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MICA Special Word Association

Clues Answer
Party,boy,sphere Ball-Have a ball--party, Ball boy--lawn
tennis, Ball is spherical.
Goods,flea,down Market- like used goods market, flea
market and down market
Rate,bottom,location Base-Base Rate--banking, Base--
Bottom, Shift Base from one place to
Lies,card,punch Pack- a pack of lies, a pack of cards,
to pack a punch(to hit someone hard)
Sunrise,light,goddess Aurora-Sunrise is a syn. Of aurora,
Aurora lights is a natural light display
in the sky particularly in the high
latitude regions, caused by the
collision of energetic charged
particles with atoms in the high
altitude atmosphere, Aurora , from
the Latin word aurora, "sunrise" or
the Roman goddess of dawn
Country,conference,website Host- host country (Nation in which
individuals or organizations from
other countries or states are visiting
due to government invitation or
meeting.), host a conference, a host
Top,confusion,head Spin-Spin like a Top, All in a spin--
Confusion, Head spin.
Spear,condition,mint Mint- spearmint, in a mint condition
(in perfect condition),mint is where
coins are made.
Discord,eye,order Apple-Apple of discord - cause of
Apple of my eye - beloved
Apple pie order - perfect order - all
Invest,kind,fish Angel- AngelInvestment---Initial
investment in a project, U have been
an angel to me---U hav been Kind,
AngelFish a type of fish.


MICA Special Word Association

Disc,bell,ears Ring-disc,ring both circular. ring a

bell, ring in someone's ears
Bunk,land,trench Ditch-Ditch class--bunk, Ditch a
plane--emergency landing, Ditch is
Five,hog,drink High- high five, high on the hog--
luxury, getting high after drinking.
Replica,face,mirror Image- replica of an image, synonym
of face is image as an aspect of
something, mirror image
Slash,steam,oil Burn-slash and burn(doing something
in a crude way), steam burn,burn the
midnight oil.
Eat,hand,old Hat-Hat in hand--modest, i'll eat my
hat--surprised, old hat--old fashioned
Use,knock,water Tap-Tap energy--use, Tap on the
shoulder--knock, Tap water
Hand,ear,money Lend- lend a helping hand, lend an
ear, lend money
Water,show,music Pump-water pump, pump shoe,
pump up the music
Solve,laugh,voice Crack- to solve is to crack a problem
,Crack someone up- make someone
laugh, crack a joke—laugh, cracked
Metal,bicycle,music Pedal-pedal to metal--full speed,
pedal in music--a bass note
Adhesive,bread,biscuit Wafer-A small adhesive disk of paste;
used to seal letters.
, A small thin crisp cake or cookie.
, Thin disk of unleavened bread used
in a religious service (especially in the
celebration of the Eucharist).
Tough,shell,ground Nut-Tough nut to crack, Nutshell,
Step,tempo,march Pace-Take small paces--small steps,
Pace of work---tempo, keep Pace
Trade,contract,card Deal-Deal in drugs--Trade, Deal is


MICA Special Word Association

fixed--contract, poker--card—deal
Measure,rain,estimate Gauge-measure syn. Of gauge,rain
gauge, to gauge something-to
secret,play,place Scene-Behind the scene--secret, A
play has many scenes, Scene of
Food,hold,work Serve-Serve food, Hold a Serve--
Tennis, Serve for a company—work
Fall,dance,journey Trip-Trip over something--fall, trip up
the dance step--Dance, Trip--a
Disappear,exhaust,pipe Drain-Brain--drain or draining
wealth---disappear, Exhaust or drain
a resource, Drain Pipe
Light,signal,metal Beam-Beam of light, Laser
beam/Radio beam--signal, Metal
Spot,score,number Point-Turn left at the point--spot,
Points--score, Decimal point—
Sudden,precise,brain Sharp-Sharp turn--sudden turn,
Sharp at 8--precise, Sharp brain
Crisp,instruct,time Brief-Brief--Crisp, Brief someone--tell
him the details/instruct, Brief period
of time/Brief History of Time
Time,state,significance Matter-matter of time, state of
matter, Did it matter to them—
Filling,thrust,material Stuff-Stuff in something--fill--stuffed
vegetable, Stuff something in a bag--
put thrust, what is this Stuff made
Symbol,race,country Flag-Symbol-Flag, to Flag off a race,
Country Flag.
Ban,pressure,metal Bar-ban-To Bar something, Pressure
has Bar as its unit, Metal Bar.
Mail,American,Lane Express-Express Mail, American
Express, Express Lane


MICA Special Word Association

Offer,young,quotation Tender-Tender your resignation--

offer resignation,tender age--young,
Tender is in itself a quotatio
Transparent,nine,internet Cloud-Cloudy--unclear/ Transparent
clear, Internet Cloud servers, Cloud
Nine--feel High
Lion,ego,peacock Pride --group of lions, ego-- Pride
synonyms, Group of peacocks—pride
Bother,offer,less Spot-Spot of bother, Spot offer, spot
Crime,marriage,devote Commit-Commit a crime, Committed
in marriage, Commit to something--
be devoted to it
Watch,slap,band Wrist-Wrist-watch, Slap on the wrist-
-moderate punishment, wrist band
Curious,fur,bag Cat-curiosity killed the cat, Cat--fur,
Let the Cat out of the bag
Pan,mob,light Flash- pan--Something that shows
potential in the beginning but fails to
deliver, flash mob, flash light
Mark,charge,reserve Book-Book mark, Book for a crime--
charge, Book a seat—reserve
Peak,blow,Somalia Horn-Horn--top most point=peak,
Blow a horn, Somalia--Horn of Africa
Bush,retreat,lose Beat-Beat about the bush,Beat
Retreat--leave in haste, Beat
someone in an event
Work,mind,reference Frame-frame work, Frame of mind,
Frame of Reference--Its a relative
term, comparing something with
Course,helmet,market Crash-Crash course, Crash helmet,
Market Crash
Card,cake,success Pan- pan card, pan cake, Pan out—
Trade,pot,car Jack-jack of all trades, Jack pot, A
lever to lift a car—jack
Water,run,blow Dry- Drywater(a m emulsion of air
and water surrounded by silica), dry


MICA Special Word Association

run--rehearsal, dry something by

Blowing--or a hair drier
Belt,out,divide Zone-A specific belt/location--Zone,
Zone out--sort of daydream, Divide
into Zones
Spread,fire,book Cover-spread = cover , cover fire is
military jargon and book cover
Out,poke,iron Pig-Pig out---Eat hastily,Pig in a poke-
-offered in such a way in order to
obscure d real nature, pig iron
Bag, hire, sleep Sack-Sack--bag,Sack someone--Fire
him, Hit the sack---sleep
Play,king,yard Court- a playing court for sports,
king’s court,courtyard
Space,green,rest Room-Make Room= Make Space,
Green Room, Restroom
String,bird,fly Kite- kite attached to a string, kite a
type of bird, a kite flies
Token,blue,shoulder Chip-Chip on the shoulder, Blue Chip
Company, Chip/Token
Aspect,side,book Face-a different face of anything--diff
aspect,Face of a cube/building,
Reduce,expel,cancel Drop-Drop your voice--reduce, Drop
from team, Drop charges
Carry,stand,yield Bear-bear the responsibility--carry, I
can't stand him--bear, tree bears
Filled,rush,control Charge-Charge is a synonym for fill,
to charge = to rush, in charge = in
Remain,view,head Stand-The decision stands--remains,
What is your stand--view, head stand
Stop,gold,deal Strike-Stop work--Strike,strike gold--
discover something, strike a deal
Blow,paper,fruit Punch-paper punch is punch
machine...blow= punch...fruit punch
Case,record,iron File-file a case,file of records,iron


