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Homeopathy is a system of medicine that has been used across the world for more than 200 years.
It is controversial and clouded by diverse beliefs and opinions. Pharmacists, pharmacy technicians,
and other health care personnel might be asked to counsel patients and other care providers about
this branch of integrative or complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). This module is an
introduction to homeopathy that seeks to help pharmacists and pharmacy technicians begin to
navigate the terrain of homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy is an alternative medical practice in
which extremely dilute amounts of certain natural substances are used to treat various ailments.

Table 1. Glossary of Homeopathy Terms

ADAPTIVE RESPONSE – The body's complex ability to react to changes and stresses

ALLOPATHIC MEDICINES – Mainstream or conventional medical treatment of disease using

drugs that produce opposite effects to signs and symptoms experienced by the patient

BOTANICAL MEDICINE – The use of plants for medicinal purposes, generally in the form of
capsules, tinctures, or powders; also called herbal medicine

CENTESIMAL DILUTION – A homeopathic medicine produced by a series of dilutions of 1

part substance to 99 parts water or alcohol; referred to as a C potency

COMBINATION REMEDIES – Preparations made by combining 2 or more homeopathic



Health defines "complementary" as the use of non-mainstream practice with conventional
medicine; when non-mainstream practice is used in place of conventional medicine, it is
considered "alternative"

CONSTITUTION – The overall health of the person as determined by heredity, life history,
lifestyle, environment, and past treatments

CONSTITUTIONAL or CLASSIC HOMEOPATHY – The method of selecting medicines on the

basis of a comprehensive understanding of the whole state and nature of the patient—
rather than on only 1 symptom or acute incident—followed by a waiting period to evaluate
the action of the treatment

DECIMAL DILUTION – A homeopathic medicine produced by a series of dilutions of 1 part

substance to 9 parts water or alcohol; referred to as an X potency

DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS – Vitamins, minerals, probiotics, amino acids, and other nutrient-
related products; regulated by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA)
of 1994

DILUTION – A very small quantity of a natural substance in diluent

HERBAL MEDICINE – The use of plants for medicinal purposes, generally in the form of
capsules, tinctures, or powders; also called botanical medicine

HOMEOPATHY – A system of medicine that uses diluted substances to relieve symptoms

HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES – Medicines based on the principles of homeopathy that help

improve symptoms by supporting a patient's own natural healing response

HPUS – Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States; the official compendium for
Homeopathic Drugs in the United States

INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE – Many definitions of "integrative" health care exist, but all involve
bringing conventional and complementary approaches together in a coordinated way

LAW OF SIMILARS – The fundamental philosophy of homeopathy, which holds that a

substance that causes a set of symptoms in a healthy person acts as a curative medicine
when given to a sick person with similar symptoms; also known as the principle of "like cures

MATERIA MEDICA – Literally "materials of medicine" in Latin; refers to books that list
individual homeopathic medicines and details for use

MODALITIES – In homeopathy, modalities are factors that make a person's overall health or
a specific symptom better or worse (e.g., for weakness that is worse in the morning or a
headache made better by cold applications, the modalities would be "worse in the morning"
and "better by cold applications," respectively)

MOTHER TINCTURE – The first, standardized solution from which homeopathic dilutions are
successively made; often designated as MT or 1X (10% original substance)

NATUROPATHIC MEDICINE – A distinct primary health care profession that emphasizes

prevention, treatment, and optimal health through the use of therapeutic methods and
substances that encourage an individual's inherent self-healing processes

POTENCY – The number of times a substance has been diluted and succussed (shaken)
according to the strict rules of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia; dilutions are expressed as
decimal (X) or centesimal (C); the higher the potency, the less original substance in the
finished product

REMEDIES – Another word for homeopathic medicines

SUCCUSSION – Part of the homeopathic manufacturing process in which a medicinal

substance is diluted in distilled water or alcohol and vigorously shaken according to precise

Homeopathic Philosophy

When a person becomes ill, it is the whole that is sick: body, mind, spirit. The body manifests
symptoms of illness but it is not the origin of the illness. Upon death, the physical body remains, but
it is no longer curable. That which is curable, the 'vital force', has left the body. The origin of illness
lies in an imbalance of the vital force. The symptoms expressed by the body, mind, and spirit are the
manifestation of that imbalance. By matching the symptoms of illness with the appropriate
homeopathic remedy, the vital force returns to balance. The symptoms disappear as the person heals


Etymologically, homeopathy is derived from the Greek words for "similar" (homoios) and "suffering"
(pathos). Its system is based on the law of similars, which states that elements or substances that, in
large doses, can create illness can, in minute doses, stimulate the body's nonspecific adaptive healing
response. Homeopathic medicines are derived from raw plant, mineral, and biologic materials that
are specified according to monographs of the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States
(HPUS), which is the nation's official compendium for homeopathic drugs.

Examples of plants made into homeopathic medicines include Arnica montana, Allium
cepa (onion), Ledum palustre (wild rosemary), Hypericum perforatum (St. John's wort), Ruta
graveolens (rue), and Bellis perennis (daisy). Examples of minerals made into homeopathic medicines
include natrum muriaticum (sodium chloride), calcarea carbonica (calcium carbonate), kali
bichromicum (potassium dichromate), and magnesia phosphorica (magnesium phosphate).
Examples of biologic materials made into homeopathic medicines include Apis
mellifica (honeybee), Anas barbariae (duck extract), and Lachesis mutus(Bushmaster venom).
Although some of these materials are also used in other forms of nonconventional therapies, such as
nutritional supplements and Western and Chinese botanical treatments, homeopathic medicine uses
extremely low doses of these substances to stimulate a healing response.

Symptoms and their specificities are central to homeopathy. It is vital that presenting symptoms not
require immediate medical attention because homeopathy is never intended to substitute for or
delay urgent care: homeopathy is best used for non-urgent, self-limiting conditions. Symptoms of
self-limiting conditions are matched to the indicated homeopathic medicine. This matching is aided
by consultation with a trained pharmacist, pharmacy technician, or homeopathic practitioner. Labels
on homeopathic products can be helpful, but they are often limited in scope, listing only 1 or 2 general
symptoms. Optimal recommendation of homeopathic medicines typically calls for more than 1
symptom to be reported or more specific information to be known. For example, numerous remedies

may be used for the treatment of warts; knowing which remedy is best requires more information
about the condition, as well as familiarity with commonly used remedies.

The following simple example highlights how symptoms and homeopathic medicines are matched.
When a healthy person slices an onion, he or she typically experiences clear burning tears and a clear
runny nose that stings the face; these symptoms improve with fresh air. A person with mild hay fever
symptoms experiences clear, but irritating, runny eyes and nose that improve with fresh air.
Therefore, according to principles of homeopathic medicine, a microdose of Allium cepa(onion)
would help the body resolve symptoms of hay fever. This is an example of how like cures like.

However, because homeopathy is highly individualized, 2 patients seeking hay fever relief might
require different medicines, depending on their unique and precise symptoms. In the first example,
nasal secretions were irritating, so the pharmacist would recommend Allium cepa. If a second patient
presented with clear tears that burned and clear non-burningnasal discharge, the pharmacist might
recommend a homeopathic form of Euphrasia officinalis (eyebright). The closer the symptoms match
the preparation's unique and specific characteristics, the better the chance for stimulating or
engaging the body's own innate healing forces.

In addition to the condition's specific and general symptoms, location on the body, contributing
causes, etiology, and onset, a variety of other individual factors, or modalities, should be considered
when choosing a homeopathic remedy. A trained homeopathic practitioner will ask the patient many
specific questions, including whether the symptoms are better or worse at certain times of day, at
rest or in motion, or with warmth or cold and whether there are any other accompanying physical,
emotional, or psychological discomforts.

