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Original Article

Scrotal abscess: Varied etiology, associations, and management

Raghu S. Ramareddy, Anand Alladi
Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Anand Alladi, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute,
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. E-mail:

ABSTRACT Access this article online

Aim: To report a series of scrotal abscess, a rare problem, their etiology, and DOI: 10.4103/0971-9261.186545
management. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study of children who Quick Response Code:
presented with scrotal abscess between January 2010 and March 2015, analyzed
with respect to clinical features, pathophysiology of spread and management.
Results: Eight infants and a 3-year-old phenotypically male child presented with
scrotal abscess as a result of abdominal pathologies which included mixed gonadal
dysgenesis (MGD) [1]; three anorectal malformations with ectopic ureter [1], urethral
stricture [1], and neurogenic bladder [1]; meconium peritonitis with meconium
periorchitis [2], ileal atresia [1], and intra-abdominal abscess [1]; posturethroplasty
for Y urethral duplication with metal stenosis [1] and idiopathic pyocele [1].
Transmission of the organism had varied routes include fallopian tube [1], urethra
ejaculatory reflux [4], hematogenous [2], and the patent process of vaginalis [2].
Two of the nine required extensive evaluation for further management. Treating
the predisposing pathology resolved scrotal abscesses in eight of nine patients,
one of whom, required vasectomy additionally. Idiopathic pyocele responded to
needle aspiration and antibiotics. Conclusion: Scrotal abscess needs a high index
of suspicion for predisposing pathology, especially in infants. Laparoscopy is safe
and effective in the management of the MGD and ectopic ureter.

KEY WORDS: Ectopic ureter, laparoscopy, mixed gonadal dysgenesis, prostatic utricle,
scrotal abscess

INTRODUCTION (MGD), resulting in scrotal abscess, associations like,

renal agenesis (RA), anorectal malformation (ARM)
In infants and prepubertal children, anatomical with congenital/acquired urethral problem, meconium
urinary tract abnormality predisposes for recurrent peritonitis, and the success of minimally access surgery
epididymitis.[1-3] Urethro ejaculatory reflux (UER) can
be pathological or idiopathic.[1-3] Epididymitis is the
most frequent cause of the scrotal abscess. Prostatic
utricle (PU) is a tubular or vesicular, midline cystic
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
structure which communicates with the urethra. Blind-
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0
ending ectopic ureter into the prostatic urethra may
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the
mimic PU. Cystoscopic-guided laparoscopy is the most work non-commercially, as long as the author is credited and the
useful investigation in delineating, differentiating and new creations are licensed under the identical terms.
managing of PU and ectopic ureter.
For reprints contact:

We are reporting unusual retrograde urinary reflux into Cite this article as: Ramareddy RS, Alladi A. Scrotal abscess: Varied
the genital tract secondary to varied predisposing factors etiology, associations, and management. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg
such as PU, ectopic ureters, mixed gonadal dysgenesis
© 2016 Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 164
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Ramareddy and Alladi: Scrotal abscess has varied causes

MATERIALS AND METHODS Three children with ARM had scrotal abscess due
to varied predispositions and included, one each of
A retrospective study of children with scrotal abscess urethral stricture, dysfunctional elimination and ectopic
between 2010 January and 2015 March were analyzed ureter [Figure 2]. All of them developed the scrotal
with respect to clinical features, pathophysiology of abscess due to UER. All responded to the management
spread and management options. of predisposing causes.

