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Title IV – PROPERTY RELATIONS  Parties cannot stipulate that the property

BETWEEN HUSBAND AND WIFE regime will start at a time other than the
precise moment of celebration of
CHAPTER 1 – GENERAL PROVISIONS marriage (void under Arts. 88 and 107)
Articles 74-77  Parties cannot stipulate that they can
make any substantial donation to each
Art. 74. The property relationship between husband other during their marriage (void under
and wife shall be governed in the following order: Art. 87)
(1) By marriage settlements executed before the  In subsequent remarriage after the death
marriage; of a spouse, where there has been no
liquidation of properties of the previous
(2) By the provisions of this Code; and
marriage, the surviving spouse cannot
(3) By the local custom. (118) execute a marriage settlement providing
for a regime other than complete
Art. 75. The future spouses may, in the marriage
separation of property (void under Arts.
settlements, agree upon the regime of absolute
103 and 130)
community, conjugal partnership of gains, complete
separation of property, or any other regime. In the Arrangement may stipulate that the conjugal
absence of a marriage settlement, or when the regime partnership of gains, the complete separation
agreed upon is void, the system of absolute
of property, or any other regime shall govern the
community of property as established in this Code
shall govern. (119a)
marital property.

Art. 76. In order that any modification in the If there is not marriage settlement or if it is void,
marriage settlements may be valid, it must be made absolute community of property will prevail.
before the celebration of the marriage, subject to the
Parties may like wise design their own property
provisions of Articles 66, 67, 128, 135 and 136. (121)
regime which is not in violation of any law. Ex:
Art. 77. The marriage settlements and any “Mixed-Up Property Regime.”
modification thereof shall be in writing, signed by the
parties and executed before the celebration of the To bind 3rd persons, marriage settlement must be
marriage. They shall not prejudice third persons REGISTERED in the local civil registrar where
unless they are registered in the local civil registry the marriage contract is recorded and in the
where the marriage contract is recorded as well as in proper registries of property.
the proper registries of properties. (122a)
The relationship between parties to an ante-
Marriage seeks to establish as much as possible nuptial agreement is one of MUTUAL TRUST
the complete union of a husband and wife. AND CONFIDENCE.
However husband and wife shall primarily be
governed by their marriage settlement. This Element of fairness should be measured as of the
agreement must be in writing, signed by the time of the execution of the agreement. However,
parties, and made PRIOR to the marriage. if the agreement is not fair and reasonable, its
effectivity can still be maintained if it is shown
In the Family Code, the requirement that an ante- that the disadvantaged spouse had some
nuptial agreement must b in writing is mandatory. understanding of her rights to be waived or
An oral marriage settlement, is VOID and cannot prejudiced or in any manner affected by the
be ratified. agreement when he/she signed
Contracting parties can agree on any arrangement The burden of proof of the invalidity of a pre-
in their marriage settlement that is not contrary to nuptial agreement is on the spouse alleging it.
law and public policy.
As exception, modification can be made after the regardless of the place of the celebration of the
marriage ceremony in instances provided in Arts. marriage and their residence.
66, 67, 128, 135, and 136 of the Family Code. This rule shall not apply:
Such post marriage modification shall need
judicial approval. (1) Where both spouses are aliens;

Local customs shall apply when: (2) With respect to the extrinsic validity of contracts
affecting property not situated in the Philippines and
 Parties stipulate in the marriage executed in the country where the property is located;
settlement that local custom shall apply. and
 Parties stipulate that absolute community (3) With respect to the extrinsic validity of contracts
of property regime shall not govern but entered into in the Philippines but affecting property
fail to stipulate what property regime situated in a foreign country whose laws require
shall be applied. different formalities for its extrinsic validity.

Articles 78 and 79 If the contracting parties are Filipinos, their

property relations will be governed by Philippine
Art. 78. A minor who according to law may contract
laws even if they got married abroad or even if
marriage may also execute his or her marriage
settlements, but they shall be valid only if the persons they reside abroad.
designated in Article 14 to give consent to the Exception:
marriage are made parties to the agreement, subject
to the provisions of Title IX of this Code.  It involves properties abroad, in which
Art. 79. For the validity of any marriage settlement case the law of the country where the
executed by a person upon whom a sentence of civil properties are located should govern.
interdiction has been pronounced or who is subject to  Where both spouses are aliens married
any other disability, it shall be indispensable for the in the Philippines.
guardian appointed by a competent court to be made
a party thereto. Article 81

