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Small Group Discussion Guide

The Kingdom

The Kingdom of God Week 1

Starting Scriptures

Matthew 6:9-13 “This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your
kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. And forgive us
our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil

John 3:3 “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born

For those of us who have grown up in a post-modern culture, the term “kingdom” usually inspires ideas
related to fantasy and fiction – “Once upon a time…in a land far, far away”. However, in The Lord’s
Prayer, Jesus instructs us to pray for something far above mere fantasy and closer than the world can
fully fathom. In Jesus’ discussion with Nicodemus, He explains to us that the Kingdom of God begins in
the spirit and can only be seen through spiritual eyes which have been “born again”.

As believers, we see the Kingdom’s power and authority released through our prayers as Heaven
intersects with earth. We see it in repentant hearts turning from sin and towards God. We see it when
believers feed the poor and care for those in need. We see it in the love and forgiveness we share with
one another because of the finished work of the cross. We see it when we and others are willing to trust
God with everything and look to Him for our provision. We see it when God forgives our failures from
yesterday, when He helps us stand in His victory today, and He lifts our eyes to look forward to His
return tomorrow, when He will reveal His dominion in full to us and to the whole world.

The Kingdom of God is now…and it is not yet. And when we live there, the Kingdom has just been
established in our lives.

Discussion Questions
1. ICEBREAKER: What is your favorite movie or story which takes place in or around a

The Kingdom of God

kingdom? Why is it your favorite?
2. If you are able to, briefly describe your personal experience becoming “born again”. What things
did you begin to see differently (i.e. in your life, your relationships, your habits, etc.)? [Leaders:
Read the first sentence and this question together. The question that follows is intended to help
each sharing member reach a destination in their born again story, instead of just getting caught up
and talking a lot about their story. We suggest asking the question with the statement]
3. Has there been a time more recently where your perspective or approach at life (work,
relationships, goals, etc.) has continued to shift more towards His kingdom? Or, have you
recently began to shift away from seeking His kingdom? How so? [Leaders: Be ready and sensitive
to show the amazing grace of our Father with those who may feel they have been slipping. Our
groups do not exist to judge but to encourage, pray and lift each other up in a joint pursuit of His
4. Describe something going on in or around your life where you would like to see His kingdom and
will “come on earth as it is in heaven” – for you or for someone you know.
5. In what ways can God use you to bring His kingdom – His will, His rule, His reign – to the
situations around you (i.e. – at home, work, etc.)? (Examples: God wants me to make room for His
kingdom by increasing my attention to prayer or bible reading, God is showing me I need to extend
forgiveness more quickly and freely, God is telling me to be bold and speak up into a that situation,

Going Deeper
What is the Kingdom of God and when does it come?

Reference to "the kingdom of God" (also known as "the kingdom of heaven") appears throughout
the Synoptic Gospels — Matthew, Mark, and Luke — and carries largely the same relevance to
the disciples of Jesus' time as it does to us, as Second Millennium Christians. The kingdom of God
throughout Scripture has an almost dualistic meaning, speaking to both a present reality and a
future consummation.

The present reality of the kingdom is spoken of in Luke 17:20ff: "The kingdom of God is within
you." This speaks of a heavenly reality — focusing on a kingdom viewable via faith rather than
sight (cf. 2 Corinthians 4:18 and Hebrews 2:8-9). Even Paul speaks of this presently come
kingdom, saying that even now we are raised up and seated together with Christ Jesus in the
heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6). And the author of Hebrews claims that we, by our faith, are
already come to the Holy City and the New Jerusalem (Hebrews 12:22).

By this understanding, the kingdom is already come and its ruler is Christ: the Davidic Messiah
who rules over the throne of David forever (cf. Isaiah 9:6-7, Matthew 28:18, Revelation 19:16, and
especially Colossians 1:13). We see the fruit of the kingdom in our lives every day. Christ's reign in
our lives, His power and grace to changes lives, and the dwelling of His people, the church of the
firstborn (Hebrews 12:23), as "strangers and pilgrims" (1 Peter 2:11) in this earthly land all speak
The Kingdom of God
to the fact and the glory of His arrived kingdom.

The future consummation for which we hope is that promised return of our King at which point,
the heavenly kingdom, once seen by faith alone, will thence be seen by sight. In all promised
glory, Christ will return and establish forever the visual fulfillment of His heavenly rule. The old
heavens and earth shall be done away with and shall be replaced by the Kingdom Eternal, begun
at Christ's advent through faith and founded at His return in vision ever glorious!

These two understandings of the kingdom are both truly taught by the Word of God and coexist
in a type of already/not yet reality. They are so interwoven that to refer to them as separately is a
misstatement; rather, we ought to speak of the two aspects of the kingdom as truly a future
kingdom that has penetrated the present.

The Kingdom of God

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