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the Project: "Modernization and Restructuring of the Road Sector Project"

Expert and coordination services for preparation of the Modernization and

REPORT (ESCR) of the “Implementing Agencies’” (HC, HAC and ARZ)
management systems and operations
Reference No.: ESCR - CQS - MARS
Loan No.: 8749 – HR


Zagreb, June 2018.

1 Cover Letter ............................................................................................................................. 5
2 Company Profile....................................................................................................................... 6
3 Licences ................................................................................................................................... 9
4 References ............................................................................................................................. 11
5 Consultant`s Team ................................................................................................................. 29
6 Annex I. Licences from Ministry of Environment and Energy ................................................. 38
2 Company Profile

Oikon Ltd – Institute of Applied Ecology

Oikon Ltd – Institute of Applied Ecology is a leading licensed and accredited environmental consultancy/research
institute in Croatia and the Region, a research-based SME. It was founded in 1997 with focus on activities
ranging from environmental consultancy services to provision of integral specialist studies and research in the
field of applied ecology covering environmental and nature protection, forestry and applied forest research,
agriculture, ecological modelling, marine biology, landscape ecology, geostatistics, remote sensing and IT/GIS.

Core business
Our core business is provision of development support services, the sustainable ones! We like to think that
WITH US, DEVELOPMENT IS NATURAL. This is our moto. Within our service portfolio we focus on pragmatic,
practical, implementable, affordable and neat solutions that are going to best serve our Client’s needs and, at
the same time, protect Public Interest in protected Environment and surrounding Nature.
Oikon is company accredited by Ministry of Environment and Energy for Environmental (and Social) Impact
Assessments (EIA/ESIA) and Nature Impact Assessment (NIA; Appropriate Assessments) and is a provider of
Environmental impact assessments (EIA), Strategic environmental impact assessments (SEA), Environmental
management plans (EMP) and Appropriate assessments in regards to the Ecological network/NATURA2000 in
Croatia, for all kinds of developments in both terrestrial and marine environments, including projects related to
large linear and transport infrastructure e.g. roads, highways, railways, gas pipelines, transmission lines,
projects related to mobility and transportation, power generation facilities (wind farms, thermal power plants,
hydroelectric power plants), industrial facilities (asphalt and cement productions, food production), water
protection (large dams, accumulations and retentions, channels and waterway developments), coastal
development projects (ports and harbours, mariculture, waste water treatment facilities with undersea outfalls)
as well as projects related to waste management (landfills, etc.).
Furthermore, we have substantial experience in working for leading development agencies and international
financing institutions (IFI) such as EU/EuropeAid (utilising pre-accession and community funds), WB, EBRD, EIB,
KfW, UNDP, WWF, GEF and NATO. In implementation of projects funded by development agencies and IFIs, we
have successfully cooperated with leading European environmental consultancies and scientific institutions.

Relevant Experience
The specialties of one of our portfolio segments, environment protection, are large infrastructural
developments for which we have participated in a number of different services (EIA, ESIA, SIA, AA, FS, etc.) in
the past 20 years:
- More than 1,000 km of freeways and their variants - approximately 80% of newly built freeways in
Croatia and B&H;
- Several hundreds of km of highways – approximately 30% of newly built highways in Croatia;
- Hundreds of km of railways – approximately 80% of newly built or planned railways in Croatia;
- Almost 1,000 km of high pressure gas pipelines (Croatia, B&H, Montenegro, Albania);
- Numerous other mayor infrastructure projects, such as transmission lines and wind farms
- More than 20 Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
- Over 520 environmental protection projects in total
- Almost 200 transport and mobility projects in total

This demonstrates that we have unparalleled experience in developing EIA's (more than 300) for such
developments in Croatia and the region.

Consultant’s Organization and Staffing

Oikon is organised into 3 main departments: Department of Environmental Engineering, Department of Nature
Protection and Landscape and Department of Natural Resources Management, as well as Business Support

Oikon Ltd. is a medium-sized company with experts who cover a wide range of disciplines: Biology, Ecology,
Agronomy, Chemistry, Environmental Management, Landscape Architecture, Forestry, Civil Engineering, IT,
Physics, Geology, Geological Engineering, Mechanical, Engineering Metallurgy, Sociology and Economy.
Amongst them, 6 have doctoral degrees, 6 are research scientists registered by the Ministry of Science and
Education, 6 engineers are registered by the Croatian Chamber of Architects and Engineers, and the Croatian
Chamber of Forest and Wood Technology, 2 are Project Management Professionals certified by the Project
Management Institute, USA, and expert for Oracle.
Further, Oikon’s experts have access to professional and specialised equipment, hardware and software that is
modern, up-to-date, and state of the art, which ensures professional assessments and research.
All this, together with over 1000 completed contracts and a track record of almost 20 years in the business, as
well as around 300 clients, both in Croatia and abroad (UK, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Albania, Cyprus,
Montenegro, Turkey), and projects financed through multi- and bilateral development agencies, various IFI’s,
government and private funding, makes Oikon one of the leading environmental consultancies in Croatia and
its neighbouring countries.

Quality control
Current results are achieved through knowledge, skills and experience of our employees and business partners,
in accordance with quality of services and products based on the integrated management system for quality,
environment, occupational health and safety in compliance with the top international standards ISO 9001:2008,
ISO 14001:20014 and OHSAS 18001:2007 standard.
Oikon is a holder of other internationally recognized certificates, such as the AAA Certificate, Companies
Reputation Certificate, and has received several company and CSR awards. All this guarantees that Oikon
provides its clients with highly professional and innovative services and solutions.

Law firm Smolcic & Partners LLC

Smolcic & Partners LLC is a law firm that was founded 51 year ago and has been successful in legal practice ever
since than. Members of the Board are attorney at law Žarko Smolčić and attorney at law Kresimir Mihalic. The
law firm has twentythree employees: nine attorneys, four trainees, a secretary and 9 administrators.
Law firm represent companies as well as individuals with the sole goal to protect the interests of clients.
The firm’s experience and expertise are in:
Commercial law such as providing legal advice, representing in litigation and distraint proceedings, as well as
drafting of contracts and other legal documents especially those related to roads, health insurance and
transport sector.
Hereafter, in Constitutional law such as providing legal advice within constitutional rights, representation in
cases before the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, also, Real Estate law - property law such as
examining ownership for property buyers, legislation and administrative regulations and practices (Croatia and
EU), entry of proprietary rights into land registry books, transfer of ownership, contractual relations, national
expropriation and resettlement, representation in proceedings before the courts and other competent
authorities, obtaining permits.
Employment law such as representation in employment disputes, legal advice, preparation of contracts of
employment, management contracts and employment regulations, preparation of terminations of employment
contracts, protection from harassment, contractual and legal restraint of trade agreements for workers and
Our firm is also very successful in the scope of railways and transport law. Namely, we have a long tradition of
specialization within railways and transport law.