MICA Special Word Association

Field,flow,chain Stream-field of subject(stream),
Chain of things is something in
continuation --- Stream of things is d
Force,campaign,zeal Drive- a driving force, campaign and
zeal syn. Of drive
Coffin,bite,iron Nail- Another/final nail in the coffin,
bite one’s nails, iron
Tackle,care,door Handle-tackle means handle, handle
with care, and door handle
Gun,slot,time Machine-machine gun, slot machine
and time machine
Pair,common,equal Match-match-pair, matching-
common, match someone-try and be
Air,schedule,lip Tight- air tight, a tight schedule,
Confine,train,reaction Chain- to restrict or confine with a
chain,chain reaction, pull chain in a
Parliament,wise,night Owl- a group of owl = parliament,
wise as an owl, a night owl (a person
who tends to stay up until late at
Create,bit,gold Coin- to coin is to create, bitcoin
(digital currency), gold coin(coin
made of gold)
Yearn,forest,apple Pine- pine syn. Of yearn(to miss or
long for), Pine forest(A forest of pine
trees), pineapple
Bone,blue,shirt Collar- collar bone, blue
collar(working class person), collar of
a shirt
Group,computer,organize System-river system-group,
Computer-system, Organize-maintain
a system/systematic
Seek,find,skin Hide-hide and seek, find something


MICA Special Word Association

hidden, hide(A hide is an animal skin

treated for human use)
Tube,dream,smoke Pipe-pipe syn. For tube, pipe
dream(A fantastic notion or vain
hope.), a smoking pipe
Follow,race,rail Track-follow in someone's tracks, a
race track, a railway track
Long,guard,shelf Life- life long, life guard, shelf life
Flour,wind currency Mill-flour mill,wind-mill and Mill is
one Thousandth of a dollar
Air,bite,story Love- love is in the air, love
bite(hickey), love story
Wave,shoulder,blood Cold- cold wave,cold shoulder,cold
Engine,stop,food Stall-stall means to stop.A stall of an
engine refers to a sudden stopping of
the engine. A food stall
Sin,eye,pie Apple-apple the original sin,apple of
my eye,an apple pie
Work,take,tough Task- task is a piece of work, Take
something to task,tough task
Start,size,epilepsy Fit-By fits and starts—irregular,a fit
size, fit syn. Of seizure/epilepsy
Fever,press,mustard Yellow- yellow fever,yellow
press(Journalism that exploits,
distorts, or exaggerates),mustard is a
dark yellow color
Kill,plant,mail Shoot- shoot to kill, Shoots are new
plant growth,shoot a mail
Thames,alarm,light Fire-To set the Thames on fire--
impossible task,fire alarm, light a fire
Hold,burn,light Candle-To be fit to hold a candle,
candle--burns, light –candle
Horse,hand,big Mouth-look a gift horse in the
mouth--criticize a gift, hand to
mouth, big mouth
Look,knife,go Kill-if looks could kill,kil with a
knife,go for the kill
Stem,boot,case Trunk-Stem of a tree--trunk, Boot


MICA Special Word Association

space of car--trunk, Box, Case—trunk

Ear,beat,stick Drum-ear drum,drum beats,drum
Battle,bench,runner Front-battle front,front bench, Front
Guy,snow,asleep Fall Guy--scape goat, snow fall, fall
Over,promise,blue Moon-over the moon, promise the
moon, Blue moon
Foot,check,money Bill-Foot the Bill, Check Please= Bill
Please, paper money is called bill
Cutter,danger,trees Wood-Wood Cutter, Knock on Wood,
Trees give Wood
Bird,steps,air Flight-birds fly, flight of stairs, the
action or process of flying through
the air.
Age,diamond,drug Stone-stone age,diamond is a
precious stone, When u get drugged
it is called getting stoned
Instrument,width,rock Band-instruments in a band,
bandwidth, a rock band
Horse,weed,food Sea-seahorse,sea weed,sea food
Ice,dance,leg Break-Ice Breaker, Break dance,
Break a leg--Good luck
Touch,white,brain Feather-Feather touch, show White
feather---show Cowardice, Feather
brain---foolish person
Mountain,fail,difficult Pass-mountain pass, fail opp. of pass,
To come to a pass---difficult situation
Draft,rely,border,world Bank- bank draft, bank syn. Of rely,
Border of a river is called Bank,world
Pass,bucket,grave Death-Pass away means die, To kick a
bucket---means to die,grave-used as
an allusive term for death
Time,eye,follow,tower Watch- wear watch to keep time, a
watch tower,keep close watch on
means to follow someone
Ignite, Theory, Fix, Octet Set-Set fire-Ignite, Set theory, set


MICA Special Word Association

synonym of fix, set of 8 is an octet

Eye ,Shape,Corn,Funnel Cone-eye-cones/rods,cone
shape,corn cone,funnel-cone shaped
Basket,detergent,dirty Laundry- laundry basket, laundry
detergent(washing powder),dirty
laundry(personal matters that could
be embarrassing if made public)
Abstract,Integrity,Policy Honesty is abstrct,Honesty &
,Deceit integrity,honesty best policy,honesty-
Treasure,barrier,easter Island-treasure island, a coastal
landform and a type of barrier
system, are relatively narrow strips of
sand that are parallel to the mainland
coast,easter island
Crier,down,ghost Town-downtown, town crier , town
of ghosts
Leader,western,labour Union-leader of an union,western
union,labour union
Public,second,poll Opinion-public opinion,second
opinion,opinion poll
Fire,wrestling,chair Arm- firearm(a gun),arm
wrestling,arm chair
pin, bag, plane, round Paper- paper pin(paper clip),paper
bag, paper plane,paper round(the
route taken when delivering
newspapers every day)
Ascend,measure,large,wage Scale-ascend is to climb(scale),scale
is used to measure sth,large-scale,
Minimum wage is also called Scale.. if
someone works for minimum wage,
he works for a scale
Face,kind,writer,cast Type-Type face(family of fonts), Type
-- kind , type writer , type cast
Surge,heat,ride,curve Wave-to rise and move in waves or
billow(surge),heat wave, Ride the
wave -- to make use of a popular
opinion,wave is in the form of a curve
Short,tooth,revenge,kind Sweet-short and sweet,have a sweet


MICA Special Word Association

tooth,sweet revenge(aterm which

generally states that taking revenge
gives satisfaction),syn. Of kind
Feel,strike,hammer,stretch Home-feel at home,strike
home(reach an intended
target),hammer home - to try
extremely hard to make someone
understand or realize something,
Home stretch -- last part of any
difficult activity


Key - Free - Hair – Safe
(A) Secret
(B) Pin
(C) Air Lock
(D) Lock
(E) Open

Mis - Air - well Fare

Broadway - Alley - Dance Street Alley is a kind of street
Out - Wood - Head Outwind is to unloose; Woodwind is
related to flute; head wind is wind
blowing against the course of an
Thick - Red - Water Thick skin / redskin waterskin /"head"
Skin / as in 'thick-head' for a lazy person
Head “water-head” for the body of water
and “red-head”
Pick - Blue - Saw Tooth Toothpick – Bluetooth - Saw tooth
Life - Speed - Bare Life boat – Speed boat - bareboat
Boat (kind of vessel that doesn't require a
crew on a yatch)
Dead - Up - Off - thrash Beat to death – Beat up – Off beat -
Thrash = beat
Bed - Net - spider Web
Carrier - Velocity - Race Drift Carrier Drift -Drift Velocity - Drift race
Barrel - Root - Belly Beer
Rock – Times - Steel Hard
Film - Air - Out Strip
Out - Hour – Frame Time /
Love – Current - External Affair
Cricket – Man – Eye Bat /
Woman - Man - Gavel Kind Gavelkind - a system in which after
father dies his land is distributed
among all the sons equally without
any issue.
Box – Lamp - Speed Post Postbox – Lamp post – Speed post
Work - Chatter - Horse Box Workbox - A portable box used for
storing or holding tools and materials