CLINICAL EXAMPLE: A 55-year-old woman presents to her community pharmacy to seek a low-cost
treatment for her osteoarthritis pain that will not cause side effects or interactions with her other
medications. She visits her doctor regularly and wants to minimize ibuprofen and acetaminophen
use. She finds 2 different single (microdose) homeopathic medicines for arthritis: Rhus
toxicodendron (poison ivy) and Bryonia alba (white bryonia). Upon questioning, she tells the
pharmacist that her stiffness is worse in the morning, gets better as she moves around, and improves
with a hot shower. These symptoms fit the symptom profile for Rhus toxicodendron; in
comparison, Bryonia alba would be recommended if she felt better when resting and when applying
cold compresses. The pharmacist should instruct the patient to take the Rhus toxicodendron pellets
under the tongue, or dissolved in the mouth, on an empty stomach. They should be taken frequently
at the onset of pain, and the frequency of administration can be decreased to an as-needed basis
when symptoms improve. In this way, homeopathic medicines are often dosed differently than over-
the-counter (OTC) or prescription medications: once a patient experiences substantial relief, he or
she should discontinue the homeopathic regimen and reinstate it only if symptoms return. If
appropriate for the patient, homeopathic medicines may be taken concurrently with conventional
arthritis medications.

Homeopathy's individualized model and the required communication it entails allow patients to feel
genuinely heard and understood by practitioners. This encourages patients to fully disclose all the
medications and products they are taking, which, in turn, helps pharmacy staff members, as well as
other health care professionals, offer better and more complete care.
A background in chemistry and pharmacy offer little context to begin to understand homeopathy and
other systems outside of conventional medicine. However, patients are increasingly asking questions
about the homeopathic system and offering personal reports of its use, regardless of pharmacists'
comfort levels with its principles and remedies. Pharmacists should work to gain an appreciation for
the history, concepts, practice, advantages, and shortcomings of this treatment model. Homeopathy
is a complex system of medicine, with the power to help many common conditions if appropriately
understood and recommended. It takes homeopathic practitioners many years (even decades) of
intensive study and practice to learn to treat long-standing or chronic health conditions. For this
reason, it is often reasonable to refer patients to expert practitioners of this discipline for conditions
that are chronic in nature or if patients do not experience adequate relief from simple OTC

Homeopathic medicines for self-limiting conditions have very little chance of doing any harm.
Because homeopathic medicines are used in highly diluted doses, they do not interact or interfere
with the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of conventional drugs and, therefore, homeopathic
and allopathic medicines can be used together. Further, homeopathic medicines do not cover up or
mask medical emergencies or serious conditions. They are not intended to delay or replace
conventional medical treatment. In fact, when patient conversations begin with a question about
homeopathy, pharmacists have an opportunity to encourage consultation at the pharmacy or to
provide referrals to appropriate clinicians. Today, homeopathy is a part of every pharmacist's practice
and it is one of the many options available for advising patients about self-limiting conditions.


In the early 19th century, Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, developed the homeopathic
system of medicine based on the principle of like cures like cited by Hippocrates and Paracelsus and
used in ancient cultures across the world. According to biographer Richard Haehl, Hahnemann's
interest in the law of similars was sparked while translating a book by leading Scottish physician and
chemist William Cullen, who held that cinchona bark was effective for treating malaria because it was
bitter and astringent. Hahnemann knew that other substances with these particular properties were
not effective for malaria treatment, so he decided to investigate Cullen's claim firsthand. He began
experimenting with cinchona, eventually taking a large dose himself, which, in turn, induced malaria-
like symptoms. He later concluded—and verified through extensive experimentation with this and
other substances—that the bark was an effective treatment because it caused symptoms similar to
the disease it was treating.

Hahnemann spent the next 6 years experimenting and writing about his success with this and other
substances and meticulously and systematically documenting his findings. Hahnemann gained
significant notoriety and was very successful in treating numerous conditions, particularly infectious
diseases and epidemics, utilizing the law of similars and his homeopathic preparations. The standard
medicines of his day were often highly toxic and included leeches and bloodletting, so the practice of
what Hahnemann would ultimately call homeopathy gained a large following in Europe, Asia, and the
United States (U.S.). In 1844, the American Institute of Homeopathy was founded; it was the first
national medical society in the U.S. and it remains in existence to this day.

Homeopathy is based on the principle that ‘like cures like’ – in other words, a substance taken in small
amounts will cure the same symptoms it causes if it was taken in large amounts.

This idea dates back to Hippocrates (460-377BC), who also thought that symptoms specific to an
individual should be taken into account before making a diagnosis. This is also an important principle
of homeopathy, where an individual’s unique symptoms are important in distinguishing the correct

Homeopathy was discovered over 200 years ago by the German physician, Dr.
Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). By the early 1840s, homeopathy was growing in
popularity. It had established itself in many countries. At the turn of the 20th
Century, homeopathy was being practiced in over 60 countries worldwide,
including France, Germany, Great Britain, the United States, Italy, Sweden,
Denmark, Austria, Norway, Holland, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico, India, Sri
Lanka, Russia, and many other countries. It is estimated that over 400 million
people were receiving homeopathic treatment at that time. Homeopathic hospitals and medical
schools were being established all over the world.

The first homeopathic medical school in the United States was established in 1835 by Dr. Constantine
Hering, a student of Hahnemann's. By 1900, there were over 100 homeopathic hospitals and 22
medical schools in the United States.

During this time, the practitioners of allopathic medicine (conventional medicine) were vehemently
opposed to homeopathic medicine. The American Medical Association was formed to break the
virtual monopoly of homeopathy.

The "miracle drug" revolution began in 1909 with the discovery of the first anti-bacterial drug called
"Salvarsan". By 1936, a whole range of sulphonamide drugs were discovered. Soon amphetamines,
barbiturates, antibiotics, and penicillin were introduced. These "wonder" drugs put the safe, gentle,
and less spectacular homeopathic remedies in their shadows. The decline of homeopathy began. The
multinational pharmaceutical companies were pouring millions of dollars into research and
development of new and spectacular drugs.

Renewed interest in homeopathy began in the 1970s and over the past 20 to 30 years, homeopathy
has regained its rightful place as a very effective, holistic, non-addictive, side-effect free, inexpensive,
and safe healing system, which does not require testing on animals.

There are many reasons for the renewed interest in homeopathy: concern over the devastating,
sometimes permanent side-effects of conventional drugs; the addictive nature of conventional drugs;
certain diseases are impervious to conventional drugs; rejection of research on animals; high cost of
conventional drugs; and the desire for people to be treated in a humane and holistic manner.

Samuel Hahnemann

The idea of like curing like was not to re-emerge in any great way until a German physician, Samuel
Hahnemann (1755-1843) came to devise the system of medicine that we know as homeopathy.

Hahnemann trained in medicine and chemistry. Working as a doctor in the late 18th century, he was
dissatisfied with the conventional medical practices of his day. Blood-letting, purging and giving
patients large doses of toxic materials such as arsenic and lead were commonplace. Hahnemann
disagreed with these harsh methods.

He was investigating the effects of various medicinal substances on himself and other healthy
volunteers when he deduced that an illness could be treated with a very small amount of a substance
that, in larger quantities, could cause that illness.

To avoid harmful effects from normal doses of the substances, he diluted each medicine until he
reached the greatest dilution that would still produce a response. These experiments were called
proving and led him to observe and describe the basic principles of homeopathic medicine.

Treating “like with like” was described by Hippocrates in the 5th century BC; the “father of medicine,”
and people throughout the world have employed this principle of healing with “similars” for many
hundreds of years. It was the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann (1755–1843), however, who
discovered this basic approach through an experiment he conducted on himself, in an attempt to
understand how medicines worked. Questioning the basis for treating malaria with quinine,
Hahnemann ingested Cinchona bark (from which qui- nine is derived) in order to find out how it might
affect a healthy person. After a number of days, he started to experience symptoms of fever (typical
of malaria), which cleared up once he stopped taking the medicine.

Hahnemann next experimented with Cinchona bark on family and friends, with similar results. This
led him to experiment with many other substances in order to discover what symptoms of illness they
could produce in healthy individuals. He called these tests provings and meticulously recorded
individual reactions as well as any common themes or patterns of illness produced by each
substance—including sensations and feelings. These provings formed the basis of a new system of
healing Hahnemann called homeopathy, from the Greek homoios (similar) and pathos (suffering or
disease), in order to differentiate it from orthodox medicine, which he called “allopathy,” meaning
“opposite suffering” Hahnemann then used the “symptom pictures” he assembled as the basis for
his prescriptions.