3 Licences

On 24th October 2017, the Croatian Ministry of Environment and Energy granted Oikon Ltd. unified and
updated approval to (Class: UP/I 351-02/13-08/84, Reg. no. 517-06-2-1-1-17-10) for performing professional
environmental protection activities for the following:
1. Development of studies on significant impact of strategy, plan or program on the environment
(hereinafter: strategic study) including documents necessary for Strategic environmental assessment
screening report and documentation for determination of strategic study content;
2. Development of environmental impact assessments, including documentation for implementation
process of EIA Screening and documentation for determination of environmental impact assessment
study content;
3. Development of risk and sensitivity assessments for environmental constituents;
4. Development of Environmental Monitoring Operational Program;
5. Development of documentation connected to procedure of issuance of environmental permits
including development of Basic Report;
6. Development of environmental protection programs;
7. Development of environmental state reports;
8. Development of safety reports;
9. Development of environmental protection studies which refer to projects that do not have a prescribes
obligation for environmental impact assessment;
10. Development of special studies and reports for the assessment of environmental constituents' status;
11. Development of rehabilitation studies, programs and rehabilitation reports;
12. Development of emission projections, policy implementation reports and emission reduction measures
and the national climate change report;
13. Development of reports on the inventory of greenhouse gas emission and other emission of pollutants
into the environment;
14. Development and/or verification of special studies, inventories and projections for the need of
environmental constituents;
15. Assessment of damage caused in the environment including threatening dangers;
16. Environmental Monitoring;
17. Performance of professional activities for the Registry of Environmental Pollution;
18. Performing professional tasks for the needs of the environmental management system and
independent evaluation;
19. Study Development on conformity of products with standards in the process of obtaining the
environmental protection label “Prijatelj okoliša” (eng. Environmentally Friendly) and the EU Ecolabel;
20. Study Development for determining standards for a specific product group for assigning the
environmental label (eng. Environmentally Friendly).

It is required that Consultant should have the Authorizations/licenses from Ministry of Environment and Energy
for following fields:

Coresponding categhory in our

Required authorizations/licenses from the TOR

6. Development of environmental protection

i) "Development of environmental protection
7. Development of environmental state reports;
programmes and action plans and development of
environmental reports“; 10. Development of special studies and reports for
the assessment of environmental constituents'

2. Development of environmental impact

assessments, including documentation for
ii) "Development of Environmental Impact Study"; implementation process of EIA Screening and
documentation for determination of
environmental impact assessment study content;

10. Development of special studies and reports for

iii) "Development of environmental protection the assessment of environmental constituents'
action plans i.e. action plans for environmental status;
components protection (air, soil, sea etc.) and
pollution protection (waste disposal etc.); 11. Development of rehabilitation studies,
programs and rehabilitation reports;

7. Development of environmental state reports;

10. Development of special studies and reports for
the assessment of environmental constituents'
15. Assessment of damage caused in the
environment including threatening dangers;
iv) "Development of Environmental Report"
16.Environmental Monitoring;
17. Performance of professional activities for the
Registry of Environmental Pollution;
18 Performing professional tasks for the needs of
the environmental management system and
independent evaluation;

4 References
We have 20 years of experience in preparation of projects of similar nature (from the area of development of the environmental protection programme
including action plans and development of environmental reports). Below is the list of relevant projects:

Environment Protection Programs, Action Plans and State of the Environment Reports
1. 2015 – Reporting on action plans for improving air quality in accordance with the Implementing Decision of the European Commission as of 12 December 2011, on determining the rules of
Directive 2004/107 EC and 2008/50/EC of the European Parliament and the Council with regard to mutual exchange of information and reporting on air quality on Croatian territory in
2015, Client: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund
2. 2015 – Environmental Protection Program for the City of Zadar, Client: City of Zadar
3. 2015 – Action Plan to reduce ground-level ozone pollution in the city of Rijeka and reports on air quality in the City of Rijeka, Client: City of Rijeka
4. 2013 – Environment Protection Program for the Zadar County, Client: Zadar County
5. 2013 – Environment Protection Program for the City of Zagreb, Client: City of Zagreb
6. 2012 – State of the Environment Report of Zadar County, Client: Zadar County
7. 2012 – Environmental Protection Program for the City of Zaprešić, Client: City of Zaprešić
8. 2012 – Air Quality Improvement Action Plan for the Bakar area, Client: Bakar City
9. 2011 – State of the Environment report of Zaprešić City for the period of 2007 – 2010, Client: City of Zaprešić
10. 2011 – National Environmental Action Plan for Croatia, Draft Proposal, Client: Ministry of Environmental Protection, Physical Planning and Construction
11. 2009 – State of the Environment Report and Environmental Protection Program for Šibenik – Knin County, Client: Šibenik – Knin County
12. 2009 – Environmental Protection Program for the City of Zagreb, Client: City of Zagreb
13. 2006 – Environmental Protection Program for Split - Dalmatia County, Client: Split - Dalmatia County
14. 2004 – State of the Environment Report for Zadar County, Client: Zadar County
15. 2004 – Environmental Protection Program for Zadar County, Client: Zadar County
16. 2004 – Environmental Protection Program for Osijek - Baranja County, Client: Osijek-Baranja County
17. 2004 – Environmental Protection Program for Istria County, Client: Istria County
18. 2003 – Environmental Protection Program for Zagreb County, Client: Zagreb County

Strategic Environmental Assessment Projects

1. 2016 – Transport Development Master Plan of the City of Osijek and Osijek-Baranja County, Client: Regional Development Agency of Slavonia and Baranja
2. 2016 – Strategic Environmental Assessment on the Master plan development of transport infrastructure on the motorway section Zagreb – Karlovac, Client: RIJEKA -ZAGREB Motorway
3. 2016 – Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Master plan of development of the functional region of Southern Dalmatia, Client: Trames Consultants Ltd.

4. 2016 – Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Master Plan for transport development of the City of Osijek and Osijek-Baranja County, Client: Regional Development Agency of
Slavonia and Baranja
5. 2016 – Strategic Environmental Assessment for the project "Sisak Urban Transport Project" – Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning, Client: Deloitte Ltd.
6. 2016 – Strategic Environmental Assessment for Master Plan of Transport Development of the Karlovac County, Client: Karlovac County
7. 2015 – Strategic Environmental Assessment for amendments to the Operational Programme Transport - OPT 2007 to 2013, Client: Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure
8. 2015 – Transport Master Plan for the City of Vinkovci and Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Master Plan, Client: City of Vinkovci

Environmental Impact Assessment Projects and other Environmental Reports related to transport sector
1. 2017 – Assessment of the possibilities and the appropriateness of applying for construction/reconstruction of forest roads in accordance with sub-measure 4.3., Client: Municipality of
Ližnjan – Lisignano
2. 2017 – Assessment of the possibilities and the appropriateness of applying for construction/reconstruction of forest roads in accordance with sub-measure 4.3., Client: Municipality of
3. 2017 – Study of the efficiency of the network of forest traffic infrastructure "Lipje-Blažur", Client: City of Zagreb
4. 2017 – Preliminary and main project and the request for the ecological network of the forest traffic infrastructure "Lipje-Blažur", Client: City of Zagreb
5. 2017 – Study of the Forest Road Network Efficiency - Primary Forest Traffic Infrastructure and Development of Main Projects for 3 Forest Roads, Client: City of Ludbreg
6. 2017 – Environmental mitigation measures and ways of removing and disposing of the existing elements and construction waste within the EMP Checklist for 50 level crossings necessary
for the implementation of the project Development of Main Designs to secure 50 level crossings funded by World Bank loan no. HR-8500, and as part of the Project of Sustainable Croatian
Railways in Europe, Client: ŽPD Inc
7. 2017 – Preliminary Design and Environmental Impact Assessment Study and services of obtaining a decision on the acceptability of the project on environment for the bypass of Umag,
length of 8.4 km, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
8. 2016 – Development and curriculum development of sustainable mobility – project Civitas Dyn@mo, contract no. MOVE/FP7/296057/DYN@MO, Client: City of Koprivnica
9. 2016 – Environmental Impact Assessment Study –Biodiversity, Soil and Agricultural areas for southern bypass of Nova Gradiška, Client: IGH Institute JSC.
10. 2016 – Environmental Impact Assessment; participation in the approval procedure of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Contract No. 12-052016 Review of preliminary solutions and
study of the environmental impact with obtaining a decision on the environmental acceptability of the planned road Saborsko-Rakovica), Client: Mobilita Evolva Ltd.
11. 2016 – Environmental Screening and Ecological Network Assessment for the preliminary, main and construction design and for obtaining the location and building permits for the
reconstruction of State Road D2, section 010 from km 22+300 to km 39+830, between Normanci and State Road DC34 (L=17,53 km), Client: Mobilita Evolva Ltd.
12. 2016 – Feasibility Study: Retaining life on the islands through integrated port and road traffic: Hvar Island - mainland (including visibility of the project), Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
13. 2016 – Feasibility Study – Maintaining life on the islands through integrated port and road traffic: the island of Korčula – Pelješac – mainland (including visibility of the project), Client:
Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
14. 2016 – Preparation of project documentation for construction of unclassified roads, sidewalks, squares and design of public areas in the municipality of Vladislavci, Client: Vladislavci
15. 2016 – Production of the preliminary design and obtaining of the location permit for the restoration of the state road DC213 from Nemetin to Erdut border crossing, Client: ZG-PROJEKT
16. 2015 – Impact Study for water body: Development of bypass for the City of Vodice, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
17. 2015 – Unified Environmental Impact Assessment Study for cross-border bridge on Sava River near Gradiška, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.

