TS lo tite Se eg 4. (HOI = oan) x|J-p | pa fe alte apa My eR 2B, [eke Ans :(a) 12. Obtain the zero input response of the system Sol: x, =-prxi + 2x + aR - pax given below with state space representation X= Xo@2— pa)taR ~ px &, = aR ~ poxr [i|- [-» no lle fe LO -p. Jixe] s Solution to the stafe equation & state. | Sol: The zero inp sponse is given by transition matrix: x0) = 0), so = AX(t) +BU(0) state equation Taking lapla equation sX(s)-X(0) = 8 X(s) +AX(5) X()[sI-A] = x) F BUG) X(s)=[sl-A}' x(0) + SEA}! BUG) @ Q (1) Zero UP sotution (2) Zero state solution Where U(t) = Input X( 42 942 ~The state transition matrix HO= 1 OT gyal mt that) “Levan Jot cos V2 is called as state aia X= 4020, Properties of the State transition matrix: 2 f0O) {conte us2)sind3 0) (1 The state transition matrix g(t) possesses the (no { isin J2t cos V2t \() following properties: x(t) = cosy2t + (W//2 ) sin V2t x(t) = V2 siny/2t + cos ¥2t PEGS) erated | New Det | englura | Bhubancovar | Viayavaia | Visthapsnam | Tirupati | Pune [Chennai @ni8 286: Control Systems 3. For all values of “’, the matrix exponential ¢ 4" is nonsingular for (a) singular A (b) nonsingular A © alla (@ nothing can be said, in general, about non-singularity of e“' for a given A. ‘Ans :(a) 14, The state — variable representation of a plant is given by R=AxtBe | y=Cx where x is the state, u is the input and ys the. | output, Assuming zero initial, conditions, the. impulse response of the plant is given by (a) exp (At) ‘ (b) JexplAc-0) Bu@)dr” (©) Cexp (ADB Ve () € fomp(AC-B] Bu . The state transition matrix of the system with the transfer function G(s)= is, 4 = e = LE fst-a}? (star ew et] ene | hanes | Vigo | Visbapamamn | Tra | Pune [hema t)esin¢t) 2sin¢-4t)+siné-t) sing 2)" sia@d) | sin¢) Saco] (6) H{ sin (d+ 2sin(). 2sin(—48) ~2sin(-1) ; 3|-sin(-4t)+sinit) | 2sin(4t) +sin(t) @ i cost) +2c04(). | 2eost-4t)+2sint) ‘Slr costatyssinet). -~2eost-4t) +costt) Ans: (a) t+ 2sine) 9 ato ze ° 43 2 Gaen Gransey! eM ar{ot-ay] 63 2 er[er%eD Cae oe L i) Tray Tage, Len y2yr Zen y2et aja ae 3° ts eng A Oe, ‘State Variable Analysis sinat =| (8) +2sin(-t) ~2sin(—At) + 2sin(-1)] soem amen) | Controllability and Observability of linear systems: Consider that a linear time-invariant system is described by the following dynamic equations X(t) = Ax() + Bu® YO = Cx + Dutt) «A system is said to be controllable or state controllable or completely controllable, if possible to transform the initial stafé X(to) to. any desired state X(t), by applying t the. control vector or input. +A. aystem is ssid tpiSbe “abServable “Os completely observable, if it’ is possible to identify the state variables:by measuring the output, with in the finite interval of time. Kalman’s Test Observability: Controtiability matrix M=[B AB A’B ...A™ For controllability, singular. eae lity matrix = IC ATC (Ahi? re observability matrix, N must be non n singullt of - Controllability and. Blow Gilbert's Test of observability: To apply the Grilbert’s test the SSR should Be in ‘normal form (DCF/ JCF) & lab Controllability: © The rows of a ‘B’ matrix that correspond to the distinct eigen values should not have all zero elements. © The rows of a ‘B’ matrix that correspond to the last row of a Jordon block should not have all zero elements, Observability: * The columns of a ‘C’ matrix that correspond to the distinct eigen values should not have all zero element ‘matrix, M_ must \be non | © The columns of a ‘C’ matrix that corresponds to the first row of a Jordon block should not have all zero elements. Duality property of Controllability and Observability: ‘* f the pair (A, B) is controllable then the pair (A™, B') is observable. * If the pair (A, ©) is observable then the pair ay C’) is controllable. Notes'If.there are no pole- zero cancellations in the. TE Fg cot- al Bien the system is completely controllable and observable. The system. _o™"(a) controllable and observable ~-(b), comtroliable but unobservable ‘(©), observable’and uncontrollable ‘uncontrollable and unobservable ‘Ans: (a) Sol: From given state equations, += [La Ale-fife-ta Test for controllability:- M=[b ~( jo | “hd AB AB ... AM BoM eo -140 PEG tar Nee Dam | Berea | Bhar | Vinge | Vipera | Pane [haa O vrgt ery -. Given system is controllable. ‘Test for observabiltiy: c cA N= | op lod [ro an c= ca=pq | | -2 -1 CA=[11] mf system is observability: 18. Consider (©) controllable but unobservable (@) observable but uncontrollable Ans: () . 0 ~2) Sol: Given A= 1 ~3f wll wl IM|=1-1=0 system is not controllable Consider -|© CA, 0 1 C=[01], CA=[0 1] [ CA=[(I 3] “2 3 188: Control Systems we) CJA? } ca] [1-3 |N=0-1=-140. system is observable Method 2: SSR is in OCF hence system is observable, but there is a pole zero cancellation hence not controllable 19. Consider a second order system whose state space representation is of the form o= AX + BU. If xi (t) = x(t), then system is (a) controllable (b) uncontrollable (0) observable @ unstable ns: (by Sol: x,(t)=xx(0) a0 therefore 1). dt: dt a bfx) fe ( deol} Controllability: matric M=|[B AB] a ble) [ae+bf woes ea Since x,(t) = x3(t) “ps4 and e= f © (ac+bf)_ I a Determinant of M is zero therefore system is not controllable ES at New Dai [Benga | Rhabanesvar | Vinyavads | Vista | Tropa | Pine [Chennai]

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