Review of Aetiology and Management of Testicular Abscess and Case Reports On Testicle Sparing Management of Testicular Abscess

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International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences,

Int J Intg Med Sci 2016, Vol 3(7):332-36. ISSN 2394 - 4137
Review Article
Review of Aetiology and Management of Testicular Abscess and
Case Reports on Testicle Sparing Management of Testicular
Devendra K. Prajapati *1, Kapil Rampal 1, Jyoti M Prajapati 2.
Senior Resident Department of Surgery, Deendayal Upadhyay Hospital, New Delhi, India.
Scholar in Computer Application.

Testicular abscess is a rare surgical emergency encountered by a surgeon. Very little documentation is available
in literature. This is reason has contributed for this review article about testicular abscess. Testicular abscess
develops as a complication in about 4-5% case of acute scrotum like acute epididymorchitis, testicular trauma
or instrumentation. Single radiological investigation, USG of inguino-scrotal region is sufficient to diagnose
testicular abscess. Both active surgical drainage at first go and conservative management with empirical
antibiotics and serial radiological monitoring via USG have been advocated, but finally about 50% patient
needs incision and drainage or orchidectomy. We have managed two patient of testicular abscess with testicle
sparing incision & drainage. In one case, after drainage primary closure of skin was done with drain placement
and in the other case skin had to be debrided and wound was kept open, later secondary closure was done. In
both cases testicles spared viable and all confirmed by USG color Doppler in follow up.
Primary closure of wound after incision & drainage depends on condition of skin. Testicular abscess without
skin changes can go through primary closure after drainage
KEY WORDS: Testicular Abscess, Epididymorchitis, Acute Scrotum, UTI, Management of Testicular Abscess, USG
Testicular Abscess, Orchidectomy.

Address for correspondence: Dr. Devendra K Prajapati, WZ 423 A Nanakpura Harinagar, New
Delhi-110064, India. E-Mail:

Online Access and Article Informtaion

Quick Response code International Journal of Integrative Medical Sciences

Received: 13-06-2016 Accepted: 20-06-2016

Reviewed: 13-06-2016 Published: 31-07-2016
DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2016.132
Source of Funding: Self Conflicts of interest: None

INTRODUCTION causative organism are according to the age of

Testicular abscesses are a very rare clinical the patient. In younger and older age groups E.
finding. These are usually associated with coli is supposed to be commonest pathogen
epididymorchitis with treatment failure [1]. while in the sexually active age group, C.
Acute epididymorchitis occurs in 0.29 % of Trachomatis is the commonest bacteria seen
young sexually active males with radiologically [3,4].
normal inguinoscrotal region [1]. Testicular Causative factors: Acute scrotal pain is a
abscess is an uncommon complication affecting common cause to attend hospital in an
4-5% of clinically diagnosed males with severe emergency; however, there are many problems
epididymorchitis [2]. Epididymorchitis is most to find out the localization of pathology in
often due to the retrograde transmission of inguinoscrotal region. This has been suggested
organisms from the vast deferens whereas the following paradigm of zonal classification
haematogenous spread is rare. In 80% cases the of the inguinoscrotal region [5]:
Int J Intg Med Sci 2016;3(7):332-36. ISSN 2394 - 4137 332
Devendra K. Prajapati, Kapil Rampal, Jyoti M Prajapati. Review of Aetiology and Management of Testicular Abscess and Case
Reports on Testicle Sparing Management of Testicular Abscess.