He gave a single medicine at a time, as opposed to the medical practice of his time, which involved
mixtures containing many medicines. His departure from “accepted” medical practice attracted much
derision, especially from the apothecaries, but the successes he achieved with patients verified his
theory, and he continued to develop his system Hahnemann experimented with diluting his
medicines to minimize side effects but found that simple dilution (with stirring) caused the medicine
to lose its efficacy altogether, so he developed a new method of dilution whereby he diluted the
substance in carefully measured steps, shaking it vigorously in between each dilution.

This shaking he called “succussion” and the resultant liquid a “potentized remedy.” He found that this
new remedy lacked side effects and had a stronger curative reaction. In fact, he discovered that the
more he diluted and succussed a substance the stronger it became. This dilution-and-potency issue
has become “one of the main areas of controversy in the homeopathic system”.

This process of dilution consistently incurred skepticism from the medical establishment which could
not explain, and therefore could not accept, how anything so dilute could have an effect. Despite
such opposition, homeopathy survived because it worked, and patients who were helped spread the
word. Some of those patients were doctors and many of them, having experienced the gentle yet
effective healing power of homeopathy themselves, then trained under Hahnemann and took his
teachings out into the world, to South and North America, India and Europe.

Hahnemann's concept

The term "homeopathy" was coined by Hahnemann and first appeared in print in 1807.

Hahnemann conceived of homeopathy while translating a medical treatise by the Scottish physician
and chemist William Cullen into German. Being sceptical of Cullen's theory concerning cinchona's use
for curing malaria, Hahnemann ingested some bark specifically to investigate what would happen. He
experienced fever, shivering and joint pain: symptoms similar to those of malaria itself. From this,
Hahnemann came to believe that all effective drugs produce symptoms in healthy individuals similar
to those of the diseases that they treat, in accord with the "law of similars" that had been proposed
by ancient physicians. An account of the effects of eating cinchona bark noted by Oliver Wendell
Holmes, and published in 1861, failed to reproduce the symptoms Hahnemann reported
Hahnemann's law of similars is a postulate rather than a scientific law. This led to the
name "homeopathy", which comes from the Greek: ὅμοιος hómoios, "-like" and πάθος páthos,

Subsequent scientific work showed that cinchona cures malaria because it contains quinine, which
kills the Plasmodium falciparum parasite that causes the disease; the mechanism of action is
unrelated to Hahnemann's ideas.


Hahnemann began to test what effects substances produced in humans, a procedure that would later
become known as "homeopathic proving". These tests required subjects to test the effects of
ingesting substances by clearly recording all of their symptoms as well as the ancillary conditions
under which they appeared. He published a collection of provings in 1805, and a second collection of
65 preparations appeared in his book, Materia Medica Pura, in 1810.

Because Hahnemann believed that large doses of drugs that caused similar symptoms would only
aggravate illness, he advocated extreme dilutions of the substances; he devised a technique for
making dilutions that he believed would preserve a substance's therapeutic properties while
removing its harmful effects. Hahnemann believed that this process aroused and enhanced "the
spirit-like medicinal powers of the crude substances". He gathered and published a complete
overview of his new medical system in his 1810 book, The Organon of the Healing Art, whose 6th
edition, published in 1921, is still used by homeopaths today.

Miasms and disease

A homeopathic preparation made from marsh tea: the "15C" dilution shown here means the original
solution was diluted to 1/1030 of its original strength. Given that there are many orders of magnitude
fewer than 1030molecules in the small sample, the likelihood that it contains even one molecule of
the original herb is extremely low.

In the Organon, Hahnemann introduced the concept of "miasms" as "infectious principles" underlying
chronic disease. Hahnemann associated each miasm with specific diseases, and thought that initial
exposure to miasms causes local symptoms, such as skin or venereal diseases. If, however, these
symptoms were suppressed by medication, the cause went deeper and began to manifest itself as
diseases of the internal organs. Homeopathy maintains that treating diseases by directly alleviating
their symptoms, as is sometimes done in conventional medicine, is ineffective because all "disease
can generally be traced to some latent, deep-seated, underlying chronic, or inherited tendency". The
underlying imputed miasm still remains, and deep-seated ailments can be corrected only by removing
the deeper disturbance of the vital force

Hahnemann's hypotheses for the direct or remote cause of all chronic diseases (miasms) originally
presented only three, psora (the itch), syphilis (venereal disease) or sycosis (fig-wart disease). Of
these three the most important was psora (Greek for "itch"), described as being related to any itching
diseases of the skin, supposed to be derived from suppressed scabies, and claimed to be the
foundation of many further disease conditions. Hahnemann believed psora to be the cause of such
diseases as epilepsy, cancer, jaundice, deafness, and cataracts. Since Hahnemann's time, other
miasms have been proposed, some replacing one or more of psora's proposed functions,
including tuberculosis and cancer miasms.

The law of susceptibility implies that a negative state of mind can attract hypothetical disease entities
called "miasms" to invade the body and produce symptoms of diseases. Hahnemann rejected the
notion of a disease as a separate thing or invading entity, and insisted it was always part of the "living
whole". Hahnemann coined the expression "allopathic medicine", which was used to pejoratively
refer to traditional Western medicine.

Hahnemann's miasm theory remains disputed and controversial within homeopathy even in modern
times. The theory of miasms has been criticized as an explanation developed by Hahnemann to
preserve the system of homeopathy in the face of treatment failures, and for being inadequate to
cover the many hundreds of sorts of diseases, as well as for failing to explain disease predispositions,
as well as genetics, environmental factors, and the unique disease history of each patient.

Homeopathy in the U.S.

The popularity of homeopathy continued to grow throughout Europe and in many parts of Asia.
However, in the U.S., the rise of new technologies and pharmaceuticals during the early 1900s led to
a decline in the interest and practice of many traditional therapies, including homeopathy. Recently,
the U.S. has faced growing crises of antibiotic overuse and drug toxicity and interactions. Now,
patients and providers are once again considering options that avoid side effects and support the
body's own natural healing abilities. According to the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH),
approximately 38% of adults (3.9 million) and 12% of children were using some form of CAM in 2012.
These results from the National Health Interview Survey were similar to the findings from 2007. The
survey also noted that, while people of all backgrounds use CAM, its use is greater among women
and among people with higher levels of education and income.


Homeopathy is used as self-care for a variety of conditions, as well as for management of both acute
and chronic conditions through health care practitioners. Common acute physical and emotional
conditions that respond well to homeopathic medicines include

 Allergic rhinitis
 Stress and anxiety
 Common cold
 Sore throat
 Flu symptoms
 Postsurgical pain, swelling, and bruising
 Motion sickness
 Insomnia
 Premenstrual syndrome
 Menopausal vasomotor symptoms
 Digestive discomforts
 Warts
 Conjunctivitis
 Insect bites
 Minor sunburn
 Minor skin irritations
 Muscle and joint aches
 Sprains, strains, and minor traumas
The best applications for OTC homeopathic treatment are self-limiting situations. Again, OTC
homeopathy should not be used in place of conventional medical care that is indicated for a serious

Homeopathic preparations are available as single medicines (i.e., 1 active ingredient) or as branded
medicines (i.e., often a combination of active ingredients). The delivery forms of homeopathic
remedies are various and also common to conventional drugs:

 Sublingual or self-dissolving (pellets, tablets, and liquids)

 Topical (ointments, creams, lotions, gels, and sprays)
 Ophthalmic drops
 Otic drops
 Nasal sprays
 Vaginal and rectal (suppositories, creams, and ointments)

Homeopathy has 4 principles that are its foundation. They remain unchanged over the last 200 years
as their truth is demonstrated through successful treatment of the sick.

