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1.1 Units and Sign Convention

unless specified following units shall be applicable:

Measurement :
Pressure load :
Uniformly distributed load UDL :
Forces :
Moment :
Stress :
Modulus of elasticity :
Temperature :
Angular measurement :
Density :

unless specified following sign convention shall be applicable:

Force -
Tensile :
Compressive :
Longitudinal moment ML -
Anti clockwise :
Clockwise :
Transverse moment MT -
Anti clockwise :
Clockwise :
Stress -
Tensile stress :
Compressive stress :

1.2 Arrangement of Super Structure

Type of super structure :

Total length of central span :


C.L. of
Exp Jt

Overall width of deck =

Carriage way width =
Footpath width =
Width of Railing on each side =
Thickness of wearing coat =

1.3 Concrete and Steel Material

1.3.1 Concrete for RCC component

Foundation =
Substructure =






Suspension Bridge
120 m

C.L. of
Exp Jt

13.10 m
7.50 m
2.50 m
0.30 m
0.065 m

M 35
M 50

2.1 Loads

Structure has been analyzed for loads as per latest IRC recommendations and the same is stated in nex

2.1.1 Self weight (DL)

Unit weight of structural steel =
Unit weight of reinforced concrete =

2.1.2 Super imposed dead load (SIDL)

UDL for each crash barrier =
Number of crash barrier =
Total UDL for all crash barrier = 2 x 10 =
UDL for wearing coat =
Total UDL for SIDL = 20 + 22 =

2.1.3 Footpath live load (FPLL)

Uniform pressure =
Design uniform pressure (deduction as per IRC:6 - 2017)
= 4 -(0.04 x120 -0.3)/9 =
Footpath Width =
UDL for FPLL = 2.5 x 3.5 =

2.1.4 Support Settlement

Conservatively, 10 mm support settlement load has been considered for analysis and designing of sub

2.1.5 Live load (LL)

Live load considered for design :

One lane of 70R Track
One lane of 70R Wheel
Two lane of Class A

Impact factor -
70R-T =
70R-W =
Class-A =
Single vehicles - Dimensions are in mm and loads are in kN

2.1.6 Longitudinal forces

Calculation as per IRC at different support location

2.1.7 Centrifugal forces

calculation as per IRC at different support location falling on curve portion

2.1.8 seismic forces

zone =
zone factor Z =
Seismic Class Important Bridges
Importance factor I =
Response reduction factor R =
Average response acceleration cofficient Sa/g =

Horizontal seismic coefficient

ah = ( Z/2 ) x ( I/R ) x ( Sa/g )
= (0.24/2 ) x ( 1.2/3 ) x ( 1.81 ) =

Vertical seismic cofficient

av = ( 2/3 ) x ( ah )
= ( 2/3 ) x ( 0.087 ) =

For designing of foundation

Horizontal seismic cofficient
ah = 1.35 x 0.087 =
Vertical seismic cofficient
av = 1.35 x 0.058 =
Note:- As per IRC:6 2014 For Design of short and rigid Abutments
Average response acceleration cofficient Sa/g =
zone =
zone factor Z =
Seismic Class Important Bridges
importance factor I =
response reduction factor R =

Horizontal seismic coefficient

ah = ( Z/2 ) x ( I/R ) x ( Sa/g )
= (0.24/2 ) x ( 1.2/1 ) x ( 1 ) =
Vertical seismic cofficient
av = ( 2/3 ) x ( ah )
= ( 2/3 ) x ( 0.144 ) =
For designing
Horizontal seismic cofficient
ah = 1.35 x 0.144 =
Vertical seismic cofficient
av = 1.35 x 0.096 =

2.1.9 For designing seismic stopper

Zone =
Zone factor Z =
Importance factor I =
Response reduction factor R =
Avg response acceleration coefficient Sa/g =
Horizontal seismic coefficient =

2.2 Load Combination

Effect of loads on structural members has been calculated using appropriate load factor given in
IRC code for Limit State Method design.

and the same is stated in next

78.5 kN/m3
25.0 kN/m3

10 kN/m
2 Nos.
20 kN/m
22 kN/m
42 kN/m

4.0 kN/m2

3.5 kN/m2
2.5 m
8.0 kN/m2

nalysis and designing of sub

10 %
20 %
20 %
Important Bridges




Important Bridges






e load factor given in

Detailed super structure analysis has been presented in super structure design booklet and may be reff
from the same. Support reaction tabulated below for super structure loading effect has been taken
super structure design and analysis.

3.1 Support Reaction for Super Structure Loading Effect

Support reaction for super structure loading effect has been taken from super structure design an
represent reaction values following legends has been taken:

DL : Self weight of RCC Girder & Slab

CB : crash barrier
WC : wearing coat
SS : support settlement
LL : live load
Unfactored Reactions

Axial Shear FZ Shear Fy ML
Self Weight 26710.39 -595.93 6874 16776.76
Wearing Course 0.00 -41.08 124 1156.08
Railing 0.00 -38.05 115 1070.77
Footpath 0.00 -94.58 286 2661.75
crowd load full 0.00 -233.21 709 6563.76
Wind Load 0.00 -1.23 -14 -8.42
Wind Load V 0.00 6.40 -19 -180.08
Seismic Load 5857.02 721.08 2582 33674.64
Live Load 0.00 57.94 237 2170.74

Factored Reactions

Load Factor
Axial Shear FZ Shear Fy ML
Self Weight 1.35 36059.03 -804.51 9280.25 22648.63
Wearing Course 1.75 0.00 -71.89 217.04 2023.14
Railing 1.35 0.00 -51.37 155.05 1445.54
Footpath 1.35 0.00 -127.68 386.24 3593.36
crowd load full 1.5 0.00 -349.82 1063.62 9845.64
Wind Load 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Wind Load V 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Seismic Load 1.5 8785.53 1081.62 3872.55 50511.96
Live Load 1.5 0.00 86.91 354.90 3256.11
design booklet and may be reffered
ading effect has been taken from

om super structure design and to



4.11 Structural Design of Piles-Ultimate Case

4.11.1 Check for Slenderness

Geometrical Properties of Pile :

Diameter of Pile = 1.2

C/S Area of Pier Ac = (π x (1.2 )^2) /4 = 1.13
Moment of Inertia Ixx = (π x (1.2 )^4) /64 = 0.10
Radius of Gyration rxx = √( 0.1 / 1.13 ) = 0.3
Unsupported length of Pile l0 = 12.00

Material Properties of Pile :