RESULTS Two neonates with meconium peritonitis one of which

was associated with ileal atresia presented with right
A 3-year-old child reared as male presented with inguinal hernia. Both of them responded well to
pyuria, left recurrent scrotal abscesses and mid penile laparotomy and treatment of the primary pathology.
hypospadias. On radiological evaluation, he had right One of them had an antenatal diagnosis of an inguinal
RA, partial duplex left kidney and a PU, left scrotal hernia.
abscess without testicular elements. And normal
An 11-month- old boy underwent composite
opposite testis. Karyotype revealed a mosaic pattern
urethroplasty for Y urethral duplication and anal
(45XO/46XY: 45%/55%). Child under went cystoscopy
transposition for anterior ectopic anus. He had voiding
guided laparoscopic excision of PU, left hemi uterus and
problem due to meatal stenosis and later presented
fallopian tube while gonad with vas and its vessels were
with left scrotal abscess due to UER. He responded to
retrieved from the inguinal incision [Table 1]. calibrations.
Histopathology of specimen [Figure 1] demonstrated The last child was a 6 months old idiopathic scrotal
PU lined by stratified squamous epithelium, fallopian pyocele which responded aspiration.
tube, vas deferens and epididymal tubules without a
testicular tissue. Follow-up cystoscopy and micturating
cystourethrogram (MCU) at 4 months were normal. The
child was asymptomatic during 2 years follow-up. A scrotal abscess may result from the extension of
epididymo-orchitis or neglected testicular torsion,
The second baby was a 2 weeks old boy with abdominal spread of intra-abdominal abscess via patent process
mass since 1 week followed by right scrotal swelling. vaginalis, idiopathic, and hematogenous route of
The clinical and radiological evaluation was suggestive systemic infection.[3,4] Oblique, narrow terminal course
of subhepatic and scrotal abscess without testicular of ejaculatory duct and its sphincter muscle with
vascularity. He underwent drainage of abscess, excision valves prevents UER.[3] Ejaculatory duct dysfunction
of right necrotic tissue and contralateral orchidopexy. is multifactorial. Wolffian duct caudal obstruction
Histology of excised tissue revealed inflammatory or abnormal insertion into the posterior urethra are
cells, fibro-collagenous tissues, tubules, and vas. predisposing factors for epididymitis.[5] Scrotal abscess
Postoperative recovery was uneventful.

Figure 2: Preoperative micturating cystourethrogram with distal loop

Figure 1: Gross specimen showing excised prostatic utricle with gram (hollow arrow) and cystoscopy with bug bee delineating refluxing
attached fallopian tube (Split arrow) along with remaining fallopian ureter; laparoscopy view showing ectopic blind dilated ureter with endo-
tube and gonad removed by inguinal exploration kept in continuity loop knot (vertical solid arrow) and preserved vas (vertical hollow arrow)
(Broken arrow) and postoperative residual stump (horizontal solid arrow)

165 Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons / Oct-Dec 2016 / Vol 21 / Issue 4
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Ramareddy and Alladi: Scrotal abscess has varied causes

Table 1: Clinical profile of scrotal abscess children

Age Clinical presentation Etio- pathogenesis of Primary Associations Treatment/follow-up
scrotal abscess Diagnosis
3 yrs Pyuria, left recurrent Wide opening of of Mixed gonadal Left solitary duplex Laparoscopy excision of abnormal internal
scrotal abscess, prostatic utricle with dysgenesis kidney. genitalia and inguinal exploration for left
hypospadias urinary reflux via (45XO/46XY) Prostatic utricle, gonad.
fallopian tube Ipsilateral hemi Asymptomatic-2 yrs
uterus, anorcha
2 weeks Right para falciparum Hematogenous ?Necrotizing Nil Laparoscopy, drainage of abdominal abscess,
ligament abscess, enterocolitis or right orchiectomy, contralateral orchidopexy
scrotal abscess testicular abscess Asymptomatic-1 yrs.
2 monthsRecurrent left scrotal Left ectopic ureter ARM Congenital heart Laparoscopy excision of left blind ending
abscess, with urinary opening in prostatic disease [CHD], ectopic ureter, staged ARM repair, left
tract infections TI) urethra distorting Right solitary vasectomy.
ejaculatory duct, kidney Asymptomatic-1 yrs
resulting in UER
1 yrs Recurrent left scrotal UER secondary to ARM, CHD Staged ARM repair, bladder neck closure with
abscess acquired urethral appendicovesicostomy in view of failure of
strcture urethroplasty for urethral stricture.
Asmptomatic-1 year
8month Recurrent UTI with left UER with acquired ARM CHD Staged ARM repair, CIC
scrotal abscess dysfunctional elimination Asymptomatic- ½ yrs.
1 Week Antenatal right inguinal Migration of meconium Meconium ? Antenatally Laparotomy and inguinal exploration for
hernia and postnatal through patent process peritonitis obstructed inguinaldrainage of meconium, pus, wall debridement
abdominal distention vaginalis resulting in hernia Asymptomatic-1/2 yrs.
with right scrotal swelling peri-orchitis
2 Weeks Abdominal distention, Migration of meconium Ileal atresia Nil Bowel resection and primary anastomoses
bilious vomiting, through patent process with Meconium Asymptomatic-1/2 yrs
reducible inguinal hernia vaginalis-resulting peritonitis
1.5 yrs. Left scrotal abscess UER due to meatal Urethral CHD, Anterior Urethral calibration
post bladder mucosa stenosis duplication ectopic anus Asymptomatic -1 yr.
tube urethroplasty for Y
duplication and anterior
ectopic anus
6 month Right scrotal swelling, hematogenous Right pyocele Aspiration, antibiotics
tenderness Asymptomatic-2 months