The cornerstone principle is Similia Similbus Curentur, "Let likes cure likes"

The first key principle in homeopathy is the law of similars, which holds that like cures like. That is, a
substance that, in its crude form, produces certain symptoms in healthy people can cure the same
symptoms in the sick when prepared in a homeopathic dose.

For example, when consumed in large amounts, coffee can cause a stimulated, active state that might
result in difficulty sleeping. The low-dose homeopathic medicine made from green coffee, Coffea

cruda, can be used for insomnia characterized by sleeplessness caused by mental hyperactivity. While
such an example seems illogical, pharmacists and pharmacy technicians are accustomed to
paradoxical dose-related responses. For example, some pharmaceuticals, such as chemotherapy
agents, are used therapeutically to treat cancer, but high doses of these agents can result in therapy-
related toxicity and malignancies.

Homeopathy actually derives its name from the Greek, homoeo='similar', and pathos='suffering'.
Through research and practice Hahnemann verified cure through the use of similars. A substance that
can produce disease in a healthy person is used to elicit a healing response in someone presenting
with a similar disease. Each person shows symptoms of the body/mind/spirit when they are sick.
Some of these symptoms are common to that sickness, others are characteristic of that person in
their sickness. The homeopathic practitioner matches the symptom picture of the homeopathic
remedy to the symptom picture of the person, with particular attention paid to those symptoms
which are unique to the individual.

The second principle of homeopathy is The Single Remedy. Only one homeopathic remedy is given at
any one time. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to ascertain the action of multiple homeopathic
remedies given all at once. The response of the vital force would be unpredictable and ambiguous.
Though Hahnemann experimented with this approach he abandoned it as unsatisfactory.
In homeopathy, the minimum dose principle holds that only the very minimum amount of medication
should be given to elicit a response. This is the rationale for using highly diluted and succussed (i.e.,
vigorously shaken) potencies of homeopathic medications. As Figure 1 shows, these medicines are
prepared according to specifications by their degree of dilution: X potencies are factors of 10
(decimal) and C potencies are factors of 100 (centesimal). The roman numerals denote the factor by
which the substance has been diluted (X is the process of dilution by a factor of 1:9; C is the process
of dilution by a factor of 1:99).

The third principle of homeopathy is The Minimum Dose. This refers to the infinitesimal doses of
medicine given as well as to the repetition of dose only when necessary. Drugs given to individuals in
material doses frequently cause side effects or adverse reactions. To curtail this problem, the
homeopath administers the smallest possible dose so as to maximize beneficial effects and minimize
side effects. Repetition of dose is determined by the individual's response to the remedy.
Unnecessary repetition may lessen the response, even to the correct remedy. In homeopathy, less is
The single remedy principle states that 1 homeopathic medicine should be prescribed at a time—that
is, the single medicine that most closely matches the totality of the patient's symptom complex or
picture should be used. The trained homeopathic practitioner uses this classic or constitutional
approach and views the overall symptom picture holistically rather than as symptoms occurring from
separate disharmonies. There are, however, numerous OTC branded combination formulas of
homeopathic remedies. The active homeopathic medicines contained within these preparations are
carefully selected on the basis of each individual medicine's symptom profile and the most commonly
indicated use of each. Since it is often difficult to quickly ascertain which would be the single most
effective homeopathic medicine during a brief consultation, the goal of these combination formulas
is to ease the process of remedy selection. This is particularly true for the topical combination
formulas designed to treat pain and for the oral formulas designed to treat colds and cough, hay
fever, allergies, motion sickness, ear or teething pain, and restless legs. The general rule of thumb,
according to highly trained homeopathic practitioners, is that the single most indicated remedy will
offer the fastest, greatest, and most lasting therapeutic benefit. But again, this is difficult to
determine without having advanced experience and knowledge and spending the necessary time
with the patient.

The fourth principle of homeopathy is The Potentized Remedy. Homeopathic remedies, though made
from natural substances such as plants, minerals, animals, etc., are manufactured unlike any other
medicine. Through a process of serial dilution a very dilute extract is made. With every step of dilution
the remedy is vigorously shaken-succussed. This process of succussion is designed to arouse the
dynamic nature of the medicine. To affect the vital force, a similarly energetic, homeopathic remedy
must be employed.

In addition to the 3 homeopathic principles already described, the treatment context is an essential
component of homeopathy. A caring practitioner is key to this context. Pharmacy practice is about
more than dispensing medicines—it is also about the manner with which medicines are dispensed.
When pharmacists show kindness and interest in patients, patients typically feel better and more
relaxed, which makes it easier to discuss their symptoms and all available treatment alternatives.
This, in turn, builds trust. In general, the more pharmacists know about different therapies, the more
patients will tell them and the better able pharmacists are to do the job of caring for patients.

This communication focus was the emphasis of the NIH's Time to Talk program—a campaign focused
on creating more dialogue about CAM among patients and their health care providers to facilitate
better health management and decision-making across all therapeutic options39 Though the program

ended in 2016 and was not replaced, it does not mean that practitioners' needs to communicate with
patients has ended.


The major benefits with homeopathy could be listed as under:

1. Effective
2. Gives lasting relief
3. Free from side effects

1. Effective:
Homeopathy, especially, is very effective for the treatment of chronic diseases of long standing. And,
for those diseases which keep on re-appearing after every few days, months or years. Effectiveness
of homeopathy in recurring diseases such as migraine, allergies, acne, autism, arthritis, asthma,
rheumatism, psoriasis, etc. is a hallmark of homeopathy. All the diseases cannot be described here,

2. Gives lasting relief:

Well, even the conventional medicine is effective. Then, why homeopathy? The superiority of
homeopathy is in a fact that the relief offered by it in the treatment of chronic diseases is quite lasting
for many months or years. This lasting relief is achieved because homeopathy treats the root of the
diseases. The approach in homeopathy is such that it addresses the patient’s physical, disease,
emotional, emotional and genetic totality; and treats the disease traits rather than treating diseases
superficially. Depending on the nature of the diseases and its cause, the cure achieved by
homeopathy may last for a very long time, many times for over decades or more.

3. Safe and free from side-effects:
Homeopathy is essentially a safe system of medicine, free from any adverse effects if used correctly.
The format of the medicine is such that the medicines are devoid of any toxic substance, hence
absolutely harmless. Homeopathy is safe for newborn babies, pregnant women, and elderly patients
as well as for those patients who have delicate health.
Some of the other benefits and advantages of homeopathy include its cost-effectiveness, easy to
administer, child-friendliness and it can be used along with other forms of medications.

Homeopathy works for a range of chronic and recurring diseases such as asthma, allergies,
autoimmune diseases, migraine, diseases of the skin, joints, muscles, mind, etc. Homeopathy does
not work fast enough for critical diseases such as severe infections, heart attack, etc.

It’s used for a wide variety of health issues, including some chronic illnesses:




Chronic fatigue syndrome

Rheumatoid arthritis

Irritable bowel syndrome

Premenstrual syndrome

It can also be used for minor issues like bruises, scrapes, toothaches, headaches, nausea, coughs,
and colds.

Don’t use homeopathic medicine for life-threatening illnesses, like asthma, cancer, and heart
disease, or in emergencies. You should also avoid using it in place of vaccines. Some homeopathic
products called “nosodes” are marketed as an alternative for vaccines, but there’s no research to
prove they’re effective.

What are the sources of homeopathic medicines?

The homeopathic medicines are prepared from a wide range of natural sources. Over 75% of the
medicines origin from the vegetable kingdom, i.e. flowers, roots, leaves and the juice.

Certain chemicals and minerals are also used to prepared certain medicines. For instance, sulfuric
acid, nitric acid. Most of the minerals and metals are used as a source of medicine, such as gold,
silver, zinc, tin, iron and so on.

Some microbes, bacteria, virus are also used to prepare a special group of medicines (called
Nosode), for instance, influenza virus, bacteria which produce tuberculosis, etc. Some body
secretion such as the hormones (thyroid hormone, for instance) also find place in the wide source-

Animal kingdom has a special place in the homeopathy pharmacy and homeopathy medicines are
prepared from the animal sources almost in an nonviolent technique. Some insects such as Spanish
fly (Apis Mellifica) and certain animal products such as the venom of Cobra snake (Naja) are used in
unique manner.