18. 2015 – Investigation works, preparation of baseline documentation and data analysis for Environmental Impact Assessment for bridge mainland - Pelješac with ancillary roads, Client:
Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
19. 2015 – Baseline study for the establishment of monitoring stations for monitoring air quality in the area of impact of the Dubrovnik airport, Client: Dubrovnik Airport Ltd.
20. 2015 – Development of Conceptual Design and Environmental Impact Assessment Study of the relocation of state road D206 – bypass Krapina-Tkalci II, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
21. 2015 – Feasibility Study for intermodal terminals in Koprivnica, Client: ČAZMATRANS NOVA Ltd.
22. 2015 – Traffic study of the wider area of Marjan Forest Park, Client: Split-Dalmatia County
23. 2015 – Development of e-Mobility Study for Marjan Forest Park, Client: JU za upravljanje Park-šumom Marjan
24. 2015 – Study on selecting the best route of Podravina express road, section: Koprivnica – Virovitica, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
25. 2015 – Spatial – transport – construction study of alternative solutions for highways in the broader area of Virovitica, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
26. 2015 – Environmental Protection Study as baseline documentation in Environmental Impact Assessment Screening for construction of Pirovac marina, Adriatic Charter Ltd.
27. 2014 – Environmental Impact Assessment for project: Framework potential Study for possible electrification of railways Knin-Split, Knin-Zadar and Perković-Šibenik, Client: HŽ Infratsruktura
28. 2014 – Environmental Impact Assessment Screening and Appropriate Assessment for restoration of state road D24 from Zlatar Bistrice to Galovac, Client: ZG-Projekt Ltd.
29. 2012 – Impact Analysis on protected species and habitats of ecological network Natura 2000 in proximity of railway II Dugo Selo – Križevci under reconstruction and construction, Client:
HŽ-Infrastruktura Ltd.
30. 2012 – Appropriate Assessment and Main Assessment “Technical Maintenance of Waterways Plan” Client: Inland Waterways Agency
31. 2012 – Feasibility study, Cost-benefit analysis and Application construction Podsused Tvornica - Samobor - Bregana i Gradec - Sveti Ivan Žabno railway (branch Vb of railway corridor),
modernization of section Zaprešić – Zabok, Client: HŽ Infratsruktura Ltd. (Croatian Railways)
32. 2012 – Project documentation for western bypass Vetova (Kutjevo city) project, as a segment of necessary IPARD tender application documentation, Client: Kutjevo City
33. 2012 – Environmental protection report for allocation of funds from IPARD program for Measure 301 and attainment of Certificate of the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection
on investment compliance with relevant national standards required for application of building unclassified Mandari roads (Gajani 2) – Banovina, Client: Cerovlje County
34. 2011 – Conceptual design, Environmental Impact Assessment, Decision on environmental acceptability for the bypass of Drniš (length: approx. 5 km), Client: Hrvatske ceste
35. 2011 – Environmental Impact Assessment for the reconstruction of existing railway and construction of other state border railway – Zagreb – Karlovac, construction of new railway Karlovac
– Rijeka, Client: Institute IGH JVC
36. 2011 – Environmental Impact Assessment for new bypass in City of Zagreb, section II: Horvati – Ivanić-Grad, Client: Institute IGH JVC
37. 2010 – Environmental Impact Assessment - Modernization and electrification of regionally important railway R201 Zaprešić - Varaždin - Čakovec, section Zaprešić – Zabok, Client: HŽ
(Croatian railways) - Infrastructure Ltd.
38. 2010 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Railway bypass of Bibinje city, Client: HŽ (Croatian railways) - Infrastructure Ltd.
39. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction of Osijek – Strizivojna/Vrpolje railway (revision, nostrification and Environmental Impact Assessment procedure management),
Client: Tehno-ing Ltd.
40. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment – High speed road Varaždin-Ivanec-Krapina (Začretje), Client: Croatian Road Authority
41. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Eastern bypass of the city of Gospić, Croatian Road Authority
42. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment and purchasing of protection measures documentation for road bypass of Gornje Selo city on the state road D111, on the island of Šolta (approx.
1.00 km), Client: Croatian Road Authority
43. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment and purchasing of protection measures documentation for road bypass of Grohote city on the state road D111, on the island of Šolta (approx. 0.7
km), Client: Croatian Road Authority

44. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road bypass of Orebić city on the state road D-414, approx.approx. 7,5 km long, Client: PB Palmotićeva 45 Ltd.
45. 2009 – Environmental Impact Assessment screening for modernization and electrification of regionally important railway R201 Zaprešić - Varaždin - Čakovec, section Zaprešić – Zabok,
Client: HŽ (Croatian railways) - Infrastructure Ltd.
46. 2009 – Site investigation works in the Tkon harbour for the purposes of EIS preparation, Client: Tkon Municipality
47. 2009 – Site investigation works in the Pirovac harbour for the purposes of EIS preparation, Client: Pirovac Municipality
48. 2009 – Appropriate assessment - Eastern bypass of the city of Gospić, Client: Croatian Road Authority
49. 2008 – Monitoring of wildlife overpasses on the motorway Zagreb - Split – Dubrovnik, section Bosiljevo - Šestanovac, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
50. 2008 – Appropriate assessment – High-speed road Šibenik – Drniš – Knin – B&H state border, section: Tromilja – B&H state border (approx. 60 km), Colaboration: Faculty of Civil Engineering,
Client: Croatian Road Authority
51. 2008 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Adriatic Motorway, Sector: Ploče – Dubrovnik; Section Doli – Osojnik (Dubrovnik), Colaboration: IGH JSC, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority.
52. 2008 – Conceptual design and Environmental Impact Assessment for high-speed road Šibenik – Drniš – Knin – B&H state border, section: Tromilja – B&H state border (approx. 60 km),
Collaboration: Faculty of Civil Engineering, Client: Croatian Road Authority
53. 2008 – Expert opinion on environmental impact for Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik Motorway, Section: Zagvozd – Ravča, Client: IPZ JSC
54. 2007 – Design of monitoring activities for waters on motorway Zagreb – Sisak, Section Jakuševac – Velika Gorica (south), Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
55. 2007 – Risk assessment from traffic and winter services on motorway Zagreb - Lipovac for surface and pore water quality in forest complex Spačva, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
56. 2007 - Expert opinion on environmental impact for locations Radić Dolac, Srijane and Široki Vrh; on Highway Zagreb – Split – Dubrovnik, Client: IGH JSC
57. 2007 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction of signal and safety units of Zagreb railway terminal, Client: Croatian railways Ltd.
58. 2007 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction of Osijek – Đakovo – Vrpolje railway, Client: Croatian railways Ltd.
59. 2007 – Environmental Impact Assessment – High speed railway Zagreb – Rijeka, Client: Croatian railways Ltd.
60. 2007 – Environmental Impact Assessment – High-speed road Kloštar Vojakovački – Koprivnica – Gola, Client: Croatian Road Authority
61. 2007 – Compliance revision of applied environmental protection measures on motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, Client: Apo Ltd.
62. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Connection road Zabok (D24) – Krapina (D1), total length approx. 14 km, Client: Croatian Road Authority.
63. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Connection road Ploče 1 – Ploče 2, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
64. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Connection road: Motorway A1 (Ravča) – D8 (Drvenik), Client: Croatian Road Authority.
65. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway A1: Section Ravča – Ploče; north alternative, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority.
66. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Zagreb – Sisak, section Jakuševac – Velika Gorica (south), Client: IGH JSC
67. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Modernization of the first-class railway – I 101 Zaprešić – Varaždin – Čakovec, segment from Zaprešić to Zabok, Client: Croatian railways Ltd.
68. 2006 – Environmental Impact Assessment for relocation of the state road D306 to bypass road for Nin and Privlaka (segment length around 6,5km), Client: Ingris Ltd.
69. 2006 – Design of monitoring activities for waters on motorway Zagreb – Sisak, Section Jakuševac – Velika Gorica and on motorway Bregana – Zagreb – Lipovac, junction Kosnica on Zagreb
bypass, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority.
70. 2005 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Repair of main railway Novska-Tovarnik-D.G., section Vinkovci – Jankovci, Client: Croatian railways Ltd.
71. 2005 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Adriatic motorway, section Šestanovac – Zagvozd, tunnel Grabovac, Croatian Road Authority
72. 2005 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Development of Highway Planning Study documentation in corridor Vc through Bosnia and Herzegovina –Lot 4, Collaboration: IGH JSC, Zagreb;
IPZ Ltd., Zagreb; Rijeka-projekt Ltd., Rijeka; Palmotićeva 45 Ltd., Zagreb; Institute for physical planning Ltd., Osijek; Dalekovod Ltd., Zagreb; Brodarski Institute , Zagreb; IPSA, Sarajevo;
Urbanistic Institute of the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo; The Institute for urbanism of the Republic of Serbia, Banja Luka; Institute od architecture, urbanism and physical