Grade of Concrete for Pile fck = M 35

Factor α = 0.67
Partial factor for concrete γm = 1.5
Design value of concrete compressive strength
fcd = 35 x 0.67 / 1.5 = 15.63
Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete Ecm = 31500
Grade of Reinforcing Steel fyk = Fe 500
Design yield strength of reinforcement
fyd = 0.87 x 500 = 435.0
Modulus of Elasticity of Reinforcement Steel Es = 200000

Effective Length :

Effective length factor k = 1.5

Effective length le = k.l0 = 18.00
Radius of gyration of pile section rxx = 0.3
Slenderness Ratio λ = 18 x 0.3 = 60.0


Simplified Slenderness Criteria :

Second order effects may be ignored if slenderness ratio λ based on le is less than the limiting value

Limiting value of slenderness λlim is given by following equation:


For initial dimensioning,

Constatnt, A =
Constatnt, B =
Constatnt, C =

Relative Axial Force = n =

Design value of axial force = NEd

Final Creep Coefficient :

�(∞,�0) = Final creep co-efficient

(Depends on Notional size 2Ac/u, Age at the time of loading t0 & Relative Humid

Ac = Concrete cross - sectional area

u = Perimeter of that part of cross-section which is exposed to

2Ac/u = Notional size (h0) = 2 x 1.13 / 3.77

t = Age at the time considered

t0 = Age at the time of loading
RH = Relative Humidity

�(∞,�0) = �0 �� (�,�0) where,

�0 = �𝑅��(��𝑚)�(�0)

�RH = Factor to allow for the effect of relative humidity on notional creep coeff.

(1+ (1−𝑅�/100)/(0.1∛(ℎ_0 ))) fcm ≤ 45 MPa


(1+(1−𝑅�/100)/(0.1∛(ℎ0 )) �1 ) �2 fcm > 45 MPa

fcm = Mean concrete compressive strength
φRH = 1+((1- 80 /100)/(0.1 x ( 600 )^(1/3)))

β(fcm) = Factor to allow for effect of concrete strength on notional creep coeff.
= 18.78∕√(��𝑚 ) = 18.78/ √ ( 35 )

β(t0) = Factor to allow for effect of concrete age at the time of loading on notional creep

β(t0) 1∕(0.1+(�0)^0.2 )
= = 1/ ( 0.1+30 ^0.2 )

�0 �𝑅��(��𝑚)�(�0)
= = 1.24 x 3.17 x 0.48

�� (�,�0) = coeff. To describe the development of creep with time after loading
= [(�−�0 )∕(��+(�−�0 ))]^0.3

βH = Coeff. Depending upon relative humidity & notional size.

fcm = Mean concrete compressive strength
1.5[1+(0.012𝑅�)^18 ] ℎ0+250 ≤1500
= fcm ≤ 45 MPa
1.5[1+(0.012𝑅�)^18 ] ℎ0+250�3 ≤1500�3
= fcm > 45 MPa
βH = 1.5 x (1+(0.012 x 80 )^18) x 600 + 250
Since βH should be less than 1500 therefore limiting value is adopted
βH = 1500

�� (�,�0)
= (( 36500 - 30 ) / ( 1500 + ( 36500 - 30 )))^0.3
�(∞,�0) �0 �� (�,�0) =
= Final creep co-efficient 1.89 x 0.99

4.11.2 Second Order effect


Cross Section of Pile

Reinforcement Details :
Dia of Main Longitudinal reinforcement in Layer 1
Dia of Main Longitudinal reinforcement in Layer 2
Dia of Spacer bar
No. of layers
Number of bars provided in First Layer
Number of bars provided in second Layer
Total area of reinforcement provided As = 3.14 x ( 20 )^2 x ( 32 + 30 ) / 4
% of reinforcement provided = 16084.95 /( 1.13 x 1000000)*100
Dia of Transverse reinforcement
Clear cover to reinforcement
Effective cover to longitudinal reinforcement = 75 + 16 + 32 / 2

Equation 11.6 Page 116 of IRC:112-2011

Nominal second order Moment M2

NEd = Design value of axial force

e2 = Second order deflection
(1/r) = Nominal Curvature
Kr = Correction factor depending upon axial load
(��−�)∕(��−�𝑏𝑎𝑙 )
nu = 1+ω
(𝐴� �𝑦�)∕(𝐴� ���)
ω = Mechanical reinforcement ratio
nbal = Value of n at max. moment resistance
Kr = for Pile = min [(nu-n)/(nu-nbal), 1]
Kφ = Factor taking into account of creep

β = 0.35 + (fck/200) - (λ/150)

λ = 60.0
= 1.87
1 / r0 = εyd / 0.45d
εyd = fyd / Es
d = effective depth = (h / 2) + is
h = width or depth of section as applicable
is = radius of gyration of total reinforcement area
def = Effective diameter of reinforcement
teq = Eqivalent thickness of reinforcement
I = M.I. of reinforcement about centroidal Axis
As = Total area of longitudinal reinforcement

4.11.3 Design Load cases

Design Forces Slenderness Check

Relative Axial force
Design Case �= �𝐸�∕(𝐴�.���)
Relative Axial force
Design Case Axial Moment �= �𝐸�∕(𝐴�.���) Slendernes Slendernes
Force (KN) (KN-m) s Limit, λlim s,λ

Case 1 2376 471.8 0.134 29.4 60.00

Case 2 70 471.8 0.004 171.1 60.00
Case 3 1871 408.9 0.106 33.1 60.00
Case 4 270 408.9 0.015 87.2 60.00
Case 5 2689 772.7 0.152 27.6 60.00
Case 6 3 772.7 0.000 873.7 60.00
Case 7 2723 809.7 0.154 27.5 60.00
Case 8 36 809.7 0.002 238.1 60.00
Case 9 2231 348.7 0.126 30.3 60.00
Case 10 624 348.7 0.035 57.4 60.00

Nominal Second Check for Second

C.F. for C.F. for Curv. Order Effects
Order Ecc.
Axial Load Creep (mm)
1/r0 = εyd /
Design Case
0.45d (1/r) = Kr x Second Order effect can
e2 = be ignored if less than
Kr Kφ Kφ x (1/r0)
(1/r)x(le2/c) 10% of 1st order effect.