Applicability is now in doubt by virtue of RA Art. 81. Everything stipulated in the settlements or
contracts referred to in the preceding articles in
6809 which provided that a person attains the age
consideration of a future marriage, including
of majority upon reaching 18 years of age. Art. 78
donations between the prospective spouses made
has been IMPLIEDLY REPEALED considering therein, shall be rendered void if the marriage does not
that no minor now ay contract a valid marriage. take place. However, stipulations that do not depend
Now, and 28-year-old deciding to marry may upon the celebration of the marriages shall be valid.
validly execute a marriage settlement without
the consent of his/her father, mother, General Rule: If the marriage does not take place,
surviving parent or guardian, or person the marriage settlement is rendered void.
having legal charge of them. However, stipulations that do not depend upon
Article 79 makes it mandatory that, in case a the celebration of the marriage shall be valid.
person with a sentence of civil interdiction or any Example:
other disability decides to marry and execute a
marriage settlement, the guardian must be made a A provision to support a common child is clearly
party. independent to the fact of marriage since a parent
is obliged to support his/her child whether
Article 80 legitimate or illegitimate.
Art. 80. In the absence of a contrary stipulation in a
marriage settlement, the property relations of the
spouses shall be governed by Philippine laws,
Articles 82-84 For a would-be spouse to make a valid donation,
the following must concur:
Art. 82. Donations by reason of marriage are those
which are made before its celebration, in 1. There must be valid marriage settlement
consideration of the same, and in favor of one or both 2. Settlement must stipulate a property
of the future spouses. regime other that the absolute
Art. 83. These donations are governed by the rules on community of property.
ordinary donations established in Title III of Book III 3. Donation must not be more than one-
of the Civil Code, insofar as they are not modified by fifth of his/her current property.
the following articles. 4. Donation must be accepted by the
Art. 84. If the future spouses agree upon a regime
would-be spouse.
other than the absolute community of property, they 5. It must comly with Title III of Book III
cannot donate to each other in their marriage of the Civil Code.
settlements more than one-fifth of their present
One-fifth limitation is not applicable if the
property. Any excess shall be considered void.
donation is not contained in the marriage
Donations of future property shall be governed by the settlement but is contained in a separate deed.
provisions on testamentary succession and the
formalities of wills. Article 85

Donation by reason of marriage is known as Art. 85. Donations by reason of marriage of property
donation propter nuptias. subject to encumbrances shall be valid. In case of
foreclosure of the encumbrance and the property is
It must be made prior to the celebration of sold for less than the total amount of the obligation
marriage, in consideration of the same, and must secured, the donee shall not be liable for the
be in favor of one or both of the spouses. deficiency. If the property is sold for more than the
total amount of said obligation, the donee shall be
For a donation of present property to be valid, entitled to the excess.
Title III of Book III of the Civil Code must be
If the object of donation is subject to a an
encumbrance (burden or impediment) the
 Donee must accept the donation donation is still valid. However, the donee’s
personally or through and authorized right are subject to the encumbrance.
person with a special power for the
Excess shall go to the donee if the property is
sold and the resulting money is more than the
 Acceptance should be made during the
amount of liability of the donor as, being the
lifetime of the donor.
owner of the property, the done is entitled to
 For donation of a movable: made orally whatever value of the property which can be
or in writing. obtained.
 For donation of an immovable: it must
be made in a public document. Article 86

For donation of future property, it shall be Art. 86. A donation by reason of marriage may be
governed by the provisions on testamentary revoked by the donor in the following cases:
succession and the formalities of a will. (1) If the marriage is not celebrated or judicially
declared void ab initio except donations made in the
Giving a donation propter nuptias to a would-be marriage settlements, which shall be governed by
spouse is useless if the property regime to Article 81;
govern is the absolute community of property as (2) When the marriage takes place without the
they become co-owners of property. consent of the parents or guardian, as required by
(3) When the marriage is annulled, and the donee Donation is considered revoked by operation
acted in bad faith; of law. Spouse who acted in bad faith should
(4) Upon legal separation, the donee being the guilty not allowed to profit from his act of bad
spouse; faith.
(5) If it is with a resolutory condition and the condition
is complied with; 5. Legal separation
(6) When the donee has committed an act of
Donot is given the option to revoke or
ingratitude as specified by the provisions of the Civil
maintain. However if the done is the guilty
Code on donations in general.
spouse, donation is void by operation of law.
Donation propter nuptias may be revoked when:
6. Resolutory Condition and it is met.
1. Marriage is not celebrated (donor has option
Resolutory condition refers to
to revoke or maintain).
condition whereby, upon fulfillment
However, if the donation does not depend on terminates an already enforceable
the celebration of the wedding, donation obligation.
shall remain effective.
7. Donee committed an act of ingratitude.
2. Marriage is judicially declared void.
Article 28
Void Subsequent Marriage: Donation shall
be revoked by operation of law if the donee- Art. 87. Every donation or grant of gratuitous
spouse acted in bad faith. If the done acted advantage, direct or indirect, between the spouses
in good faith, the donor has an option to during the marriage shall be void, except moderate
gifts which the spouses may give each other on the
revoke or not.
occasion of any family rejoicing. The prohibition shall
Voidable Bigamous Marriage: If both also apply to persons living together as husband and
spouse acted in bad faith, marriage is void wife without a valid marriage.
and all donations by reason of such void Moderate gifts will depend on a case-to-case
marriage shall be revoked by operation of basis especially considering the financial capacity
law. of the donor.
Other cases where marriage has been Both indirect and direct donation or grant of
judicially declared void: Good faith or bad gratuitous advantage shall be void.
faith is irrelevant. Donor shall have the
option to revoke or not. The following donations are indirect donations:

Bigamous Marriage: If donation was made  to a stepchild, common child, and adopted
by unmarried party, donation cannot be child who has no compulsory heirs and/or
revoked. If donation was made by the legal heirs, other than the other spouse at the
married person, donation may be revoked. time of the donation.
 to the parents of the other spouse.
Both parties acted in good faith: Donor
may revoke the donation. Who can challenge validity of transfer?
3. No consent of parents or guardians Validity of the donation or transfer cannot be
(contracting party is above 18 but below challenged by those who bear absolutely no
21): Donation may be revoked by the donor. relation to the parties of the transfer.
does not require that the marriage should
have been judicially annulled first.
4. Annulled marriage and done acted in bad

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