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Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019


The rapid urban and industrial developments pose an increasing demand for the
construction of highway embankments and other civil engineering works.Sometimes the
existing soil may not be sufficiently strong to withstand the load of pavement and traffic.
To overcome the this problem,ground improvement methods such as soil stabilization can
be used.Stabilization can increase the shear strength of soil and control the shrink-swell
properties of a soil, thus improving the load bearing capacity of subgrade to support
pavements and foundations.The most common improvements achieved through
stabilization include better soil gradation, reduction fo plasticity index or swelling
potential,and increases in durability and strength.In wet weather , stabilization may also be
used to provide a working platform for construction operations. These types of soil quality
improvement are refered to as soil modification. Benefits of soil stabilization are higher
resistance values, reduction in plasticity, lower permeability, reduction of pavement
thickness, elimination of excavation, material hauling and handling,and base importation,
aids compaction, provides all-weather accessonto and within project sites. The
determining factors associated with soil stabilization may be the existing moisture content
,the end use of the soil structureand ultimatelynthe cost benefit provided.As a good soil
becomes scarcer and their location becomes more difficult,costly,the need to improve
quality of soil using soil stabilization is becoming more important. Soil stabilization usig
stone dust or coarse aggregate is an alternative method for improvement of subgrade soil
of pavement. It can significantly enhance the properties of soil used in the costruction of
road infrastructure.

The process of soil stabilization refers to changing the physical properties of soil in order
to improve its strength, durability, or other qualities. Typically, this is important for road
construction, and other concerns related to the building and maintenance of infrastructure.
Soil that has been stabilized will have a vastly improved weight bearing capability, and
will also be significantly more resistant to being damaged by water, frost, or inclement

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019


The oldest types of soil stabilization are mechanical in nature. Mechanical solutions
involve physically changing the property of the soil somehow, in order to affect its
gradation, solidity, and other characteristics. Dynamic compaction is one of the major
types of soil stabilization; in this procedure, a heavyweight is dropped repeatedly onto the
ground at regular intervals to quite literally pound out deformities and ensure a uniformly
packed surface. Vibro compaction is another technique that works on similar principles,
though it relies on vibration rather than deformation through kinetic force to achieve its


Chemical solutions are another of the major types of soil stabilization. All of these
techniques rely on adding additional material to the soil that will physically interact with it
and change its properties. There are a number of different types of soil stabilization that
rely on chemical additives of one sort or another; you will frequently encounter
compounds that utilize cement, lime, fly ash, or kiln dust. Most of the reactions sought are
either cementitious or pozzolanic in nature, depending on the nature of the soil present at
the particular site you are investigating.


Both of the previous types have been around for hundreds of years, if not more; only in
the past several decades has technology opened up new types of soil stabilization for
companies to explore. Most of the newer discoveries and techniques developed thus far
are polymer based in nature, such as those developed by Global Road Technology. These
new polymers and substances have a number of significant advantages over traditional
mechanical and chemical solutions; they are cheaper and more effective in general than
mechanical solutions, and significantly less dangerous for the environment than many
chemical solutions tend to be.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019


3.1 Subgrade Soil

The subgrade soil and its properties are important in the design of pavement
structure.Subgrade soil is an integrated part of the road pavement structure as it provides
the support to the pavement from beneath.The main function of the subgrade is ti give
adequate support to the pavement and for the subgrade shouild prossess sufficient stability
under adverse climate and loading conditions.

3.2 Coarse aggragates

The coarse aggregate is also known as mechanical stabilizer as they help to stabilize the
soil mainly by improving its gradation, plasticity and compaction characteristics. Coarse
aggregates as stabilizer for expansive soil are very effective for improving the engineering
properties in all aspects and also reduce the settlement problem. These are universally
used as mechanical stabilizer to increase the bearing capac-ity, strength and tension
resistance of soils . The coarse aggregates used in the present study are crushed aggregates
of 10 mm nominal size. In the present study, untreated soil types have been mixed with
coarse aggregates of 10 mm size in proportion of 10% and 20% by mass of dry soil.

