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Early signs of autism

can be hard to tell if a child has autism because many children without the condition have
some of the same behavior. Most children with autism spectrum disorder don't get a
diagnosis until they're 4 or older.

But the U.S. Centers for Disease Control says that it's possible to get a reliable autism
diagnosis as early as age 2. And many parents notice early signs before their child's first
birthday and realize something is different by the time their child is 18 months old.

The earlier a child with autism begins treatment, the better the outcome. If you notice any
of these signs or have concerns about your child's development, talk with his doctor.

Signs of autism in babies younger than 12 months old

At this age, picking up on signs of autism involves paying attention to whether your child
is meeting developmental milestones. Here are some things to watch for:

 Doesn't show interest in faces.

 Doesn't make eye contact, doesn't smile, and may even seem to look right through you.

 Doesn't always react to sounds. Doesn't respond to his name, doesn't turn around
to see where a sound is coming from, or doesn't appear startled when he hears a
loud noise. In other situations, his hearing may seem fine.

 Doesn't like being cuddled or touched.

 Doesn't show interest in typical baby games, like peekaboo.

 Doesn't babble or show other early signs of talking.

Doesn't use gestures, like reaching for you when she wants to be held. Signs of
autism in toddlers 12 to 24 months old

 Doesn't use gestures. Doesn't shake his head yes or no. Doesn't wave goodbye or point to things
he wants.

 Doesn't point out objects to show interest in the world around her. By 14 to 16 months, most kids
point to get your attention to share something they're interested in, such as a puppy or new toy.

 Doesn't use single words by 16 months or two-word phrases by 24 months.

 Loses verbal or social skills. Used to babble or speak a few words, or showed interest in people,
but now he doesn't.

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