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Nama : Muhammad Fariz Akbar

Kelas : 10 IPS 2

1. The radio is broken.i shall ask somebody to fix it tomorrow

2. A: we bought the parts saparetly.we shall assamble them our selves

B: That sounds rather interisting.i shall come and help you if you


3. A: why do you want all the furniture out of the room?

B: becouse i shall sampoo the’s impossible to do it

Unless you take everything out first

4. A: here is the lighter.but,what do you want for?

B: i shall lights the candles.there are many flies around here

5. A: have you decide on your colour scheme?

B: oh yes,i’ve bought the paint. I am going to paint this room blue

And the sitting room green

6. i borrowd the book from tania.i shall have an exam tomorrow

7. A: i wonder if berta knows that school is closed becouse of the flood

B: probably not.i shall look in on my way home and tell her i’m

Glad you thougt of it

8. leave the present on the table and she will it if she comes in

9. A:do you have to carry somuch stuff on your back?

B:yes we shall climb the mountain.we shall camp out there and we shall cook our own
meals,so we have to carry a lot

10. there’s not much bread.i’m afraid.i shall buy some in the super market before they come

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