Case 1 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore

Case 2 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Effect can be ignored
Case 3 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore
Case 4 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore
Case 5 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore
Case 6 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Effect can be ignored
Case 7 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore
Case 8 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Effect can be ignored
Case 9 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore
Case 10 1.00 1.23 5.7E-06 7E-06 231.3 Can not ignore

4.11.4 Check For Moment Capacity Table 6.5 ,Page 38 of IRC:112-2011

εcu2/10 = Ultimate bending compressive strain for concrete

εc2/10 = Ultimate direct compressive strain for concrete

η = Power ratio

Case 1

Design Data :
Ultimate Axial Load NEd

Final Design Moment MEd

Assume Location of N.A.

Reinforcement Contribution :

No. of Bars Provided in first Layer

No. of Bars Provided in Second Layer

For First Layer

Distance Dist. From Design

Bar No. Angle T or C Strain, ε Strain, εd
From CG Comp

1 0.00 493.0 107.0 C 0.003 0.0030

2 0.20 483.5 116.5 C 0.003 0.0029
3 0.39 455.5 144.5 C 0.003 0.0028
4 0.59 409.9 190.1 C 0.003 0.0025
5 0.79 348.6 251.4 C 0.002 0.0022
6 0.98 273.9 326.1 C 0.002 0.0018
7 1.18 188.7 411.3 C 0.001 0.0014
8 1.37 96.2 503.8 C 0.001 0.0009
9 1.57 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0004
10 1.77 -96.2 696.2 T 0.000 0.0000
11 1.96 -188.7 788.7 T 0.001 0.0005
12 2.16 -273.9 873.9 T 0.001 0.0010
13 2.36 -348.6 948.6 T 0.001 0.0013
14 2.55 -409.9 1009.9 T 0.002 0.0016
15 2.75 -455.5 1055.5 T 0.002 0.0019
16 2.95 -483.5 1083.5 T 0.002 0.0020
17 3.14 -493.0 1093.0 T 0.002 0.0021
18 3.34 -483.5 1083.5 T 0.002 0.0020
19 3.53 -455.5 1055.5 T 0.002 0.0019
20 3.73 -409.9 1009.9 T 0.002 0.0016
21 3.93 -348.6 948.6 T 0.001 0.0013
22 4.12 -273.9 873.9 T 0.001 0.0010
23 4.32 -188.7 788.7 T 0.001 0.0005
24 4.52 -96.2 696.2 T 0.000 0.0000
25 4.71 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0004
26 4.91 96.2 503.8 C 0.001 0.0009
27 5.11 188.7 411.3 C 0.001 0.0014
28 5.30 273.9 326.1 C 0.002 0.0018
29 5.50 348.6 251.4 C 0.002 0.0022
30 5.69 409.9 190.1 C 0.003 0.0025
31 5.89 455.5 144.5 C 0.003 0.0028
32 6.09 483.5 116.5 C 0.003 0.0029

Clear cover = 141 mm ( also Spacer bar added in between )

def2 = Effective diameter of reinforcement for second layer reinforcement
For Second layer

Distance Dist. From Design

Bar No. Angle T or C Strain, ε Strain, εd
From CG Comp

1 0.00 459.0 141.0 C 0.003 0.0028

2 0.26 443.4 156.6 C 0.003 0.0027
3 0.52 397.5 202.5 C 0.002 0.0025
4 0.79 324.6 275.4 C 0.002 0.0021
5 1.05 229.5 370.5 C 0.002 0.0016
6 1.31 118.8 481.2 C 0.001 0.0010
7 1.57 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0004
8 1.83 -118.8 718.8 T 0.000 0.0002
9 2.09 -229.5 829.5 T 0.001 0.0007
10 2.36 -324.6 924.6 T 0.001 0.0012
11 2.62 -397.5 997.5 T 0.002 0.0016
12 2.88 -443.4 1043.4 T 0.002 0.0018
13 3.14 -459.0 1059.0 T 0.002 0.0019
14 3.40 -443.4 1043.4 T 0.002 0.0018
15 3.67 -397.5 997.5 T 0.002 0.0016
16 3.93 -324.6 924.6 T 0.001 0.0012
17 4.19 -229.5 829.5 T 0.001 0.0007
18 4.45 -118.8 718.8 T 0.000 0.0002
19 4.71 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0004
20 4.97 118.8 481.2 C 0.001 0.0010
21 5.24 229.5 370.5 C 0.002 0.0016
22 5.50 324.6 275.4 C 0.002 0.0021
23 5.76 397.5 202.5 C 0.002 0.0025
24 6.02 443.4 156.6 C 0.003 0.0027

Concrete Contribution :

From Net Area fc =

Strain, ε Comp. Diameter Angle of fcd*(1-(1-
fibre Concrete εc/εc2)^n)
0.0035 0.00 1200 0.0 0 0.000 6.84
0.002 294.35 1200 2.1 1032.6249 215254.3 15.63
0.001 343.41 1200 2.3 1084.7326 51984.8 11.73
0.000 686.82 1200 3.4 1187.3711 402065.1 0.00
Total Axial Load resistance for assumed CG of 686.818 mm

Total Moment capacity for assumed CG of 686.818 mm

Ultimate Moment

Case 2

εcu2/10 = Ultimate bending compressive strain for concrete

εc2/10 = Ultimate direct compressive strain for concrete

η = Power ratio

Design Data :

Ultimate Axial Load NEd

Final Design Moment MEd

Assume Location of N.A.

Reinforcement Contribution :

No. of Bars Provided in first Layer

No. of Bars Provided in Second Layer

For First Layer

Distance Dist. From Design

Bar No. Angle T or C Strain, ε Strain, εd
From CG Comp

1 0.00 493.0 107.0 C 0.003 0.0029

2 0.20 483.5 116.5 C 0.003 0.0028
3 0.39 455.5 144.5 C 0.003 0.0027
4 0.59 409.9 190.1 C 0.002 0.0024
5 0.79 348.6 251.4 C 0.002 0.0021
6 0.98 273.9 326.1 C 0.002 0.0016
7 1.18 188.7 411.3 C 0.001 0.0011
8 1.37 96.2 503.8 C 0.001 0.0006
9 1.57 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0001
10 1.77 -96.2 696.2 T 0.000 0.0005
11 1.96 -188.7 788.7 T 0.001 0.0010
12 2.16 -273.9 873.9 T 0.002 0.0015
13 2.36 -348.6 948.6 T 0.002 0.0019
14 2.55 -409.9 1009.9 T 0.002 0.0022
15 2.75 -455.5 1055.5 T 0.003 0.0022
16 2.95 -483.5 1083.5 T 0.003 0.0022
17 3.14 -493.0 1093.0 T 0.003 0.0022
18 3.34 -483.5 1083.5 T 0.003 0.0022
19 3.53 -455.5 1055.5 T 0.003 0.0022
20 3.73 -409.9 1009.9 T 0.002 0.0022
21 3.93 -348.6 948.6 T 0.002 0.0019
22 4.12 -273.9 873.9 T 0.002 0.0015
23 4.32 -188.7 788.7 T 0.001 0.0010
24 4.52 -96.2 696.2 T 0.000 0.0005
25 4.71 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0001
26 4.91 96.2 503.8 C 0.001 0.0006
27 5.11 188.7 411.3 C 0.001 0.0011
28 5.30 273.9 326.1 C 0.002 0.0016
29 5.50 348.6 251.4 C 0.002 0.0021
30 5.69 409.9 190.1 C 0.002 0.0024
31 5.89 455.5 144.5 C 0.003 0.0027
32 6.09 483.5 116.5 C 0.003 0.0028

