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the importance of investation knowledge for indonesian society in the era modern

Nowadays, people have a lot of needs and desires. Needs and desires are increasingly difficult to distinguish
because the demands of an increasingly age. An increasingly complex lifestyle makes people have many
demands to support their lifestyle. To meet all these demands is certainly not enough to rely on salary or
pocket money given by parents. For this reason, it is important to find ways to utilize the money we have
in order to meet all kinds of needs and desires. One way to utilize the money we have is to invest.

Investment is an act of investing resources or capital that we have in the hope of getting greater returns in
the future. Investment is very important to do from the beginning so that we can prepare for planned and
unplanned needs in the future, such as education funds, funds when sick, and pension funds. In addition to
preparing funds for future needs, investing also protects our assets from the threat of unpredictable

There are many investment instruments that can be done, such as investment in time deposits / deposits,
gold, property, foreign exchange rates, or stocks. The choice of existing investment instruments must be
based on the purpose of making the investment itself. In general, investments can be made for the long,
medium and short term. Long-term investment can be in the form of investment deposits, property, mutual
funds and stocks. Medium-term investment can be in the form of gold investment. While short-term
investment can be in the form of investment in foreign exchange rates.

Millenials must curious about investing, Because by accepting what they have received, they must be able
to meet the need to leave. But the millennials today also include a generation that understands the target.
Because many of them set aside a little for her investment.

In the past, many people saved at the bank to invest because they got interest. But nowadays, there are
many kinds of investment products to choose from. Now if you are interested in starting to invest, here are
six types of investments that you can try :

1. Deposito

Advantages of Deposit:

• Deposits include investment products that have a low risk of loss.

• Deposits can be used as collateral or collateral to apply for a loan from the bank.

• The time period for withdrawal of deposits is short, ranging from 1, 3, 6 to 12 months.

Disadvantage: • The benefits provided are smaller compared to other investment products

2. Reksa Dana

Advantages of Mutual Funds:

 Save time and do not have to bother to manage investment funds because there is already an
investment manager.
 Make it easy for novice investors who want to invest but have minimal knowledge of the
capital market.
 Investors who have not too large funds can also invest in Mutual Fund products.

Disadvantage :

 Management fees are imposed by the company or investment manager.

 Profits must be shared equally with other investors.
 The benefits of Mutual Funds are much smaller compared to stock investment products.

3. Obligasi

Bonds are bond issuance statements for bondholders. In other words, the bonds were issued as proof of
borrowing funds from the community bondholders. And usually the bond issuer will provide a certain
amount of interest to the bondholders as investor

4. Saham

Stock investments include investments that are currently being made. Stocks are proof that you have
included capital in a company. So that shares can be regarded as proof of ownership of a company or
business entity. For Examples : SUKUK,SBI (Sertifikat Bank Indonesia)

Aside from being based on its objectives, the selection of investment instruments must also be based on
investor knowledge about the risks of the investment vehicle to be chosen. A good knowledge of the
selected investment instrument will be much better to minimize the existing risk. Investments in the form
of property, gold, deposits, foreign exchange rates carry less risk compared to stock investments. If
investors are interested in capital stock market investments but do not have good knowledge of the stock
capital market, you can use mutual fund investment instruments where the capital we invest will be
managed by an investment manager or professional.

Basically, investments are made to protect the assets that we have or get bigger returns. Therefore, it is
important for us to make investments as early as possible. But in investing, investors must also know the
purpose of investing and the risks they have. For this reason, be a wise investor in investing so that later
you can get the benefits of the investment made
Peran Mahasiswa dalam Ekonomi Indonesia

Mahasiswa merupakan salah satu investasi bangsa demi meraih keunggulan di hari nanti. dengan
demikian sebagai seorang mahasiswa yang intelektual janganlah hanya berdemo saja maupun membuat
anarki, tetapi membuat peran penting dalam menyumbangkan inovasi demi memajukan ekonomi

Banyak hal yang dapat dilakukan oleh mahasiswa apabila mereka memiliki pikiran-pikiran kreatifnya
sehingga dapat menjadi solusi masalah ekonomi yang ada. Dan yang terpenting tentu mahasiswa ekonomi
yang harus mampu menganalisa sistem ekonomi yang dapat diterapkan dalam perekonomian bangsa
Indonesia, selain itu mahasiswa ekonomi juga dapat mencoba bidang kewirausahaan sehingga dapat
membuka lapangan kerja baru untuk mengurangi masalah pengangguran. Serta masih banyak lagi peran
mahasiswa yang sangat dibutuhkan untuk kemajuan perekonomian negara. Namun mahasiswa tidak bisa
bergerak sendiri, tentu butuh bekerjasama dengan pemerintah. Ide-ide kreatif tersebut tetap harus
disalurkan kepada pemerintah untuk dipertimbangkan kelayakan ide-idenya.

