Pirojki With Meat: Ingredients Dough

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ingredients dough

Whipped milk / yogurt / kefir - 250 ml - 1 cup

Sunflower oil 125 ml - half cup

Sugar 1 tablespoon

Salt 1 teaspoon

Yeast 1 envelope - 11 g

White flour 3 cups

Egg yolk (for anointing) 1 piece

stuffed - minced meat, with a little onion, pepper and salt


- In a bowl mix all the ingredients, knead the dough and leave it up for an hour

- cut the dough into small pieces and make balls (about as a nut)

- place each dough ball with your hands and put a spoonful of filling on each

- stick the edges and place in the baking tray down

- leave it up for 15 minutes

- cooked for 25-30 minutes

- intr-un castron se amesteca toate ingredientele , se framanta aluatul si se lasa la crescut o

- se taie aluatul in bucatele mici si se fac bilute ( cam cat o nuca )

- fiecare bila de aluat se intinde cu mainile si se pune o lingura de umplutura pe fiecare

- se lipesc marginile si se aseaza in tava cu lipitura in jos

- se mai lasa la crescut 15 minute

- se dau la cuptor pentru 25 - 30 minute

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