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Management of Health, Safety, Environment and Security Questionnaire

1 Leadership & commitment 2 Policy & strategic objectives

1.1 Leadership & commitment 2.1 Policy & strategic objectives

Management of the Company should provide strong, Yes No There is a clearly stated policy and strategic objectives Yes No
visible leadership and commitment, and ensure that which take due account of legislation and industry
this commitment is translated into the necessary practice, includes a commitment to continual
resources, to develop, operate and maintain the HSES improvement, and are communicated and understood
MS and to attain the policy and strategic objectives. by employees and contractors

Do Managers participate in setting safety standards Are policies documented, available in appropriate
1.1.1 and measurable targets, and in establishing 2.1.1 languages, distributed to all concerned and available to
performance measurement systems and procedures? other interested parties?
Are there Plans to manage HSES? Are legal requirements identified and addressed?
1.1.2 2.1.2

Do Managers allocate the necessary resources, such Does the Policy include a commitment for continual
1.1.3 as time and money, to HSES matters? 2.1.3 improvement and prevention of pollution?

Are HSES matters placed high and routinely on the Are Industry standards and other requirements
1.1.4 2.1.4
agenda of meetings, from the Board downwards? recognised and reflected?
Do Managers communicate the importance of HSES Are Policies displayed at each location?
1.1.5 considerations in business decisions? 2.1.5

Do Management goals and objectives include HSES? Are Policies read, discussed and understood by those
1.1.6 2.1.6 affected with the intent that all parties know their
individual obligations?
Do Managers set a personal example in day to day Are Policies implemented?
1.1.7 work and make regular visits to the workplace? 2.1.7

Are Managers actively involved in HSES activities, Are Policies reviewed periodically?
1.1.8 investigations, audits, reviews and corrective actions at 2.1.8
both local and remote sites?
Do Managers have knowledge of HSES management? Are Objectives communicated to relevant personnel
1.1.9 2.1.9
and distilled into a programme to achieve them?
Do Managers follow HSES specialist advice? Are Employees involved in policy development, review
1.1.10 2.1.10
and revision?
Is participation of staff at all levels encouraged, through
1.1.11 seeking views in development and energetically 2.1.11
pursuing suggestions for improvement?
Do Managers promote a company culture conducive to
1.1.12 2.1.12
good HSES performance?
1.1.13 2.1.13
1.1.14 2.1.14
1.1.15 2.1.15

1.1.16 2.1.16

Please provide Evidence as indicated below: Please provide Evidence as indicated below:

Annual Management Review of HSE Performance Corporate HSE Polices

Annual HSE Objectives
Annual HSE Key Performance Indicators
Annual HSE Performance targets
Management of Health, Safety, Environment and Security Questionnaire
Organisation, Resources and Documentation
3 4 Evaluation & risk management

3.1 Organisational structure & responsibilities 4.1 Identification & evaluation of risk

There is Organisational structure in place for HSES Yes No Risks Assessments are carried out to identify and Yes No
management and HSES responsibilities are assess the risks to people, assets and the environment
incorporated into job descriptions and performance arising from operations.

Are HSES responsibilities included in individual job Are documented procedures established for the
3.1.1 descriptions? 4.1.1 ongoing identification of hazards, assessment of risk
and implementation of necessary control measures?
Are HSES responsibilities included in working Are documented procedures established and
documents (manuals, procedures, bridging documents) maintained for the ongoing identification of
3.1.2 where appropriate? 4.1.2 environmental impacts (positive and negative impacts)?

Is the principle that HSES is the responsibility of Do evaluations provide a description of measures to
3.1.3 everyone communicated and promoted? 4.1.3 control and monitor the risks?

Do individuals have HSES performance goals? Do risk assessments identify and access legal and
3.1.4 4.1.4
other requirements?
Is individual and team HSES performance included in Are evaluations recorded?
3.1.5 staff performance reviews? 4.1.5

Are responsibilities of contractors documented, Are identified actions followed up?