Dengan cara tersebut diharapkan dapat mengoptimalkan peran mahasiswa dalam pembangunan
ekonomi, serta melahirkan mahasiswa berkarakter yang peduli terhadap kehidupan bangsa dan dapat
memberikan solusi untuk masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh negara Indonesia.

Dalam rangka meningkatkan kapasitas pertumbuhan ekonomi nasional ,maka jumlah wirausaha muda
perlu ditingkatkan. Dari tahun ke tahun peningkatan minat wirausaha muda seperti mahasiswa/alumni
terus bertambah. Dari peningkatan jumlah tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa semangat dan partisipasi
wirausahawan dalam meningkatkan perekonomian Indonesia semakin tinggi.

Dimulai dari komunitas kecil hingga organisasi besar dibidang bisnis dibentuk menjadi wadah untuk
menaungi kegiatan mahasiswa entrepreneur. Komunitas ini memiliki kategori yang berbeda sesuai
karakter dan kegiatan yang diselanggarakan. Anggota dari komunitas atau organisani diajarkan bagaimana
cara mengolah modal, mengembangkan tenaga kerja, meningkatkan produktifitas dan penjualan, hingga
mencari jaringan dan investor. Langkah-langkah ini perlu ditempuh oleh para pengusaha seperti
mahasiswa pemula untuk menjalankan bisnisnya agar sesuai yang diharapkan.

Mengikuti suatu komunitas bisnis memang sangat penting. Tapi itu bukanlah jalan satu-satunya untuk
memperoleh keberhasilan dalam berbisnis atau berwirausaha. Komunitas hanya sebagai penghubung
yang memberikan akses lebih mudah dalam menggali potensi dan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk
berbisnis. Yang paling penting adalah mahasiswa mampu action untuk melakukan aktifitas berwirausaha
sekaligus kuliah. Keduanya harus dapat berjalan beriringan, dimana mahasiswa mampu mengatur waktu
dan memprioritaskan antara kuliah dengan berwirausaha.

Aktifitas tersebut tentu akan memberi nilai tambah tersendiri bagi mahasiswa sebagai pelajar serta
pengusaha muda. Manfaatnya bagi mahasiswa setelah menjadi sarjana akan memiliki bekal pengetahuan,
ketrampilan dan sikap atau jiwa wirausaha agar dapat mengubah pola pikir dari pencari kerja menjadi
pencipta lapangan pekerjaan. Sehingga, mahasiswa dapat berkontribusi besar terhadap perekonomian

Peran mahasiswa sendiri sangatlah di perlukan bagi negara demi memajukan kesejahtraan desa melalui
pengabdian masyarakat. Dimana harus kita ketahui pergerakan ekonomi yang baik bisa dimulai dari desa
yang telah mandiri. Dalam memajukan perekonomian desa tentunya peran pemerintah sangat
dibutuhkan juga guna untuk meminimalisir tingkat kemiskinan dalam bentuk pemerataan dana otonomi
daerah yang kompeten dan terealisasi.

Cara mahasiswa agar dapat berkontribusi dalam perannya banyak sekali yang dapat dilakukan contohnya

1. Melakukan sosialisasi pentingnya kesadaran masyarakat tentang perekonomian bangsa,

terutama diwilayah pelosok desa.

2. Menyumbangkan inovasi - inovasi dibidang teknologi maupun informatika

3. Ikut berupaya dalam berwirausaha UMKM

Dengan demikian, usaha pemerintah dalam menciptakan wirausaha-wirausaha muda melalui program
beasiswa wirausaha dapat dimaksimalkan. Apabila jumlah wirausaha meningkat setiap tahun, maka
permasalahan pada kemiskinan dan pengangguran di Indonesia akan mendapatkan solusi yang konkrit.


Students are one of the nation's investments for prosperity in the future. Therefore, as an intellectual
student, don't just demonstrate or make anarchy, but make an important role in contributing innovation
to advance the national economy. Many things can be done by students if they have creative thoughts so
that they can be a solution to existing economic problems. And most importantly of course economics
students must be able to analyze the economic system that can be applied in the economy of the
Indonesian nation, in addition to that students of economics can also try the field of entrepreneurship so
as to open new jobs to reduce the problem of unemployment. And there are still many more roles for
students that are needed to advance the country's economy. But students cannot move on their own,
certainly they need to work with the government. Creative ideas must still be channeled to the
government to consider the feasibility of his ideas. In this way it is expected to optimize the role of
students in economic development, as well as giving birth to students of character who care about the
life of the nation and can provide solutions to the problems faced by the Indonesian state.

