Mighty Eagles Advanced To RSPC: - Khryzzia Emerald C. Tumbali

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Mighty Eagles Advanced to RSPC

-Khryzzia Emerald C. Tumbali

With its main objective to increase the awareness about gender sensitivity and enhance the
ability of college journalists, the 1st ever Provincial Higher Education Press Conference was
conducted last October 16-17, 2017 at Kalinga State University Amphitheatre, CCJE Building,
Bulanao, Tabuk City.

Partaken by 6 major colleges of Kalinga, International School of Asia and the Pacific
Highlander’s Torch had proudly soared high as its mighty journalists lighted the torch on their way
to the Regional Schools Press Conference to be held on December, 2017 at Baguio City, Philippines.

Attended by six mighty eagles and its adviser, Ms. Mikylyn Bilan, they proudly held the flag
high as all 6 of them walked the stage with medals, certificates, and pride.

Garnering the 1st place on both Filipino News Writing and Filipino Editorial Writing, as well
as the 2nd spot in Filipino Poetry Writing is the highlander’s torch editor-in-chief Mr. Jovenal
Salibad; 1st place for Filipino Editorial Cartooning, 3rd place on Comic Strip, and 4th place on Poetry
graphics represents Mr. Emmanuel Quilicol; 1st place on Photojournalism, Mr. Joel Tabanganay; 3rd
place on English Opinion Writing and 4th on English Poetry Writing is Mr. Johnrey Wangi; 4th place
on English News Writing, Mr. Arnold Cardinez Jr, and; 2nd place on Filipino Feature Writing, Ms.
Khryzzia Tumbali.

A certificate of participation is also awarded to the school.

Sports News

Pink Traders smashed off Gray Phenoms

-Khryzzia Emerald C. Tumbali

It was a heartbreaking end for game 1 after the Pink Traders of the Academic Team
smashed off Gray Phenoms of Technical Vocational and Livelihood Team on the spot for the softball
championship held at the Capitol grounds, Bulanao, Tabuk City last September 1, 2017.

The first inning was more exciting as the acads spontaneously scored after their team
captain, Liza Baluga made a homerun leading the score of 4-0 ending their field with Jorgina
Gramaje on 5-0. The phenoms tried to surpass the score but luck wasn’t on their side, ending the
inning with 5-3.

2nd inning set off with Khryzzia Tumbali leading the score of 6-3 and again spontaneously
scored by Allaisa Libangan and Jennyjoy Batong, 8-3, ending the round with Jocelyn Dongnga, 9-3.
The phenoms again tried to reach the score but ended up with 0 points, 9-3.

The last inning was probably the most intense as the players impulsively took off leaving
Libangan on a score of 10-3. Same took offs made by the phenoms gave them a point, ending the
game with a score of 10-4.

The pink traders reserved a spot for the championships held on the next day, September 2.
Sports News

Purple Team Ruled the Diamond Ground against Pink Team

-Khryzzia Emerald C. Tumbali

The intense Softball championship was a must watch and this was proved by the numerous
viewers who excitedly cheered for their teams last September 2, 2017 at the Capitol grounds.

On the 1st inning, bats are on the Purples and the Pinks are on the field. This was a lucky
round for the purples as Valeroso on the first bat made a free base and spontaneously scored by
Malannag and Labutan leaving the round with a score of 3 and the pink with 0, 3-0.

The 2nd inning was a tough one after the purples instantly lose a player but again ruled the
game on a score of 7-0. But is tougher for the pink team as the players lose immediately but didn’t
let their game end with 0 points, with Baluga and Longat ending the inning with 7-2.

Purple team was declared the Softball Women’s Division Champion leading them as the
overall champion during the 7th Palaro at Buwan ng Wika 2017.
Sports News

Pink Team bounced over the Purple Team

-Khryzzia Emerald C. Tumbali

The Basketball Women’s Division Championship was indeed the cutest and most exciting
game during the Palaro at Buwan ng Wika 2017 held on September 2, 2017 at the Provincial
Capitol, Bulanao.

Like the usual start off, a toss was made and the pink immediately held the ball and aimed
for a shoot but missed it leaving the crowd cheering wildly with a hinged of laughter. The cycle goes
on, the pink with the ball, shoot and misses and vice versa. Not until the last 2 minutes of the
quarter, Agyao on the pink finally scored leaving the other players with more motivation and
immediately followed by the team captain, Libangan, 4-0. But the other team didn’t miss the chance
and scored right after the time run out ending the 1st quarter on a score of 4-2.

The 2nd quarter was more exciting as the pink team spontaneously scored leaving the
purple team unattended and Libangan on a total score of 6 points ending the game with 16-2.

The pink team was declared the champ leading them as the 3rd overall champion.


-Khryzzia Emerald C. Tumbali

Correct that, I’m not talking about ME literally. I’m talking about my part as the Feature Editor of
International School of Asia and the Pacific-Kalinga’s official school paper, the Highlander’s Torch.

Technically, it’s my last year in this institution since I am in grade 12 and I’ll be graduating on April
next year. But I’m worried; I can see no one to replace my place.

We were tasked to find new writers from the grade 11, we had 10. But most of them went to the
Sports, Literary, and News Writing, no one made it to Feature writing. Sad, they don’t want my field.

So, before I step out and you can no longer read my name in any of the pages, I will leave you
guidelines, tips and the process on writing a Feature. And hope that one day, one of these days, one of you my
readers will then have an interest on replacing me.

Here it goes;


1. Master the Basic. As stated, first you have to understand the basic parts of it. Grammar and its Usage.
2. Have a Plan. So what do you want your feature to end up to? Having a pre-planned structure of how
your article would be will help you make it even easier.
3. Do Drafts. Drafting is unlimited; no one’s stopping you to do so until you’re finally satisfied with your
4. Polish your Work. Make a good skeleton (I’m not talking literally) of your beginning and ending lead.
5. Reread and do adjustments.
6. Lastly, end your story in the nicest, most imaginative way you know.


1. Feature is like telling a story. You have to write accordingly, put feelings in it.
2. Do not use fancy words just for the heck of it! Use simple and understandable words; you do not want
your readers to have a dictionary in their hands while reading your article. It’ll make them feel bored
and will probably stop reading it.
3. Don’t include yourself in the narrative. As much as you want to say your name, it’s not possible, my
friend. Use the 2nd and 3rd perspective.
4. Be interesting and distinctive.
5. And above less, be correct. Make sure that your article are facts and not opinionated, otherwise, go to
the Editorial Writing.

Master these and someday, you’ll get higher than being the Feature Editor. Thank me later, my friend.
Those are just the outline. If you want the almost 10 pages of it, feel free to visit the Press room or me, I’m just
around, roaming at the campus, mostly at Grade 12-ABM classroom.

Oh, Credits to Ms. Gigi Domallig for the informations. You don’t think I made them, I’m not that genius.

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