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Salvidar,Bryan Joshua

BS ECE-IV S.Y. 2018-19 2nd Semester

ECE 424.1: Numerical Methods
Activity 7A: Single and Multiple Application of Trapezoidal Rule

Objective: To evaluate the integral using single and multiple application of Trapezoidal Rule


f(x)= 8+4cosx f''(x)=-4cosx integrated (f'')= -6.282398249


Single Application of Trapezoidal Rule

a b f(a) f(b) I f''(x) ET EA analytically
0.000000 1.570796 12.000000 8.000000 15.707963 -3.999499 3.140806 1.291766 18.848769


Using the Single Application of Trapezoidal Rule the approximated value of the definite integral is I=15.707963 with an absolute error of

Multiple Application of Trapezoidal Rule

Given: a b f(a) f(b) h f(h) I ET EA
n=2 0 1.570796327 12 8 0.785398163 10.82842712 16.35860841 2.49016045 0.322941591
n=4 0 1.570796327 12 8 0.392699082 11.69551813 8.519810047 10.32895881 0.080735398

Using the Multiple Application of Trapezoidal Rule the approximate value of the given integral ;

For n=2 is I=16.35860841 with an absolute error of EA=0.322941591.

For n=4 is I=8.519810047 with an absolute error of EA= 0.080735398.

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