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The example of idioms that can be used are:

1. hit the road - When you hit the road, you begin a journey.
 We hit the road at 9.00 a.m.
2. with bells on - If you go somewhere with bells on, you are delighted and eager
to go there.
 We went to the zoo with bells on.
3. reach for the moon - If you reach for the moon, you are very ambitious and try
to achieve something even if it is difficult.
 In the drawing competition, everyone reached for the moon.
4. had a whale of a time - to have an exciting or fun time
 We had a whale of a time at the zoo.
5. kill two birds with one stone - If you kill two birds with one stone, you succeed
in doing two things at the same time.
 We managed to learn two main things in this trip. Firstly, we learnt about the
different types wild animals kept in the zoo. Secondly, we learnt how these
animals are conserved. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

visit the following websites and choose the appropriate idioms for the appropriate situations:


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