MICA Special Word Association
for activities such as sewing
Horsebox - used for transporting
Head - Band - With Stand
Pipe - Day – Nightmare Dream Pipe dream - the fantasies that one
gets after smoking weed or
Slight - Devil – Day Care Devil may care - idiom meaning
careless attitude
False - Music - Clock Face Face the Music - (idiom) it means
face the punishment
Black - Fool – Strike Gold fool's gold - means something that
looks and seems like gold but isn't
Magic - Screen - Nerve Touch To touch a nerve (idiom) - to cause
an emotional reaction
Box – Ward – Black Out
Hand – Scarce – Cake Short
Blow – Ignite - A Balance - Three Strike To strike or to deal a blow means the
same thing in a physical assault, you
have to strike the stones to ignite fire,
strike a balance is a phrase, Three
strikes are for baseball
Bag - Card - Do - Cheap Trick Bag of tricks - A set of acquired
techniques or skills that one uses to
win, perform, or influence the
outcome of a situation.
Laundry - Look - Cop - Quick Dirty Dirty cop – Corrupt cop; Quick and
Dirty (idiom ) - means work done in
fast but in careless way
Art - Blood - Quick – Game Draw
Skin - Ankle - Down - Dig Deep
Fee-Salute-Unbalance-Cue Tip Tipped Salute - saluting while
touching tip of your hat ; unbalance =
tip over
News – Flatten - Emphasize – Pursue Press Press on it - emphasize on it
Cut - Turn - Stone - Street Corner To cut corners is to take shortcuts,
Turn a corner (idiom) - it means to
change, streets have corners and
cornerstone is used as a foundation
while building things, roads,
buildings, etc.
Rock - Nut - Pressed - Die Hard Rock Hard - Hard as rock , Nut - Hard
nut to crack - difficult to tackle , Hard
Pressed - Left with no choice , Die
hard - Habits which don’t go easily
Bad - Beginner - Rotten - Out Luck Luck Out (idiom ) - Succeed by luck
Food - Away - Dog – Words Eat Dog eat Dog (idiom ) - means people
will do anything to succeed
Cancer – Fire – cooking - Screen Smoke Smoking causes Cancer
Scare - Trap - Bed - Sentence Death
Guilt - Ego - Round – Along Trip Guilt trip - A usually prolonged feeling
of guilt or culpability; lay a guilt trip on
(idiom) - To make or try to make
(someone) feel guilty; ego trip -
something undertaken to boost or
draw attention to a person's own
image or appraisal of himself.
Children - Hell - Roof - Salary Raise Raise hell - take strong and forceful


MICA Special Word Association

action, as to object or express

discontent; "She raised hell when she
found out that she would not be hired
Fist - Laundry - Metal - Laundry - Pump Iron
Money - Hard - Cow - in Cash Cash cow - A steady dependable
source of funds or income
Debase - Bend – Steps Stoop Stoop - when you Debase yourself
Morally; Bend – Stoop; Stoop steps-
A raised flat area with steps.
Whistle - Clear - Ring - Church Bell Clear as a bell ; Bells and Whistles
(idiom) - extra, fancy add-ons or
Fat - Dirty - Sweat - Out Pig Sweat like a pig - to sweat heavily;
Pig Out - to eat too much of
Glove - Hand - Short - Play Hand Hand in glove; Hand in hand.
Royal - Bulge - War – Nerves Battle Battle of nerves ( must have heard in
commentary ) - a situation in which
two competing groups of people try to
defeat each other by frightening and
threatening each other without taking
Man - Tailor - Money – Self Made Made of money (idiom) - have
unlimited money
Lose - Ground - On – Bus Stand Stand to lose something - to be likely
to lose something or have it taken
Case - Cut - Hand - Middle class Upper
Ball - Sword – Pusher Pen The pen is mightier than the sword
(idiom) – words and communication
are more powerful than wars and
fighting; Penpusher - a person who
writes a lot, esp a clerk involved with
boring paperwork.
Run - Color - Police – Shield Riot To run riot - to act wantonly or without
restraint; a riot of color - extremely
colorful and bright; Riot police - the
section of the police force that is
trained to deal with people who cause
trouble in public place; riot shield - a
large oblong curved transparent
shield used by police controlling
Coast - Bell - Free – Air Clear Clear the coast: get rid of obstacles,
as clear as a bell: crystal clear.
Stars - Look - Apple - Naked Eye
Lies - Punch - Bag - Back Pack Pack of lies - a completely false story;
Pack a punch - To be capable of
throwing a strong punch; To have a
swift and powerful effect or to be
capable of having such an effect.
Dust - TeaCup - Brain - Around Storm Storm in a teacup (idiom) - creating
big ruckus over nothing much
Flip - Split - Effect – Thorn Side Flip sides - other aspect of a situation
Split sides - Laughing very hard;
Thorn in the side - one who is


MICA Special Word Association
troubling you
Wind - Split - Nature – Best Second second wind - A new strength or
energy to continue something that is
an effort; second nature to someone -
easy and natural for someone
Opposite - Battle - Fair – Object Sex Opposite sex; Battle of the sexes; fair
sex; sex object.
Motion - Circle - Hell – Potter Wheel Hell on wheels (idiom) – extremely
Religion - Leap - Act – Little Faith Leap of faith - acceptance of an idea
or conclusion largely on faith;
Shave - Call - Shut - Deal Close
Still – Night – Under - Alone Stand
Leader - Suit - Heart – Crowd Follow
Organ - Gold - Stone - Young Heart
Mouth - Sink - Tear – Steal Heart
Conviction - Second - Matter – Difference Opinion
Chocolates – Office – Beat - In Box
Reach - Limit - Pie - Cloud Sky Pie in the sky - Khyali Pulav or
Hawai mahal (an idea which looks
good but can’t be achieved) OR
future reward after death, considered
as a replacement for a reward not
received on earth
Toes - Between - Down – Ladder Step To step on someone's toes - to offend
or insult someone, as if causing
physical pain; step between
(someone or something and
someone or something else) - to
move between things or people; step
(something) down - to reduce the
intensity or amount of something by
one step or grade.
Aberration - Grace - Concentration - Expire Lapse Aberration = deviation from normal
course or routine = Lapse; Lapse
from grace (idiom) - to fall out of
Loose - Fodder - Gun - Church Bell Cannon Cannon fodder is an informal,
derogatory term for military personnel
who are regarded or treated as
expendable in the face of enemy fire;
Loose Cannon - someone who is
Pretty - Big - Get – Photo Picture
Paint - Out - Perfect – Whole Picture To paint a picture (of something) - to
describe a situation in a particular
Giant - Night - Log – With Sleep
Young - Spit - Cold - Blue Blood Blue blood - a person of aristocratic
or wealthy ancestry
Feelings - Bag - Blend - Economy Mixed
Time - Know - Out – Around All
Lose - Get - Grasp - Friction Grip Grip - the friction between a body and
the surface on which it moves (as
between an automobile tire and the
High - Back - Moral – Break Ground To break ground (for something) - to
start digging the foundation for a


MICA Special Word Association
Snake - Poison - Malice – Anti Venom Venom is a synonym of malice
Snake-Wheel-Fish-Paint Oil / Snake oil - advice or solutions to
water problems which are of no use.
Wine - Belt - Sour – Vineyard Grape belt the grape - to drink wine or liquor
heavily and become intoxicated.
Corridor - Exercise - Trip – Outage Powers Corridors of power - the highest level
of government where the most
important decisions are made; on a
power trip - exercising power and
authority, especially unduly; exercise
power over - someone or something
under one's control or influence;
power outage - equipment failure
resulting when the supply of power
Open - Wrestling - Length – Weapon Arm
Anger - All - Fly – Bristle Rage Bristle with rage (idiom) - express
anger such that saying all the
negative things; all the rage (idiom) -
currently in fashion; Fly into a Rage -
to be very angry (suddenly).
Dead - take - warmth - Moment Heat in a dead heat - at exactly the same
time; take the heat - to receive or put
up with criticism (for something); Heat
- degree of warmth; heat of the
moment - without thinking because
you are angry or excited.
Rat - Time - Course - Card Race race card - like we say in India,
politician playing minority card (
bringing racism in where it does not
exist )
Close - Phone - Spade -Shots Call a close call - a situation where
something very unpleasant or
dangerous nearly happened; call a
spade a spade - to call something by
its right name; to speak frankly about
something, even if it is unpleasant;
call (all) the shots - to decide on the
course of action; to be in charge.
Mere - Naked - Bones - Soul Bare mere and naked are meanings of
bare; bare bones - it means most
essential details; bare your soul /
heart - to tell someone your secret
thoughts and feelings;
Legs - Change - Front - Ocean Sea Get your sea legs - to get used to a
new situation; sea change - a major
change or transformation.
Eye - Out - Blue - Color Black
Smoke - Fighter - Alarm – Draw Fire draw (somebody's) fire – to attract
Get - Hot - Fly - Cope Handle Get a handle on something - to find a
way to understand a situation in order
to control it; fly off the handle - to lose
one's temper; too hot to handle - too
dangerous or difficult to deal with.
Baptism - Breathe - Belly - Fuel Fire Baptism by fire - a tough situation to
deal with; breathe fire - playing at
something really well; fire in the belly