planning, Sarajevo; Hydro-Engineering Institute, Sarajevo; Zavod za saobračaj, Sarajevo; Integra, mostar; IGH, Mostar; Divel, Sarajevo i Traser, Sarajevo, Client: Ministry of Communication
and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
73. 2004 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Northern road bypass of the city of Pula, Client: Croatian Road Authority
74. 2004 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Adriatic motorway, section Osojnik – Debeli brijeg, Client: Croatian Road Authority
75. 2004 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Vrbovec – Križevci - Kloštar Vojakovački road, Client: Croatian Road Authority
76. 2004 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Stobreč – Omiš road with ancillary roads, Client: Croatian Road Authority
77. 2004 – Environmental Impact Assessment for Mainland-Pelješac Bridge with access roads, Client: Hrvatske ceste Ltd.
78. 2004 – Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Dobra", Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
79. 2004 – Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Brloška Dubrava", Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
80. 2004 – Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area “Ličko Lešće”, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
81. 2004 – Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area “Modruš”, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
82. 2004 – Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Jezerane", Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
83. 2004 – Preliminary landscape design project for Motorway Zagreb - Split service area "Brinje", Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
84. 2004 – Project documentation for noise protection barriers on Motorway Zagreb – Lipovac, section Lužani – Brodski Stupnik - Slavonski Brod west – Slavonski Brod east – Oprisavci – Velika
Kopanica, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
85. 2004 – Research of the measures and methods of monitoring of the state of environment for the whole network of freeways in Republic of Croatia – Phase 1: collection of data and
information, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
86. 2004 – Research of the measures and methods of monitoring of the state of environment for the whole network of freeways in Republic of Croatia – Phase 2: Development of optimized
proposal for monitoring, Client: Croatian Motorway Authority
87. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road D-112 (from quay Rogač – D-111) on the island of Šolta, Client: Geoprojekt JSC
88. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment for the reconstruction of the state road D516: Karasovići – G.P. Konfin – Rt Oštro (Prevlaka): section from Vitaljina, Client: Croatian Road
89. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Building of second runway on highway DC-1; section tunnel Mihovilović – intersection Podi, Client: Croatian Road Authority
90. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – “Istrian Y” motorway, section Vodnjan – Pula, Client: Croatian Road Authority
91. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Intersection Pirovac – D27, Client: Croatian Road Authority
92. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road D-33 – Tromilja near Šibenik, Client: Croatian Road Authority
93. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Zagreb – Sisak, Client: Croatian Road Authority
94. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Building of regional road on Prevlaka, Client: Croatian Road Authority
95. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction of road D-106, section Posedarje – Ražanac, Client: Croatian Road Authority
96. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road bypass of the city of Opatija, Client: Croatian Road Authority
97. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Adriatic motorway, section Dugopolje – Zagvozd, Client: Croatian Road Authority
98. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Adriatic motorway, section Zagvozd – Ploče, Client: Croatian Road Authority
99. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Adriatic motorway, section Ploče - Dubrovnik, Client: Croatian Road Authority
100. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road D-507, section Krapinske toplice – Čret, Client: Croatian Road Authority
101. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road D-9, Road bypass around Metković, Client: Croatian Road Authority

102. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road D-118, section Dubova - Kapja on the island of Korčula, Client: Croatian Road Authority
103. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road bypass of the city of Vinkovci, Client Croatian Road Authority
104. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Building of second lane on motorway Rijeka-Zagreb; section Kikovica – Oštrovica, Client: Croatian Road Authority
105. 2003 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction and enlargement of Istrian dock in Zadar, Client: Lučka uprava Zadar
106. 2002 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Tunnel Sv. Ilija – Biokovo with access roads, Client: Splitsko-Dalmatinska County
107. 2002 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road bypass around Vranje village, Client: Croatian Road Authority Ltd.
108. 2002 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road bypass around Petrovija village, Client: Croatian Road Authority Ltd.
109. 2002 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road between Novigrad – Ponte Porton, Client: Croatian Road Authority Ltd.
110. 2002 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Zagreb – Lipovac, section Županja – Lipovac, Croatian Road Authority
111. 2002 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Zagreb – Macelj, section Zaprešić – Jankomir, Client: Croatian Road Authority
112. 2001 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Road Vrbovec – Križevci - Koprivnica, section: Vrbovec - Gradec, Client: Croatian Road Authority
113. 2001 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2/3 Josipdol – Otočac and IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv. Rok; from tunnel Kapela – Žuta Lokva – Otočac –
Ličko Lešće, extended variant B, Client: Croatian Road Authority
114. 2001 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2/3 Josipdol – Otočac and IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv. Rok; from tunnel Kapela – Žuta Lokva – Otočac –
Ličko Lešće, variant E, Client: Croatian Road Authority
115. 2001 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction of the section of the seaport in Ston; Client: City of Ston
116. 2000 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Reconstruction of the section of the seaport in Sali; Client Municipality Sali
117. 2000 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2/3 Josipdol – Otočac and IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv. Rok; from tunnel Kapela – Žuta Lokva – Otočac –
Ličko Lešće, Client: Croatian Road Authority
118. 1999 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA1 Bosiljevo – Josipdol, Client: Croatian Road Authority
119. 1999 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA2 Josipdol – Jezerane, Client: Croatian Road Authority
120. 1999 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIA3 Jezerane – Žuta Lokva, Jezerane - Otočac, Client: Croatian Road Authority
121. 1999 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIB1 Otočac – Lički Osik, Client: Croatian Road Authority
122. 1999 – Environmental Impact Assessment – Motorway Bosiljevo – Sveti Rok, section IIIB2 Lički Osik – Sv. Rok, Client: Croatian Road Authority

