2.2 Brix Determination of Massecuite

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1.) Prepare mother liquor (molasses) with varying brix (Using refractometer to read brix)
2.) Make massecuite samples of varying brix by adding sugar to the molasses setups. Make
sure the samples are stirred after.
3.) Pour a sample massecuite in the centrifugal filter; afterwards turn the equipment on
4.) Measure the collected sample filtrate every 30 seconds for the first two minutes of each
run and every 1 minute for the succeeding time after
5.) After each run, measure the cake height and thickness
6.) Weigh the amount of sugar recovered and compute for the sugar recovery efficiency
7.) Repeat with each sample

5 g of refined sugar and 5 g of the available saturated sugar solution was weighed separately. The
two samples were diluted up to 30 g. Using a refractometer, the individual brix of the refined sugar
and saturated sugar solution were measured. Using the dilution factor of 6, actual brix readings of the
samples were determined. Computed values are available in the appendices.
2.2 Brix Determination of Massecuite
Using the computed brix values of the refined sugar and the saturated sugar solution, 2 kg of
massecuite with a brix readings of 94, 92, and 90 was prepared using the formula
For the first run of the experiment the 94 brix massecuite was placed inside the centrifugal filter. The
equipment was run for a total of 10 minutes per trial. Filtrate was collected every 30 seconds for the
first two minutes of each run and every 1 minute for the succeeding time after.
After each run, the filter cake thickness was measured and was scooped out of the equipment. The
weight of the filter cake was also measured.

 Top-loading/Analytical balance *
 Beakers *
 Stirring rods *
 Stopwatch/Timer *
 Brix Refractometer *
 Graduated cylinders *
 Refined Sugar *
 Wash bottles and Distilled Water *
 Ruler
 Centrifugal Filter *
 Pipettes
 Basins
 Thermometer *

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