Silhouette Animation Review Handout

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What problems did you encounter or what did you find tricky when making your


When I was cutting off the characters, I made them too small and placing them on
the paper with all the details was very difficult due to their size.
How did you overcome them?

I have used scalpel and lots of my patience to overcome this hard situation.

How did you contribute to your group’s ideas.

I did work on my own at this project.

Do you think that the story in your group’s animation was clear to it’s audicene
and why/how?

The story was not in 100% clear cause of the small elements in the animation, for
example to recognizing different people in animation. Additionaly by some way the
animation may hit the audience with its purpose of the story as It is still
How did planning help you when you were making your animation?

A planning helped me to remember how the story of my animation shall go and

what are the setting (Background) are in the shot

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