Most important projects regarding ESIA/EIA road and large linear infrastructure / transport projects in last 5 years are listed below:
Approx. Project
Project Name Contract location / Duration Project Description
value (€) Country
Road Projects
The project included development of Conceptual Design, Environmental Impact Study (EIS) as well
as participation in the assessment procedure for environmental impact. Nature Impact
Revision of conceptual design and
Hrvatske ceste 09/2015 – Assessment (NIA) Screening was also done. EIA Study included: Technical description of the
environmental impact assessment (EIA) for 24,170 Croatia
Ltd. 10/2017 project, Alternative solutions, Information on the current state of the environment, potential
the bypass road of the City of Pleternica
significant impacts on the environment, environmental mitigation measures and environmental
monitoring program, public consultation and participation in the EIA procedure.
New EIA for the construction of express road Preparation of EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the
Hungary state border-Virovitica-Okučani- Hrvatske ceste 04/2015 – environment, (2) Alternative solutions (3) potential significant impacts assessment on the
25,950 Croatia
Bosnia and Herzegovina state border, section Ltd. 05/2017 environmental and social components, (3) environmental mitigation measures and monitoring
Okučani-Bosnia and Herzegovina state border program, (4) public consultation, (5) participation in the EIA procedure.
Development of a new environmental impact
Preparation of EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the
assessment to obtain Decision on
environment, (2) potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social
environmental acceptability for freeway D8, Hrvatske ceste 07/2015 -
26,800 Croatia components, (3) environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) Appropriate
section intersection TTTS - intersection Stara Ltd. ongoing
Assessment (Nature Impact Assessment on Natura 2000), (5) public consultation, (6) participation
Podstrana - intersection Krilo Jesenice -
in the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure.
intersection Dugi Rat - Cetina Bridge
The project included data analysis to be used for environmental impact study. Investigation
works, baseline documentation preparation and data analysis for environmental impact
assessment study including: analysis of the current state of the environment, analysis of the legal
Investigation works, baseline documentation framework, preliminary proposal of potential significant impacts on the environmental and social
preparation and data analysis for EIA and components, preliminary proposal of environmental protection measures and preliminary
Hrvatske ceste 02/2015 –
Environmental Impact Assessment for the 51,450 Croatia proposal for appropriate assessment. EIA included: technical description of the project,
Ltd. 10/2015
bridge from the mainland – Pelješac with information on the current state of the environment, potential significant impacts on the
ancillary roads environment, potential significant transboundary impact on the environment, proposal of
environmental protection measures and environmental monitoring program and appropriate
assessment. Assessment procedure included work with Expert Advisory Committee, public
review and meetings with all participants in the process.
The project included development of conceptual design, environmental impact study (EIA), as well
Conceptual design and EIA for the relocation Hrvatske ceste 02/2014 –
19,850 Croatia as participation in the assessment procedure for environmental impact. (1) information on the
of state road D517 in City of Beli Manastir Ltd. 08/2015
location and current state of the environment, (2) potential significant impacts assessment on

the environmental and social components, (3) environmental mitigation measures and monitoring
program, (4) NIA screening, (5) public consultation, (6) participation in the EIA procedure.
The EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the environment, (2)
Hrvatske ceste 03/2016 – potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social components, (3)
EIA for the road Velika Gorica – Airport Bypass 14,250 Croatia
Ltd. 05/2017 environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) Appropriate Assessment
screening for Natura 2000, (5) public consultation, (6) participation in the EIA procedure.
Railway Projects
Environmental Impact Assessment for Preparation of EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the
Reconstruction of Existing Track and environment, (2) potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social
08/2017 -
Construction of Second Track on Railway 87,500 Italferr S.l.R. Croatia components, (3) environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) Appropriate
Section Hrvatski Leskovac – Karlovac of M202 Assessment (Nature Impact Assessment on Natura 2000), (5) public consultation, (6) participation
Zagreb GK - Rijeka Railway in the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure.
Preparation of EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the
EIA for the construction of the second track,
environment, (2) potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social
the reconstruction and modernization of the 03/2017 -
45,600 IGH Croatia components, (3) environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) Appropriate
track section Škrljevo - Rijeka - Jurdani - ongoing
Assessment (Nature Impact Assessment on Natura 2000), (5) public consultation, (6) participation
in the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure.
Preparation of EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the
Reconstruction, restoration and upgrade of
environment, (2) potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social
second railway and construction of new dual 06/2014 –
46,200 IPZ d.d. Croatia components, (3) environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) Appropriate
railway RT Dugo Selo – Novska, (Phases II and 02/2017
Assessment (Nature Impact Assessment on Natura 2000), (5) public consultation, (6) participation
III): EIA Study and all preceding EIA reports
in the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure.
EIA, screening NIA and 17 comparison studies
of main designs with environmental mitigation The EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the environment, (2)
measures and environmental monitoring potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social components, (3)
program from Decision on environmental 12/2011 – environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) NIA screening on Natura 2000,
97,650 ŽPD d.d. Croatia
acceptability for the project: Improvement 05/2016 (5) public consultation, (6) participation in the Environmental Impact Assessment procedure and
and restoration of the railway line on the (7) 17 comparison studies of main designs with environmental mitigation measures and
section of Dugo Selo – Novska, Phase I. environmental monitoring program from Decision on environmental acceptability for the project.
EIA for reconstruction of railway Vinkovci - The EIA Study included: (1) information on the location and current state of the environment, (2)
Vukovar for IPA project: Design and other potential significant impacts assessment on the environmental and social components, (3)
01/2014 –
project documentation for "Upgrade and 25,000 ŽPD d.d.. Croatia environmental mitigation measures and monitoring program, (4) Appropriate Assessment
electrification of railway Vinkovci - Vukovar" screening for Natura 2000, (5) public consultation, (6) participation in the Environmental Impact
(EuropeAid/133157/D/SER/HR) Assessment procedure.

- Technical preliminary design of fixed installations of electric traction
The Study of Framework Possibilities for the HŽ
03/2014 – - Preliminary EIA
electrification of railways Oštarije – Knin – 517,333 Infrastructure Croatia
05/2015 - Preliminary study of financial and economic assessment of the electrification of railway
Split, Knin – Zadar and Perković – Šibenik LLC
- Pre-feasibility study
The Study of Framework Possibilities of - Traffic technology preliminary solution
construction for: railway II and reconstruction - Technical and conceptual design of building II . track railway, the railway stops and

of railway section (Kupjak) – Delnice – Škrljevo 08/2013 – reconstruction of railway stations
1,4 million Infrastructure Croatia
02/2015 - Preliminary EIA
- Preliminary economic and financial assessment of the project
- Pre-feasibility study
The Study of Framework Possibilities for - Traffic technology preliminary solution
construction: railway II and reconstruction of - Technical and conceptual design of building II . track railway, the railway stops and

railway section Škrljevo – Rijeka – Šapjane 08/2013 – reconstruction of railway stations
803,100 Infrastructure Croatia
11/2014 - Preliminary EIA
- Preliminary economic and financial assessment of the project
- Pre-feasibility study
As a basis for the EIS three separate studies were made: Study for the biodiversity chapter
regarding fatality rate of animals and wildlife over/under passes; Study for the chapter about
Environmental Impact Study (EIS) & Nature HŽ noise and noise modelling; Analysis of spatial planning documents.
12/2013 –
Impact Assessment (NIA) for railway section 146,850 Infrastructure Croatia The project includes making environmental impact study (EIS) and Nature Impact Assessment
Hrvatski Leskovac – Josipdol LLC (NIA). EIS includes: Technical description of the project, Alternative solutions, Information on the
current state of the environment, Potential significant impacts on the environment, Proposal of
environmental mitigation measures and environmental monitoring program
Other large infrastructure projects
By the Plan of development, construction and modernization of gas transmission system in the
Republic of Croatia, 12 projects were planned from 2012 to 2014. All these projects required EIA.
All specified potential impacts and impact of accidents are valued for period of gas pipeline
construction and for usage period. Mitigation measures and environmental monitoring
programme are provided in relation with estimated or calculated impact on the environmental
12 EIA's for gas-pipeline projects 12/2012 –
1,1 million Plinacro Ltd. Croatia and social components. Where necessary, few alternatives of gas pipeline routes were suggested
(development projects between 2012 – 2014) 10/2015
and analysed. After public insight and hearing, state Commission for impact assessments
accepted the assessment and the suggested route and issued Development Consent. As a part of
EIA Appropriate assessment or only NIA Screening was developed. For international high-
pressure gas-pipelines the implementation of procedures in accordance with international
obligations prescribed by ESPOO Convention were conducted.