Clear cover = 141 mm ( also Spacer bar added in between )

def2 = Effective diameter of reinforcement for second layer reinforcement
For Second layer

Distance Dist. From Design

Bar No. Angle T or C Strain, ε Strain, εd
From CG Comp

1 0.00 459.0 141.0 C 0.003 0.0027

2 0.26 443.4 156.6 C 0.003 0.0026
3 0.52 397.5 202.5 C 0.002 0.0023
4 0.79 324.6 275.4 C 0.002 0.0019
5 1.05 229.5 370.5 C 0.001 0.0014
6 1.31 118.8 481.2 C 0.001 0.0007
7 1.57 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0001
8 1.83 -118.8 718.8 T 0.001 0.0006
9 2.09 -229.5 829.5 T 0.001 0.0013
10 2.36 -324.6 924.6 T 0.002 0.0018
11 2.62 -397.5 997.5 T 0.002 0.0022
12 2.88 -443.4 1043.4 T 0.002 0.0022
13 3.14 -459.0 1059.0 T 0.003 0.0022
14 3.40 -443.4 1043.4 T 0.002 0.0022
15 3.67 -397.5 997.5 T 0.002 0.0022
16 3.93 -324.6 924.6 T 0.002 0.0018
17 4.19 -229.5 829.5 T 0.001 0.0013
18 4.45 -118.8 718.8 T 0.001 0.0006
19 4.71 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0001
20 4.97 118.8 481.2 C 0.001 0.0007
21 5.24 229.5 370.5 C 0.001 0.0014
22 5.50 324.6 275.4 C 0.002 0.0019
23 5.76 397.5 202.5 C 0.002 0.0023
24 6.02 443.4 156.6 C 0.003 0.0026

Concrete Contribution :

From Net Area fc =

Strain, ε Comp. Diameter Angle of fcd*(1-(1-
fibre Concrete εc/εc2)^n)
0.0035 0.00 1200 0.0 0 0.000 6.84
0.002 337.87 1200 2.2 1079.4194 261242.5 15.63
0.001 381.49 1200 2.4 1117.5899 47945.5 11.73
0.000 686.82 1200 3.4 1187.3711 360116.2 0.00

Total Axial Load resistance for assumed CG of 610.664 mm

Total Moment capacity for assumed CG of 610.664 mm

Ultimate Moment

Case 3

εcu2/10 = Ultimate bending compressive strain for concrete

εc2/10 = Ultimate direct compressive strain for concrete

η = Power ratio

Design Data :

Ultimate Axial Load NEd

Final Design Moment MEd

Assume Location of N.A.

Reinforcement Contribution :

No. of Bars Provided in first Layer

No. of Bars Provided in Second Layer

For First Layer

Distance Dist. From Design

Bar No. Angle T or C Strain, ε Strain, εd
From CG Comp

1 0.00 493.0 107.0 C 0.00291 0.0029

2 0.20 483.5 116.5 C 0.00286 0.0029
3 0.39 455.5 144.5 C 0.00270 0.0027
4 0.59 409.9 190.1 C 0.00245 0.0025
5 0.79 348.6 251.4 C 0.00211 0.0021
6 0.98 273.9 326.1 C 0.00170 0.0017
7 1.18 188.7 411.3 C 0.001 0.0012
8 1.37 96.2 503.8 C 0.001 0.0007
9 1.57 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0002
10 1.77 -96.2 696.2 T 0.000 0.0003
11 1.96 -188.7 788.7 T 0.001 0.0009
12 2.16 -273.9 873.9 T 0.001 0.0013
13 2.36 -348.6 948.6 T 0.002 0.0017
14 2.55 -409.9 1009.9 T 0.002 0.0021
15 2.75 -455.5 1055.5 T 0.002 0.0022
16 2.95 -483.5 1083.5 T 0.002 0.0022
17 3.14 -493.0 1093.0 T 0.003 0.0022
18 3.34 -483.5 1083.5 T 0.002 0.0022
19 3.53 -455.5 1055.5 T 0.002 0.0022
20 3.73 -409.9 1009.9 T 0.002 0.0021
21 3.93 -348.6 948.6 T 0.002 0.0017
22 4.12 -273.9 873.9 T 0.001 0.0013
23 4.32 -188.7 788.7 T 0.001 0.0009
24 4.52 -96.2 696.2 T 0.000 0.0003
25 4.71 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0002
26 4.91 96.2 503.8 C 0.001 0.0007
27 5.11 188.7 411.3 C 0.001 0.0012
28 5.30 273.9 326.1 C 0.002 0.0017
29 5.50 348.6 251.4 C 0.002 0.0021
30 5.69 409.9 190.1 C 0.002 0.0025
31 5.89 455.5 144.5 C 0.003 0.0027
32 6.09 483.5 116.5 C 0.003 0.0029

Clear cover = 141 mm ( also Spacer bar added in between )

def2 = Effective diameter of reinforcement for second layer reinforcement
For Second layer

Distance Dist. From Design

Bar No. Angle T or C Strain, ε Strain, εd
From CG Comp

1 0.00 459.0 141.0 C 0.003 0.0027

2 0.26 443.4 156.6 C 0.003 0.0026
3 0.52 397.5 202.5 C 0.002 0.0024
4 0.79 324.6 275.4 C 0.002 0.0020
5 1.05 229.5 370.5 C 0.001 0.0015
6 1.31 118.8 481.2 C 0.001 0.0008
7 1.57 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0002
8 1.83 -118.8 718.8 T 0.000 0.0005
9 2.09 -229.5 829.5 T 0.001 0.0011
10 2.36 -324.6 924.6 T 0.002 0.0016
11 2.62 -397.5 997.5 T 0.002 0.0020
12 2.88 -443.4 1043.4 T 0.002 0.0022
13 3.14 -459.0 1059.0 T 0.002 0.0022
14 3.40 -443.4 1043.4 T 0.002 0.0022
15 3.67 -397.5 997.5 T 0.002 0.0020
16 3.93 -324.6 924.6 T 0.002 0.0016
17 4.19 -229.5 829.5 T 0.001 0.0011
18 4.45 -118.8 718.8 T 0.000 0.0005
19 4.71 0.0 600.0 C 0.000 0.0002
20 4.97 118.8 481.2 C 0.001 0.0008
21 5.24 229.5 370.5 C 0.001 0.0015
22 5.50 324.6 275.4 C 0.002 0.0020
23 5.76 397.5 202.5 C 0.002 0.0024
24 6.02 443.4 156.6 C 0.003 0.0026