In order to increase the capacity of national economic growth, the number of young entrepreneurs needs
to be increased. From year to year the increasing interest of young entrepreneurs such as students /
alumni continues to grow. From this increase in number it can be concluded that the enthusiasm and
participation of entrepreneurs in improving the Indonesian economy is getting higher.

Starting from small communities to large organizations in the field of business formed into a container to
overshadow the activities of student entrepreneurs. This community has different categories according
to the characters and activities that are held. Members of the community or organization are taught how
to manage capital, develop the workforce, increase productivity and sales, to search for networks and
investors. These steps need to be taken by entrepreneurs such as novice students to run their business to
be as expected.

Following a business community is indeed very important. But that is not the only way to get success in
business or entrepreneurship. The community is only as a liaison that provides easier access to explore
the potential and ability of students to do business. The most important thing is that students are capable
of action to carry out entrepreneurial activities as well as lecture. Both must be able to go hand in hand,
where students are able to manage time and prioritize between college and entrepreneurship.

These activities will certainly provide added value for students as students and young entrepreneurs. The
benefits for students after becoming a graduate will be to have the knowledge, skills and attitudes or
entrepreneurial spirit in order to be able to change the mindset of job seekers into job creators. So,
students can contribute greatly to the country's economy. The role of students themselves is really
needed for the country to advance the welfare of the village through community service. Where we have
to know a good economic movement can be started from an independent village. In advancing the village
economy of course the role of the government is also needed in order to minimize poverty levels in the
form of equitable distribution of regional autonomy funds that are competent and realized.

There are so many ways students can contribute to their roles, for example

1. To socialize the importance of public awareness about the nation's economy, especially in rural areas.

2. Contributing innovations in the field of technology and informatics

3. Join the effort in UMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah ) entrepreneurship

Thus, the government's efforts to create young entrepreneurs through scholarship programs for
entrepreneurs can be maximized. If the number of entrepreneurs increases every year, then the problem
of poverty and unemployment in Indonesia will get a concrete solution.


Sejak dulu Fakultas ekonomi dikenal sebagai fakultas dengan prospek lapangan kerja yang sangat luas dan
punya masa depan yang cerah. Hal ini dikarenakan lulusan jurusan ekonomi manajemen sangat fleksibel
dan dapat ditempatkan di banyak bidang lainnya. Bia kita katakan bahwa semua perusahaan dan
organisasi membutuhkan manajer, dan tentu saja manajer lulusan jurusan ekonomi manajemen adalah
salah satu pilihan terbaik untuk kebutuhan tersebut.

Manajemen kebanyakan bekerja sebagai manajer proyek atau organisasi yang bertanggung jawab untuk
memastikan keamanan investasi, pengelola anggaran, memastikan kelayakan standar kesejahteraan
karyawan dan mengalokasikan sumber daya yang terbatas untuk mendapatkan keuntungan yang
semaksimal mungkin.

Peluang kerja bagi lulusan jurusan ekonomi manajemen sangat luas,karena hampir semua organisasi,
badan, lembaga, perusahaan dan industri pemerintahan membutuhkan lulusan manajemen
bisnis.Mengapa aku memilih untuk masuk ke fakultas ekonomi ? Karena mimpiku setelah lulus dari UNNES
adalah bekerja disalah satu perusahaan “The Big Four” mereka adalah 4 perusahaan yang bergerak
dibidang jasa profesional yang tidak lain adalah akuntan dan mayoritas sebagai audit.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) , Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu , Ernst & Young (EY), KPMG . Keuntungan
yang dapat diambil ketika kita bias bekerja di Big Four yaitu :

1. Kelebihan dari Big 4 adalah adanya annual promotion. ( kita ditutntu untuk menjadi “high
performer consultant”. Kalau gak perform dengan baik, jangan harap mudah untuk naik apalagi untuk

2. World-class experiences and International opportunities (Minimal saya bisa belajar bagaimana
pola mereka dalam bekerja dan aksen dalam berbicara bahasa Inggris).

Wah, seperti mimpi banget bisa bekerja disana. Namun, prinsip aku adalah jangan pernah kita berhenti
untuk bermimpi. Karena dengan bermimpi membuat diri kita untuk selalu berusaha untuk mencapai
mimpi kita. Oh iya satu lagi, “input + proses = output” maksudnya ketika kita mencatat mimpi kita (input)
dibarengi dengan usaha yang maksimal (proses) maka menghasilkan Keberhasilan (output).
3. Selain itu juga bisa apply pekerjaan di direktorat jenderal pajak, mungkin ini susah karena di
Indonesia sudah ada Sekolah tinggi yang terfokus pada bidang perpajakan, yaitu STAN. But it doesn’t
matter for me, karena selama kita ma uterus belajar dan berusaha pasti aka nada jalannya.

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