Infrastructure Projects Facility Technical Croatia,
The Ionian-Adriatic Pipeline Project (IAP) comprises the construction of a new gas transmission
Assistance Window (IPA TA) - Bosnia and
COWI-IPF 05/2012 – pipeline between Split, Croatia and Fier, Albania. The project consisted of Gap Analysis, Scoping
(EuropeAid/128073/C/SER/MULTI): Feasibility 1,4 million Herzegovina,
Consortium 05/2014 phase, Stakeholder engagement phase, EIA Verification phase (Croatia), Final IAP route selection
Study and EIA&SIA for Ionian – Adriatic Montenegro,
phase, Preliminary and Final ESIA phase.
Pipeline (IAP) Albania
Infrastructure Projects Facility Technical The purpose of the planned LNG terminal is to import LNG arriving with LNG carriers. It is then
unloaded into LNG tanks on the mainland, temporarily stored, vaporized, and exported to the
Assistance Window (IPA TA) -
COWI-IPF 07/2012 – main gas pipeline network for the consumers in Croatia and other countries.
(EuropeAid/128073/C/SER/MULTI) LNG RV 472,440 Croatia Tasks include: Overall project coordination, feasibility study and market analysis, development of
Consortium 06/2014
Conceptual Solution, Feasibility Study and the EIA/SIA package and all related documents and studies. Finalization of the permitting process,
EIA/SIA and Conceptual Design up to the Location permit. IPA TA /(EC DG Enlargement – EBRD)

Documentary evidence of completed contracts / Client's Certificates

5 Consultant`s Team

Consultant`s Working Team

Expert Position

Željko Koren Team Leader (Environmental Legislation)

Božica Šorgić, PhD. Environmental Expert (Climate Change, Air, Waste)

Zrinka Mesić, PhD. Environmental Expert (Biodiversity, , Natura 2000)

Vladimir Kušan, PhD. Environmental Expert (GIS, Agriculture)

Dalibor Hatić Environmental Expert (Forestry)

Bojana Borić Environmental Expert (Environmental accidents)

Nataša Obrić Environmental Expert (Roads and Transport Sector)

Jangel Malinov OHS Expert

Žarko Smolčić Land aquisition and Resettlement Expert

Consultant`s Working Team Short Qualifications table

Željko Božica Zrinka Vladimir Dalibor Bojana Nataša Jangel Žarko
Koren Šorgić Mesić Kušan Hatić Borić Obrić Malinov Smolčić
Expertise on environment legislation and
administrative regulations and practices in + + + + + + +
Croatia and EU
Knowledge of EIA requirements in Croatia + + + + + + +
Expertise on land acquisitions, especially
national expropriation and resettlement laws,
legislation and administrative regulations and
practices in Croatia and EU
Expertise on occupational, health and safety
(OHS) regulations and practices in Croatia and +
Experience with environmental and social
management systems
+ + + + + + +
Experience in working with International
Finance Institutions` (IFIs`) policies and
guidelines. Experience in working within WBs`
OP 4.01 Environmental Assessment, OP 4.04 + + + + + +
Natural Habitats, OP 4.11 Physical Cultural
Resources, and OP 4. 12 Involuntary
Resettlement is an asset.
Experience with roads and transport sector + + + + + + + +
Expertise with reporting and identification of
compliances/non-compliance and proposing + + + + + + + +
corrective actions

Consultant`s Team Leader

Proposed position in assignment: Team Leader - Environmental specialist

1. Full name: Željko Koren
2. Date of birth: August 1, 1959
3. Nationality: Croatian
4. Civil status: Married
5. Education:
Institution Project Management Institute (PMI)
Date: from - to: 2009
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Certified project manager (Project Management Professional – PMP)

Institution Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia

Date: from - to: 1978 - 1984
Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Civil Engineer, M.Sc.

6. Language skills: (Mark 1 to 5 for competence, 5 being the highest)

Language Reading Speaking Writing
Croatian -mother tongue-
English 5 5 5
German 5 5 5

7. Membership of professional bodies: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA), Project Management Institute
(PMI), Croatian Chamber of Civil Engineers, Croatian Society for Water Protection, Croatian Society for Air Protection, Croatian
Association of Environmental Protection Experts – EIA Division, Croatian Scientific Society for transport.

8. Other skills: Computer Literacy: Microsoft Office tools (Word, Excel)

9. Present position: Head of Department of Environmental Engineering, Member of the Board

10. Years within the firm: 17

11. Key qualifications (relevant to the project):

• 33 years of professional experience in Civil Engineering as a designer, team leader and environmental expert on numerous
environmental, transport and infrastructural projects for roads and motorways (over 50), railways (10) and gas pipelines (over
15) in Croatia and countries in the region.
• Certified construction engineer with wide knowledge as leader, team leader and Co-author in EIA studies
• Project management in strategic and project related environmental documentation.
• Extensive knowledge of environmental related policies, legislation, regulations and law enforcements, both on national and
international level.
• Contacts with stakeholders
• Quality control in environmental protection projects
• For seven years, Željko worked as a designer in consulting companies Vogler and Rosinak in Vienna, Austria, where he was
engaged in traffic and environment projects.
• Experience in the field of air emission/imission modeling and noise protection modeling
• As local EIA and Training Expert he participated in CARDS 2003 Project “EIA – Guidelines and Training”

12. Specific Eastern European and CIS experience:

Country Date: from (month / year) to (month / year)
Croatia 05/1984 – 12/1989, 11/1997 – to date
Bosnia and Herzegovina 01/2005 – 03/2007
Austria 01/1990 – 11/1997

13. Most Relevant Professional Experience Record for this Project:

Project: Environmental Impact Assessment for Reconstruction of Existing Track and Construction Of Second
Track on Railway Section Hrvatski Leskovac – Karlovac of M202 Zagreb GK - Rijeka Railway
Dates: 06/2017 – ongoing
Location: Croatia
Client: Italferr Sp.A.
Objective: Development of Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the modernisation and construction of
the Hrvatski Leskovac
Positions held: EIA leader, Environmental Expert
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC, vibrations

Project: D8, section junction TTTS - node Stara Podstrana - node Krilo Jesenice - node Dugi Rat - Cetina Bridge:
Development of a new environmental impact assessment to obtain Decision on environmental
Dates: 07/2015 – ongoing
Location: Croatia
Client: Hrvatske ceste
Objective: Construction of state road D8
Positions held: EIA leader
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Development of the Preliminary Design and the Environmental Impact Assessment Study and
obtaining a decision on the acceptability of the project on environment for the bypass of Umag,
length of 8.4 km
Dates: 03/2017 – ongoing
Location: Croatia
Client: Hrvatske ceste
Objective: Construction of Umag City bypass
Positions held: EIA leader
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Environmental Impact Assessment Study for the modernisation and construction of the second
railway track, of the railway section Škrljevo - Rijeka - Jurdani - Šapjane and participation in the EIA
Dates: 03/2017 – ongoing
Location: Croatia
Client: IGH Institute JSC
Objective: Modernisation and construction of the second railway track, of the railway section Škrljevo - Rijeka -
Jurdani - Šapjane
Positions held: Environmental Expert
Activities performed: Vibrations

Project: Investigation works, preparation of baseline documentation and data analysis for environmental
impact assessment for bridge from mainland - Pelješac with ancillary roads
Dates: 02/2015 – 05/2015
Location: Croatia
Client: Hrvatske ceste
Objective: EIA study for the construction of the Pelješac Bridge
Positions held: Quality control
Activities performed: Quality control

Project: Environmental Impact Assessment for project: The Study of Framework Possibilities for possible
electrification of railway sections Knin-Split, Knin-Zadar and Perković-Šibenik
Year: 03/2014 – 05/2015
Location: Croatia
Client: HŽ Infrastruktura Ltd.