Concrete Contribution :

From Net Area fc =

Strain, ε Comp. Diameter Angle of fcd*(1-(1-
fibre Concrete εc/εc2)^n)
0.0035 0.00 1200 0.0 0 0.000 6.84
0.002 324.36 1200 2.2 1065.8752 246752.5 15.63
0.001 369.67 1200 2.4 1108.0555 49282.2 11.73
0.000 686.82 1200 3.4 1187.3711 373269.5 0.00

Total Axial Load resistance for assumed CG of 634.303 mm

Total Moment capacity for assumed CG of 634.303 mm

Ultimate Moment

4.12 Structural Design of Piles-Servicibility Limit state

Stress Limitations:

Grade of Concrete for Pile,fck

Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete
Max. comp. stress in concrete under rare comb. (.48 fck)
Comp. stress in concrete under quasi-perm.comb.(.36 fck)
Grade of Reinforcing Steel
Modulus of Elasticity of Reinforcement Steel
Allowable tensile stress in Reinforcement Steel
Creep factor
Modular Ratio

Design Load Cases for Rare Combinations :

Ultimate Axial Load

Final Design Moment

Stress Check for Pile for Rare Combination :


1200 mm

Diameter of Pile
Diameter of Main Longitudinal Reinforcement
No. of layers
No. of bars provided in First Layer
No. of bars provided second Layer
Clear Cover to Main Longitudinal Reinforcement
Diameter of Transverse Reinforcement
Effective Cover to Main Longitudinal Reinforcment
Length of Pile
Area of Pile
Total area of reinforcement
Percentage of reinforcement
Allowable tensile stresses in steel
Allowable compressive stresses in concrete
Modular Ratio

Design Axial Force

Design Bending Moment
Ecceentricity due to Primary Effects
Equivalent Area of Steel
Equivalent Moment of Inertia of Steel

Assume location of N.A.

Sectional properties :

Subtended Angle θ

Concrete 0.532 0.270 0.144
Steel 0.086 0 0
Total 0.618 0.270 0.144

C.g. distance of the effective area from physical centroid

Effective moment of inertia Ieff
C.g. distance of the effective area from Neutral Axis y
Depth of Neutral Axis from extreme compression fibre n

Stresses :

Concrete stresses

Steel Stresses

Check :
Assumed Location of N.A.
Calculated Location of N.A.
Permissible stress in concrete
Actual stress in concrete

Permissible stress in steel

Actual stress in steel

4.13 Structural Design of Piles-Check For Shear

Shear force
Grade of steel
Grade of concrete
Depth (as per L A Clarke, depth of equivalent rectangular section = πD/4)
Effective depth
Area of main steel
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5
V Rdc

provide 20 dia bars no of legs

longitudinal spacing s
V Rdc

4.14 Design of Pile Cap

4.14.1 Design of Pile Cap longitudinal direction - (Bottom)

Maximum force in pile (4+5+9+10) or (1+2+6+7) =

Lever arm from the face of Pylon =
Moment =
Width of Pile cap in Transverse direction =
Moment per meter width =
Deduction of moment due to S/W of pile cap /m =


1 6
Trafc Direction

2 7
Trafc Directi
2 7

3 4m 8

4 9

5 10

Design Moment per meter width =

Grade of concrete =
Grade of steel =
Width =
Overall depth =
Diameter of main Reinforcement =
Diameter of shear Reinforcement =
Clear Cover =
Effective Depth =


1st Layer 40 Dia Bar at the spacing of =

2nd Layer 40 Dia Bar at the spacing of =
3rd Layer 40 Dia Bar at the spacing of =

Area of steel Reinforcement Ast =

Steel Percentage ρt =
xu/d = 0.87 fy Ast/0.36fck bd =
xu/d(lim) =
Limiting value of steel percent ρt(lim) =
Minimum steel percent =
Area of Design steel Reinforcement =
Moment of Resistance =

Minimal Longitudinal Reinforcement at Top

25 Dia Bar at the spacing of =

Maximum Total Longitudinal Reinforcement =

Design of Shear Force

Shear force =
K =
ρ1 =
σcp =
0.12 K (80 ρ1 fck) ^0.33 =
0.031 K^1.5 fck^0.5 =
V Rdc =

Provide, 20 dia bars ; No. of legs =

Asw =
Longitudinal spacing s =
V Rdc =

αcw For, σcp = 0 =

bw min. breadth of section over depth =
Z =
v1 =
fcd 0.44fck =
cotӨ =
tanӨ =
Vrd max. =

Therefore, Shear Resistance =

4.14.2 Design of Pile Cap Transverse direction - (Bottom)

Trafc Direction

1 6

2 7

3 8

4 9
5 10

Maximum force in pile (1+2+3+4+5) or (6+7+8+9+10) =

Lever arm from the face of Pylon =
Moment =
Width of Pile cap in Transverse direction =
Moment per meter width =
Deduction of moment due to S/W of pile cap /m =
Design Moment per meter width =
Grade of steel =
Grade of concrete =
Width =
Overall depth =
Effective depth =
Provide 32 dia bars at spacing =

Ast =

Steel Percentage ρt =
xu/d = 0.87 fy Ast/0.36fck bd =
xu/d(lim) =
Limiting value of steel percent ρt(lim) =
Minimum steel percent =
Area of Design steel Reinforcement =
Moment of Resistance =

4.15 Calculation of Pile Cap top Reinforcement due to Uplift force in Pile

Minimum Force in Pile Group =

Lever arm from the face of Pylon =
Moment =
Width of Pile cap in Transverse direction =
Moment per meter width =
Deduction of moment due to S/W of pile cap /m =
Design Moment per meter width =
Grade of steel =
Grade of concrete =
Width =
Overall depth =
Effective depth =
Provide 25 dia bars at spacing =

Ast =

Steel Percentage ρt =
xu/d = 0.87 fy Ast/0.36fck bd =
xu/d(lim) =
Limiting value of steel percent ρt(lim) =
Minimum steel percent =
Area of Design steel Reinforcement =
Moment of Resistance =

4.16 Punching Shear

Trafc Direction
1 6

2 7
3 8

4 9

5 10

Control Perimeter at a distance 2d in the Transverse direction exceeds the width of Pile Cap,thu
One way Shear.Accordingly Reinforcement is been provided.