MICA Special Word Association
- motivated, fuel is used to fire up
vehicles or rather light a fire.
Pick - Down - Key - Horns Lock To pick a lock - to open a lock without
using a key; to be locked down – to
be in jail.
Out - Abandon - Jump - Vessel Ship Ship out - Leave, especially for a
distant place; abandon ship - to leave
a sinking ship, to leave a failing
enterprise; To jump ship - to leave
any post or position; to quit or resign,
especially when there is difficulty with
the job.
Topple - Salute - Toe - Iceberg Tip To tip over - to topple over and fall.
Rough - Loose - Brink – Double Edge A double-edged sword - something
that causes both advantages and
Trick - Stock - Secret - Transaction Trade Tricks of the trade (idiom) - means
clever methods that help you to do a
job better or faster
Travel - First - Bring - kindle Light
Charges - Against - Luck - Iron Press To press charges (against someone)
- to make a formal charge of
wrongdoing against someone; to
press your luck - to attempt to gain
more from a good situation usually at
the risk of losing what you have
Straddle - Sit - Hedge – Mend Fence To straddle the fence - to support
both sides of an issue; to sit on the
fence - not to take sides in a dispute;
not to make a clear choice between
two possibilities; to mend (your)
fences - to try to become friendly
again with someone after an
Cane - Thin - Mud - Neck Stick Stick your neck out (idiom) - defend
someone, vouch for someone; mud
sticks (idiom) - something that you
say which means it is difficult to make
people change their bad opinion of
Air - Loan - Idea - Boat Float Float on air (idiom) - to be euphoric;
Dead - Throw - Pull - Burden Weight
Tall - Short - Sequence - Law Order tall order - a formidable task or
requirement; in short order - very
Dead - Cord - Corners – Mow Cut To cut someone dead - to ignore
someone totally; to cut the cord - to
stop needing someone else to look
after you and start acting
independently; to cut corners - to take
shortcuts; to save money or effort by
finding cheaper or easier ways to do
Set - Stride - Snail – Change Pace
Apartment - Elbow - Make – Improvement Room
Admiral - Guard - view - lift Rear
Pull - Spark - Away - Cork Plug A spark plug - a person with a lot of


MICA Special Word Association

energy and ideas who encourages

the other people in a group; to pull
the plug - to put an end to someone's
activities or plans; to plug away (at
something) - to keep trying
something; to keep working at
Death - Honey - Set - Fly Trap
Clear - Tongue - End - Mind Sharp
Blood - Down - Over - Steam Flow /
Stem - Drift - Time - Gravity Tide To stem the tide - to stop something
bad, which is happening a lot.
Burst - Anger - Fan - Blaze Flame To fan the flames (of something) - to
make something more intense; to
make a situation worse.
Test - Hot - Hold - River Water To test the water/waters - to try to
discover what people think about an
idea before you do anything about it,
or to try to discover what a situation is
really like before you become very
involved in it.
War - Mouth - Law - Sentence Word
Break - Play - Last - Twist Word To break one's word - not to do what
one said one would do; not to keep
one's promise; a play on words - a
type of joke using a word or phrase
that has two meanings; to twist
someone's words (around) - to
restate someone's words
inaccurately; to misrepresent what
someone has said.
Line - Print - Penalty - Tune Fine
Dry - Cast - Break - Period Spell Break a spell - to put an end to a
magic spell; Spell - is also a period of
time for eg. spell of bad weather.
Purpose - Time - Servant – Notice Serve
Contain - Horse - Water - Ransom Hold To hold somebody to ransom - to
force someone to do something by
putting them in a situation where
something bad will happen to them if
they do not.
Ivory - Strength - Control - Watch Tower An ivory tower - if you are in an ivory
tower, you are in a place or situation
where you are separated from
ordinary life and its problems; tower
of strength - person who can always
be depended on to provide support
and encouragement, especially in
times of trouble.
Bag - Line - Down - Dream Pipe To pipe down - to become quiet; to
cease making noise; to shut up; pipe
dream - a wish or an idea that is
impossible to achieve or carry out.
Sore - Miss - Strong – Aim Point A sore point/spot - a subject which
someone would prefer not to talk
about because it makes them angry
or embarrassed; miss the point - to
fail to understand the important part


MICA Special Word Association
of something;
Marriage - Book - Wide - Blatant Open Blatant means something done
Down - Jerk - Weak - Joint Knee
Dry - Risk - Fever - Race Run
Down - Cylinder - Mouth - Gallop Run Run on all cylinders - working on full
capacity; Run mouth - very talkative.
Stiff - Through - Death - Drill Bore To bore someone stiff - to be
exceedingly dull and uninteresting;
bore through someone - to seem to
penetrate the person being gazed or
stared at.
Nest - Death - Child - Lost Love
Make - Labor - Fall - Tough Love Tough love - an expression used
when someone treats another person
harshly or sternly with the intent to
help them in the long run
Boat - Case - Time - Now just in time just - now for me that was
the thing; Just off the boat - someone
very naïve.
Build - Rest - Nut - Best Case To build a case (against someone) -
to put together the evidence needed
to make a legal or disciplinary case
against someone.
Wage - Hell - Visit - Respect Pay Hell to pay - serious problems
Stand - Error - Balloon - Fire Trial Trial balloon - a test of someone's or
the public's reaction.
Ghost - Lie - Elephant - Knight White
Sea - Charge - Flat - Field Level
Daylight - Shoulders - Back - Wide Broad
Descent - Dead - Ocean - Hint Drop
Ready - Heads - Sleeves - Wander Roll
Fire - Tough - Hair – Suspend Hang To hang fire - to delay or wait; to be
delayed; hang tough (on something) -
to stick to one's position (on
something); hang by a hair - to hang
by something very thin, such as a
thread or a hair.
Horse - True - Person – Chameleon colors
Fall - Put - Wipe - Atlas Map Fall off the map - stop existing; Put
on the map - Make something visible
on the national level or any level.
Flood - Point - View – Flaunt Flash
Late - Rush - After - Period Hours
Leaf - hand - Leg - Tremble Shake To shake like a leaf - to shake a lot
because you are nervous or
Track - Straight - Player – Break Record
Marks - Card - Know – Music Score
Fan - Shoot - Land - Chilly Breeze To shoot the breeze - to chat casually
and without purpose.
Book - Honor - Speaker - House Guest
Love - Alley - Luck - Sight Blind blind alley - An alley or passage that
is closed at one end; A mistaken,
unproductive undertaking; blind luck -
complete luck; nothing but plain luck.
Black - Life - Hit – Sign Mark
Stand - Cold - Land – Wet Feet


MICA Special Word Association
Freeze - Recent - Jog - Lane Memory To freeze someone or something in
one's memory - to preserve the
image of someone or something in
one's memory; to jog someone's
memory - to stimulate someone's
memory to recall something.
Bail - Gun - Queue - Leap Jump To jump bail and - to fail to appear in
court for trial and forfeit one's bail
bond; to jump the gun - to start
before the starting signal.
Milk - Over - Beans – Fall Spill
Slim - Risk - Even – Take Chance
Old - Drop - Protect - Stand Guard To drop/lower your guard - to stop
being careful to avoid danger or
difficulty; to stand guard – to keep
Matter - Horse - Run - Collision Course
Mind - Rain - Correct - Birth Right Right as rain - have a nice feeling.
Ruins - Wait - Down - Low Lie To lie in ruins - to exist in a state of
ruin; lie in wait (for someone or
something) - to stay still and hidden,
waiting for someone or something.
Foot - Hip - Works - Emit Shoot shoot the works - to do everything; to
use everything; Shoot from the hip -
to be frank; shoot yourself in the foot
- to do or say something stupid which
causes problems for you.
Blue-Moon-Blood-Cheese Blue
Pay – One – Pain - Up Back
Ducks – Boat – House - Quarrel Row To get one's ducks in a row - to get
one's affairs in order or organized;
Row - A boisterous disturbance or
quarrel; a brawl.
Air - Load - Compose - Dose Draft Draft - Current of air; draft – load;
Draft - Measured portion; Dose; draft
– compose.
Hand – Cover - Up - Paper - Bench Back
Duty - Character - Position - Hat Role donning a hat - playing a role
Fresh- Year - good - light New see someone or something in a new
light - to understand someone or
something in a different way
Diamond - time - Coarse - Unfair Rough
Party - Fall - Fine - Border Line
Reduce - Move - Wear - Rush Tear Reduce to tear; move to tear; wear
and tear; Rush / great hurry – tear.
Mind - Hands - Ring – Money Change Ring in the changes - Make the
Doctor - Put - Wheels – Create Spin Spin Doctor - someone who gives a
twisted or deviously deceptive
version of an event; Spin the wheels -
waste time being neutral; spin –
Live - Out - Take - Trunk Stock Trunk of a tree is also called “Stock”
Vessel - Think - Built - Container Tank
Back - Action - Life - Develop Spring Spring back - recoil back to a place;
spring into action - to suddenly begin
moving or doing something; spring to
life - to become suddenly alive or