Size of Aggregates(mm) 10-12

Density of 20.9
Impact Strength(%) 10-20

Specification of aggregate Strong

Specific gravity 1.02

Table 1. Properties of aggregate

Figure 1 Coarse aggragate

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

3.3 Stone Dust

Stone dust or crusher sand is a type of fine aggregate obtained from stone crushers. Each
crusher unit is estimated to produce 15%–20% of stone dust. The stone dust can be used as
a soil stabilizer to enhance the geotechnical properties of local soil by replacing the soil
with stone dust at various mix proportion . It is known as a mechanical stabilizer as it
helps to stabilize the soil mainly by improving its gradation, plasticity and compaction
characteristics.Stone dust has lesser fraction of soil passing 0.075 mm sieve and is non-
plastic in nature. This helps to improve the gradation and plasticity of the soil when mixed
with stone dust. Stone Dust consists of angular particles having more interlocking strength
which improves the density of the soil when mixed with stone dust. Stone dust has been
identified to have high shear resistance and is beneficial to use it as a stabilizing material.
Stone dust, also known as stone screenings, is the finest of the types of crushed stone. It is
made of the same type of stone as the other types but is crushed into a powder. When used
by itself stone dust forms a hard surface that is water resistant. When used with a larger
stone it acts as a binding agent. Because of its ability to form a strong, non-porous surface,
stone dust is often used in between the stones or bricks in patios and walkways. In this
application, it not only protects the base of the area from moisture, thus preventing
heaving or mold growth, but it also effectively keeps weeds and grass from growing up
between the pavers. It serves the same purpose when used in horse arenas, biking and
hiking trails and walkways. Stone dust is also used as a binding agent in cement or asphalt
for roads, driveways and sidewalks. crushed stone dust is a product of stone crushing
industry, every crusher unit produced 15%-20% stone dust. So it’s easily available.

Component Weight (%)

Cao 3.5 – 40

Al203 0.5-40

Mgo 2.5-25

Si02 1-12

S03 0.23-3

Available Alkalis 0-4

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

Table 2 . Chemical properties of stone dust source

Property Value
Natural Moisture
Content 9.11
Particle Size
Sand (%) 97.1
Silt (%) 2.9
Specific Gravity 2.76

Liquid Limit (%) NP

Plastic Limit (%) NP
Plasticity Index (%) NP

OMC (%) 11.5

MDD (g/cm3) 1.97

Angle of internal friction 35

Cohesion (kN/m2) 0.07

CBR Soaked (%) 11.5

CBR Unsoaked (%) 26.28

Table 3. Index properties of stone dust source

4.Different forms of stone

4.1 Sedimentary stone

Sedimenary stone came from organic elements such as glaciers, rivers, wind, oceans, and
plants. Tiny sedimentary pieces broke off form these elements and accumulated to form
rock beds. They were bonded through millions of years of heat and pressure.

4.1.1 Limestone

Mainly consists of calcite. It does not show such graining or crystalline structure. It has a
smooth granular surface. Varies in hardness. Some dense limestone can be polished.
Common colors are black, grey, white, yellow or brown. It is more likely to stain than
marble. Limestone is known to contain lime from sea water.

4.1.2 Sandstone

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

Is a very durable formation of quartz grains (sand). Usually formed in light brown or red
colors. Categorized by the most popular sandstone bonding agents such as silica, calcium,
clay, and iron oxide.

4.1.3 Soapstone

A very soft stone made of a variety of talc. It is a dense mineral that wears well and is
often resistant to oxide.

4.1.4 Fossilstone:

Considered a limestone that contains natural fossils such as sea-shells and plants.

4.1.5 Travertine

Usually a cream or reddish color. It is formed through the accumulation of calcite from hot
springs. It contains holes that were formed from water flowing through the stone. These
holes are often filled with synthetic resins or cements. Requires a lot of maintenance if the
holes are not filled. Classified as a limestone and a marble.

4.2 Metamorphic stones

Metamorphic stones originate from a natural form of one type of stone to another type
through the mixture of heat, pressure, and minerals. The change may be a development of
a crystalline formation, a texture change, or a color change.

4.2.1 Marble

A recrystallized limestone that formed when the limestone softened from heat and
pressure and recrystallized into marble where a mineral change occurred. The main
consistency is calcium and dolomite. Ranges in many colors and is usually heavily veined
and shows grains. Hardness rates from 2.5 to 5 on the MOH Scale.

Marble is classified into three categories:

1. Dolomite: If it has more than 40% magnesium carbonates.

2. Magnesium: If it has between 5% and 40% magnesium

3. Calcite: If it has less than 5% magnesium carbonate.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

4.2.2 Slate

Fine grained metamorphic stone that is formed from clay, sedimentary rock shale, and
sometimes quartz. Very thin and can break easily. Usually in black, gray or green.

4.2.3 Serpentine

Identified by its marks, which look like the skin of a serpent. Most popular colors are
green and brown. Hardness rates from 2.5 to 4 on the MOH scale. Contains serpentine
minerals and magnesium, and has an igneous origin. Does not always react well to
recrystallization or diamond polishing.

4.3 Igneous stones

Igneous stones are mainly formed through volcanic material such as magma. Underneath
the Earth's surface, liquid magma cooled and solidified. Mineral gases and liquids
penetrated into the stone and created new crystalline formations with various colors.