3.1.6 communicated and understood? 4.1.6

Is good HSES performance recognised through merit Are evaluations reviewed at a predetermined time or in
3.1.7 award system/promotion decisions? 4.1.7 a period commensurate with the magnitude of risk and
the frequency of any changes in operation?
Are hazard registers established and maintained?
3.1.8 4.1.8

Are employees involved in the assessment process

3.1.9 4.1.9
and do they have access to hazard information?
3.1.10 4.1.10

3.1.11 4.1.11

3.1.12 4.1.12
3.1.13 4.1.13
3.1.14 4.1.14
3.1.15 4.1.15

3.1.16 4.1.16

Please provide Evidence as indicated below: Please provide Evidence as indicated below:

HSE Organogram Hazard Register

HSE Performance Recognition Scheme Health Case
Safety Case
Environmental Case
Management of Health, Safety, Environment and Security Questionnaire

5 Planning 6 Implementation and Monitoring

5.1 Asset integrity 6.1 Incident reporting & follow-up

Availability and reliability is considered in design and Yes No There is a procedure for incident reporting, and Yes No
operation of facilities and assets. Regular preventative development of corrective action. This system is used
maintenance regimes are in place for key pieces of and performance in incident reporting and investigation
plant. is subject to regular review.

Is a safe working environment maintained? Is there a procedure in place for reporting and
5.1.1 6.1.1 investigation of all accidents and incidents?

Are there appropriate routine inspection and Are all incidents (including near miss reports)
maintenance schedules carried out for all HSES related investigated at a level of detail appropriate for the
5.1.2 equipment? 6.1.2 severity or potential severity of result?

Is all engineering design to the "fail-safe" philosophy as Are all unsafe acts and conditions reported?
5.1.3 a standard? 6.1.3

Is preventative maintenance conducted where Is a logical process followed to identify incident root
5.1.4 6.1.4
appropriate? causes?
Is deviation from approved design practises and Are corrective and preventive action plans set following
5.1.5 standards permitted only after review and approval by 6.1.5 an incident investigation?
designated personnel / authorities?
Are lessons from HSES audits used to improve design Do incident investigations include all personnel involved
5.1.6 and operation? 6.1.6 in the incident?

Is particular emphasis placed on safety in design to Are records regularly reviewed and analysed to identify
5.1.7 eliminate risks at source? 6.1.7 trends and incident frequencies?

Is there regular management review of incident data

5.1.8 6.1.8 leading to continual improvement activities?

Is the effectiveness of actions confirmed through review

5.1.9 6.1.9
of risk assessment?
Are all changes communicated to relevant personnel?
5.1.10 6.1.10

5.1.11 6.1.11

5.1.12 6.1.12
5.1.13 6.1.13
5.1.14 6.1.14
5.1.15 6.1.15

5.1.16 6.1.16

Please provide Evidence as indicated below: Please provide Evidence as indicated below:

Accident Reporting and investigation process

Area Safety Inspection Report
Corrective Action Register
Management of Health, Safety, Environment and Security Questionnaire

7 Auditing & reviewing

7.1 Auditing & reviewing

An plan is in place for audit and review of HSES Yes No

arrangements. Audits and reviews are conducted
according to appropriate standards, to time and with
management participation. Audit reports are generated
and corrective action plans are developed from audit

Are there procedures in place for the periodic review of

7.1.1 the HSES MS?

Are audits carried out according to a planned

programme and schedule, covering all areas of the
7.1.2 operations and all elements of the HSES MS?

Are auditors independent from the area being audited,

7.1.3 have the necessary expertise to audit and have
specialist advice available?
Do audit findings allow corrective actions to be taken
within an agreed action plan?
Are all actions initiated and completed in a timely
7.1.5 manner and monitored for effective implementation?

Are audit findings published and discussed with

7.1.6 personnel in work area and at safety meetings?

Do audits use a variety of enquiry techniques (e.g.

7.1.7 checklists, questionnaires, interviews, measurements
and direct observation)?
Are lessons from audits used to improve design and
7.1.8 operation?






Please provide Evidence as indicated below:

Annual HSE Performance Report

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