MICA Special Word Association
more alive; spring - develop
Leave - Desert - Withdraw - Ship Abandon
Button - Idea - Early - Shining Bright Bright as a button - intelligent; quick-
Salt - While - Self - Wealth Worth Worth one’s salt - To be effective and
efficient; deserving of one's pay.
All - Deaf - Music - Sense Ears
Comical - Bone - Crutch - Money Funny
Blow - Raw - package - Sell Deal To deal something a death blow - to
take an action that causes something
to end or fail; raw deal - an instance
of unfair or bad treatment.
Small - Petty - Scarce – Slight Little
Slip - Safety - Work - Worth Net To slip through the net - to not be
caught or dealt with by the system
that should be catching or dealing
with you.
Agenda - Thin - Heap - Peak Top thin on the top - a man who has very
few hair left;
Light - Gradual - Lenient - Loose Easy
Blow - Ground - Tracks - Wrap Cover To cover your tracks - destroy all
evidence; blow someone's cover - to
reveal someone's true identity; to ruin
someone's scheme for concealment;
to cover a lot of ground - to deal with
much information and many facts.
Number - Rely - Weight - Body Count Body count - number of casualties in
a war
Sword - Drama - Game - Foul Queen
Act - Displace - Active – Relocate Move
Jump - Begin - Head – Kick Start
Flip - Throw - Back - Chuck Toss Toss Back - throw back with a quick,
light motion
Wild - Time - Biography - Story Life
Intense - Midst - Head – Dense Thick
Seem - Search - care - Forward Look
Dance - Knock - Wire – Water Tap
Rule - Account - Good - Reserve Book
Source - Gas - Driven - Healthy Well Tube well is also known as driven
well; she is a well of information - it
means source; gas well; Alive and
well – living and healthy.
Vanish - Sparrow - Air - Flee Fly
Suffer - Turn - Patience - sleep
Empty - Null - Useless - Gap Void
Summon - Rebound - Mobilise - Gathering Rally
Sway - Boat - Music – Solid Rock
Allow - Exit - Impression – Peace Leave
Out - War - Wolf - Shout Cry
Law -Curve - Deflect - Subdue Bend
Ground - Road - Man - Central Middle
Halt - Test - Retard – Rebuke Check
Clean - God - Catch - Play Act To catch in the act - caught red
handed; clean up your act - to stop
doing things that other people do not
approve of and start to behave in a
more acceptable way.


MICA Special Word Association
Bits – Fuse – Away - Stack Blow To blow somebody/something to bits
- to completely destroy someone or
something in an explosion; blow a
fuse - to burn out the fuse on an
electrical circuit and lose power; blow
someone or something away - [for
the wind] to carry someone or
something away; blow your stack/top
- to suddenly become very angry.
Bridge - Dead - Bread - Stream Water
Play - Game - Enough - Straight Fair He caught a blow straight in the head
- he caught a blow fair in the head
Teeth - Habit - Bucket - Recoil Kick Kick in the teeth - treating someone
badly; to kick the bucket - to die.
Player – up – together - leader Team
Envy - Rub - Grass - Hulk Green The rub of the green - if you have the
rub of the green, you have good luck,
especially in a sports competition.
Color - Flag - See - Tape Red See red - Get angry
Live - Under - Down - Cable Wire
Obscure - Under - Head - Horizon Cloud If something clouds you mind - it has
made it obscure; under the cloud -
not trustworthy; Head in the cloud -
Day dream; A cloud on the horizon -
a problem or difficulty which you
expect to happen in the future.
Region - Cover - Virgin - Come Territory To cover the territory - to deal with all
matters relating to a specific topic;
virgin territory - untouched or
unexplored area; to come with the
territory – to be expected under
circumstances like this.
Religion - Hybrid - Burden - Swords Cross A cross to bear - A burden or trial one
must put up with; to cross swords - to
become the adversary of someone.
Guard - Space - Tend – Step Watch To tend a flock - watch a flock; watch
this space - something that you say
which means that you think there will
soon be exciting changes in a
Music - Healthy - Deep – Valid Sound
Proceed - Extend - Hat – Come Pass To pass the hat - to collect donations
of money from people; proceed-
pass; come to pass - to happen.
Snow - Olympics - Season – Hibernate Winter
Hole - Study - skin - Over Pore To pore over something - to look over
something carefully; to study hard.
Family - Forest - Wood – Root Trees
Strike - Attack - Nerve - Road Hit To hit a nerve - to upset someone by
talking about a particular subject.
Rod - Loyal - Branch - Bind Stick To stick to – to remain loyal to.
Dim - Wither - Vanish – Out Fade
Good - Cross - Function - Serve Purpose To put to good purpose – To put to
effective use; at cross purposes - with
different intentions.
Price - Standard - face – Utility Value
Leave - Resign - Place – Cease Quit To quit a place - to leave a place.
Spot - Water - Air - Fire Hot


MICA Special Word Association
Opinion - Double - Reflect – Mirror Image
Distorted - Appear - Hand – Power Loom If something looms over - it means it
is a distorted image (loom – to
appear frightening).
Situated - Down - Resist - Ground Stand
Against - Worse - Divert - Profit Turn Things take a turn for worse - matters
going bad.
Attempt - Hand - Out – Give Try Try hand at - try/attempt something.
Ready - Equip - Study – Ground Prepare To prepare the ground - if you
prepare the ground for an activity or a
situation, you do something that will
help it to happen.
Dissolve - Ice - merge – mouth Melt
Team - Demon - Good – Free Spirit
Eyes - Written - Thank - See Stars To see stars - to seem to see flashing
lights after receiving a blow to the
head; to thank one's lucky stars - to
be thankful for one's luck; stars in
your eyes - someone who has stars
in their eyes is very excited and
hopeful about the future; written in
the stars - intended to be.
State - Work - Skill – Fine Art
Surface - Con - Centre – Put Front
Fibre - Cord - Series – Pull String String of events - series of events
Pole - World - Grow - Different Apart
Make - Fall - Out - First Face Face-first - You fall face-first; face out
- to endure.
Up - ignition - vital – board Key To key up – to cause anxiety.
Stop - Slack - Bone – Deal Bone To cut to the bone - to cut down
severely (on something); cut a deal -
to arrange a deal; to negotiate an
Lenient - Merciful - Frugal - Free Spare To be lenient with – to spare – to be
frugal; free time – spare time.
Package - Hurry - Joy - Nerves Bundle To bundle off – to leave in a hurry;
bundle of nerves –a very nervous
Climb - Organize - Rise – Ascend Mount
Study - Temper - Draw – Bright Quick A bright mind - a quick mind; quick on
the draw - able to react quickly to a
situation; quick temper – short
temper; a quick study - someone who
is able to learn things quickly.
Right - balance - effigy - up Hang Hang a right - take a right turn.
Dust - Run - High – Desert Dry
Hard - Pride - Bait - Mumble
Alarm - Death - Run - Red Scare Red scare - fear of communism.
Mistake - Let - Fall – Give Slip To let slip - to say something that you
did not intend to say because you
wanted to keep it secret
Be - Raise - Throw – Stake Game To raise your game - to make an
effort to improve the way that you
play a game; to throw a game - to
lose a game on purpose.
Surprise - Sudden - Culture – Collide Shock
Move - Increase - improve - Notice Advance
Ears - Circus - True - Hook Ring To ring in someone’s ears - to linger


