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Reflection Quotes

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken the joy in

creative expression and knowledge.
- Albert Einstein


Joy and creative expression are two big touch stones for
me. In my experience they hold the key to finding
happiness, meaning, passion and purpose in our lives. All
teachers teach what they most need to learn. Encourage
joy and creative expression and you’ll be the best of
teachers for yourself and others.
Reflection Quotes

Teaching is a calling too. I've always thought that

teachers in their way are holy – angels leading their
flocks out of the darkness.
- Jeannette Walls


We often find our teachers loveable and at the same

time intimidating figures but our teachers can present us
with life opportunities, inspire us to discover our
vocation, and motivate and guide us along the way.
Reflection Quotes

The influence of teachers extends beyond the classroom,

well into the future.
- F. Sionil Jose

A good teacher tries to see things through the students’
eyes as well, working hard to be fair, empathetic and
encouraging. The teacher strives to maintain high
expectations for each and every child – to challenge them
to reach for their best and aim for the stars. The teacher
is strong, firm, and determined and shows students that
learning and doing one’s best are the goals and that
grades are not.

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