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9/2/2019 Course Directory - Outline

EEP2: Understanding the Int'l Macroeconomy

Course Summary
Macroeconomic events are a fundamental source of changes in the business environment, markets, and society. Understanding these changes
is critical in formulating the appropriate personal and corporate strategies to follow. The purpose of this course is to familiarise you with the
workings of the global economy and the main factors that determine the nancial health of corporations and nations. We will consider a range
of questions such as what makes countries rich; how does technology affect the economy; what is the role of trade in in uencing national
wealth and corporate performance; what are the determinants of exchange rates and in ation; why do business cycles occur; and what are the
principles and motivation underlying monetary and scal policy.

This course is aimed at: Masters in Finance students

Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this course, you will:

Have a better understanding of the macro-economy

How it interacts with nancial markets
How it affects the corporate sector
Understand the role of policy and institutions in determining economic outcomes

Taking this course should make you ‘a sophisticated consumer’ of macroeconomics. By the end of the course you should be able to recognise
and construct logical economic arguments, read macroeconomic reports, and understand when and why the government makes important
policy decisions such as a change in the target interest rate or changes in the tax rate.

Assessment Overview
For those of you taking this as an examined course, the course grade is determined by:

i. One take-home assignment (60%)

ii. Multiple-choice exam (40%)

Both assignments are individual assignments. The multiple choice exam will contain both conceptual questions and mathematical questions
related to the models covered in lectures 1 through 6, included. The take home assignment will consist of one long or two short essay

Teaching Methods
The following teaching methods will be used on this course: Lecture(s)

Teaching/Contact Hours
Teaching/contact hours: Lectures only

Suggested Independent Study Hours

Suggested independent study hours: 15-20

Course Preparation and Reading

Course Textboook (MSB): Macroeconomics: Understanding the Global Economy (Wiley) 3rd edition, 2012, David Miles, Andrew Scott, Francis
Breedon, Imperial College, LBS, Queen Mary.

In addition to the textbook, the course outline contains additional readings (please access via the web links). These are highly recommended,
but they are optional and are mainly intended for those of you who want to pursue a topic in more detail.

Course materials will be distributed electronically on Canvas.


E368 AUT19 AUT19 Lucrezia Reichlin Block Week Show Schedule 

Evaluation Scores

Q1. Overall, how much do you think you have learnt from the course?
Q2. How well do you believe the course met its stated objectives?
Q3. How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the faculty?
Q4. How would you rate the timeliness of the feedback on course work/assignments from the instructors?
Q5. To what extent did the faculty provide useful feedback on course work/assignments?
Q6. How well did the faculty manage high quality standards for class participation?
Q7. How much previous knowledge of the subject did you have?

Code Format Faculty Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7

E368 AUT18 Block Week Lucrezia Reichlin 3.76 3.90 3.90 4.22 4.25 3.76 3.43

E368 AUT18 Block Week Vania Stavrakeva 4.39 4.61 4.58 4.38 4.58 4.56

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9/2/2019 Course Directory - Outline

EEP2: Understanding
Code the Int'l Macroeconomy
Format Faculty Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7

E368 AUT17 Block Week Lucrezia Reichlin 3.53 3.91 3.68 3.61 3.71 4.00 3.35

E368 AUT17 Block Week Frédéric Malherbe 3.53 3.91 4.26 4.15 4.12 4.38 3.35

E368 AUT16 Block Week Lucrezia Reichlin 3.85 4.15 4.35 3.92 4.05 3.88 3.20

E368 AUT16 Block Week Frédéric Malherbe 4.13 4.32 4.58 4.39 4.35 4.35 3.26

E368 AUT15 Block Week Lucrezia Reichlin 3.72 3.88 3.95 3.86 3.85 3.95 3.28

E368 AUT15 Block Week Vania Stavrakeva 4.71 4.66 4.87 4.62 4.77 4.76 3.34

© 2019 - London Business School 2/2

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