Pakistan Current Renewable Enrgy Resources and Their Potentials

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Non- Renewable energy resources are exploiting and every country focusing on new renewable
energy resources for long term clean and sustainable energy production methods. Pakistan is a
country which geographically lies at area which have great opportunities for energy production
from solar and wind energy. Although Pakistan is an agriculture country have major resources
for biomass energy production.
Pakistan is facing energy crisis from last decade. The main sources of energy crisis are due to
poor energy policy, energy security, energy management, energy consumption etc. In current
situation Pakistan have smaller amount of operational plants for extraction of renewable energy
as compare to India and China. Production of power from oil is much costly although emission
of carbon oxides are main source of pollution. Thermal Power Plants consuming oil reserves and
producing electricity much costly. Pakistan have current mix energy heavily dependent on thermal
power generation at 70% of mix generation. Oil import prices are increases yearly in May 2018 was 8489
PKR per barrel. The previous government have try to solve energy crisis but on opposite side the
installation of thermal power plants was not much feasible for Pakistan due to oil imports at
high rate. Currently it is good that new government shutting off the thermal power plants which
is running inefficiently but on other side they should make good governance for establishing
new renewable energy policies. Development in this aspect is in progress with USAID, IRENA,
UNIDO, Asia Development Bank, German Cooperation, World Bank and IFC. The AEDB
organization has been tasked for 5% adding power in national power generation capacity by the
year 2030 which is not sufficient for increasing demand of energy 10% every year. Government
should need serious steps to overcome these energy crisis. Currently power production increase
to 14647 GW in June 2018. Pakistan has average energy production 7986 GW from 2003 to
2018 and minimum as 4195 GW in December 2018.

Table1: Current electricity production

The Policy makers taking steps for finding new resources for sustainable energy development from
renewable resources. ESMAP (Energy Sector Management Assistance Program) and World Bank Group
along 18 other organizations are working for reducing poverty by boosting clean and renewable energy
resources. Providing assistance in energy access, renewable energy, energy efficiency, energy subsidy
reform, governance market and planning. PPIB (Private Power and Infrastructure Board)

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