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Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA

PHILO REVIEWER humanity, recognizing that moral

values are properly founded on
General types of Philosophy human nature and experience
 Thematic alone.
 Metaphysics-a study of what is outside  Physicalism-no emotions in giving
objective experience decision
 Epistemology-knowledge  Skepticism-questioning
-examine extent of truth  Transcendental Idealism-marry
 Ethics-good/bad rationalism and empiricism
 Utilitarianism-for the good of majority
 Positional
 Feminism
 Monism-origin
 Atheism
 Buddhism-the nature of suffering and
 Existentialism
the cessation of suffering
 Communism
 Relativism- There is no universal,
 Phenomenology-experience
objective truth
 Methodological
 Pragmatism-practical problem solving
 Regional/graphical
 Naturalism-being one with nature
 Eastern
 Semiotics-study of language, sign,
 Historical
 Others:
 Aesthetics-acceptance of beauty
 Dialectical method-debate
 Post modernism-skepticism and
 Idealism-far from being true/unrealistic
 Empiricism-observation/experience
 Universalism- Rules should be applied
 Realism- the attitude or practice of
to all
accepting a situation as it is and being
 Social theory-communicative action
prepared to deal with it accordingly
 Deconstruction-analyze the written text
 Epicureanism-not worrying about death
 Cynicism-contented with what you ANCIENT ERA
 Stoicism-go with the flow 1. THALES OF MILETUS- “Everything is made of
 Christian Platonism -human is the water”
source of evil  Metaphysics (thematic)
 Arabic Aristotelianism  Monism (positional)-single origin
 Dualism- the division of something 2. SIDDHARTHA GAUTAMA- “Happy is he who has
conceptually into two opposed or overcome ego”
contrasted aspects, or the state of “Peace comes within. Do not seek it without”
being so divided  Buddhism (positional)
 Platonist Aristotelianism-knowledge  Eastern (geographical)
through observation/experience
 Sufism-the past is linked to present and
the present to the future in one endless
 Christian Aristotelianism
 Humanism- an approach to life
based on reason and our common
Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA
1. ST. AUGUSTINE OF HIPPO- “God is not the
parent of evils”
 Ethics (good/bad)
 Christian Platonism (human is the
source of evil)
 Rationalist view under ethics
2. AVICENNA- “The soul is distinct from the body”
 Arabic Aristotelianism/Empiricism
 Dualism
 Metaphysics
3. CONFUCIUS- “Hold faithfulness and sincerity as 3. ST. ANSELM- “Just by thinking about God we
first principles” can know He exist”
 Confucianism (positional)  Platonist Aristotelianism
 Eastern (geographical) 4. JALAL AD-DIN MUHHAMAD RUMI- “Don’t
4. PROTAGORAS- “Man is the measure of all grieve. Anything you lose comes round in
things” another form”
 Ethics (thematic)  Sufism (the past is linked to present and
 Relativism (positional) the present to the future in one endless
 Dialectical method (debate) continuum)
 the truth depends on perspective and 5. THOMAS AQUINAS- “The universe has not
therefore is relative always existed”
5. SOCRATES- “The life which is unexamined is not  Christian Aristotelianism
worth living” 6. DESIDERIUS ERASMUS- “To know nothing is the
 Epistemology (thematic) happiest life”
 Questioning and reasoning  Humanism
6. PLATO- “Earthly knowledge is but shadow”
 Epistemology (thematic) RENNAISANCE ERA
 Rationalism
1. NICCOLO MACHIAVELLI- “The end justifies the
 Idealism
7. ARISTOTLE- “Truth resides in the world around
 Realism (what you see is what you
 Epistemology (thematic)
 Political philosophy
 Empiricism (empirical
 The decision is on the ruler
 Realism
tranquility can never be bedfellows”
8. EPICURIOUS- “Death is nothing to us”
 Humanism
 Epicureanism (do not worry death)
 Right and wrong- decision ethically
9. DIOGENES OF SINOPE- “He has the most who is
(what’s good for the people)
must content with the least”
3. FRANCIS BACON- “Knowledge is power”
 Cynicism (contented with what you
 Scientific (seeks evidence using
scientific method)
10. ZENO OF CITIUM- “The goal of life is living in
 Empiricist
agreement with nature”
4. THOMAS HOBBES- “Man is a machine”
 Stoicism (go with the flow)
 Metaphysics
Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA
 Physicalism (no emotions in giving  For the society to succeed, majority
decision) must win
5. RENE DESCARTES- “I think therefore I am” 6. MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT- “Mind has no
 Rationalism gender”
 Platonic  Feminism
 Thinking=existing 7. LUDWIG ANDREAS FEUERBACH- “Theology is
6. JOHN LOCKE- “No man’s knowledge here can go anthropology”
beyond his experience”  Atheism (humanism)
 Support knowledge through 8. SOREN KIERKEGAARD- “Anxiety is the dizziness
experience/science of freedom”
 Disagree with rationalist  Existentialism->atheist->humanist
 Tabula rasa- clean/blank canvass mind 9. KARL MARX- “The history of all hitherto existing
-when we were born we didn’t have society is the history of class struggles”
knowledge  Communism
-you can learn and unlearn  Political
 Marginalized (socio economic status)