MICA Special Word Association

in one's consciousness; to ring true -

to sound or seem true or likely; ring
off the hook - to ring incessantly and
Empty - Complete - Block - Draw Blank Blanked off a road - means to block
access to that road; to draw a blank –
to fail to get a response; to fail to
remember something.
Emphasis - Out - Force – Press Stress
Down - Salt - Heaven - Land Earth Down to earth , the salt of the earth -
the most worthy of people; a very
good or worthy person , Heaven on
earth - something extremely good; to
move heaven and earth - to do
everything you can to achieve
Drill - Angles - Aware – Score Know Know the drill - It means to know the
usual stuff/routine of something; to
know all the angles - to know all the
tricks and artifices of dealing with
someone or something; to know the
score - to know the facts; to know the
facts about life and its difficulties.
Guitar – Team – Side - Sticks Pick To pick up sticks - to leave the place
where you have been living.
Place - God - Better - Aware Know To know one’s place - to know the
behavior appropriate to one's position
or status in life; to know better - to be
wise enough, experienced enough, or
well trained enough not to have done
something wrong; better the devil you
know - something that you say to
mean it is better to deal with a person
or thing you know, even if you do not
like them, than to deal with a new
person or thing who could be even
Decorate - Groom - Kill – Attire Dress
Tent - Black - Fever - Erect Pitch Pitch Black; Pitch a tent - to erect a
tent; fever pitch - a sense of intense
Employee - Army - Help - Lip Service To give / pay lip service to - to say
that you agree with and support an
idea or plan but not do anything to
help it to succeed.
Graze – Symbol – Loan - Cluster Bullet Bullet Loan - is a loan where a
payment of the entire principal of the
loan,[1] and sometimes the principal
and interest,[2] is due at the end of
the loan term. Likewise for bullet
bond. A bullet loan can be a
mortgage, bond, note or any other
type of credit; Bullet Cluster -
consists of two colliding clusters of
galaxies; graze - break the skin (of a
body part) by scraping.
Consent - Golden - Break – Suppress Silence Silence is golden; silence means
consent – proverb; break the silence -
to make a noise interrupting a period


MICA Special Word Association
of silence.
Explode - Burst - Volcano - Blow Erupt
Trail - Tiger - Wall - News Paper paper trail - a series of records that is
possible to examine to find out the
sequence of things that happen;
Paper tiger - a country or
organization that seems powerful but
is not.
Foot - Messenger - Straight – Film Shoot
Dead - Attention - Circle - Stage Center
Problem - Source - Base - Support Root
Ground - Grave - Make – Change Shift
Empty - Brain - Down – Deplete Drain
Dog - Bite - Sick - Trick Dog Dog eat dog; to teach an old dog new
tricks – change longstanding habits
or ways, especially of an old person.
Deceptive - Imprudent - Dawn - Start False False dawn - something which seems
to show that a successful period is
beginning or that a situation is
improving when it is not; a false start
- a failed attempt to begin an activity
or event.
Surpass - Diminish - Downfall - Sun Eclipse to eclipse someone - surpass
Out - Same - Under - Fire Breath To speak under the breath - to
Present - Strike - Pretend – Ask Pose
Announce - Day - Night – Close Call
Beat - Under - Jump - Great Gun To beat the gun - to manage to do
something before the ending signal
Finger - Off - Elate – Soar Lift
Year - Come - Travel – Gentle Light
Leave - Love - Bird – Together Nest
Hard - Ahead - Kill – Travel Go / time going hard on someone; go ahead,
going for the kill; travel - go
Appeal - Mind - Mouth – Ill Speak
Raise - Top - One – Express Voice
Widen - Period - prolong – Extend Stretch
Hostage - Luck - Success - Fate Fortune Hostage to fortune - could be
harmed by things that happen in the
Hot - Play - Heart - Large Heavy Hot and heavy - referring to serious
passion or emotions; to play the
heavy - to act the part of a mean
person; to do the unpleasant tasks
that no one else wants to do.
Point - Picture - Flash – Long View long view - it means far sighted
Lie - Gang – Card - Lead Pack Pack of lies - series of lies; to lead
the pack - to be first or best of a
Point - Lift - Cross – Thumb Finger
Shoot - Fire - Dirty – Magic Work To shoot the works - to do everything;
to use everything; to bet all one's
money; firework; dirty work; work
your magic.
Away - Space - Breath – Land Waste To waste something away - to use


MICA Special Word Association

something up wastefully; to dissipate

something; waste of space –
something that is completely without
value; waste of breath - to waste
one's time talking; to talk in vain.
Build - Best - Pin - Desire Hope
Granted - Heart - Root - Prisoner Take To take root - to get established; to
take no prisoners - to be extremely
ruthless with the opposition.
Twilight - Short - Disorder – Over Sleep Twilight sleep - An amnesic condition
characterized by insensibility to pain
without loss of consciousness,
induced by an injection of morphine
and scopolamine
Open - Eye - Shop – Down Shut
Right - Under - Clip – Wait Wing To clip someone's wings - crush
his/her ambition or freedom; right
wing - political term; to take someone
under your wings- to mentor them;
wait in the wings - be ready or
Power - Act - Hang – Mental Balance Balance of power – distribution of
power; balancing act.
Mark - Ray - Mean – Luck Streak Mean streak - a tendency for a
person to do things that are mean;
lucky streak / streak of luck - a series
of lucky wins in gambling or games.
Nurture - Maid - Cure – Wet Nurse To serve as wet nurse - To treat with
excessive care.
Post - Column - Strength – Rule Pillar
Slice - Stone - Statue – Divide Carve Carve up – divide.
Play - Brain - Poster - Love Child Poster child means - someone being
a symbol of some ideology.
Speak - Roar - Party – Rant Rave
Treaty - White - Mind – Process Peace Peace process - any social process
undertaken by governments who
want their citizens to believe they are
trying to avoid armed hostilities.
Run - Veer - Nudge – Memory Jog To jog your memory – to cause
someone to remember something;
veer - To turn sharply – to jog.
Soft - Polite - Gradual – Giant Gentle Gentle giant - someone who is tall &
powerful but quiet in nature.
Coast - Honor - stand – Old Guard
Slip - Boat - Fire - Trick Miss To miss a trick - lose opportunity; to
miss fire - Fail to achieve the
anticipated result; to miss the boat –
to be ignorant; to have made an
error; to be wrong.
Whistle - Body - Steam – Kiss Blow Blow off steam / let off steam - to do
or say something that helps you get
rid of strong feelings or energy; a
body blow - something that causes
serious difficulty or disappointment.
Property - Contract - Life – Out Lease
Leg - Hand - Fair - Down Shake Fair shake - fair chance.
Life - Live - Scale – By Large By and large; larger than life; live
large; large scale


MICA Special Word Association
Conduct - way - Flight – Walk Path
Polish – Sin – Pie – Eye Apple Apple polish - to obtain favors,
especially by flattery; sin-apple is
[A]salvation regarded sinful (Adam and eve ref);
[B]Apple apple of my eye - someone, that one
[C]Chart cherishes above all.
Carnation – Prime - Pierce Pink Carnation - a pink tint or pink flower;
[A]Soul Prime of health - in pink health; Pink -
[B]Pluck to prick with a knife or such thing
[C]Dark meaning as Pierce.
Count – Clean – Brown Nose Nose count- It is the count of
[A]chicken population; Keep your nose clean is
[B]broom keep out of trouble; A brown nose is
[C]nose someone who sticks up to you for a
Man - Spring - Piece – Course Action Man of action - one who believes in
taking quick action without much
contemplation; spring into action - to
suddenly start something; piece of
action - involvement in a successful
thing; course of action - plan for
things to do.
Part - Lion - way - Fair Share
Slow - Block - Suppress – Jam Choke
Hall - Food - Intrude – Muddle Mess Muddle - A disordered condition; a
mess or jumble
Go - Die - Vary – Divert Depart Go - Die - Vary – Divert
Fly - Offend - Suffer – Anguish Hurt Not hurt a fly - not injure or upset
anyone or anything.
Bent - Good - Whip – Take Shape Whip into shape- to put something
into good condition, possibly with
considerable effort.
Condition - Food - Rank – Tall Order Order - A condition of regular or
proper arrangement.
Drop - Direct - Roll – Die Cast The die is cast - when a decision has
been made.
Cat – Wheel – Vamp – Model Ramp Catwalk on the ramp; wheelchair
[A]villain ramp - inclined plane for wheel
[B]Ramp chairs; Vamp and Ramp (Phonetics);
[C]cart A model walks on the ramp.
[E] pot
Curve – sail – Bag – Resistance Wind Windbag - a person who talks a lot
[A]wind but says little of any value; wind
[B]glory resistance - type of drag (physics);
[C]boat wind and curve are synonyms; wind
[D]raid sail - a sail used in ships , sail near
[E]balloon the wind is an idiom
Pup – Flour – Cover – Pluck Cup Rhymes with Pup, flour can be
[A]Dog measured using cup, cup cover is an
[B] cup instrument used to cover a cup & cup
[C] bed plucking is a name of an activity.
[D] cake