4.3.1 Granite

Primarily made of Quartz (35%), Feldspar (45%) and Potassium. Usually comes in dark
colors and contains very little calcite, if any. Provides a heavy crystalline and granular
appearance with mineral grains. It is a very hard material and easier to maintain than
marble. Yet, it is still porous and will stain. There are different types of granite depending
on the percentage mix of quartz, mica and feldspar. Black granite is known as an
Anorthosite. It contains very little quartz and feldspar and has a different composition than
true granite

4.4 Quartz Stones

Quartz stone is a composite material made of crushed stone bound together by an

adhesive, (most commonly polymer resin, with some newer versions using cement mix).
The two common stones used in producing these products are marble and quartz. rial or
screenings falls through the screen.


Preliminary tests such as sieve analysis, liquid limit test and plastic limit test were
performed. Sieve analysis of 10 mm aggregate and stone dust showed zero percent and
7.2% passing from 0.075 mm sieve respectively. Both these stabilizing materi-als were

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

found to be non-plastic. Further, strength tests were carried out that are (1) compaction test
to obtain maximum

5.1 Sieve analysis

A sieve analysis (or gradation test) is a practice or procedure used (commonly used in civil
engineering) to assess the particle size distribution (also called gradation) of a granular
material by allowing the material to pass through a series of sieves of progressively
smaller mesh size and weighing the amount of material that is stopped by each sieve as a
fraction of the whole mass.The size distribution is often of critical importance to the way
the material performs in use. A sieve analysis can be performed on any type of non-
organic or organic granular materials including sands, crushed rock, clays, granite,
feldspars, coal, soil, a wide range of manufactured powders, grain and seeds, down to a
minimum size depending on the exact method. Being such a simple technique of particle
sizing, it is probably the most common.

5.3 Plastic limit test

Determination of Plastic Limit is as important as Liquid Limit so as to ascertain Plasticity
Index, Ip of the soil. The plastic limit of a soil is the moisture content, expressed as a
percentage of the weight of the oven-dry soil, at the boundary between the plastic and
semi-solid states of consistency. It is the moisture content at which a soil will just begin to
crumble when rolled into a thread ⅛ inch (3 mm) in diameter using a ground glass plate or
other acceptable surface.

5.4 Compaction test

Compaction test of soil is carried out using Proctor's test to understand compaction
characteristics of different soils with change in moisture content. Compaction of soil is the
optimal moisture content at which a given soil type becomes most dense and achieve its
maximum dry density by removal of air voids. mpaction is the process of densification of
soil by reducing air voids. The degree of compaction of a given soil is measured in terms
of its dry density. The dry density is maximum at the optimum water content. A curve is
drawn between the water content and the dry density to obtain the maximum dry density
and the optimum water content.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

Dry density of soil:

Where M = total mass of the soil, V= volume of soil, w= water content.

5.4.1 Test Procedure

Take about 20kg of air-dried soil. Sieve it through 20mm and 4.7mm sieve.Calculate the
percentage retained on 20mm sieve and 4.75mm sieve, and the percentage passing
4.75mm sieve.If the percentage retained on 4.75mm sieve is greater than 20, use the large
mould of 150mm diameter. If it is less than 20%, the standard mould of 100mm diameter
can be used. The following procedure is for the standard mould.Mix the soil retained on
4.75mm sieve and that passing 4.75mm sieve in proportions determined in step (2) to
obtain about 16 to 18 kg of soil specimen.Clean and dry the mould and the base plate.
Grease them lightly.Weigh the mould with the base plate to the nearest 1 gram.Take about
16 – 18 kg of soil specimen. Add water to it to bring the water content to about 4% if the
soil is sandy and to about 8% if the soil is clayey.Keep the soil in an air-tight container for
about 18 to 20 hours for maturing. Mix the soil thoroughly. Divide the processed soil into
6 to 8 parts.Attach the collar to the mould. Place the mould on a solid base.Take about
2.5kg of the processed soil, and hence place it in the mould in 3 equal layers. Take about
one-third the quantity first, and compact it by giving 25 blows of the rammer. The blows
should be uniformly distributed over the surface of each layer.The top surface of the first
layer be scratched with spatula before placing the second layer. The second layer should
also be compacted by 25 blows of rammer. Likewise, place the third layer and compact
it.The amount of the soil used should be just sufficient to fill the mould ad leaving about 5
mm above the top of the mould to be struck off when the collar is removedRemove the
collar and trim off the excess soil projecting above the mould using a straight edge.Clean
the base plate and the mould from outside. Weigh it to the nearest gram.Remove the soil
from the mould. The soil may also be ejected out.Take the soil samples for the water
content determination from the top, middle and bottom portions. Determine the water
content.Add about 3% of the water to a fresh portion of the processed soil, and repeat the
steps 10 to 14.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

5.5 Calofornia Bearing Ratio Test

t is the ratio of force per unit area required to penetrate a soil mass with standard circular
piston at the rate of 1.25 mm/min. to that required for the corresponding penetration of a
standard material. The California Bearing Ratio Test (CBR Test) is a penetration test
developed by California State Highway Department (U.S.A.) for evaluating the bearing
capacity of subgrade soil for design of flexible pavement.

