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Kinetic Theory/ States of Matter
20 Questions

1. At higher temperatures

a) particles in an object have less kinetic energy b) particles in an object move faster

c) a gas contracts

2. Thermal energy is...

a) heat energy b) the energy of motion

c) energy of nuclear processes. d) an indication of physical change.

3. Which state of matter has particles that are somewhat close

together and have enouch kinetic energy to slide past each

a) solid b) liquid
c) gas

4. ______ is the amount of space an object takes up.

a) mass b) volume

5. A physical change from gas to liquid is called....

a) expansion b) evaporation
c) condensation d) sublimation
6. Convert -89 oC to K

a) 184K b) 362K

c) -362K d) -184K

7. Convert 300 K to oC

a) 27oC b) 0oC

c) -27oC d) 573oC

8. This most widely used temperature scale is based on the

freezing and boiling points of water.

a) Celsius b) Fahrenheit

c) Kelvin d) All of them

9. On this temperature scale, "zero" represents the temperature

at which molecules have the lowest energy possible

a) Fahrenheit Scale b) Celsius Scale

c) Kelvin Scale

10. Which of the following states of matter has the LOWEST level
of kinetic energy?

a) Solid b) Liquid

c) Gas d) Plasma

11. Which of the following is TRUE when particles GAIN Thermal

a) Particles move more slowly b) Particles move further apart

c) Particles stop moving d) Particles move closer together

12. Which of the following states of matter can easily be


a) Solid b) Liquid
c) Gas
13. On this temperature scale, there can NEVER be negative

a) Celsius b) Fahrenheit

c) Kelvin

14. Which state of matter have the weakest intermolecular forces?

a) solid b) liquid
c) gas

15. Chlorine boils at 239 K. What is the boiling point of chlorine

expressed in degrees Celsius?
a) 93 degrees Celsius b) 34 degrees Celsius

c) -61 degrees Celsius d) -34 degrees Celsius

16. The state of matter with definite volume but no definite shape.
a) solid b) liquid

c) gas

17. Temperature is a measure of a substance's average

a) kinetic energy b) heat

c) density d) electrostatic force

18. "Kinetic" refers to

a) motion b) heat
c) density d) forces

19. The kinetic theory of matter states that all particles are

a) growing b) contracting
c) reacting d) moving
20. Two identical beakers each contain water. The temperature of
each is 20oC. Which one has more heat energy and why?

a) They both have the same amount of heat b) The one on the right has more heat energy
energy because the temperature is the same because there is more water
c) The one on the left has more heat energy
because there is less water.
Answer Key
1. b
2. a
3. b
4. b
5. c
6. a
7. a
8. a
9. c
10. a
11. b
12. c
13. c
14. c
15. d
16. b
17. a
18. a
19. d
20. b

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