Objective: Electrification of railway sections Knin-Split, Knin-Zadar and Perković-Šibenik
Positions held: Project Leader and QC
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Environmental Impact Assessment for reconstruction of railway Vinkovci – Vukovar for IPA project:
Design and other project documentation for "Upgrade and electrification of Vinkovci – Vukovar
railway" (EuropeAid/133157/D/SER/HR, Service Contract No. IPA
Year: 11/2013 – 05/2015
Location: Croatia
Client: ŽPD Inc.
Objective: Upgrade and electrification of Vinkovci – Vukovar railway
Positions held: Project director; QC
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Conceptual solution and EIA for high-speed road Šibenik-Drniš-Knin-state border B&H, section:
Tromilja – state border B&H (approx. 60 km)
Year: 11/2008 – 12/2012
Location: Croatia
Client: Hrvatske ceste
Objective: Conceptual solution and EIA for 60 km of motorway between the coastal city of Šibenik and the border
with Bosnia and Herzegovina
Positions held: Project director, Environmental expert
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Conceptual solution and EIA for the road bypass of Drniš (length: approx. 5 km)
Year: 06/2011 – 08/2013
Location: Croatia
Client: Hrvatske ceste
Objective: Construction of bypass road of Drniš
Positions held: Environmental Expert, EIA leader
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Various EIA for the following main high pressure gas-pipelines Donji Miholjac – Osijek DN 800/75,
Osijek – Vukovar DN 800/75, Vukovar – Negoslavci DN 800/75, Ploče – Dubrovnik DN 1000/75, Zlobin
– Bosiljevo DN 1000/100, and International main high pressure gas-pipeline Dubrovnik – Prevlaka –
Dobreč (Montenegro) DN 1000/75
Year: 03/2010 – 02/2013
Location: Croatia, Montenegro
Client: Plinacro
Objective: Construction of gas pipelines
Positions held: Project director, Environmental expert
Activities performed: Overall project management and coordination, communication with the Client, competent authorities
and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: EIA and Appropriate Assessment of Orebić City Bypass (approx 6.4 km)
Year: 11/2009 – 08/2011
Location: Croatia
Client: Projektni biro, Palmotićeva 45 Ltd
Objective: Construction of Orebić City bypass (approx.. 6.4 km)
Positions held: Project director, Environmental expert
Activities performed: Traffic, noise, air quality

Project: Monitoring of waters on Zagreb - Sisak motorway, section Velika Gorica (south) - Lekenik
Year: 01/2010 – 03/2011
Location: Croatia
Client: Hrvatske ceste

Objective: Monitoring of waters on Zagreb - Sisak motorway
Positions held: Designer and project leader
Activities performed: Design of water monitoring and overall project management and coordination, communication with
the Client, competent authorities and the public, conflict solving and mediation, QC

Project: Environmental Impact Statement - Selected chapters: Development of Highway Planning Study
documentation in Corridor Vc through Bosnia and Hercegovina – Lot 4
Year: 01/2005 – 03/2007
Location: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Client: Ministry of Communication and Transportation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Objective: The project aims to provide study and technical documentation (up to the conceptual design) for the
construction of motorway along the trans-European Corridor Vc through Bosnia and Herzegovina
Positions held: Team Leader of OIKON’s team, Technical expert in EIA
Activities performed: Team leader for preparation of EIS on chapters: Flora / Fauna / Hunting / Air Quality / Landscaping/
Social Aspects,... The activities included Pre-feasibility study on different alternatives and Investigation
on final selected alternative, including public participation.

Consultant`s Working Team Short Presentation

Expert Experience

Božica Šorgić, PhD. Božica Šorgić (Ph.D. Chemistry) has more than 23 years of professional experience and
over 10 years of experience working on environmental protection projects, including
those related to transport and road sector. For the past nine years she has been working
at Oikon Ltd. – Institute of Applied Ecology as project leader and environmental expert in
the Department of Environmental Engineering.
Her work has included impacts from waste and impacts on air quality on more than 20
environmental state reports, environmental protection programs, environmental impact
studies (EIS), strategic environmental assessments (SEA; including 7 SEA of plans in
transport sector), life cycle assessment analysis, greenhouse gases emissions estimations
and environmental compliance audit relating to IPPC permitting procedure. She also has
extensive expertise in environmental legislation and administrative regulations and
practices in Croatia and EU.
As a co-author, Božica has published 15 original scientific papers, a paper in proceedings
and has participated with contribution at six national and 11 international conferences.

Zrinka Mesić, PhD. Zrinka Mesić (PhD. in Biology) she is an ecologist with 10 years of professional experience
in nature protection and more than 13 years of experience in vegetation and habitat
mapping in Croatia. She worked on Environmental and nature impact assessments (in
accordance with Habitat Directive) of diverse construction and infrastructural projects
(gas pipelines, railways, roads, industrial facilities, landfill sites etc.) in Croatia as co-
author on twenty-two (22) EIA for diverse construction and infrastructural projects, Team
leader of seventeen (17) and co-author of eight (8) Nature Impact Assessments on
ecological network (proposal of Natura 2000 and/or Natura 2000); Impact assessment of
the project on biodiversity, rare and protected species and protected areas. Impact
assessment on ecological network (since 2013 Natura 2000) target features and
conservation goals in accordance with the Article 6 (3) and 6 (4) of Habitat Directive. An
assessment on impact of the project to the integrity of the ecological network site was
conducted and mitigation measures (and monitoring) were prescribed; management of
data about ecological network (Croatian Ecological Network and Natura 2000). The EIA
and NIA studies respectively are supported by GIS methods. She worked on biodiversity
chapters on ESIA for IAP project. She was participant in several expert and scientific
project (Nature protection programme for Osijek-Baranja County, Monitoring of forest
ecosystems in the year 2010 – multipurpose channel Danube – Sava, COAST - Integration
of the National Ecological Network and Natura 2000 in coastal area management – LOT
1: More detailed elaboration of NEN: proposals for integration of nature protection
measures into physical plans and proposals for sustainable use; Developing a model for
the conservation of Croatia's grassland biodiversity; Karst Ecosystem Conservation;
Mapping of habitats and land use on the project INTERREG IIIA HR-69 KAM (Nature Park
Učka); COAST-Mapping of terrestrial biodiversity; Mapping of habitats and land use in
Lonjsko Polje Nature Park LIFE05TCY/CRO/000111 and Air pollution with mosses as
biomonitors in Croatia).
She is co-author of the Guidelines for Evaluation and Protection of Biological and
Landscape Diversity, the Guidelines for Appropriate Assessment of Spatial Plans and the
Manual for Appropriate Assessments of Project. Her recent experience in region includes
capacity building of local biodiversity experts for habitat mapping in Bosnia and
Herzegovina. In Bosnia and Herzegovina she has been working on preparation of several
management plans for protected areas (Blidinje Nature Park, Kozara Nacional Park, Janj
and Lom protected area) She participated in several biodiversity monitoring and mapping
projects mapping of habitats of 5 National Parks (Risnjak, Sjeverni Velebit, Paklenica,
Plitvička jezera, Mljet) and 6 Nature Parks (Biokovo, Žumberak-Samoborsko gorje, Lonjsko