4.17 Crack width Check

Grade of concrete =
Ec =
Grade of steel fyk =
Es =
Width =
Depth h =
Clear cover =
Dia of bar =
Dia of bar below main bar =
Spacing of bar =
No. of layers =
Available effective depth d =
Neutral axis depth Xu =
2.5(h-d) =
h-x/3 =
h/2 =
hc,eff =
kc =
k =
fct,eff =
Act =
σs = fyk =
Asmin = kc k fct,eff Act/σs =
As provided =

steel provided is

5(c+Ф/2) =
spacing is

Ac eff =
ρp,eff =
Sr,max =

Spacing provided is

Design bending moment =

σsc =
kt =
αe =
εsm - εcm =
crack width =




less than the limiting value λlim.



of loading t0 & Relative Humidity RH.)

= 1.13 m2

= 3.77 m
= 0.6 m
= 600 mm
= 36500 Days
= 30 Days
= 80 %

n notional creep coeff.

≤ 45 MPa

> 45 MPa
= M 35
= 1.24

notional creep coeff.

= 3.17

me of loading on notional creep coeff.

= 0.48

= 1.89

time after loading

= M 35
≤ 45 MPa

> 45 MPa
= 1581.64

= 0.99

= 1.87
= 20 mm
= 16 mm
= 32 mm
= 2 Nos.
= 32 Nos.
= 30 Nos.
= 16085.0 mm2
= 1.42 %
= 16 mm
= 75 mm
= 107 mm

of IRC:112-2011
= Ned.e2

�𝑟 �� (1∕𝑟0 )

�𝑏𝑎𝑙 )
≤ 1
= 1.40
= 0.40
= 0.40

≥ 1.00
= 1.23
= 0.13

= 5.7E-06
= 0.00218
= 846.5 mm
= 1.2 m
= 246.5 mm
= 986 mm
= 5.19 mm
= 1E+09 mm4
= 16085.0 mm2

Check for Second First 10 % of

Order Effects Order Ecc. First Order
(mm) Ecc. (mm)
Check for Second First 10 % of
Order Effects Order Ecc. First Order
(mm) Ecc. (mm)
Second Order Effect
Need consideration 198.6 19.9
No effect NA NA
Need consideration 218.6 21.9
No effect NA NA
Need consideration 287.3 28.7
No effect NA NA
Need consideration 297.4 29.7
No effect NA NA
Need consideration 156.3 15.6
Need consideration 558.9 55.9

Check for Second

Order Effects
Second Order effect can Capacity Status
be ignored if less than (KN-m)
10% of 1st order effect.

Can not ignore 4079.4 OK

Effect can be ignored 4378.1 OK
Can not ignore 4308.7 OK
Can not ignore 408.9 Not OK
Can not ignore 0.0 Not OK
Effect can be ignored 0.0 Not OK
Can not ignore 0.0 Not OK
Effect can be ignored 0.0 Not OK
Can not ignore 0.0 Not OK
Can not ignore 0.0 Not OK


= 3.50 %

= 2.00 %

= 2.00 %
= 2376.4 KN

= 471.8 KNm

= 687 mm

= 32 Nos.
= 24 Nos.

Moment @
CG of
Stress Area of bar Force section

435.0 314.2 137 67.4

435.0 314.2 137 66.1
435.0 314.2 137 62.2
435.0 314.2 137 56.0
435.0 314.2 137 47.6
367.6 314.2 115 31.6
280.8 314.2 88 16.6
186.5 314.2 59 5.6
88.5 314.2 28 0.0
9.5 314.2 -3 0.3
103.8 314.2 -33 6.2
190.7 314.2 -60 16.4
266.8 314.2 -84 29.2
329.3 314.2 -103 42.4
375.7 314.2 -118 53.8
404.3 314.2 -127 61.4
414.0 314.2 -130 64.1
404.3 314.2 -127 61.4
375.7 314.2 -118 53.8
329.3 314.2 -103 42.4
266.8 314.2 -84 29.2
190.7 314.2 -60 16.4
103.8 314.2 -33 6.2
9.5 314.2 -3 0.3
88.5 314.2 28 0.00
186.5 314.2 59 5.6
280.8 314.2 88 16.6
367.6 314.2 115 31.6
435.0 314.2 137 47.6
435.0 314.2 137 56.0
435.0 314.2 137 62.2
435.0 314.2 137 66.1

bar added in between )

yer reinforcement = 918.0 mm

Moment @
CG of
Stress Area of bar Force section

435.0 314.2 137 62.7

435.0 314.2 137 60.6
435.0 314.2 137 54.3
419.3 314.2 132 42.8
322.4 314.2 101 23.2
209.6 314.2 66 7.8
88.5 314.2 28 0.0
32.6 314.2 -10 1.2
145.4 314.2 -46 10.5
242.3 314.2 -76 24.7
316.6 314.2 -99 39.5
363.4 314.2 -114 50.6
379.3 314.2 -119 54.7
363.4 314.2 -114 50.6
316.6 314.2 -99 39.5
242.3 314.2 -76 24.7
145.4 314.2 -46 10.5
32.6 314.2 -10 1.2
88.5 314.2 28 0.0
209.6 314.2 66 7.8
322.4 314.2 101 23.2
419.3 314.2 132 42.8
435.0 314.2 137 54.3
435.0 314.2 137 60.6

Total Force 1150 KN

Moment 1871 KNm

Moment @
L.A. @ CG
Force CG of
of section
0.0 600.0 0
3365.1 426.3 1434
711.1 398.0 283
2357.1 208.4 491
Total Force 6433.4 KN
Moment 2208.8 KNm

= 7583.8 KN

Assumed Section is OK

= 4079.4 KNm
= 471.8 KNm

= 3.50 %

= 2.00 %

= 2.00 %

= 70.2 KN

= 471.8 KNm 4856.8499

= 611 mm

= 32 Nos.
= 24 Nos.