1. VOLTAIRE- “Doubt is not a pleasant condition,
but certainty absurd” 1. FREIDRICH NIETZSCHE- “Man is something to
 Socratic be surpassed”
 Skepticism  Ethics
 It is okay to question facts  Existentialism
2. DAVID HUME- “Custom is the great guide of  No other world (no God)
human life” 2. EDMUND HUSSERL- “Experience by itself is not
 Empiricism science”
 Epistemology  Ontology (study of being)
 Skepticism  Phenomenology (experience
 Values empirical data scientifically)
 Judgment can be affected by your 3. JOHN DEWEY- “We only think when we are
belief confronted with problems”
3. JEAN JACQUES ROUSSEAU- “Man was born free  Pragmatism (practical problem solving)
yet everywhere he is in chains” 4. GEORGE SANTANAYA- “Those who cannot
 Social contract remember the past are condemn to repeat it”
 Agreement of the society (conformity)  Naturalism (being one with nature)
4. IMMANUEL KANT- “There are two worlds: our  Sufism
bodies and the external world”  Cycle=past connected to future
 Transcendental Idealism (marry 5. HAJIME TANABE- “To philosophize, first one
rationalism and empiricism) must confess”
 To know more about world, engage  Phenomenology (applied in ethics)
yourself out of world 6. THEODOR ADORNO- “Intelligence is a moral
(ideas+senses=knowledge) category”
5. JEREMY BENTHAM- “The greatest happiness for  Ethics
the greatest number”  Critical theory
 Utilitarianism (intelligence+emotion=right/wrong)
Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA
7. JEAN-PAUL SATTRE- “I am free now. I do not 8. JACQUES DERRIDA- “There is nothing outside of
have the slightest reason for living” the text”
 Existentialism  Epistemology
8. MAURICE MERLEAU-PONTY- “In order to see  Deconstruction (analyze the written
the world, we must break with our familiar text)
acceptance of it.  Statements can defer (lumalayo) or
 Free yourself from expectations differ (nag-iiba)
9. SIMONE DE BEAUOIR- “Man is defined as a 9. RICHARD RORTY- “There is nothing deep down
human being and woman as a female” inside us except what we have put there
1. ROLAND BARTHES- “Language is a skin”  Pragmatist (problem->solution)
 Semiotics (study of language, sign, 10. EDWARD SAID- “Every empire tells itself and
symbols) the world that is unlike all other empires”
2. JOHN RAWLS- “The principles of justice are  Politics
chosen behind a veil of ignorance”  Post colonialism
 Social contract (agreement bet. Society)  Things happened to past had to
 Politics happened to progress
 rule applies to all
 Aesthetics (acceptance of beauty)
 Analytic philosophy TRUTH AND KNOWLEDGE
produced to be sold”  Epistemology-the branch that inquire about the
 Post modernism (skepticism and features, extent, limitations of human
relativism knowledge
 Be skeptic about knowledge -episteme=knowledge; logos=study
(scammerz alert)  Different kinds of knowledge
5. MICHAEL FOUCAULT- “Man is an invention of  Personal knowledge-common sense
recent date” -acquired as we experience the world
 Epistemology  Practical knowledge-procedural
 Discursive archeology knowledge
 Diff. interpretation -skill-specific
6. NOAM CHOMSKY- “If we choose, we live in a  Propositional knowledge-makes a claim
world of comforting illusion” (a proposition of something to be true)
 Universalism (contradicts Protagoras) -declares that there is truth in a
 Transcends all religion statement
 Rules should be applied to all  Epistemology- focuses on propositional
regardless of religion, sexuality etc. knowledge
7. JURGEN HABERMAS- “Society is dependent -criteria are set
upon a criticism of its own traditions” -examine extent of truth
 Social theory (communicative action)  3 main criteria
 We can make an argument if we  Belief- when making a claim, one must
illuminate interests and biases have faith that the claim is true
Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA
 Truth- proof or reason to believe that a  Interaction bet. Human activities
certain proposition is true  Humanity’s response to environmental
 Justification- the ability to explain or challenges
reason about a proposition
 Completes the nature of knowledge- a valid
-separates an opinion from fact
-strong proof/evidence

“Earthly knowledge is but shadow”


 Logic-the branch that focuses on human mind

-a tool of the mind
-logos=word, thought, idea, reasoning

“Truth resides in the world around us”

“We find the truth from evidence gained in the world


 Aristotelian logic
 Simple Apprehension-results into ideas
becoming terms
- holding a concept in mind
-process of grasping ideas
-concept->a mental image->sense
 Judgment-results into a proposition
-asserts connection
-connecting one idea to another
 Reasoning
-with a central topic called a syllogism
-usually composed of 3 propositions
-collects and connects propositions


(reading activity)


-the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral

relationship of human beings with the environment and
its non-human contents

 It tackles:
 Humanity’s role in the natural world
Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA
Robby Cabanting 12-ZARA

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