Argentum Nitricum:
This is one of the most important medicines for anxiety-related disorders. This drug that is prepared
from the nitrate of silver. It specifically affects the mind causing neurotic effects. It also has curative
effects on the affectations of the nervous system, digestive system, reproductive system,
respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, etc.

The patient is very nervous and impulsive by nature; extremely hurried in whatever he does. He
dreads situations that may cause him anxiety and tries to avoid getting into such situations. Multiple
phobias such as fear of darkness, evil, fear of heights, tall buildings, of passing certain places, etc.
anticipatory anxiety which causes diarrhea before any important event or function. Intense
apprehension and worry about trifling matters. All this anxiety causes much brain fag and the
patient feels as if time passes too slowly. Physical symptoms of anxiety very marked such as
trembling of hands and feet, palpitations in the chest, shortness of breath, dizziness, and fainting,
dryness of mouth, stammering, excessive sweating, etc.

All in all a very good drug for generalized anxiety disorders, social and specific phobias, stress
disorders, panic attacks and also for agoraphobia.

Lycopodium clavatum:
Lycopodium is prepared from the spores of a fungus called as club moss. It is an inert substance
until it undergoes the process of potentization to reveal its latent curative powers. Lycopodium is a
deep acting, constitutional remedy having a very wide sphere of action. It positively affects the
mental sphere, general nutrition, urinary system, gastrointestinal system, reproductive system,
lungs, skin, etc.

It is frequently used for the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders, social phobia, nephrotic
syndrome, urinary infections, dyspepsia, pneumonia, liver diseases, ascites, skin complaints
like eczema, abscesses, acne, urticaria, etc.

A few common indications of this drug are:

Intense fear of going in public places and performing in public. The patient dreads public
appearance even if his profession demands it. Intense fear of not being able to perform well and
fear of negative evaluation by others. Anticipatory anxiety is marked and there is a total loss of self-
confidence. Constant apprehension and fear of breaking down under stress.

Silicea (Silica):

It is one of the splendid acts of homeopathy that substances labeled as inert can also be used
effectively to treat a large variety of disorders. Silica is the example of one such substance, which is
chemically inert in its natural form, but after undergoing the process of potentization it gets
transformed into a wonderful, deep acting remedy. Silica is in a true sense called as polychrest
remedy as it has a broad spectrum of action, useful for a wide range of disease processes. In fact,
this remedy has helped Homeopaths world over to treat so-called surgical conditions gently without
requiring a knife.

Silica positively influences the mind, bones and joints, mucous membranes, skin, cellular tissue,
nerves, glands, lungs, digestive system, etc. Silica is one of the frequently used medicines for
complaints of anxiety disorders, depressive states, styes, chalazion, vitiligo, eczema, lichen planus,
herpes, urticaria, asthmatic bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, trigeminal neuralgia, complaints of
nails, tonsillitis, etc.

It's frequently used for generalized anxiety disorders, social phobias, and specific phobias.
Generally, very nervous and timid patients who are afraid of stressful situations like public
performances and exams, etc. They startle at the slightest noise due to nervousness. Marked
anticipatory anxiety is an important feature of this drug.

Thuja Occidentalis:

This is a drug prepared from a plant Thuja Occidentalis commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This is
deep acting remedy with a wide sphere of action. It is a constitutional remedy, of great use in many
disease processes. It has a profound action on the mental sphere, respiratory organs, skin, genito-
urinary organs, joints, nervous system, glands, kidneys, blood, etc. It is a good drug not only for
physical complaints but also for the affection of the mind. For example, it can be very useful in
anxiety disorders, psychotic states, depression, etc.

Its one of the frequently indicated remedies for asthmatic bronchitis, inveterate skin troubles and
chronic stubborn skin conditions like lichen planus, psoriasis, eczema, warts, pyoderma, etc.

Thuja is one of the very good remedies for generalized anxiety disorders and obsessive-compulsive
neurosis. The patient generally gets anxious over trifles and cannot concentrate on whatever he
does. He has many fixed ideas and he finds it difficult to get rid of them. Social phobia is also
commonly seen in these patients who begin to get nervous and get twitching on being approached
by strangers. Overall a very good drug for controlling anxiety states.


This is a drug that is prepared from the syphilitic virus by the process of potentization. It belongs to
a group of homeopathic drugs called as Nosodes which are prepared from disease products or
diseased tissues. The remedy prescribed does not contain the original drug substance in the
material form but it contains only the dynamic powers of that substance. This is achieved through
the process of potentization in homeopathy

Syphillinum is a deep acting, polychrest remedy affecting multiple systems of the body.

It positively influences the mind, sensorium, skin, gastrointestinal tract, genito-urinary system,
nerves, bones, etc. It is a very helpful remedy to combat hereditary syphilitic tendencies in patients.

Syphillinum is frequently used in the homeopathic treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorders,

anxiety states, vitiligo, recurrent abscesses, osteomyelitis, trigeminal neuralgia, alcohol
dependence, rheumatic complaints, etc. It's a useful drug to combat diseases that are destructive in
nature and are deep-seated.

An important feature of these patients is that they repeatedly wash their hands and they feel
compelled to do so in order to relieve their anxiety. Marked fear of night time, the patient dreads
the approach of night. There is intense anxiety and a constant feeling that he (the patient) may go

Natrum Muriaticum:

This is a wonderful example of a drug prepared from an inert substance like common salt. After
undergoing the process of Potentization, the inner healing powers of common salt are brought to
the surface and thus is borne a deep-acting constitutional remedy. Natrum muriaticum is one of the
most commonly used medicines in homeopathy It can be used for a wide range of disease
processes and has a very broad spectrum of action. It can effectively tackle diseases affecting the
mind, skin, gastrointestinal organs, nose, lungs, kidney, metabolism, muscles, head, hormonal
system, etc. It is one of the commonly used remedies for acute stress disorders, post-traumatic
stress disorders, generalized anxiety disorders, lichen planus, migraine, urticaria, eczema, vitiligo,
asthma, etc.

Natrum muriaticum is an excellent remedy for diseases affecting the general nutrition of the body
and for anemia, fevers, thyroid affections, etc. Not only the physical ailments but also the psychic
affections come under the domain of this wonderful drug. Anxiety disorders, depressive states,
mood swings, irritability, etc can be well tackled with this remedy. All in all, this is a multi-faceted
drug that can be used for many of the disorders affecting mankind.

It's a good drug for acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder that has been triggered
by the sudden death of someone close. The patient, in such cases, repeatedly re-experiences the
traumatic event in the mind and constantly broods over it. Sleep disturbances are a common
occurrence. Startling at the slightest noise, spells of intense anxiety, trembling of extremities are
other common occurrences.

How to make Homeopathic medicine at home – a step by step guide!

The revolutionary method of drug preparation in homeopathy, called as Potentization, utilizes a

very minute quantity of the original drug substance.

A very small portion of any substance, say a drop of Surukuku snake venom, as one part, is mixed
with 99 parts of alcohol or distilled water. Some powerful strokes are give to this mixture of about
100 drops/ml. It makes so called 1c potency. Now, out of this 100 drops, one drop is taken and
mixed with 99 drops of alcohol, again to undergo the process of vigorous strokes, making the
potency 2c. The process is continued higher level up to 30c, 200c, 1000c, 10000c, 50000c and

Homeopathy is a form of “holistic” medicine, which is effective and safe because it is all natural. It is
used to treat the whole body, mind and soul. It is thus an extremely important part of healthcare
and should be promoted to all people. The World Health Organisation (WHO) is even asking for the
integration of homeopathy with real medicine in their “Traditional Medicine Strategy 2014-2023″, a
hefty report compiled by the well-known Naturopath, Michael Smith (who is also an adjunct at the
world famous National Institute of Complementary Medicine).