may be solitary or multiple, unilateral/bilateral, regression of Mullerian duct due to deficiency of MIS.[5]
rarely recurrent and often secondary to pathological Paracrine action of growth signals are needed in the
UER.[1-3] Scrotal pus may yield Escherichia coli and concomitant development of ipsilateral Wolffian ducts,
staphylococcus organisms and often sterile due to Mullerian ducts, and urogenital ridge.[7-9] Inappropriate
previous treatment with antibiotics.[4] level of gonadal normal cell line in the mosaic,[6] receptor
quantity[5] deficiency, quantitative defects of local
In the first patient, the spread of infection was either testosterone/dihydrotestosterone[8] and improper exocrine
through UER or more likely due to wide opened mouth transport of testosterone and MIS along Wolffian duct,[7]
of fallopian tube on PU and least resistance to retrograde can cause errors in differentiation of the Wolffian duct/
urinary reflux which was demonstrated by clinical Mullerian duct derivatives, incomplete masculinization
examination of compressing the scrotum yielding pus of the urogenital sinus and genital tubercle which
discharge per urethral meatus and histology of vas and ultimately result in ipsilateral presence of fallopian tube,
the tube in our case. This type of spread is rare. Sertoli hemi uterus, PU, and hypospadias. Embryological assault
cells secrete Mullerian Inhibiting Substance (MIS) and after 7 weeks may cause reproductive tract anomaly.[8-10]
cause complete degeneration of mullerian ducts in male There is no single embryological combination etiology
within 9-10 weeks. PU is embryologically/histologically which explains the association of unilateral RA and
derived from the urogenital sinus and Wolffian cells contralateral anorchia. Hence, our MGD is a complex
caudally and the Mullerian duct cells cranially.[5] genetically heterogeneous developmental disorder with
variable phenotype presentation.
Normal testis and contralateral gonadal agenesis are one
of the rare presentations of MGD.[6] Abnormal or agenesis The 2 rd child presented with abdominal swelling
of testes associated with MGD can cause incomplete initially, followed by scrotal swelling. There was bag of
Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons / Oct-Dec 2016 / Vol 21 / Issue 4 166
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Ramareddy and Alladi: Scrotal abscess has varied causes