Moment @
CG of
Stress Area of bar Force section

435.0 314.2 137 67.4

435.0 314.2 137 66.1
435.0 314.2 137 62.2
435.0 314.2 137 56.0
411.8 314.2 129 45.1
326.2 314.2 102 28.1
228.5 314.2 72 13.5
122.5 314.2 38 3.7
12.2 314.2 4 0.0
98.0 314.2 -31 3.0
204.0 314.2 -64 12.1
301.7 314.2 -95 26.0
387.4 314.2 -122 42.4
435.0 314.2 -137 56.0
435.0 314.2 -137 62.2
435.0 314.2 -137 66.1
435.0 314.2 -137 67.4
435.0 314.2 -137 66.1
435.0 314.2 -137 62.2
435.0 314.2 -137 56.0
387.4 314.2 -122 42.4
301.7 314.2 -95 26.0
204.0 314.2 -64 12.1
98.0 314.2 -31 3.0
12.2 314.2 4 0.00
122.5 314.2 38 3.7
228.5 314.2 72 13.5
326.2 314.2 102 28.1
411.8 314.2 129 45.1
435.0 314.2 137 56.0
435.0 314.2 137 62.2
435.0 314.2 137 66.1

bar added in between )

yer reinforcement = 918.0 mm

Moment @
CG of
Stress Area of bar Force section

435.0 314.2 137 62.7

435.0 314.2 137 60.6
435.0 314.2 137 54.3
384.3 314.2 121 39.2
275.3 314.2 86 19.8
148.4 314.2 47 5.5
12.2 314.2 4 0.0
124.0 314.2 -39 4.6
250.8 314.2 -79 18.1
359.8 314.2 -113 36.7
435.0 314.2 -137 54.3
435.0 314.2 -137 60.6
435.0 314.2 -137 62.7
435.0 314.2 -137 60.6
435.0 314.2 -137 54.3
359.8 314.2 -113 36.7
250.8 314.2 -79 18.1
124.0 314.2 -39 4.6
12.2 314.2 4 0.0
148.4 314.2 47 5.5
275.3 314.2 86 19.8
384.3 314.2 121 39.2
435.0 314.2 137 54.3
435.0 314.2 137 60.6

Total Force 123 KN

Moment 2053 KNm

Moment @
L.A. @ CG
Force CG of
of section
0.0 600.0 0
4084.1 401.2 1638
655.9 376.2 247
2111.2 208.4 440

Total Force 6851.1 KN

Moment 2325.3 KNm

= 6974.0 KN

Assumed Section is OK

= 4378.1 KNm
= 471.8 KNm

= 3.50 %

= 2.00 %

= 2.00 %

= 1870.5 KN

= 408.9 KNm
= 634 mm

= 32 Nos.
= 24 Nos.

Moment @
CG of
Stress Area of bar Force section

435.0 314.2 137 67.4

435.0 314.2 137 66.1
435.0 314.2 137 62.2
435.0 314.2 137 56.0
422.6 314.2 133 46.3
340.1 314.2 107 29.3
246.1 314.2 77 14.6
144.0 314.2 45 4.4
37.9 314.2 12 0.0
68.3 314.2 -21 2.1
170.3 314.2 -54 10.1
264.4 314.2 -83 22.8
346.9 314.2 -109 38.0
414.5 314.2 -130 53.4
435.0 314.2 -137 62.2
435.0 314.2 -137 66.1
435.0 314.2 -137 67.4
435.0 314.2 -137 66.1
435.0 314.2 -137 62.2
414.5 314.2 -130 53.4
346.9 314.2 -109 38.0
264.4 314.2 -83 22.8
170.3 314.2 -54 10.1
68.3 314.2 -21 2.1
37.9 314.2 12 0.0
144.0 314.2 45 4.4
246.1 314.2 77 14.6
340.1 314.2 107 29.3
422.6 314.2 133 46.3
435.0 314.2 137 56.0
435.0 314.2 137 62.2
435.0 314.2 137 66.1

bar added in between )

yer reinforcement = 918.0 mm

Moment @
CG of
Stress Area of bar Force section

435.0 314.2 137 62.7

435.0 314.2 137 60.6
435.0 314.2 137 54.3
396.0 314.2 124 40.4
291.1 314.2 91 21.0
169.0 314.2 53 6.3
37.9 314.2 12 0.0
93.2 314.2 -29 3.5
215.4 314.2 -68 15.5
320.3 314.2 -101 32.7
400.8 314.2 -126 50.1
435.0 314.2 -137 60.6
435.0 314.2 -137 62.7
435.0 314.2 -137 60.6
400.8 314.2 -126 50.1
320.3 314.2 -101 32.7
215.4 314.2 -68 15.5
93.2 314.2 -29 3.5
37.9 314.2 12 0.0
169.0 314.2 53 6.3
291.1 314.2 91 21.0
396.0 314.2 124 40.4
435.0 314.2 137 54.3
435.0 314.2 137 60.6

Force 415 KN
Moment 2017 KNm

Moment @
L.A. @ CG
Force CG of
of section
0.0 600.0 0
3857.6 409.0 1578
674.1 383.0 258
2188.3 208.4 456

Force 6720.0 KN
Moment 2291.8 KNm
= 7134.9 KN

Assumed Section is OK

= 4308.7 KNm
= 408.9 KNm

= M 35
= 31500 Mpa
= 16.8 Mpa
= 12.6 Mpa
= Fe 500
= 200000 Mpa
= 300 Mpa
= 1
= 6.35

= 3606.6 KN
= 4931.7 KNm

= 1200 mm
= 20 mm
= 2 Nos.
= 32 Nos.
= 30 Nos.
= 75 mm
= 16 mm
= 107 mm
= 35 m
= 1.13 m2
= 16085.0 mm2
= 1.42 %
= -300 Mpa
= 16.8 Mpa
= 6.35

= 3606.6 KN
= 4931.7 KNm
= 1.3674 m
= 86041.7401 mm2
= 1E+10 mm4

= 0.5719 m

= 1.52

Iself Ixx
0.0104561794 0.0104561794

= 0.232 m
= #REF! m4
= #REF! m4
= #REF! m

= #REF! KN/m2
= #REF! N/mm2

= #REF! KN/m2
= #REF! N/mm2

= 0.572 m
= #REF! m
= 16.8 Mpa
= #REF! Mpa
= -300 Mpa
= #REF! Mpa

= Err:504 KN
= Fe 500
= M 35
= 942.5 mm
= 835.5 mm
= 942.5 mm
= 16085 mm2
= 1.489 Page 88 of IRC 112: 2011
= 0.020
= 0 Page 88 of IRC 112: 2011
= 0.67
= 0.33
= 262
= 628 mm2
= 110 mm
= 1718