But instead of buying homeopathic medicine at your local pharmacy, you might be surprised to
know that it’s actually quite easy to make yourself in the comfort of your own home. Here is a step
by step guide:

Make a cup of tea (the type of tea leaves depends on the disease that you want to treat, but then
again, it doesn’t really matter)

Pour the tea into a clean empty 2 L container

Fill the container with water up to the 2 L mark

Shake the container or alternatively hit the container ten times on your hand (you are now
potentiating your medicine a.k.a succusing)

Depending on the required strength of your medicine, empty 90, 99 or 100% of the solution into
the sink. If you choose 90 % you can put a D (in the US an X) on your container, if 99% a C, and
100% a KD or KC

Again fill your container up to the 2 L mark with water

Shake the container or hit it on your hand 10 times as in step 4

Again empty the chosen volume into the sink

Repeat steps 3-5 for another 10-200 times and remember the more times you repeat these steps,
the stronger the medicine will become

What homeopathy costs

The cost of a consultation with a homeopath is usually cost between £30 to £125.

Your remedy will usually be included in the consultation price, but do check this first. Homeopathic tablets or
other products usually cost around £4 to £10 if you need to buy them separately

Homeopathic (Ca-Belladonna-Cm) Pellet Side Effects by Likelihood and Severity

COMMON side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

 Constipation
 Decreased Sweating

INFREQUENT side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

 Blurred Vision
 Decreased Breast Milk Production
 Dry Mouth
 Feel Like Throwing Up
 Throwing Up

RARE side effects

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

 Blood Pressure Drop Upon Standing

 Confused
 Hives
 Increased Pressure In The Eye
 Inflammation Of Skin Caused By An Allergy
 Rash

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

 Difficult Or Painful Urination

 Dilated Pupil
 Drowsiness
 Feeling Weak
 Gas
 Head Pain
 Loss Of Memory

If experienced, these tend to have a Severe expression

 Blood Pressure Drop Upon Standing

 Confused
 Hives
 Increased Pressure In The Eye
 Inflammation Of Skin Caused By An Allergy
 Rash

If experienced, these tend to have a Less Severe expression

 Difficult Or Painful Urination

 Dilated Pupil
 Drowsiness
 Feeling Weak
 Gas
 Head Pain
 Loss Of Memory

Treating Mental Problems With Homeopathy

The highest and most important level through which the human being functions is the mental level. The
mental plane of an individual is that which registers changes in understanding and consciousness,
reflecting the true essence of that person. It enables an individual to think, to complete, and to peruse
the purpose of life.

Disturbance of these functions in turns constitute the symptoms of mental affections, such as:

 Anxiety especially unrelated to any identifiable cause

 Depression, especially when it is followed by withdrawal from people or from usual occupation.
 Loss of self-confidence
 Unexplainable mood changes
 Rudeness or aggression without apparent cause or occasioned by some trivial incident.
 Habitual underachievement
 The inability to accept responsibilities
 Phobia
 Unreasonable feeling of persecution
 Physical ailments and complaints for which there are no organic cause

Symptoms of Mental Problems

 Dullness
 Loss of concentration
 Forgetfulness
 Paranoia
 Confusion
 Forgetfulness
 Sadness
 Suicidal tendencies
 Phobia
 Anxiety
 Psychosomatic disorders
 Personality disorders

Homeopathic Treatment for Mental Problems

Homeopathic treatment is not only confined to physical health problems but can also be used
effectively against mental imbalances. Some doctors have recommended homeopathy over
conventional medicines as the latter carry the risk of adverse side effects. Homeopathy can treat various
kinds of mental illnesses including but not limited to bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, depression, and
general anxiety disorder. Homeopathic treatment also involves intake of lesser quantity of medicine,
shorter stay at hospital and laboratory examinations. What’s more, you could also combine
homeopathy with conventional forms of medication.

The selection of remedy is based upon the theory of individualization and symptoms similarity
by using a holistic approach. This is the only way through which a state of complete health can
be regained by removing all the sign and symptoms from which the patient is suffering. The aim
of homeopathy is not only to treat mental problems but to address its underlying cause and

individual susceptibility. As far as therapeutic medication is concerned, several remedies are
available to treat mental problems that can be selected on the basis of cause, sensations and
modalities of the complaints. For individualized remedy selection and treatment, the patient
should consult a qualified homeopathic doctor in person. There are following remedies which
are helpful in the treatment of different mental problems:

 Bipolar Disorder- Homeopathic medicine, Belladonna is quite effective against bipolar disorder.
This is a condition in which there are symptoms of violent behavior. For example the patient
may even strike the person near him for no particular reason. Another symptom for which
belladonna works quite well is when the patient indulges in anti-social behavior such as spitting
on other people. An alternative medication that is generally prescribed for symptoms like
destructive behavior and screaming is Veratrum Album.
 Schizophrenia- Hyoscyamus Niger is the recommended homeopathic treatment for a patient
who shows symptoms of schizophrenia. The main symptom of schizophrenia is a feeling in
which the patient may think that there is a plot against him/her. This feeling may result in the
patient avoiding everything offered to him/her, which could potentially include medicine.
Another effective homeopathic medicine generally used for treating symptoms of jealousy and
suspicion is Lachesis.
 Depression- Ignatia Amara has proven to be effective for patients with depression. This
homeopathic medicine can treat symptoms such as non-communicative behavior and dull
mood along with the inability to enjoy the company of others. Aurum metallicum is typically
prescribed if your patients have suicidal tendencies. Carcinosin is generally used to treat chronic
and severe forms of depression.
 Generalized Anxiety Disorder- If a person tends to feel worried and uneasy constantly for around
6 months or more then he/she may be suffering from generalized anxiety disorder. A medical
practitioner could provide an accurate diagnosis. The patient may find difficulty in concentrating
and falling asleep. He/she may also get fatigued easily and have frequent urges to urinate. The
Homeopathic medicine, Aconitum Napellus is very effective against Generalized Anxiety
Disorder wherein the patient may also suffer from frequent panic attacks. Trembling
and palpitations resulting from the anxiety can be controlled by the homeopathic medicine
Gelsemium Sempervirens. If you wish to discuss about any specific problem, you can consult
a Homeopath.


A significant barrier to homeopathic use by the public, health care practitioners, and scientists, alike, is
the seemingly paradoxical concept that ultra-small doses are capable of producing clinical effects. This
is an area of important, but still nascent, emerging research. For this reason, most pharmacists and
pharmacy technicians (as well as most medical professionals) understand little to nothing about the
principles or practice of homeopathic medicine and do not, therefore, recommend its use. Many other
barriers to use stem from misconceptions and misunderstandings about homeopathy.

Myths and facts of homeopathy
Several misconceptions about homeopathy prevent its widespread use and acceptance. Below,
common myths about homeopathy and homeopathic practice are explaine Homeopathic medicines
take a long time to work. The effect of a homeopathic medicine may be rapid (minutes to hours), or
1 or more days may be needed for its full effect. The time required for symptom relief is
nonuniform because the medicines do not create the response—rather, the medicines stimulate
the body's own secondary healing response. If properly prescribed for an acute self-limiting
condition, homeopathic medicines can work very quickly, but effective treatment of long-standing,
chronic ailments may take days to several weeks. Typically, if no symptom relief occurs within 1 to 2
weeks (for chronic ailments), a different remedy should be recommended or the patient should be
referred to a specialist.

 Homeopathic medicines are difficult to ingest. Patient compliance is an issue with

medicines of any type, but some people assume that compliance is particularly
difficult with homeopathic medicines because the sublingual or buccal delivery form
means giving up eating certain foods and drinking coffee. This is not always the case,
though, homeopathic practitioners opinions on the matter vary. For better buccal
absorption, it is generally suggested that homeopathic medicines be taken with a
clean mouth, away from strong flavors (e.g., strong mint or menthol products); they
are typically taken on an empty stomach, unless otherwise indicated. Some
practitioners also suggest that the medicines be taken without touching the pellet or
tablet: patients can use the cap to place the medicine under the tongue or onto the
buccal mucosa, where it is allowed to slowly dissolve.
 If homeopathy can cure many things, it should cure everything. Homeopathy is limited
by the body's ability to respond to homeopathic stimulation. If a condition has
progressed too far or the immune system is compromised by drugs or another
condition, the body may not be able to mount an appropriate immune response.
However, even in these cases, homeopathic medicines could still be considered for
concurrent self-limiting symptoms.
 Homeopathic outcomes are only a result of the placebo effect. Some studies of
homeopathy do show similar outcomes to placebo. However, numerous other clinical
research studies have compared homeopathic medicines with placebo and found
substantial differences in the actions, durations of activity, and outcomes.
Patient awareness

Another common barrier to homeopathy use among pharmacists and patients is primarily related
to a limited education and knowledge-base about homeopathy. Many patients assume, for
example, that homeopathic medicines are not subject to government regulation, while, in fact, they
are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and manufactured according to
precise industry standards.