Zone I: This zone includes deep ring via the Sexually transmitted: Neisseria gonorrhoea
inguinal canal, at the conclusion of the spermatic and Chlamydia trachomatis are common
cord e.g. Varicocele, Incarcerated Hernia, Enterococcus spp. Coliforms, Staphylococcus
Trauma or Torsion of Undescended Testicle spp. (less common), and Streptococcus spp. (less
Zone II: This zone includes the scrotum, common). Staphylococcus infection common in
subcutaneous tissue and tunica vaginalis e.g. instrumen-tation and catheterization [16,18].
bites, Scrotal Wall Cellulitis, Fournier’s Management:
Gangrene, Lacerations, and Hematocele etc. Diagnosis: A patient presenting with a testicular
Zone III: This zone defines the testicle e.g. abscess may cause symptoms linked to the
Testicular Torsion, Orchitis, Testicular Abscess etiology of the abscess like swelling, pain and
etc. fever. Another may manifestation of a urinary
Zone 1V: This zone defines the epididymis and tract infection or sexually transmitted disease
appendix of epididymis e.g. Epididymitis, Torsion symptoms, like fever, frequency, urgency,
of Appendix of Epididymis. dysuria, penile discharge.
Testicular abscess is a rare surgical condition On physical examination the scrotum is often
of Zone III of inguinoscrotal region, which has enlarged, erythematous and tender. Scrotum
multifactorial reasons of origin [3,4,6]. may fluctuant and warm. Tenderness of the
affected epididymis and/or testis may also be
present. The overlying skin will be oedematous
a. Acute: commonly testicular abscess preceded and fixed to epididymis, if it is followed by
by acute epididymorchitis which could not be epididymitis [8].
processed properly. Another is a viral infection
A physical examination and laboratory tests
like Mumps etc.
should conducted to obtain a level of infection
b. Chronic: tuberculosis or fungal infection, and the testicular abscess. Laboratory tests
which is common in immunocompromised (hematological tests) can include a urinalysis,
individuals. urethral swab culture for STDs, and for gram
c. Secondary: ruptured acute appendicitis staining and imaging tools, such as an
drainage into scrotum through a patent ultrasound and color doppler.
processus vaginalis may precede to testicular Ultrasound features consist of [9-12]:
1. Altered architecture either cystic, solid or
TRAUMATIC: testicular trauma preceded to isoechoic to rest.
hematoma and traumatic infarction (secondary
2. Centre abscess will be avascular and rest of
to testicular torsion or mumps) may convert to
tissue hyper vascular on echogenicity.
testicular abscess if do not treat properly.
3. May be intrascrotal fluid or rarely gas
CHEMICAL: chemicals likely secondary to
collection along with scrotal wall thickness.
brachytherapy to prostatic carcinoma.
After a proper diagnosis has been found,
Post instrumentation: like catheterization
adequate treatment can commence. MRI pelvis
results CAUTI followed by epididymorchitis or
rarely needed for diagnosis where CA testis is
testicular abscess rarely.
suspected [13].
Testicular abscess can also happens as a result
Treatment: Classically testicular abscess is
of extravasation of infected urine from the
treated by appropriate antibiotics alone or with
urethra in patients with a urethral stricture and
surgical drainage if necessary [14]. If a
neurogenic bladder using an external collection
conservative approach is attempted (i.e.
empirical medical therapy) then serial
Pathology: Testicular abscesses are most ultrasound examinations should be performed
commonly precedes to epididymorchitis. Thus, to ensure that the abscess does not progress.
common pathogenic organisms are [7]: Severe cases may necessitate orchiectomy [15].

Int J Intg Med Sci 2016;3(7):332-36. ISSN 2394 - 4137 333

Devendra K. Prajapati, Kapil Rampal, Jyoti M Prajapati. Review of Aetiology and Management of Testicular Abscess and Case
Reports on Testicle Sparing Management of Testicular Abscess.

Chronic testicular abscess usually requires ‘getting above’ the swelling was present. The
orchidectomy as in most cases, no viable spermatic cord was bulky, tender and adherent
testicular tissue could be obtained [15]. If to overlying skin. There were no scars, sinuses,
successfully treated, the testis can return to near dilated veins or hernia.
normal. In some cases, testicular atrophy Later on a patient admitted in the emergency
develops, mostly when swelling is more severe. surgery ward and initially following investiga-
Case Report I: A 55 year old male patient came tions performed.
in the emergency surgery ward with complain Table 1: Showing the findings on investigations.
of dull aching pain left scrotum since 1 month.
Investigations Value
This pain increases in intensity since 3 days TLC 15000
associated with high grade fever, dysuria and DLC N80% L15% E03% M02%
frequency of urine. The patient does not have a Urine routine microscopy 7-8 pus cells
history of per urethral discharge or promiscuous
Pus culture sensitivity Staphylococcus
behaviour. The patient also does not have a
history of any other medical co-morbidity. Left testicular abscess of volume 20 ml
USG inguinoscrotal Left epididymorchitis with funiculitis
On examination patient’s general condition was good
Left mild to moderate echogenic hydrocele
and vitals were all stable. No pallor, cyanosis, icterus
or lymphadenopathy. Rest of the systemic examination
was essentially within normal limits. A diagnosis of testicular abscess was made on
the basis of routine investigation and USG
inguinoscrotal region and patient planned for
incision and drainage.
Patient shifted to OT table after proper
preoperative preparation. With induction of
anaesthesia, patient laid supine and cleaning,
painting and draping done. Left scrotal incision
given and layer by layer dissection done. Tunica
vaginalis sac opened and approx. 25 ml serous
collection drained. Further testis was exposed
and examined properly, it was fluctuant and on
needle tapping frank pus was aspirated. A
longitudinal incision was made over it and
approx. 20 ml pus drained out. Pus was sent for
culture sensitivity and AFB staining. [Figure 1,
Abscess cavity curetted for dead and necrotic
tissue and washed with povidine and normal
saline. Rest of sac and cavity also washed with
same. Eversion of sac was performed and a
suction drain placed by making a systematic
arrangement that tip of drain was inside the
testicular abscess cavity and ran via scrotal
cavity to out of scrotum. Wound closed in layers
and dressing applied.
Postoperatively patient kept on cephalosporin,
On local examination: left hemiscrotum was aminoglycoside and metronidazole combination
enlarged to three times the normal, overlying and also oral doxycycline was added from next
skin was erythematous and shiny and local day onwards for 14 days. Patient improved well
temperature was raised. The swelling was and the drain was removed on the 5th post-
tender, fluctuant, with absent cough impulse and operative day.
Int J Intg Med Sci 2016;3(7):332-36. ISSN 2394 - 4137 334
Devendra K. Prajapati, Kapil Rampal, Jyoti M Prajapati. Review of Aetiology and Management of Testicular Abscess and Case
Reports on Testicle Sparing Management of Testicular Abscess.