7m 2.5
#REF! m

M 35
Fe 500
1000 mm
#REF! m
40 mm
20 mm
75 mm
#REF! mm

110 mm
110 mm
110 mm

34271.92 mm2
#REF! 2.417
#REF! mm2

125 mm
38198.911 mm2

5026.5 mm2
150 mm
#REF! mm
#REF! mm
15.4 Mpa



0.84 m
#REF! KNm -
#REF! m
Fe 500
M 35
1.0 m
#REF! m
125 mm

6434.0 mm2

#REF! mm2

0.84 m
#REF! m
Fe 500
M 35
1.0 m
#REF! m
125 mm

3927.0 mm2

#REF! mm2

eds the width of Pile Cap,thus become

Longitudinal Transverse

M 35 M 35
31500 Mpa 31500 Mpa
Fe 500 Fe 500
200000 Mpa 200000 Mpa
1000 mm 1000 mm
#REF! mm 3000 mm
75 mm 75 mm
40 mm 32 mm
40 mm 0 mm
110 mm 125 mm
3 1
#REF! mm #REF! mm
#REF! mm 1368 mm
#REF! mm #REF! mm
#REF! mm 2544.0 mm
#REF! mm 1500 mm
#REF! mm #REF! mm
0.4 0.4
0.65 0.65
2.8 2.8
#REF! mm 2 1631922 mm2
500 500
#REF! mm2 2376.0782 mm2
34271.92 mm2 6433.9818 mm2


475 455


#REF! mm2 #REF! mm2

#REF! mm #REF! mm


0.0 KNm 0.0 KNm

#REF! Mpa #REF! Mpa
0.5 0.5
6.35 6.35
#REF! mm #REF! mm



Pile diameter D = 1.5

cs area at pile toe Ap = 1.767
eff. Unit wt at pile toe g = 10

Depth of soil above pile top dst = 0

Length of pile Lp = 35
eff. Over.bur at toe PD = 350
angle of int. fric. toe f = 30.5 deg.
bearing cap. Factor Ng = 24.195
bearing cap. Factor Nq = 19.515

End Bearing capacity CEB = 12391

2805 kN/m2
calculation of shaft friction

layer layer d K tand Asi PDi K.PDi.tand.Asi

number thickness
deg. m2 kN/m2
1 1.5 0 1.2 0.000 7.069 7.5 0
2 1.5 0 1.2 0.000 7.069 22.5 0
3 1.5 0 1.2 0.000 7.069 37.5 0
4 1.5 0 1.2 0.000 7.069 52.5 0
5 1.5 0 1.2 0.000 7.069 67.5 0
6 1.5 7.33 1.2 0.129 7.069 82.5 90
7 1.5 4 1.2 0.070 7.069 97.5 58
8 1.5 3.3 1.2 0.058 7.069 112.5 56
9 1.5 3.7 1.2 0.064 7.069 127.5 69
10 1.5 2.7 1.2 0.047 7.069 142.5 56
11 3 5.3 1.2 0.093 14.137 165 261
12 3 17.3 1.2 0.312 14.137 195 1032
13 3 18.0 1.2 0.325 14.137 225 1240
14 3 19.3 1.2 0.351 14.137 255 1518
15 3 19.3 1.2 0.351 14.137 285 1696
16 3 20.0 1.2 0.364 14.137 315 1945
17 2 20.3 1.2 0.371 9.425 340 1425
total 35 9447

Ultimate bearung Capacity Qu = 21838

Factor of safety = 2.5
Pile capacity = 8735 kN
Uplift Capacity = 2645 kN


pile diameter D = 1.5

pile length L = 35
cs area at pile toe Ap = 1.767
shaft surface area As = 164.934
bearing cap. Factor Nc = 9
Avg. cohesion at tip Cp = 14
Avg. cohesion - shaft Cavg. = 14
reduction factor a = 0.5

Ultimate bearIng Capacity Qu = 1377

Factor of safety 2.5
Pile capacity 551 kN
Bearing Capacity Factors
f Nc Nq Ng
0 5.14 1 0 Interpolated Bearing Capacity Factors
1 5.38 1.09 0.07 f Nc
2 5.63 1.2 0.15 f 30.5 31.405
3 5.9 1.31 0.24 f up 31 32.67
4 6.19 1.43 0.34 f down 30 30.14
5 6.49 1.57 0.45
6 6.81 1.72 0.57
7 7.16 1.88 0.71 f' N'c
8 7.53 2.06 0.86 f' 20.33 15.16
9 7.92 2.25 1.03 f'up 21 15.82
10 8.35 2.47 1.22 f' down 20 14.83
11 8.8 2.71 1.44
12 9.28 2.97 1.69 Shape Factors
13 9.81 3.26 1.97 code
14 10.37 3.59 2.29 Continuous Strip 1
15 10.98 3.94 2.65 Rectangle 2
16 11.63 4.34 3.06 Square 3
17 12.34 4.77 3.53 Circle 4
18 13.1 5.26 4.07 Interpolated Values
19 13.93 5.8 4.68 1 4
20 14.83 6.4 5.39
21 15.82 7.07 6.2
22 16.88 7.82 7.13
23 18.05 8.66 8.2
24 19.32 9.6 9.44
25 20.72 10.66 10.88
26 22.25 11.85 12.54
27 23.94 13.2 14.47
28 25.8 14.72 16.72
29 27.86 16.44 19.34
30 30.14 18.4 22.4
31 32.67 20.63 25.99
32 35.49 23.18 30.22
33 38.64 26.09 35.19
34 42.16 29.44 41.06
35 46.12 33.3 48.03
36 50.59 37.75 56.31
37 55.63 42.92 66.19
38 61.35 48.93 78.03
39 67.87 55.96 92.25
40 75.31 64.2 109.41
41 83.86 73.9 130.22
42 93.71 85.38 155.55
43 105.11 99.02 186.54
44 118.37 115.31 224.64
45 133.88 134.88 271.76
46 152.1 158.51 330.35
47 173.64 187.21 403.67
48 199.26 222.31 496.01
49 229.93 265.51 613.16
50 266.89 319.07 762.89
ng Capacity Factors
Nq Ng
19.515 24.195
20.63 25.99
18.4 22.4

N'q N'g
6.62 5.66
7.07 6.2
6.4 5.39

Sc Sq Sg
1.00 1.00 1.00
1.00 1.00 1.00
1.30 1.20 0.80
1.30 1.20 0.60

1.30 1.20 0.60

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