Terminology and general principles of administration offer other issues and barriers. For example,
patients may not understand what sublingual means (i.e., letting a pellet or tablet dissolve under
the tongue rather than chewing it). They may also be concerned that a homeopathic medicine
might have interactions with other prescriptions or natural products they are taking. Further,
patients may assume that because they did not achieve any benefits from a previous trial of a
homeopathic medicine that the system as a whole will not work.

Finally, many patients assume that pharmacists and pharmacy technicians have little to no
knowledge of homeopathy. This underscores the importance of the need for all health care
professionals to learn about all systems and methods of care in order to initiate and participate in
discussions with patients and serve as reliable, reputable sources of information.

Physician and pharmacist education

In the U.S., homeopathy is not routinely part of the curriculum for health care providers. Many
pharmacy professionals know very little about homeopathy, and this module may be the most
comprehensive source of information on the subject that many have studied. Likewise, few
physicians and pharmacists realize that homeopathic medicines are OTC products that are FDA
regulated and manufactured under strict pharmaceutical guidelines. Naturopathic schools of
medicine are an exception to this lack of education: homeopathy is an integral part of the
curriculum and scope of naturopathic practice. Other health care practitioners can obtain
continuing education and training in clinical homeopathy from various groups

Perceptions about efficacy and clinical trials

The concept of homeopathic dilution is counterintuitive. Typically, conventional medicines are

made stronger by adding more ingredients, but, in homeopathy, a higher potency is often, although
not exclusively, one that is more diluted and succussed.

Similarly, the concept of the "strength" of a homeopathic medicine is counterintuitive: sometimes

less is more. Efficacy is facilitated by the appropriateness of the dilution to the patient's symptoms,
not the amount of active ingredient in a formulation.

The purpose of a homeopathic medicine is to encourage the body's inherent defenses to correct
imbalances. Sometimes that reminder is solely on a molecular (not a material) level.
Understandably, this concept (i.e., ultradilution or nanopharmacology) creates a substantial barrier
for people trained in traditional chemistry or conventional medicine. The process of coming to
understand a nonmaterial effect is something that may only occur through engagement with and
experience in the art and practice of homeopathy.

The science of homeopathy is complicated and it is still emerging. As explained, clinical studies have
shown mixed results, particularly when therapeutic approaches are not individualized. However,
when studies account for the full context of treatment—that is, the medicines, the discussions
about symptoms and modalities, and the caring provider—they show positive effects of
homeopathic medicines that surpass those of placebo alone and offer no serious adverse or toxic

Safety concerns

No form of medicine is completely safe for all patients all the time, but homeopathy can be much
safer than many conventional and herbal medicines—a fact that seems foreign to many health care
professionals. Because homeopathic medicines are administered in the smallest possible
microdoses, there is almost no chance that they will exert any pharmacokinetic effect in terms of
absorption, distribution, metabolism, or excretion. So, while an allopathic drug might interfere with
a person's ability to respond to a homeopathic medicine, a homeopathic medicine will likely not
interfere with an allopathic drug's effect. This is may not always be true of conventional treatments.

A key benefit of homeopathic medicines is that they can alleviate symptoms without masking
conditions. If, for example, a person was having severe abdominal pain, homeopathy would not be
indicated. However, even if that patient took a homeopathic formula for the pain, it would not mask
the underlying disease process or any diagnostic symptoms in a true medical situation. In contrast,
taking a pharmaceutical pain medication might reduce the pain and, thereby, delay a medical
response. Similarly, steroids are administered to reduce inflammation, yet they allow the
inflammatory disease processes to continue. Homeopathic medicines can treat symptoms, such as
pain and inflammation, without masking critical symptoms or interfering with a diagnosis. This is an
invaluable piece of information to consider.

Chemical sensitivities are a consideration for all products in the pharmacy. Patients are sometimes
confused about additional ingredients added to homeopathic preparations, such as alcohol, lactose,
and sucrose. For example, a patient with lactose intolerance may wish to avoid a product that uses
lactose as an additive. However, the amount of lactose in homeopathic pellets and tablets is usually
far below the threshold of discomfort; research suggests that adults and adolescents with lactose
malabsorption can eat or drink at least 12 grams of lactose in one sitting with only minor, if any,
symptoms. Still, in rare cases of complete abstinence or true allergy, such bases and additives must
be avoided. Further, pharmacists must be respectful of patients' needs, preferences, and
practitioner instructions and direct patients to the appropriate products in the case of ingredient

CLINICAL EXAMPLE: A 35-year-old man presents to the pharmacy. He states that he will be having
minor outpatient surgery next week and he enquires about pain relief. He typically uses Arnica gel
for joint pain after he exercises and he wonders if he can use it after the surgery. Overall, he is in
good health, and his only current medications are atorvastatin 20 mg daily, a daily multivitamin, and
a daily antioxidant supplement that he purchases elsewhere. The pharmacist tells him that
homeopathic dilutions of Arnica montana (mountain daisy) can be taken sublingually to reduce
pain, swelling, and the discoloration of bruising. He should allow the pellets to dissolve slowly in his
mouth or under his tongue. The medication should be taken on an empty stomach and without
strong flavors (e.g., mint and menthol); it should be taken every few hours initially, and he can
decrease the frequency as his symptoms improve. Arnica gel should NOT be applied to an open
wound. Although Arnica preparations can be taken safely with his medications, he should tell his
doctors about all the supplements he takes because they may need to be discontinued before
surgery. The homeopathic medication should be stopped completely when he is recovered

Emergency medicines: -
(Take medicines in pills size 40) 2pills a dose, every 2 to 3 hours, even every1 hour also as

(1) Bryonia Alba 30 + Aconitum Nap 200 (mixed) if not, take 2 pills of each medicines together at
a time = 1 dose - Generalised cold & cough, feverish
(2) Ipecacuanha 30,
Cough, Chest congestion, Breathing trouble, vomiting
(3) Lycopodium Clavat 30,
Generalised cold, running nose, nose block, sneezing, gas, generalised swelling
(4) Hepar Sulph 200,
Generalised throat trouble, dry cough
(5) Eupatorium Per 30 + Belladonna 3, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a
time = 1 dose
Generalised fever
(6) Arnica Mont 3 + Cuprum Met 6, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time
= 1 dose
High fever/with convulsions (Every 10 to 15 min.), head injury
(7) Ipecacuanha 30 + Merc Sol 6, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time =
1 dose
Generalised mucous stool, dysentery/blood dysentery
(8) Veratrum Album 200 + Cuprum Met 6, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at
a time = 1 dose - Loose motion, diarrhoea, Acute gastro-entritis/with vomiting
(9) Arsenic Alb 3, 2dr.pills.
Generalised acidity, gas, dyspepsia, stomach pain
(10) Arnica Mont 30,
Generalised trauma, injury, bodyache
(11) Hypericum 200 + Arsenicum 200, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a
time = 1 dose- Generalised cut injury, abrasion, laceration, injury infection/pus, traumatic wounds
(12) Nux Vom 30, 2dr.pills.
Generalised stomach trouble, acidity, gas, constipation, dyspepsia, loose stool
(13) Nux Vom 30 + Coloc 200, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a time = 1
Stomach pain (Every 10 to 15 min.)
(14) Sanguinaria Can 200 + Belladonna 3, (mixed) if not take 2 pills of each medicines together at a
time = 1 dose - Generalised headache (every 1/2hr), sinusitis, cold, nose block
(15) Ferrum Phos 3X, tablets.
Any type of bleeding, haemorrhage (Every 10 to 15 min.)
(16) Magnesia Phos 3X, (Tablets)
Any type of severe pain (5 tabs, every 5 to 10 min.)
(17) Antimonium Crud 6, 2dr.pills.
Generalised skin trouble, allergic itching
(18) Belladonna 3 liquid (One dose=2drops in water)
Fever, headache, any pain, Bell 3 may be used alternately with any medicines at any interval, Pain in



1. Foods containing artificial preservatives and additives, natural (not really natural!) and
artificial flavorings
2. Pork
3. Sugar and products containing sugar
4. Products containing white flour
5. Processed foods
6. Fried foods
7. Coffee
8. All canned foods
9. Farm-raised fish
10. "Low fat" products.