Fig. 3: Showing the Ultrasound Diagnostics. Patient was admitted in emergency surgery ward
and routine investigation and USG inguinoscrotal
region to assess underlying pathology, were
performed. [Table 2]
Based on clinical examination and investiga-
tions, a diagnosis of testicular abscess was
made and the patient planned for incision &
Fig. 4: Showing left scrotum draining procedure.

Follow up USG inguinoscrotal region performed

after 02 weeks showed both testis to be viable
with no collection and minimal inflammatory
changes. [Figure 3]
Patient was followed up till 6 weeks with weekly
USG monitoring. Till being follow up testis found
viable and healthy but after 06 weeks the patient
was lost to follow up.
Case Report 2: A 54 years old male attended
surgery emergency with complain of left scrotal
swelling, pus discharge and fever with chills. No
history of dysuria, per urethral discharge and Patient shifted to OT after due preoperative
promiscuity was reported. Patient also did not preparation. Incision made over left scrotum
have any accompanying medical co-morbidity. drained approx. 20 ml subcutaneous pus
On examination patient was in good general collection. Necrotic skin was debrided and
condition and had stable vitals. There was no further tunica vaginalis sac and tunica albuginea
pallor, cyanosis, icterus or generalized opened. Approx. 10 ml testicular abscess was
lymphadenopathy. Systemic examination was drained, all dead necrotic tissue debrided and
essentially within normal limits. cavity washed with povidene-normal saline.
On local examination scrotum was enlarged, Wound kept open and dressing done.
overlying skin breeched with pus oozing out, Post operatively patient kept on 3rd generation
erythematous and tender, subcutaneous cephalosporin, aminoglycoside and
collection with fluctuation present, the metronidazole combination with regular aseptic
spermatic cord was bulky and tender. dressings.
Wound granulated well and the testis was viable
Table 2: Showing the findings on investigations.
on USG performed after two weeks. Secondary
Investigations Value suturing of wound done on 14th post-operative
day. Thereafter the patient was discharged and
TLC 18000
on regular follow up ultrasounds for 06 months
DLC N78% L22% E02% M03%
the testis was found to be healthy and viable.
Urine routine
2-3 pus cells
microscopy DISCUSSION
Pus culture Testicular abscess is very rare surgical
sensitivity emergency which is commonly accompanied by
Left testicular abscess of volume 3-5ml acute scrotum. Epididymorchitis is the
Left epididymorchitis with funiculitis commonest pathology underlying acute scrotum
Subcutaneous collection followed by trauma. Acute epididymorchitis is
caused by Chlamydia Trachomatis and N Gonorrhea
Int J Intg Med Sci 2016;3(7):332-36. ISSN 2394 - 4137 335
Devendra K. Prajapati, Kapil Rampal, Jyoti M Prajapati. Review of Aetiology and Management of Testicular Abscess and Case
Reports on Testicle Sparing Management of Testicular Abscess.

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How to cite this article:

Devendra K. Prajapati, Kapil Rampal, Jyoti M Prajapati. Review of Aetiology and Man-
agement of Testicular Abscess and Case Reports on Testicle Sparing Management of
Testicular Abscess. Int J Intg Med Sci 2016;3(7):332-336. DOI: 10.16965/ijims.2016.132

Int J Intg Med Sci 2016;3(7):332-36. ISSN 2394 - 4137 336

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