MICA Special Word Association
Turn - Round - Wall – Work Clock To turn the clock back - to try to
return to the past; like clockwork -
With machinelike regularity and
precision; perfectly.
Scar - Crack - Joint – Burst Seam / To burst at the seams - to be very full
open and burst.
Chance - Rain - Run – Gamble Risk Risk of rain (idiom) - a chance of
Tight - Full - Draw – Horse Rein
Dead - Cold - Out – Off Knock
Time - Long - Name – Come Term To come to terms with - to start to
accept and deal with a difficult
Mental - Money - Book – Swap Note Notebook; Currency notes constitute
money; You swap notes; Mental note
(when you remember something
important, you make a mental note of
Rob - Love - Luck – Faith Blind
Vitamin - Sleep - Bitter – On Pill
Right - Stand - Prison – Political Correct Stand Corrected; Politically correct;
Prison - Correction Home.
Business - Lean - Man – consequence Mean A man/woman of means -someone
who has a lot of money; lean and
mean - fit and ready for hard, efficient
work; Mean business - someone who
is direct and focused.
Hit - Out - Talk – Ghost Town Hit the town; Out of town; talk of the
town; Ghost town - A deserted town
with few or no remaining inhabitants.
Offence - Paltry - Streak – Denote Mean Mean no offence; Mean streak; Mean
directly means to denote; No mean
amount – Paltry.
Product - Back - Story – Dead End
Obscure - Secret - Evil – Horse Dark
Cock – Mock - Pick Tail
Dead - Knock - Forest – Coal Wood Wood coal - a type of coal which is
made by partially burning wood.
Make - Burst - Behind – Crime Scene Burst on to the scene - suddenly
becoming famous.
Point - Back - Reflect – Instant Flash
Time - Tire - Expense – Mercy Spare
Story - Big - Cold – Search Fish Fish for something - Search for
something; Fish story - very big lie.
Card - Hole - Out – Hold Ace Ace out - to have good luck; ace in
the hole - something important held in
Down - Man - Easy – Smart Street Down the street; street smart; Man of
the street - common man; easy street
- in a state of financial independence
and comfort.
Death - Free - Charge – Bridge Toll
Room - Wear - Erode – Hand Wash
Touch - Fulfill - Play – Pace Keep Keep in touch; Play for the keeps - to
do things with permanent effect; keep
the promise / word – fulfill.
Quiet - Spin - Corpse – Serious Grave
Eat - Bullet - Dust – Tongue Bite To bite the dust – to die; to break; to


MICA Special Word Association

fail; to give out; Bite your tongue - an

expression said to someone who has
just stated an unpleasant supposition
that unfortunately maybe true.
Nose - Way - Tip – Spend Lead To lead by the Nose - to make
someone forcefully do something;
Lead the way; Lead a life of misery -
Spend a life of misery; the police has
got a tip – the police has got a lead.
Time - Luck - Genius – Ego Stroke Stroke - means a particular time of
the day; stroke of luck; stroke of
genius; stroke of ego – ego boost.
Answer - Back - Stand – Down Pat Pat answer - a quick, easy answer; a
simplified or evasive answer; stand
pat - to refuse to make any changes.
Meal - Big - Just – summon Ticket A meal ticket - something that you
use as a way of getting regular
amounts of money for the rest of your
life; just the ticket - to be just the
perfect thing; big ticket - very
expensive; ticket – legal summon.
Extend - Accord - Sky – Achieve Reach
Law - Ordinary - Typical – Above Average The law of averages - the probability
that you will get one result about the
same number of times as another if
you do something often enough;
typically – on an average.
Knots - Value - Crime – Birth Rate Rate of knots - very quick.
Pair - Link - Few - Marriage Couple
Subdue - Press - Crowd – Proof Crush Crush a revolt - subdue revolt; a
great crowd – Crush; Crush - proof ;
just like bullet proof;
Connect - Lines - Cot – On Dot
Pawn - Chop - Talk – List Shop Chop shop - A place where stolen
cars are disassembled for parts that
are then sold; Talk shop - it means to
talk about your work.
Rose - Nail - Death – Sleep Bed
Home - Close - Grant – First Quarter Grant no Quarter - show no mercy; in
close quarters - in a small area
together with others.
Domino - Take - Snowball – Result Effect
Home - Speak - Street – Returns Address
Tolerate - Still - View – intact Stand
Blow - Change - Full – Things Swing
Over – Up – Suppose - Feet Think
tune - mess - charge – sleazy Fine
shoes - endure - breath – straw last
Hate - Snail - Bulk – Fan Mail
Blade - Under - Stab – Twist Knife To twist the knife - to do or say
something to make a situation worse.
Flow - Rain - Swarm – Heart Pour
Gain - Lose - Land – Below Ground
Unusual - Number - Ends – Unmatched Odd
Life - Air - Eggs – Pace Walk Walk on eggs - same as walk on thin
ice - means to be very cautious.
Band - Life - Line – Over Party Life of the party and party is over;
Band and party - both means a group


MICA Special Word Association
of people.
Divine - Book - Person – Place Holy
Bleed - Elephant - Knight – Snow White Bleed someone white - to take all of
someone's money; to extort money
from someone.
Sheet - Coat - Ban – Cover Blanket
Last - Ultimate - Curtain - Straw Final
Nuance - Screen - Reduce - Trace Shade Nuance - means subtle change same
as shades; Shade the price - Reduce
the price; shade of vinegar – traces of
Together - Birds - Crowd – Number Flock
Lamb - Look - Knife – Go Kill
End - Exhaust - Bag – Pipes Fag Fag - Bag (Phonetics); Fag - an
exhausting job; Fag end - its the last
piece of cigarette which people throw;
Fag - to have a smoke as in Pipe
tolerate - butterfly - ache – knots Stomach Stomach is in knots - Feeling of being
Nervous; Stomach - To Tolerate or to
bear someone or something.
Fragrance - On feet – Revolt - Sore Rose
Draft – Rely – Border - World Bank
Give - Peace - History – Lay Rest Give it a rest; Rest in peace; Rest is
History; Lay to rest.
Permit - Bank - Pardon – Court Grant
[B] Jail
[C] Prison
[D] Judge
[E] Leave
Last - Stock - Face – Fun Laugh Last laugh; Laughing stock; laugh in
Trace - Nose - Rat - Blood Smell Smell -- an aura or trace; Smell Blood
- to be ready for fight.
Excellent - Offense - Letter – Money Capital
Cover - Weep - Mind – Show Read Read it and weep - read the bad
news; read cover to cover; read mind.
Like - Rise - Walk – Tax Hike
Progressive - Straight - Fast – Impudent Forward
Sway - Fall - Film – In Reel
Comic - Search - Down – Land strip
Cloth - Window - Eye – Man Blind Blinds are made of cloth; Blinds are
[A]Merchant used for windows; Blind Eye; blind
[B]Blind man.
Transport - Pregnant - Propel – Weight Carry
Chance - Bow - Fall – Accept Take To take a fall/take a dive - to fake
being knocked out in a boxing match.
Point - Favor - Compliment – Ticket Return Point of no return , return a favor ,
return a compliment , return ticket