5.5.1 Test Procedure

Normally 3 specimens each of about 7 kg must be compacted so that their compacted

densities range from 95% to 100% generally with 10, 30 and 65 blows. Weigh of empty
mouldAdd water to the first specimen (compact it in five layer by giving 10 blows per
layer)After compaction, remove the collar and level the surface.Take sample for
determination of moisture content.Weight of mould + compacted specimen. Place the
mold in the soaking tank for four days (ignore this step in case of unsoaked CBR.Take
other samples and apply different blows and repeat the whole process.After four days,
measure the swell reading and find %age swell.Remove the mould from the tank and
allow water to drain.Then place the specimen under the penetration piston and place

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

surcharge load of 10lb.Apply the load and note the penetration load values. Draw the
graphs between the penetration (in) and penetration load (in) and find the value of
CBR.Draw the graph between the %age CBR and Dry Density, and find CBR at required
degree of compaction.


5.6.1 Effect of Mechanical Stabilization on Compaction Characteristics

The effect of the addition of stone dust and coarse aggre-gate to the soil on maximum dry
density and optimum moisture content of the soils was determined by conduct-ing a series
of modified proctor tests on various soil sam-ples in di fferent mix proportions. the
addition of stabilizers whereas optimum moisture con-tent decreases for all soil-aggregate
mixes. As both stone dust and 10 mm size aggregate are comparatively coarser, more
angular and non-plastic material than untreated soil, their addition to the soil leads to
increase in MDD and decrease in the OMC of the soil samples . With the addi-tion of
stabilizers MDD increases from 0.5 to 6.9%.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

5.6.2 Efect of Mechanical Stabilization on Strength Characteristics

The load penetration curves obtained from the CBR tests for various stabilized soil
samples with varying mix proportions , that CBR value under soaked condition increases
with addition of stone dust (10%, 20%, and 30% by mass of dry soil) and coarse aggregate
(10% and 20% by mass of dry soil) and mix proportions (10% stone dust + 10% coarse
aggregate and 10% stone dust + 20% coarse aggregate). IRC: 37-2012, the standard for the
thickness design of flexible pavements in India , specifies the use of select soil of
minimum CBR 8.0% when trafc on the road is 450 commercial vehicles per day or higher.
This desired value of 8% CBR under soaked condition is obtained with the addition of
30% stone dust by mass of dry soil to the untreated soil. Similarly, other soil-aggregate
mixes comprising,in addition to soil, 20% coarse aggregate, or 10% stone dust + 10%
coarse aggregate, or 10% stone dust + 20% coarse aggregate by mass of dry soil for all six
type of soil samples, were able to meet the desired value of CBR. Increase in MDD with
the addition of angular, non-plastic stone dust and 10 mm aggregate leads to increasing the
CBR value of the soil samples. This is in conformity with the results reported earlier also
[37, 38 ]. With the addition of stabilizers CBR increases from 32.4 to 194.7% for three
types of fine-grained soils considered in the study.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

Subgrade soil stabilization using stone dust and coarse aggregate project 2019


With the addition of stone dust and coarse aggregate, the MDD value of the soil types
increased while the OMC decreased. Stone dust (10%, 20% and 30% by mass of dry soil),
10 mm size coarse aggregates (10% and 20% by mass of dry soil) and both together (10%
stone dust + 10% coarse aggregates and 10% stone dust + 20% coarse aggregates)
increased the CBR value of the soil types considered in the study.The CBR value
increased significantly and the desired value of minimum CBR of 8% under soaked
condition was obtained by adding to the soil 30% of stone dust, or 20% of 10 mm size
coarse aggregates, or with both 10% stone dust + 10% coarse aggregates and 10% stone
dust + 20% coarse aggregates. It has been observed that on addition of stabilizers, MDD
and CBR increases from 0.5 to 6.9% and 32.4 to 194.7%, respectively.Stone dust a
product from crusher unit consists of mainly sand size particles and is having good CBR
value. Thus, the stone dust itself can be considered as agood sub base material . Hence it
can be used for construction of road embankment.Stone dust has high specific gravity and
the soaked CBR value for stantard compaction is more. This indicates that stone dust can
be used as an embankment material, backfill material for the lower layer of subbase.Also
reuse of this waste material is economically advantage and does not bring any economical
advateges and does not bring any environmental hazards.As the CBR value of stone dust
is more , the crush thickness of flexible pavement is less and it is economical in
construction of road,highways.

Dept. of civil engineering 1 MITS,Varikoli

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