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Jishnu Shankar Maths Project Grade 9B

Ratio and Proportion

 Ratios
 Direct and Inverse Proportionality
 Real Life Uses
Aim- To explore the use of the mathematical concept of ratios and
proportionality in daily life.

Ratio is quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of
times one value contains or is contained within the other. Ratio and
proportionality are closely related and try to show the same thing. Ratios are
normally expressed in the form 1: n. Ratios are used to compare two set of


In this picture above there are 6 blue squares and 2 yellow squares.
So that means for every yellow square there are 3 three blue squares
So if to compare the number of yellow squares to blue squares it could be
written as `3 to 1´
If this is to be written in the form of ratio it would be ´ 3:1´
In a ratio the ´:´ (colon) always stands for `to´, ´in relation to´ or ´compared to´
Jishnu Shankar Maths Project Grade 9B

Rules for Ratios

A simple rule for ratios to multiply and divide both sides by the same value to
scale down the ratio. Dividing the ratios by a common factor till the point it
cannot be divided further will give its simplest form. To arrive at the form 1:n
divide left side of the ratio till it is one and divide the other side with the same
number. Basic ratios are said to be directly proportional to each other


The above ratio is not in its simplest form as both 6 and 2 can be divided by 2.

This ratio (3:1) both cannot be divided to get an integer.

The ratio 6:2 and 3:1 are said to be equal in terms of ratios as the proportionality
of blue to yellow squares does not change. As the number of blue squares
decreases the yellow squares will also decrease and vice versa. This is an
example of direct proportionality.

Direct and Inverse Proportionality

Direct Proportionality
As seen in the previous topic, Basic ratios are the best example of direct
proportionality. When two things are directly proportional to each other they
will increase and decrease together. If x:y are directly proportional, the x value
will increase when y value increases and it will decrease when y value decreases
and vice versa. In direct proportionality both sides have to be multiplied or
divided by the same value to maintain the relation or ratio.
Jishnu Shankar Maths Project Grade 9B
Inverse Proportionality
Inverse proportionality is the exact opposite of direct proportionality. In inverse
proportionality the relation between two object/values is opposite. For example
if x:y where to be inversely proportional, Then x value would increase when y
value decreases and x value would increase when the y value decreases. In this
case if x is multiplied by a certain number then y would have to be divided by the
same number to obtain that value.

Examples of Inverse proportionality

In physics, The relationship between wavelength and frequency is inversely
proportional. As wavelength increases, frequency decreases and vice versa. This
can be seen in the electromagnetic spectrum
Long wavelength=Low frequency Short wavelength=Long frequency

Also the realtionship between Men and Work potrays inverse proportionality. As
the number of men working increases the time required to complete a partiular
amount of work decreases. So if the number of men increase form 3 to 6 the no
of hours to complete the work will reduce from 6 to 3.
Jishnu Shankar Maths Project Grade 9B

Real Life Uses of Ratio and Proportion

In economics price determination relies on the concept of ratios and proportion.
Price determined by the market forces of demand and supply. Demand is
inversely proportional to price but supply is directly proportional to price. So
demand plotted on a graph is downward sloping but supply plotted on a graph is
upward sloping. The point on the graph where the demand and supply curve
meet is the market clearing price or the ideal price for a particular good.

Also in economics the fincance department of a country will decide how much of
types of goods to produce depending on the production possibiltiy curve to
determine posible output.

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