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Electromagnetic Oscillation

Arranged by :

I Wayan Adam A.P. 02311840000018

Radya Jatmika Ristananda 02311940005036

Muhammad Wifqi 02311840000024

Eka Luthfia Wahyudi P. 02311840000012





a coupled oscillation of the capacitor’s electric field and inductor’s magnetic
field constitute a electromagnetic oscillations. Electromagnetic oscillations
propagate as electromagnetic waves, whose velocity in a vacuum is equal to the
speed of light c; the relation between wavelength λ and period T and frequency ω
is given by the equation λ = cT = 2πc/ω. By nature, an electromagnetic oscillation
is an ensemble of photons. Only when the number of photons is large may such
oscillations be considered a continuous process.

Electromagnetic oscillations may be represented as a superposition of

modes with a discrete or continuous spectrum for any integrated system of
conductors and dielectrics. if the fields, currents, and charges in the conductors and
dielectrics are linearly related. In quasi-stationary systems, the dimensions of which
are considerably smaller than the wavelength, regions where electric or magnetic
fields predominate may be spatially separated and lumped in different elements; E
is lumped in capacitances C, and H is lumped in inductances L. A typical example
of such a system with lumped parameters is an oscillatory circuit, in which charges
oscillate on capacitor plates and currents oscillate in self-induction coils.
Electromagnetic oscillations in systems that have distributed parameters L and C
and a discrete spectrum of natural frequencies may be represented as
electromagnetic oscillations in coupled oscillators; the number of oscillators is
equal to the number of modes.

The energy stored in the electric field of the capacitor at any time is where

q is the charge on the capacitor at that time. The energy stored in the

magnetic field of the inductor at any time is where i is the current

through the inductor at that time. As the circuit oscillates, energy shifts back and
forth from one type of stored energy to the other, but the total amount is conserved.
Also important to recognize is that the electric field oscillation creates a
perpendicular magnetic field oscillation.

Electrical system which oscillates simple harmonically. The sum of the volt
ages atround the circuit is given by krirchhof’s Law as L dl/dt + q/C= 0.
In the Absence of resistance the energy of the electrical system remain
constant and is exchanged between the magnetic field energy stored in the
inductance and the electric field energy stored between the plates of the capacitance.

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