polje, Velebit, Medvednica and Učka) and also, as habitat mapping expert, in UNDP/GEF
project "Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through
Greening Coastal Development ("COAST"). As team leader and coordinator of field
surveys for 8 biodiversity important areas in Croatia, she was responsible for organization
and design of GIS database as well as application of remote sensing techniques for habitat
mapping and vegetation (i.e. forest vegetation inventory). Ms. Mesić is an experienced
user of GIS and remote sensing analysis software (ESRI, ENVI, SAGA, qGIS, Grass). During
her expert and scientific work, she gained excellent knowledge of implementation of
Croatian Habitat Classification in mapping and monitoring. In addition, as team leader on
the interdisciplinary research project Restoration plan of the old bed of Mirna River –
biological and ecological research and data preparation she has organised and
participated the inventory of the Motovun forest. As OIKON’s team leader on the project
Integration of the National Ecological Network and Natura 2000 in coastal area
management, she has gained extensive knowledge of EU’s policies, strategies and

Vladimir Kušan, PhD. Vladimir Kušan (Ph.D. in Forestry) is Senior Consultant in Oikon, with more than 30 years
of experience in forest management planning and resource management, and more than
20 years of experience in scientific research dealing with photogrammetry, remote
sensing, surveying, geographical information system, digital elevation models, forest
inventory, landuse/landcover mapping and analysis, landscape analysis and cartography.
Due to his big efforts RS methods, GIS, DEM and global positioning system found their
practical use in forest management, forest inventory, ecological studies and methodology
for monitoring forest conditions in Croatia. He was principal investigator or participant in
several research projects such as: Ecological and economical evaluation of forest types,
Geographic and land information system, Models for planning in forestry, Application of
remote sensing in forestry, Inventorying and monitoring of ecological and health status
of Croatian forests by remote sensing methods, Mapping inundation and vegetation
dynamic in Sava valley using radar and optical satellite images from different periods,
Investigation of optimal model of forest mapping in Croatia, Investigation and
development of methods for spatial/height assessment of forests by means of remote
sensing, and many others.
He participated as leader and expert in various appropriate assessments (5), EIS for:
pipelines (9), water management facilities (10), waste management (3), wind farms (13),
railways (3), highways and roads (30) and other (10). He also led and participates in
various SEA`s, landscape projects (8), forest management plans (22) and game
management plans (64).
Apart from forestry his special interests include improvement of management in
protected areas using GIS as well as different modern techniques of inventorying and
monitoring flora and fauna and biodiversity at all. He participated in preparation of Karst
ecosystem conservation (KEC) project and COAST project, both financed by GEF. He
participated in preparation of habitat maps for most of the protected areas (national
parks and parks of nature) in Croatia. He is author and co-author of 176 published papers.
Among them 31 are original scientific papers and 28 reviewed scientific papers published
in domestic and international journals and conference proceedings.

Dalibor Hatić Dalibor Hatić (, CE) is co-founder and chairman of the board of Oikon Ltd. –
Institute of Applied Ecology for most of the last 20 years. Dalibor Hatić is certified forestry
engineer, gaining his degree in 1991 at the University of Zagreb – Faculty of Forestry
where he proceeded to complete post-graduate studies in Environmental Management
at Macquaire University in Sydney, Australia. He has over 26 years of national and
international experience in nature and environment protection and natural resource
management with most extensive experience in the field of forestry. Dalibor worked in
Australia in Forest Research and Development Division, State Forests of New South Wales
for 5 years as Research Assistant where he mainly engaged in projects related to ESM and

ESD (Ecologically Sustainable Management and Ecologically Sustainable Development)
and then transferred his professional activities to Croatia in1997. He has been designated
on more than 100 projects as Project Leader, Project Sponsor and Project Director for a
multitude of both regional and international projects. His key qualifications include:
Project management – preparation, management and monitoring, development of
monitoring methods for forestry, GIS and research activities with emphasis in the field of
habitat and vegetation mapping, biological diversity, classification of habitats the
Republic of Croatia, professional knowledge from the field of silviculture,
dendrochronological research, dendrometry and analytical statistics, development of
relational databases. Amongst highlighted projects he has participated in a few
multipurpose Danube – Sava canal projects (EIA and monitoring) and on the project
“Research of the measures and methods of monitoring of the state of environment for
the whole network of freeways in Republic of Croatia – Phase 1 and 2 for Croatian
Motorway Authority.

Bojana Borić Bojana Borić (M.Sc. Metallurgy, M.Sc. of Ecoengineering) is environmental expert at
Oikon Ltd. – Institute of Applied Ecology in the Department of Environmental Engineering.
She has seven years of working experience on environmental protection projects,
including those related to transport and road sector.
She has worked on more than 80 projects that include environmental state reports,
environmental protection programs, environmental impact studies (EIS), strategic
environmental assessments (SEA), life cycle assessment analysis and environmental
compliance audit relating to IPPC permitting procedure as project leader and/or co-
author of chapters regarding analysis of waste management and analysis and impact of
air quality as well as environmental accidents.
Bojana is well acquainted with environmental legislation and administrative regulations
and practices in Croatia and EU.

Nataša Obrić Nataša Obrić (mag. ing. aedif., geoing.) is Professional Associate at Oikon's
Department of Enviromental Engineering. She holds two university degrees – in civil
engineering and geotechnical engineering, and has over 11 years of professional
experience, which includes numerous projects in the field of environmental impact
assessment, mapping, construction, preliminary, main and detailed design of noise
protection on highways, development of strategic noise maps and action plans for noise
Nataša has been working at Oikon Ltd. for over a year and her tasks include: development
of environmental impact studies, working as project team leader, study integration,
analysis of spatial planning documentation, low-frequency noise and vibration, noise
protection, geology and hydrogeology, infrastructure in strategic environmental impact
assessments, cartographic maps and presentations.
Prior to joining Oikon, Nataša worked on design solutions and noise protection projects
for almost four years. She spent almost seven years at Croatian Motorways Ltd. at Sector
for design and development where she worked on mapping, line display and a variety of
graphical presentations, editing projects and preparation for plotting, also on production
and design of brochures, publications and presentations.
Jangel Malinov (M.Sc. Mech. Eng.) has more than 14 years of experience as a certified
Jangel Malinov
expert in occupational, health and safety (OHS) regulations and practices. He worked as
a supervising engineer for fire protection and safety at work on over 15 projects. His tasks
included review of technical documentation, review and coordination of the schedule of
works, review and supervision of the observance of basic, special and recognized rules of
safety at work and review and supervision of compliance with the fire protection
Mr. Malinov is also a mechanical engineer with over 40 years of experience. He worked
as professor in the High Military Technical School, as a mechanical designer and as

research leader and head of business at Brodarski Institute, which is an institute of
applied technical sciences in the fields of maritime and green technologies.

Žarko Smolčić Mr. Smolčić is registered as attorney at law in Croatian Bar Association since 26th
November 2007 and is preforming legal practice ever since. Mr. Smolčić has experience
in civil law, real estate law, commercial law, bankruptcy and pre-bankruptcy law etc.
However, Mr. Smolčić is improved specially in the area of railways law and transport law.
Furthermore, Mr. Smolčić was temporary Director of the Croatian Railway Safety Agency
since 26th February 2009 and temporary Expert Manager of the Croatian Agency for
market regulation of railway services since 5th December 2008. Mr. Smolčić has also
experience before institutions of European Union (EU).

6 Annex I. Licences from Ministry of Environment and Energy


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