1. Organic berries, seeds, and raw nuts

2. Fresh, organic fruits. You should eat a minimum of 3 different fruits daily.
3. Fresh organic vegetables and salads
4. Virgin, first cold-pressed, organic olive oil
5. Complex carbohydrates like: whole grain breads, brown rice, whole grain pasta.
6. Ten glasses daily of spring water, filtered water, or distilled water. Tap water is not


1. Two fresh salads prepared with your own dressing of organic olive oil and freshly squeezed
organic lemon juice.
2. Whole sprouted grains.
3. 75% of your total food intake should be raw, organic fruits, vegetables, seeds, and nuts.
4. Three to five different pieces of fresh fruit daily.

Research into homeopathy

Many clinical trials have looked at how well homeopathy works in treating various illnesses. None of
them give any evidence that homeopathy can cure or prevent any type of disease, including cancer.

There has also been research looking at whether homeopathy can

 reduce cancer symptoms or treatment side effects

 boost the immune system
 help children with cancer
 other health conditions

In March 2015, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in Australia published a
report. A working group identified 57 systematic reviews that contained 176 individual studies. They
compared groups of people who were given homeopathic treatment with similar groups of people
who were not given homeopathic treatment (controlled studies).

Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH)

Central Council of Homoeopathy (CCH) in India In 1964, a composite Central Council Bill for Ayurveda,
Unani and homeopathy systems was introduced in the parliament. A joint parliamentary committee
of 36 members of parliament with Bhargava as the chairman was constituted, which submitted its
report in 1967 and recommended for separate Central Councils of Indian Systems of Medicine and
Homeopathy (ISM&H). The Indian Medicine and Homeopathy Central Council Bill, 1968 was
introduced in the Rajya Sabha (upper house of Parliament) on 27 December 1968. In 1971, the Central
Council for Indian System of Medicine was formed and a separate bill for homeopathy was raised in
the Lok Sabha (lower house) in December 1971. In April 1972, a joint parliamentary committee of 48
members of parliament (MPs) was constituted for homeopathy. The Central Council of Homeopathy
Bill was accepted in the Rajya Sabha in July 1973. The Central Council of Homeopathy Act was
introduced in 1973 and the government constituted the Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) in
1974 with A.K. Kisku as the president and Jugal Kishore as vice president. Currently, the CCH approves
two courses: BHMS: (Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery) This course spreads over 5.5
years, including internship of 1 year duration after passing the final year degree examination. M.D
(Homoeo): (Postgraduate Degree Course) The CCH has prescribed postgraduate degree courses in
homeopathic subjects, for example, Materia Medica, Homeopathic Philosophy, Repertory and allied
subjects are Practice of Medicine, Psychiatry, Pediatric spread over 3 years’ duration including 1 year
of house job or equivalent thereof. Indian universities are stared PhD in Homoeopathy with minimum
3 years and maximum 5 years duration.

Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH)

Central Council of Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) Before 1947, research on homeopathy
depended entirely upon the non governmental financial support. With a view to expediting research
since independence in 1947, it was felt that government grants in the form of finance and approval
were necessary. On 23 May 1969, the government of India formed the Central Council for Research
in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy and Yoga. In 1970, under the advice of K.G. Saxena, the then
honourable advisor on homeopathy, the central government decided to found the Central
Homeopathic Research Institute. The first homeopathic research institute in India, which was also the
first in Asia, was established in Howrah, West Bengal. CCRH, one of the successor organisations to
the erstwhile Central Council for Research in Indian Medicine and Homeopathy (CCRIMH), was
established as an autonomous organisation at New Delhi in 1978. Ever since, CCRH remains a unique
organisation, which is engaged in various research studies in homeopathy.


Homeopathy is the fastest growing health care system in the world. According to the American
Homeopathic Pharmaceutical Association, homeopathic remedy sales exceed $166 million per year

in the United States. The World Health Organization has determined that homeopathy is the #2
form of medicine used for primary care in the world.

Homeopathy is widely used in Europe, India, and Israel. The remedies are used by millions of people
in over 65 countries and recommended by more than 400,000 health care providers worldwide. In
Great Britain, homeopathic hospitals are a part of the national health care system and homeopathy
is recognized as a postgraduate specialty by an Act of Parliament.

Homeopathic remedies have successfully been used throughout the world for various acute and
chronic health conditions. The effectiveness of these remedies has been demonstrated by over 200
years of successful treatment. There is clinical evidence of this success, as well as prominent
research published in various medical journals. All homeopathic research is carried out on healthy
humans and never on animals.

Homeopathy is a compassionate, safe, gentle, effective, and holistic approach to health care, which
has withstood the test of 200 years of practice. Homeopathy is the energy medicine of the 21st

Homeopathy became extremely popular and spread all over world. Hanhemann’s conception
regarding health, disease and cure coincides with ancient Indian philosophy: the source of health and
disease is not material but spiritual, that is, in the material life principle, which is integrated with body
and mind in the human organism. Anything which affects the life principle morbidly must do so
qualitatively and the medicine which cures diseases also does the same qualitatively. Homeopathy
has limitations; it can be used as complementary and supplementary therapy to allopathy and can co
exist with other modern methods.

2010 Apr;99(2):130-6. doi: 10.1016/j.homp.2009.10.001.
A short history of the development of homeopathy in India.
Ghosh AK1.

Homeopathy was introduced in India the early 19th century. It flourished in Bengal at first, and then
spread all over India. In the beginning, the system was extensively practised by amateurs in the civil
and military services and others. Mahendra Lal Sircar was the first Indian who became a homeopathic
physician. A number of allopathic doctors started homeopathic practice following Sircar's lead. The
'Calcutta Homeopathic Medical College', the first homeopathic medical college was established in
1881. This institution took on a major role in popularising homeopathy in India. In 1973, the
Government of India recognised homeopathy as one of the national systems of medicine and set up
the Central Council of Homeopathy (CCH) to regulate its education and practice. Now, only qualified
registered homeopaths can practice homeopathy in India. At present, in India, homeopathy is the
third most popular method of medical treatment after allopathy and Ayurveda. There are over
200,000 registered homeopathic doctors currently, with approximately 12,000 more being added
every year.
1. Towsend MC. Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse: Concepts of care in evidenced-based
7th edition. Philadelphia: Jaypee Brothers; 2012. Pg. no. 45-52.
2. Sreevani R, Prasanthi N. A guide to mental health and psychiatric nursing. 3rd edition.
Daryaganj,ND: Jaypee Brothers medical publishers; 2010.
3. Neeraja KP. Essential of mental health and Psychiatric Nursing: 3rd edition. New Delhi:
Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2011.
4. James C. Whorton, Nature Cures: The History of Alternative Medicine in America (New York:
Oxford University Press, 2004), 52-54.
5. Martin Kaufman, Homeopathy in America: The Rise and Fall of a Medical Heresy (Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins Press, 1971), 23
6. Paul Starr, The Social Transformation of American Medicine (New York: Basic Books, 1982),
7. American Medical Union, The North American Journal of Homeopathy 44 (1896):
599. Return to text.
8. Owen Whooley, Knowledge in the Time of Cholera: The Struggle Over American Medicine in
the Nineteenth Century (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2013), 181.


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