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Introduction to the Study of History Prof. Patrick D.

Boyoc, MA-TS

The Concept of Time

 In the study of history, time is an essential element. Without time chronology in
history would be impossible To understand the meaning of time let us look into its
definition and explanation given to us by the Greek philosopher Aristotle.
1. TIME as motion

2. TIME as continuous

3. Time as numbering

The concept of time presents to us 2 different notion of the study of history.

1. The classical conception that is HISTORY= p+p+p…
History is equivalent to the sum total of the past. This kind of conception of history gives
us the linear presentation of history.
2. The second concept is given to us by two famous modern contemporary historians R.G
Collinwood and Arnold Toynbee. From them history is equal to the “dynamic
interpretation of the past by the person of the present.” H=p/p

Time and Perspective of Values

 The concept of time for the Hebrews is much more different from modern man

Past Present Future

Forgetting the past, MODERN OCCIDENTAL MAN He faces the future
especially, their mistakes or
wrong doings. Let all bygones
be bygones.
He sees the significant event HEBREW Thus, they commend
in their history of salvation themselves to YHWH

Understanding History in their Sitz im Leben

1. Sitz im Leben der persona- it is the situation that relates to us the actual scenario that
happened with the person. It gives us the ipsissima verba (word itself) of the account in
which the person is the protagonist of the event.
2. Sitz im Leben de Kirche- It is the church’s [or community’s] interpretation of the
situation. It is also the interpretation of the situation or events according to the belief or
view of that situation. Moreover, the church or community can reconstruct some things
in the past and when reading, for example, the holy bible we can only translate 85% of it
with the aid of the Church Fathers.
3. Sitz im Leben der Texte- History as presented critically by the different historical
Introduction to the Study of History Prof. Patrick D. Boyoc, MA-TS

BIBLICAL EXEGETES insist that the bible is SALVATION HISTORY and it is not merely an
academic history. But they must bare equal emphasis:

ACADEMIC HISTORY+ Faith dimension= (choosing certain facts of how God had acted to
save his people)

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