pus in tunica albuginea without any features of torsion. dilated, atonic, blind ending reflexing ectopic ureter.
The route of seeding may have been hematogenous, as Ectopic ureter presenting as a giant paravertebral
laparoscopy did not reveal any communication between tubular structure terminating in posterior urethra has
the two cavities. Scrotal pathology often reflects intra- to be differentiated from PU by its orientation and
abdominal disease.[4,11] Necrotizing epididymorchitis histology.[17] Transabdominal open, MIS, Posterior
and neglected perinatal torsion of testis may both sagittal approaches have been used for corrections of
result in a scrotal abscess.[11] Clinical, radiological, the ectopic ureter, a division of rectourethral fistula
operative findings, and histology may all not be to and pull through of rectum in ARM cases. Long-term
differentiate between the above two causes, in cases surveillance of urological system is required in these
of severe scrotal abscess and both usually ends up in children.[18] ARM cases developed UER due to acquired
orchiectomy.[12] Omphalitis or necrotizing enterocolitis stricture and neurogenic bladder. Urogenital infections
and hematogenous spread might have caused an abscess settled after clean intermittent catheterization (CIC).
in abdomen and scrotum. Treatment modalities of Dysfunctional voiding, neurogenic bladder, ectopic
epididymorchitis are early diagnosis with antibiotic, ureter, acquired/congenital urethral fistula or stricture,
drainage/aspiration, and rarely gonad excision.[12] distal loop wash may cause urogenital infection in
Idiopathic pyocele can be treated with needle aspiration ARM.
and antibiotic.
Meconium pseudocyst with sealed off antenatal
The child with ARM had recurrent scrotal abscess bowel perforation and flow of meconium into
due to ectopic ureter distorting protective mechanism scrotum causes a meconium periorchitis which
of the ejaculatory duct. Loss of glial cell line-derived can be misinterpreted as a reducible or obstructed
neurotrophic factor (GDNF) leads to RA and mutations hernia in a neonate leading to emergency inguinal
in tyrosine kinase receptor (RET) is associated with
exploration. In the presence of antenatal findings of
RA, duplex kidney, ectopic hydroureter, congenital
the echogenic bowel, postnatal abdominal distension/
heart diseases and gonadal abnormalities. This can
mass, a high index of suspicion should be kept,
also be due to defects of genes related to GDNF/
and further evaluation by an X-ray and ultrasound
RET pathway, like Spry1, Gata3, Bmp4, Slit2/Robo2,
should be carried out before inguinal exploration.
Foxc1/2, Pax2, Eya1/Six1, and Sall1.[10] Quantitative
These children would normally require a laparotomy.
difference in the apoptosis of caudal Wolffian duct/
Differential diagnosis of echogenic space occupying
common nephrogenic cord,[10,13] failure of reciprocal
lesion in scrotum includes a hernia, hydrocele, and
interaction between ureteric bud and metanephric
blastemal,[10] obstructive ectopic ureter and cranial meconium periorchitis. [19] Meconium periorchitis
origin of ureter bud,[14-17] and proliferative mesenchymal generally require only follow-up and no surgical
abnormality around common mesonephric duct[8] can intervention. In our patient by having a high index
cause RA, persistent mesonephric duct, ectopic ureter, of suspicion and ultrasonography of abdomen which
and ureter-genital fistula.[10,14,17] Severe mesenchymal would have picked up a pseudocyst surgery-both
abnormality may also result in ARM.[8] Embryological the inguinal exploration and the laparotomy could
event before 7th week affects ureteric bud, reproductive have been avoided. This was especially so as the
tract, and cloacal division.[10] Single system unilateral bowel was normally moving with no features of
blind ending hydro ureter in males may be reflexing/ obstruction.[19,20] Meconium peritonitis with bowel
obstructive, or both. Ectopic ureter may terminate in obstruction responds well after bowel surgery. Soft
to the supra sphincteric genitourinary tract, usually reducible meconium hydrocele is often mistaken as a
involving the seminal vesicle, vas, prostatic urethra reducible hernia in the perinatal period. All our cases
and rarely presents as recurrent scrotal abscess due reemphasis management of the abdominal pathology
to urogenital reflux.[13-17] Persistent mesonephric duct, in addition to treating scrotal disease.
ectopic vas, ectopic ureter are common causes for
recurrent unilateral epididymitis postpull thorough Recurrent scrotal abscess requires thorough
in the young infantile ARMs.[15,16] Magnetic resonance complete genitourinary evaluation and corrections
urography with gadolinium contrast enhancement of the associated anomalies early could prevent
is the investigation of choice as it gives anatomy vasectomy.[3,15-17] Laparoscopic management of PU with
and functioning aspect of the kidney and ureters.[14] disorder of sex development (DSD) and blind ending
MCU with distal loop gram and dimercaptosuccinic ectopic ureter is a safe and viable alternative with the
acid (DMSA) scan can sometimes pick up refluxing added benefit of minimally invasive surgery. In addition,
blind ending tubular ureter behind the bladder as in it provides a magnified view of the internal genitalia and
our case. DMSA reveals site and functioning status ureter. Cystoscopic-guided laparoscopic excision of PU
of the kidney. In our patient, it also depicted grossly and ectopic ureter is reported sparsely.[9,14-18]
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