MICA Special Word Association
Slow - Pure - Make – Inevitable Sure
souvenir - Sign - Gesture – Symbol Token Token Gesture - to do the minimum
Fruit - Skin - Republic – Go Banana
Pink - Tie - Missing - Cuff Link
Pay - Ship - Civil – Martial Court
Love - Story - Cheap – Dog Life life is cheap - it means people's lives
have little value so if they die it is not
important; it's a dog's life - something
that you say which means that life is
hard and unpleasant.
Plot - Storm - Trouble – Tea Brew
Model - Guide - Combat – Test Pilot
Writer - Stumble - Mental – Out Block Writer's block; Stumbling block;
Mental block; Block out.
Cottage - Register - Implant – Ski Lodge
Provoke - Brain - Pocket – Pace Pick To pick brain - to get information and
advice from someone
Gas - Steam - Time – Election Run run out of gas , run out of steam, time
runs, run in an election
Bench - Up - Fresh – Passionate Warm
Stone - Storm - Applaud – Descend Hail
Feel - Nip - Press – Miser Pinch
Support - Apply - Produce – Mind Bear
Front - Take - Duty – Box Office
Against - Take - Ring – Bright Side
Curry - Help - Support – Gift Favour curry favour -to try to make someone
like you or support you by doing
things to please them
Come - Good - Trouble – Brief Grief To come to grief - to experience
something unpleasant or damaging
Drop - Get – Far Away
Pin - Air – Back Drop
Series - Shoe - Cord – Pull String
Fool - Earth - Heaven – Delight Paradise A fool’s paradise - A state of delusive
contentment or false hope.
Potential – Container – Report – Seal Can
Cash – Hard – Type – Person Kind
Young - Bird - Bit – Make Little
In – Pin – Lens – Shoot Camera
[A] Eye
Measure – Standard – Car – Enclosure Yard
[A] Mile


MICA Special Word Association
Sweep – Red – Rug – Floor Carpet
Assassination – Shady – Actor – Out Character
Piece - Heart – Bad – Foot Mouth
Mind – Leave – Miss - Lack Absent
Rain—Bath – Party – Flow Shower
Task – Throw – Pilot – Predict Project
Reasonable – Mild – Politics – Preside Moderate
Ignite - Theory – Fix – Octet Set
Jump - Beat - Miss – Omit Skip
Magazine - Small - Out – Pattern Print
Frame - Bring - Open – Care Mind
Wade – moon – line – intrude Walk Walk in on someone- intrude
Area - Variety - Rank – Close Range
Under - Storm - Survive – Balloon Weather Weather Balloon - a balloon which
measures atmospheric information
Modern – Fast - Mail – Ahead Forward
Poverty - Pay - War – Hate Crime Poverty is'nt a crime , crime doesn't
pay war crimes , hate crime.
Mind - Sight - Adjust – Straight Set
Bank - Group - Cold – Line Blood
Open - Trade - Keep – Inward Secret
Record - attain - Impression – Book Register/
Great - Any - Arm – Duration Length
Time - Mile - Small – Precise Minute
Register – Off – Matter – Player Record
Temperature - Cool - Tepid - Sun warm
Busy – knees – obsession Bee Be the bee's knees - extremely good;
Have bee in your bonnet –
knot - revolution – horn French
front – fall – gate Water
leaf - out – go Let
bow - stitch – red Cross
Blow – ignite – counter – balance Strike
Brother – rainjacket – engine Hood
Hand – scarce – cake Short
Moon – endearing – amber Honey
Width – hair – rock Band
Friend – stale – chess Mate
Wine – entrance – bus Port USB – universal serial bus.
Horse - food – breeze Sea
Cricket - Hockey – Football Ball
News - Love – Leave Letter
Knee – subsidy – headgear Cap
Hands – Switch – Grab On
Smelling – 16 – tooth Sweet
Monitor – sun – filter Screen
Pin – bag – plane – round Paper paper round - the route taken when
delivering newspapers every day
Ascend – Measure – Large – Wage Scale
Speed – sky – boundary Limit
Tease – scrap – cloth Rag
Crash - get rid of – hole Ditch


MICA Special Word Association
Color – promising – just Fair
Office - Speed – Death post
Court - test – room Trail
Conduct – Noun – Correct Proper
Chance - good wishes – divide Break break a leg-good wishes, get a break-
chance, break a team-divide
Detective – Medium – Supply Agency
Jump – mattress – water Spring
Organization – train - on Board
Gather - Done - Cut – Corpse Dust To gather dust - [for something] to sit
unused for a long time; done and
dusted; Corpse of a dead man is also
called Dust.
Law – Shine – Throw Out
Blue - High – Light Sky
Barrier – Beat – Safe – Waves Sound
Mark – Union – Trick – Money Trade
Stand - Time - Engine – Green Stall Stall the time - to delay something;
green stall - where vegetables are
Touch - Lose - Sink – Origin Trace trace - A barely perceivable
indication; a touch; trace - sink
without trace - to be forgotten about
completely, after being popular for a
while; lose trace - to fail to maintain a
way of finding someone or
Long – Guard – Slice – Shelf Life
Reaction – Bind - Link - Key - appendage Chain
(A) Action
(B) Glue
(C) Chain
(D) Trigger
(E) Catalyst
Draft - Rely - Border - World Bank Bank – draft , Bank on someone,
(A) Army bank of river – border , world bank
(B) Bank
(C) News
(D) Treaty
(E) Force
Time Eye Follow Tower Watch
(A) Watch
(B) Observation
(C) Sight
(D) Reader
(E) Clock
Feel – Strike – Hammer – Stretch Home hammer home - to try extremely hard
to make someone understand or
realize something; Home stretch -
last part of any difficult activity.
Arrange - Period - Take – Phase Stage Take stage; Arrange an invasion -
stage an invasion.
Surge - Heat - Ride – Curve Wave Ride the wave - to make use of a
popular opinion,, like politicians often
Cushion, Photograph, Body, Pieces blow Cushion reduce effect of a blow,,
(A) Shard Blown up photographs , body blow ,
(B) Picture blown in to pieces


MICA Special Word Association
(C) Blow
(D) Part
(E) Frame
Short - Tooth - Revenge – Kind Sweet
Generation - Bridge - Fill – Pass Gap
Cake - Share - Knife – Slit Slice
Saving - Skin - Drop – Swim Dip Dip into savings; Dip means -- to
drop for eg prices dip; Skinny Dip -
Swim naked.
Leg – protect – wing – mar Arm
Narrow – river – water – sea Creek
Eyes – rock – hair – safe Lock
Land - Water - Reduce – Thing Fall
Strength - Right - Main – Possible Might Might and Main ( idiom ) - with all the
stem-boot-nose-case Trunk Trunk of the car – boot.
at once – occasionally – location – mark Spot on the spot-at once, in spots -
occasionally, spot-location, spot –
Hide – cover – conceal Secret Secrets are hidden; Under cover -
secret , Concealed – secret.
Blush Left Anger Sea Red
(A) Love
(B) China
(C) Storm
(D) Rejection
(E) Red
Face – Kind – Writer – Cast Type Typeface = font.

Crest, Goodbye, Hair, Emotion Wave

(A) Gold
(B) Honor
(C) Color
(D) Wave
(E) Kiss
Careful is to cautious as boastful is to Arrogant
A. arrogant
B. humble
C. joyful
D. suspicious
Yard is to inch as quart is to Gallon
A. gallon
B. ounce
C. milk
D. liquid
master______ set Mind
Hint: The number of blanks is the indication of
the number of alphabets in the word associated
with these two words.
Mush ______ Mate Room
Egg ______ Start Head
French ________ Seat Window
Land ______Down Mark


MICA Special Word Association
Up ______ Less Root
Bed ______ Fall Rock
Drag _ _ _ Work Net Dragnet - A net drawn through a river
or across ground to trap fish or game.
Cloth _______ Shoe Horse The instrument used to hang clothes
is called Cloth horse.
Break _____ Back Fast
Man ______ Wink Hood Hoodwink - Deceive or trick
News ________Clip Paper
Brain _______ Hood Child
Eye ______ Beat Brow Browbeat - Intimidate (someone),
typically into doing something, with
stern or abusive words.
Thumb _____ Art Nail
Fore _____ Tale Tell
Back ______Bag Hand
Spot _______ Weight Light
Blue _______ Pick Tooth
Tape ______ Wood Worm
Finger _______ Out Print
Car ________ Hood Nation


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